The Goodbye Girl (1977) Poster

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Marsha Mason Does Helen Trent ***1/2
edwagreen9 January 2006
Poor Marsha Marson. All of her relationships end in failure. The guy simply walks out. She has a precocious daughter, devilishly played by Quinn Cummings. The latter received a supporting actress nomination and faded from the movie scene real fast. Where are you Quinn darling?

Forced to share an apartment with a stranger, Mason may finally be on the right track. Richard Dreyfuss is that man and in a surprise Oscar winning performance (Richard Burton was also up for Equus that year), he is perfect in the role as the charmer.

By movie's end Dreyfuss has to go off to somewhere but unlike the other men in her life, will return. How do we know he is coming back? Just see this delightful film and find out.
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She'd scare any sane man away...
moonspinner5519 November 2006
Oscar-winner Richard Dreyfuss exudes lots of kooky, ego-fed charisma and has energy to spare in "The Goodbye Girl" but there's nothing here to keep his character together with Marsha Mason's--except a few plot contrivances. Mason plays a single mom trying to find work as a dancer on Broadway, Dreyfuss is a burgeoning stage actor who has been promised her apartment. They pick at each other until one night he kisses her and that seems to change nearly everything between them. Once their romance begins, almost every scene thereafter is a bummer. Mason harps on redoing her apartment ("Go be a movie star," she tells Dreyfuss, "I'll be here hanging up my wallpaper."). What is her irrational need to find a man and set up house? It's more important to her than finding work. Mason looks smashing in a pixie cut that accentuates her big gummy smile, but her character's insecure, moody behavior is enough to drive any reasonably sane man away. Thank goodness for daughter Quinn Cummings' smart mouth, Dreyfuss may never return. **1/2 from ****
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One of Simon's Best
benjaminryder-4594024 June 2019
What starts out like an opening to a sitcom quickly turns into a charming romantic comedy as two unlikely roommates fall for each other despite their many quirks.

Marsha Mason is the down on her luck, perpetually dumped Broadway dancer with a child in tow and Richard Dreyfuss is the odd, self-absorbed actor who subleased the apartment before Mason and her boyfriend broke up.

Watching these two spar, laugh, and love together is exhilarating, exhausting, and incredibly fun thanks to Neil Simon's quick witted dialogue.

A must see!
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My favourite film
datkins-311 May 2003
My favourite film of all time. Despite its academy awards at the time it remains largely unknown now which is sad. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you feel good. What more can you expect from a movie?
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I LOVE this movie
monkeyface_si7 July 2001
One of the best romantic comedies ever. Dreyfuss & Mason generate as much chemistry as I have ever seen on the screen from a couple that was never a couple. Quinn Cummings delivers one of the greatest child actress performance in cinema history -- always genuine and winning. The dialogue is witty and brittle. The direction never strikes a false note. And all the dualities of New York are well exploited. I simply LOVE this movie.
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Fine 1970's romantic comedy
barryrd15 October 2011
The Goodbye Girl is a well-paced and bright romantic comedy from the 1970's which also reflects the lifestyle and social currents of that decade, sandwiched between 60's idealism and 80's materialism. This might sound glib but for me, it fits neatly in that period when young people were coping with disappointments and heartache as they tried to build lives for themselves. The script and the acting are funny, sad and entertaining throughout.

The repartee between Marsha Mason and Richard Dreyfuss sparkles as the two people who are forced to accept each other as roommates, only because of economic necessity. One is a granola-eating guy from Chicago who meditates and exercises as he tries to make it in the New York theatre scene. The young woman is a single mother who has been abandoned by her common-law husband and tries to return to dancing. The music of Bread evokes the soft rock of the decade. We see Marsha Mason working as a sales girl for a Japanese car company in an era before Japanese cars were commonplace. Before gay rights became part of the social agenda, Richard Dreyfuss takes on the role of Richard II in a way that a 1970's audience felt was more like their home decorator or hairdresser. It all seems a bit dated and predictable; however, with the acting of Mason and Dreyfus and the brilliant script from Neil Simon, it still entertains and resonates with audiences.
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Where Did The Time Go?
DKosty1238 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It is starting to feel like another planet when you think about the time that has passed since Neil Simon was cranking out comedies like this one in the 1970's. What makes it feel longer is - Marsha Mason is 70 years old this year 2012 Richard Dreyfuss is 65 years old this year.

