Swearnet (2014) Poster


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We have a record holder!
ericstevenson19 September 2018
This film is said here to be rated NC-17 and it certainly deserves it. Apart from the fact that there's nudity, it has more uses of the f-word than any other film in history. Well, in the English language at least. It took me a long time to count every one of them. I counted 911, but there were said to be as many as 935. It is rather satisfying to see Carrot Top and Tom Green get beat up.

So besides that, there's not much else to say about this movie. It certainly has its funny moments, but is more or less not very interesting in itself. I couldn't get a feel for these characters or anything. It just seemed to be an excuse to be the most profane movie in history. Obviously, this isn't for people who are easily offended in really any way. The main plot involves a race of some kind, but it's hard to really care. **
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I don't understand the bad reviews
Hal_Opinot-Pepper13 April 2022
Either you think these guys are funny, or you don't. If you do, this is funny. Is it the most hilarious movie ever? No way. Is it lowbrow humor? Totally. But does the idea of watching the guys behind Trailer Park Boys goof around for 90 minutes sound like it might be potentially entertaining? Ok, if you go into it expecting nothing but that, this is probably at least as good as you expect. The plot is incidental, you don't see a movie like this for the story. I laughed out loud several times. It takes some adjustment seeing Mike Smith play himself instead of Bubbles, but once I got over the novelty he probably had the most funny lines of the three of them. Or at least, the most creative curses.
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"Because everyone f..king swears"....
TheRowdyMan30 April 2017
Outside of their Trailer Park Boys characters, Wells, Termblay and Smith play "themselves" as the founders of a new internet channel to host their sophomoric humor uncensored. Unashamedly filled with C-list celebrity cameos from the likes of Tom Green and Carrot Top - this self-produced, ego piece is really just a 112 minute advert for the real Swearnet channel. Some funny moments here and there, but the team's "real life" personas are not as fun to watch as The Trailer Park Boys.
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Swearnet: The Movie....... What?
dolphinsareevil8 April 2015
I ADORE the Trailer Park Boys i'll just pin that up before I go into anything. The characters are lovable, the narrative develops nicely and over offers a very interesting aspect and satire to Canadian life.

So what happened with Swearnet: The Movie? I struggled with this film so much. Its hard to watch a bad movie but it's harder to watch a bad movie with actors/writers that you love and have seen produce some great work in the past.

Swearnet:The Movie is the story of Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay and Mike Smith creation of their own internet network 'Swearnet' and thats the plot in a nutshell. The movie likes to make things very clear that this ISN'T Trailer Park Boys with constant reminders at the beginning and if that wasn't enough perhaps to poor writing and Mike Smiths character would remind you enough. The whole execution of the movie plays out like a 14 year old boys pubescent fantasy. The jokes fall flat, the characters a largely unlikable and development of said characters doesn't exist instead they just switch like a light 3 quarters the way through which again is subject to poor writing. If it isn't enough that their own characters are marginally irritating then they brought in Tom Green and Carrot Top to make things wholly annoying as well as add absolutely nothing to the film. Their really isn't much that can be said about this film than it exists. It is a prime example of how a swearword can loose it's impact after repeated use and just become annoying and after a record breaking 935 F#@k's this has been proved 10 times over. I wouldn't recommend this film to anybody. Even if you're a fan of the Trailer Park Boys I would find anything but this to watch as the only feeling I got after this film finished was embarrassment and general sadness inside, don't get me wrong though their is way worse than this. 3/10
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Negative reviews, WTF!!!!
rivblue-322484 July 2021
What's with the Negative reviews? I be like WTF!!!! Apparently you need to have a seriously immature sense of humor to enjoy this movie. And my funny bone is F'd up. But at the same time I can take things very serious when I need to. People need to open their minds and let the inner child out. Truth be told though, of course I like their TPB personas much more. But Swearnet was just plain funny. The cock jokes, the swearing, the substance abuse and the occasional nudity. I too hate censorship. If I could still post it, this review would be filled with swear words and possibly a picture of my cock.
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Why did they do this to themselves?
brundais12 May 2018
This movie is horrible. I absolutely loved anything TPB but this completely changed my opinion of the actors/writers. What an embarrassment... Why would they ever think this was a good idea?
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For Trailer Park Boys Fans
jlaskero15 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*** May Contain Spoilers

This movie is def not for minors, and you have to take it for what it is. When I can laugh by myself its a different type of comedy. Rob, Mike, John, and Patrick show us a different side of their Trailer Park Boy alter egos and made for a great 100 minutes of comedy.

Seeing Mike Smith playing himself was fantastic, I always wondered what kind of person was under those goofy goggles and he gave us a chance to see that. I loved how Mike, and Rob played polar opposites of themselves but Patrick and John basically played there Trailer Park Boy personalities, but in a more realistic scenario.

The scene where the boys trip acid literally had me in tears. This film proved that the fantastic minds that brought us Trailer Park Boys will not be one hit wonders, as long as they stick to their genre of comedy.

The only reason I am giving this 8/10 instead of 10/10 is because Tom Green and Carrot Top are terrible. I understand the casting budget was low, but I really hope I never see them on the screen again in my life. Their acting for forced laughs was unbearable. I'd much rather see Leigh Macinnis (Don) in more films, then have to put up with them again.