Their daughter who was a newcomer in this movie is 40 years old this year.

Dreyfuss won an Oscar for this one and deservedly so. His character is extremely energetic and in a time before it is fashionable has to play a gay King Richard.

As for Mason, she is delicious and bitchy all in moments.

Neil Simon is 85 this year and his last writing credit was in 2007. In the 1970's Simon was doing scripts like this, The Odd Couple and The Sun Shine Boys.

While the Goodbye Girl is not quite as well done as the others, this is still a pretty solid script for it's era. What seems strange is that this one just was shown on The Essentials on TCM. I am not used to having a movie that came out when I grew up being honored in that Saturday night slot. Still, it deserved the recognition.

We need films like this one to remind us people and movies are not perfect.
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Gives you a warm glow
datkins-324 October 2000
Simply my favourite movie of all time. First saw it with my fiancee (at the time) and it was her favourite also. We saw it 3 times. Whenever it is on TV I watch, and I have two video copies (in case one gets lost or spoiled!).

It stars Richard Dreyfuss at his best, and Marsha Mason and the "kid" are excellent too. Perhaps it is one of the best of films because it is able to make you laugh and cry, and sometimes at the same time. Neil Simon's writing is so comic and never allows the pathos to drown you. I believe it won a number of Oscars when first released yet almost no one I rave to about it has ever heard of it. Strange!

This film is very much under-appreciated. It is a wonderful tale of of family, of career, of relationships and of love. The rooftop scene is just fantastic and leaves a knot in my stomach every time I see it. A warm glow and a feeling of "this is how life should turn out". Great movie, great script. Fantastic.
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It's OK, but not great
cynthiacher-14 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sometimes amusing and contains some good acting by Richard Dreyfuss and Quinn Cummings, but it's also very annoying. Dreyfuss is good at doing this type of character but he also seems rather manic; he, Dreyfuss, is in fact bi-polar, which may account in part for this. Dreyfuss also had a rather serious problem with cocaine, and that too may in part account for his frenetic performance. Marsha Mason is totally irritating; no wonder all the men she gets involved with leave her! This movie derives part of its charm from the fact that the two romantic leads are not particularly young, attractive or likable, which is unusual for a romantic comedy. But that makes it harder for the view to feel sympathetic for the two; I quite frankly didn't give a hoot whether or not they got together or stayed together. And although the ending implies that Eliot is so smitten with Paula that he will never leave her, I tend to think that eventually he will get tired of this needy, immature woman. That little speech she gives him towards the end about how she's "grown up" doesn't ring one bit true, especially in light of what she does a little later, that is, standing out on the fire escape in the pouring rain in a sheer nightgown clutching his guitar and screaming "I LOVE YOU"! That kind of behavior you would expect from a lovesick teenager not a 33 year old woman who's "grown up". Overall I would say that this a rather silly diversion of a movie. And Dreyfuss did NOT deserve an Oscar for this. Richard Burton should have won that year.
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A perfect a romantic comedy. Warm hearted, funny and well, just perfect!
donmac11720 April 2008
Two decades have passed since I first viewed "The Goodbye Girl". I can think of few films that hold up like this Neil Simon comedy. I read in a previous review that the plot is "unbelievable". Am I wrong in recalling that the writer admitted that he got the concept complete from the life of an actor? Just another case of reality possessing more truth than fiction. Richard Dreyfus and Marsha Mason should be added to that rare list of actors whose performances will forever define the characters they portrayed. Elliot Garfield and Paula McFadden belong to them in perpetuity. Played by Quinn Cummings, Lucy McFadden simply made the film work as a sophisticated child who never uttered one cloying word. Bless you Quinn, wherever your are. For someone who has been a friend of actors, and who has adored dancers, every situation in the film rang true. Previous reviews havecovered all the cinematic aspects, so I will just add my accolade: This is a film that rates with the best of Hollywood.
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I really liked this film AND it also made me mad!
planktonrules14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hold on tight, I am going on a bit of a rant. "The Goodbye Girl" was a very frustrating movie for me to watch. While it's clearly a very good film and I liked Richard Dreyfus' character very much, the writing irritated me as it seemed a bit irresponsible.

My problem is with Marsha Mason's character. The film begins and her live-in has apparently dumped her--moving out and leaving a 'Dear Jane' letter (nice guy, huh?). You feel a bit sorry for her until you soon learn that this bum was STILL married and she knew it! And, she'd been married once before. Now it's obvious she's not good at making decisions involving guys. BUT, here's what really bothered me...she had a young daughter and seemed to have no problem with her kid seeing all this chaos. And, in a weird twist, the little girl sounds like the mother--dispensing wisdom and rolling with the punches. And, Mason often seemed to expect her kid to parent her--making her feel good about herself when bad things happen. Considering how wildly popular the film was, obviously most folks didn't feel the way I did. I just found her character difficult to like and the film could have been better had she had failed relationships BUT they were not caused by her own stupidity. Sleeping with a married man?! What man would want a lady like this? To me, this does NOT seem to be the makings for a romantic film! It's sad, really, as the rest of the film was excellent. Richard Dreyfus was exceptional and I could see why he got the Oscar--he was likable but flawed and quite charming. Mason, on the other hand, seemed like an emotional basket-case in need of saving--not a woman a reasonable man would want in his life. So, as a result of loving and hating the film, I was left VERY emotionally torn--frustrated and touched at the same time (which is a very strange feeling!). Well worth seeing but I can't help but wonder if folks watching the film internalized this weird message and perhaps thought Mason's parenting wasn't that bad and might have unconsciously emulated this. Kids need a lot more security in their lives than the one in this film got. It sure seemed like a case of child neglect in order for the mother to make herself feel good.
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Another successful Simon "Odd Couple" story
theowinthrop12 February 2006
Neil Simon is consistent. He loves to use and reuse the "ODD COUPLE" plot with variations in one play or another: in the original ODD COUPLE, it's female version (shown in the early 1990s), the sequel film with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon, the play (and movie) THE SUNSHINE BOYS - where the apartment is a lifelong comedy team partnership, and this one. Here it is Marcia Mason and her daughter, Quinn Cummings, who are always being deserted by Mason's husband or her series of boy-friends who usually are actors. Mason has become determined never again to trust or date an actor. But the apartment happens to be in the name of her last boyfriend, and he has made a subletting deal with out-of-town actor Richard Dreyfus. Dreyfus is determined to stay in the apartment while in New York (he is starring in a production within the city - off Broadway). He and Mason gradually agree to cease their hostilities and to share the apartment, but Mason finds Dreyfus weird: he is only eating special food, and he chants and plays the guitar at night. On the other hand Quinn Cummings finds he's not such a bad guy (he helps her when she has a headache, relaxing her to sleep).

The play that Dreyfus is appearing in the lead role in is Shakespeare's RICHARD III. It is being produced by Paul Benedict (a rare big part for that good comic actor), but his ideas about the production are upsetting Dreyfus. Dreyfus is approaching the role in the classical, "Olivier" form - the master, evil Machiavellian monarch. Machiavellian to be sure in Benedict's version, but also gay. As Benedict pushes it, it is the story of "the Queen who would be King". Dreyfus's performance of the play within the film, following Benedict's direction, is an everlasting comic joy.

The highs and lows of the two warring suite mates follows a romantic course, as they gradually fall in love with each other. Will this actor prove to be another one of those typically selfish actors that Mason resents, or will he prove to be different to her and Cummings - will he be the real love of her life?

A first rate comedy, and Dreyfus' Oscar - a well earned one.
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Doesn't hold up
rljj11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was 16 when this movie was released and never saw it until 2021. So I was curious would it hold up? I was also wanting to enjoy an Oscar winning performance I had missed. I love many Neil Simon plays and movie adaptations... Odd Couple being my favorite... but was disappointed with this movie. Maybe my opinion would be different if it represented a fond memory from the 70s. But the chemistry between Marsha Mason and Richard Dreyfus was forced, not believable, and never clicked. I've always enjoyed both of them in other movies. Perhaps the portrayal of Richard III as gay was funny in 1977, but no longer. Other stereotypes and clichés also hurt the enjoyment today and take away from the story telling. The best performance is from Quinn Cummings as Lucy. That holds up to be funny and enjoyable. For better romance films of this era and on-screen chemistry, I would recommend Whats Up Doc and Three Days of the Condor (thriller-romance).
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painful to watch
oldmovieman2 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Such a predictable plot. Very strange boy with heart of gold meets bitter neurotic girl with cutesy 10 year old adult daughter. It's hate at first sight, followed by love, followed by hate, followed by love. The end.

Such annoying characters. Marsha Mason's single mom is so unpleasant and unstable that it's hard to imagine any man wanting to have a romantic relationship with her. Dreyfuss's character is written to make him a real weirdo, though as the movie progresses all the weird character traits disappear. (For example, he's portrayed early on as a health freak and very particular about what he eats; later, he's eating spaghetti and drinking cheap wine, and I think pizza appears in a later scene.) The 10 year old daughter/adult spouting Neil Simon one-liners is painful.

Only saving grace -- the "B" plot with an unwilling Dreyfuss forced to play Richard III as a flaming gay at the direction of crazed director Paul Benedict. Watching Dreyfuss mince and lisp his way through some of the great scenes in Richard III is enough to give this dreadful movie a 3.
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Totally unbelievable--but LOTS of fun!
preppy-318 February 2004
Paula McFadden (Marsha Mason) and her 10 year old daughter Lucy (Quinn Cummings) are abandoned in NYC by her married boyfriend. He also sublets the apartment they share to a young actor, Eliot Garfield (Richard Dreyfuss). They agree to live together even though they hate each other. Naturally, they fall in love.

Totally predictable but I really enjoyed it! I loved in back in 1977 and I still love it now! Neil Simon's script is basically just a series of one liners--but they ARE funny and Dreyfuss, Mason and Cummings deliver them perfectly. They come fast and furious and the movie moves very quickly--it doesn't seem like it's 110 minutes long. Dreyfuss deservedly won the Best Actor Award for this film--he's 'on' non-stop and is full of energy and fun.

Mason was nominated for Best Actress and she's almost as good as Dreyfuss (she was a little too whiny for me). Cummings isn't that good--but she WAS only 10 when she did this. It's just that her character is one of those screen kids that talks and acts like an adult--I didn't think having her swear occasionally was cute or funny. Nonetheless she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress. The movie was also up for Best Original Screenplay and Best Picture. Also there's a GREAT title song written and performed by David Gates over the closing credits (it was also a big hit song back in '77). Also Nicol Williamson pops up (unbilled) in a short but VERY funny cameo.

The only debit--the romance scenes were corny (but they do work) and some of the dramatic scenes were TERRIBLY written (Simon was always better at doing comedy). And he has two thunderstorms pop up out of NOWHERE in this movie during a big romantic and dramatic scene. That was pushing it a little too much! Still the acting carries those scenes through and it's a minor complaint.

A sweet, very funny, enjoyable film. Just don't think about it TOO much. I give it a 9.
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Great Movie
jmorrison-224 July 2002
I don't normally go in for Romantic comedies too much, but this was a very entertaining movie.

Dreyfus is just mesmerizing and hilarious, and Marsha Mason was very good. A very enjoyable, uplifting movie.
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A special edition DVD would be a blast
paulwinnett4 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The greatest romantic comedy of all time, and you cannot even get a "Vanilla" DVD in the uk. This is a movie with a strange history. Originally started in 1976 by Mike Nichols, it was called "Bogart slept here" and starred Marsha Mason and Robert DeNiro.The great thespian is rumoured to of walked out of rehearsals after Mason said that he should respect Mike Nichols more. (Nichols had worked out that DeNiro could not "Do Joy".) No such problems for Dreyfuss. He is amazing as Elliot Garfield. The two leads capture each line to perfection, which is no mean feat as nearly every line in this movie is a gag. Even Quinn Cummings is that rare thing a child actor that does not make you reach for a revolver. Even the now dated Gay King Richard routine works still as it is done in such a sweet, good natured way. So many great lines (my personal favourite..... "Capital P, Capital U, capital TRID") The final shots of Mason are an echo of the final shots of (the vastly overrated) "Breakfast at Tiffanys". Also this is one of those rare Romances that men enjoy, possibly because Dreyfuss is not exactly George Clooney, is an incredible smart arse throughout. and unlike someone like Hugh Grant actually knows when to put the "moves" on (so to speak) Hope for all average looking guys everywhere. A Brilliant, Brilliant movie. Please can we have a DVD release with whistle and bells please Rastar and Sony.
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A Fun Dreyfuss Character
gavin69424 January 2016
After being dumped by her live-in boyfriend, an unemployed dancer (Marsha Mason) and her 10-year-old daughter are reluctantly forced to live with a struggling off-Broadway actor (Richard Dreyfuss).

This is Richard Dreyfuss at perhaps his most offbeat. Sure, Marsha Mason plays the lead and the film is called "the goodbye girl", but I think the movie passes or fails with Dreyfuss. For me, it passes, as he is strangely interesting and fun to watch.

The film as a whole is not that amazing. It seems to have secured a few Oscar nominations but few wins. Today (2016), it is not one that most people have heard of. Heck, even Mason is not a household name. Worth a look, but not essential.
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Great Comedic Love Story from 1977
cmlstarlight1 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was amazing! If you're looking for a great love story, here it is! I loved it so much and "Goodbye Girl" the song is awesome! I love this movie and I can relate to the Charatcer of Ellot Garfield the most, a hard working actor who keeps getting dumped on. This movie is very humorous but has the element of love and compassion that I never saw from Richard Dryfus before, he was actually very sexy in this movie, believe it or not. I LOVE "THE GOODBYE GIRL"! This story originated on Broadway as a musical, but became a movie in 1977. If you love dancers and actors who fall in love, this is the movie for you! It really tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you with that warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your tummy!
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Sweet and good natured
fistofgonzo7 August 2022
I appreciate that The Goodbye Girl was such a good natured, feel good movie. I never rooted against either of the two leads, even if it is hard to relate to someone who acts for a living. Richard Dreyfuss is great in everything, and the snappy dialogue makes you feel like you're watching an actual play on stage.
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GingeryPsychNP22 May 2020
Remember the song? I do. I loved the song from when I used to listen to it many years ago. I just rewatched the movie again. It made me smile. What a delightful breath of fresh air now in these crazy strange times. And the nostalgia. Good times!!!
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Watch this rather than the remake.
ASuiGeneris24 August 2017
This is the first time in recent memory that I have watched the line by line, scene by scene remake back to back with the original. I was actually quite frustrated that I had accidentally watched the 2004 remake, but I am now glad I did. Why? I now feel like I understand what casting is about and can grasp what screen testing is all about. Never have I seen such a lengthy exemplar on the differences the actors and actresses can make when they are the primary variable in a film.

The original was better, as expected. Jeff Daniels did not seem to fit the role exactly and Patricia Heaton overacted almost every scene in the remake, although I did like Halie Kate Eisenberg's performance a lot. She did as well if not better than Quinn Cummings, who played the daughter in the 1977 original. Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha Mason seemed much better cast for the roles and had much more believable chemistry.
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Delightgul romantic comedy
dwr24611 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to love, never say never. Better yet, never say good-bye...

Paula McFadden (Marsha Mason) is an over the hill dancer sharing an apartment with her daughter, Lucy (Quinn Cummings), and her boyfriend, a married director. She and Lucy are all set to follow her boyfriend to the set of his next movie when they come home one afternoon to find that he is gone, and the only thing he has left is a good-bye note. As unpleasant a surprise as this is, it's not the first time it's happened to Paula. So now she has to find a job to support herself and her daughter. Just when it looks like things couldn't get worse, Elliott Garfield (Richard Dreyfuss) arrives, claiming that he is supposed to sublet the apartment while in town to do Richard III. This is not what Paula wants to hear, and the two of them get off on the wrong foot, but as Elliott has no other place to go, Paula agrees to let him stay in the apartment. As time goes by, Paula's troubles finding work continue, and Elliott discovers that his director wishes to portray Richard as "the queen who would be king." Mutual sympathy and respect develop, which eventually turns to love. Will they find happiness together, or will a film opportunity for Elliot cause a repeat of the pattern that Paula knows all too well?

The script is absolutely charming, as is typical of Neil Simon. The original battles between Paula and Elliott sparkle with wit, and their love scenes brim with tenderness brought on by their hard won affection for each other. Paula's growth is so subtly depicted that you don't realize it until she points it out. Elliott's reliability is built solidly throughout the picture. Their ultimate devotion to each other is immensely satisfying.

The acting is also first rate. Mason delivers her usual stunning performance, going from hurt paranoia to believing love in a lovely arc. Dreyfuss is equally good in revealing that under the bravado lies a basically good man who only wants to do the right thing for his woman. Quinn Cummings offers a scene stealing performance as a child wise beyond her years, who nevertheless has a child's vulnerability.

One of the ultimate feel good movies, it will have you cheering for love at the end.
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Enjoyable NYC Romcom
rulonf21 March 2024
I watched this again after not seeing since it came out in the early 70's. It was a pleasant way to spend an evening, mainly due to Dreyfuss's well-deserved Oscar performance as a more irascible version of his everyman persona. He had just done Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (early Spielberg masterpieces) so his career was riding high.

Marsha Mason is fine, too, as the much put-upon single mom and title character who has just been dumped by her no-account actor boyfriend. She isn't crazy about being forced by circumstances to share her small apartment with yet another one. But Dreyfuss's character is far more interested in getting his career started in New York than in getting into a relationship with this understandably angry woman. Although the apartment is technically his, he just wants a nonaggression pact so he can focus on preparing for his upcoming role as Richard III, an endeavor that proves fraught with enough complications of its own.

The two actors play well against each other and the obligatory cute kid is likeable in an uncontrived way. The movie has a stagey feel to it but this seems appropriate given the basic plot. This is Neil Simon, after all, and he's quite good at extracting the inherent humor in bringing seemingly incompatible characters together in close quarters. I was surprised by how many of the lines still seemed familiar and funny to me and I'm glad I finally got around to seeing it again.
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MovieCriticOnline1 April 2022
I really wanted to like this after hearing a lot of good things about it over the years and never got to watch it.

The opening scene raised the first red flags. For example, the voice dubs were too noticeable and the heavy exposition didn't help. Why did Simon need to jam in all that data so quickly? People don't talk like that, i.e. Provide all their plans out in the open at a time when they wouldn't. For example, the information would have been talked about when they planned the trip, and therefore no need to. It felt too much like a TV show/sitcom where everything is so carefully scripted and choreographed.

Then she read the letter and cried, explained what happened to her daughter, but Simon still felt the need to have the daughter read out loud the letter in case we didn't understand what happened. This is just overdoing exposition.

Then the precocious kid didn't help. I am so over having 40 + year old writers create adult dialogue for 8-year-old kids that are way too smart for their own good. Marsha Mason was also just awful. Her hammy performance constantly indicating how we should feel.

Stop writing how you want the characters to speak. Write how they DO speak. There is a big difference. The best example is if when you go for a job interview and you already have everything planned in your head, but when you get there it doesn't come out right. A writer picks the former when the writing should be the latter, which doesn't make it real or believable.

After 15 minutes of arguing and resisting, Mason accepts Dreyfuss' proposal. The whole argument was a total waste and meant nothing in terms principles.

It literally took 10 minutes for characters to be introduced, have a breakup, and introduced the co-lead.

Everything felt way too forced, including their relationship and the repartee banter didn't help. I don't think I believed a single thing I saw in this film.

Based on the foregoing, I recommend you SKIP this.
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