John, Mike, and Rob keep up the good work, i'm looking forward to seeing what else you guys come up with!
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Funny as *u**
erostew19 March 2015
Even though this is NOT a Trailer Park Boys movie it IS a Trailer Park Boys movie. The 3 stars of the cult favourite TV series and many of the supporting cast members play "themselves" in this movie about setting up their own TV network so that they won't have to put up with any more censorship. Apparently they REALLY like swearing!

The boys kind of play the same characters that they do in the TPB series but with some differences. For instance "Mike Smith" is a violent, drug and booze fuelled party monster. Pretty much the polar opposite to Bubbles. John Dunsworth shows absolutely nothing of Jim Lahey. Pat Roach is a real hoot as Swearman although "Dickman" might be a more accurate name. He has a pretty good sized role in this and does a good job. Tom Green and Carrot Top are kind of blah in their parts. Tom has an obsession with handing out key-chains and Carrot Top kind of reminds me of the late Joan Rivers in a Ronald McDonald wig. Insert bad plastic surgery joke here.

Over all a darn good movie. It isn't going to win an Oscar but then have you actually watched some of the crap that HAS won an Oscar? If dick jokes, weed, booze and F-bombs turn you off then turn this off. Likewise if you hate the Trailer Park Boys you will hate this. If you like the TPBs then you will like this.

I give it a solid 8 out of 10
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It is only funny if you think swearing and farting is funny.
pder-870123 April 2015
I just watched this on netflix last night. I was interested to see if the boys were anything more than just the one hit wonders of "the trailer park boys". Going by Swearnet, the answer is no. It was terrible. One clue was that the only famous people they could get to do guest spots in the movie were Tom Green - a washed up has been, and Carrot Top, a washed up never was. The only aspect of this movie that is funny is the fantasy images of themselves they created. Hot dumb blonde girlfriends, big houses filled with video games, pinball machines and weight sets. This is what you would expect from a dim 13 year old boy, and this movie would probably appeal to a dim 13 year old boy. But if you expect more than swearing and fart jokes you will probably not be able to sit through the whole movie.
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talllwoood1330 August 2021
I used to be a big trailer park boys fan but then this came out! If you watch it backwards it's Mike (Smith) , Rob and John's careers. It's pretty sad they had to buy the rights to trailer park boys to stay famous. Mike Clattenburg doesn't get the credit he deserves as the show and any spin off they can get for the mouth breathers to watch has become embarrassing where if I was Mike Clattenburg I'd be insulted.
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watch this movie backwards
xacutna_665 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you watch this movie backwards it's the way the careers of our three "heroes" really is. The longer john, mike and rob make stuff the worst it gets and not in a good way like say the room by Tommy Wiseau is bad but in an entertaining way. I was a fan of the trailer park boys so I get their humor and all, it's the only reason I gave this "movie" a shot. Based on my review you can tell it was out of boredom too as this movie came out like last year or so.

I'm OK with actors trying other things, they don't have to stick being Ricky, Bubbles and Julian for me to flap my arms like a seal and make noises. The cursing in this movie didn't bother me but everything went down hill since the 6th or 7th season. For example where is Lucy's baby from when Randy got her pregnant which that scene caused me to give up this show for years. When this show was funny they weren't trying to be. when "drunk and on drugs happy fun time hour" came out it was a dead giveaway that these guys lost it. Maybe it was Mike Clattenburg keeping the show funny but now since these three guys are running it, it's really gone down hill like their egos think anything they release will be gold and they need to be back down to earth and stop asking their drinking buddies what they think. The time they spent away from the trailer park concept though which was easily 6 years they could have paid writers to help them out how cheap are these 3 guys. I know they bought the rights to their stupidity and that wasn't cheap but still..

if you think about it John , Robb and Mike (Smith) paid Mike Clattenburg to stay employed buying the rights to their crap. They didn't create it, maybe they helped write it a bit but if it wasn't for them they would not be where they are. I suppose they also did it to shut all their remaining fans up. If that was the case I'd hide in libraries and places where they use more than 2 sylable words. So thinking of things in that perspective If that isn't sad or depressing to look at for them I don't know what is. Again Hollywood isn't knocking on their doors or they are winning awards for a reason. Is it strange that I feel sorry for them?

OK so anyways what's wrong with this movie? even with "Swearnet" they are still using netflix to broadcast their atrocities so even without watching this movie it could be fantasy or not but it's a really stupid concept. I haven't been on their site in a good while but I can imagine not much has changed it feels like one of Ricky's dumb ideas that get him thrown in jail. In the end I didn't want to see "Randy's" penis, I had a hard enough watching him in the first few episodes of the 2015 season. No matter how much they swear in the movie won't make it any better if the story is garbage. In My final thoughts there is a reason these three guys haven't been approached by any serious Hollywood movies or television series. No matter how many crappy shows they try to make or movies where they are trying way too hard to be funny. The only bragging rights this piece of trash which is going right in my computers recycle bin after I write this is that it has the current world record for cursing. I'm going to put some music on and watch this movie backwards and laugh because I know that is how their careers are really like.
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A fun film with heart
navinramaswaran2 September 2014
I haven't seen a single episode of the Trailer Park Boys and went into Swearnet knowing only little about the 3 Canadian goofballs - Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay and Mike Smith. Coming out of Swearnet, I can confidently say I am a fan! Although in this flick, the boys play "themselves" and not their fictional characters from the TV show, the push-the-envelope humour and brisk pacing of the film showed a lot of heart amongst the consistent comedy. The movie was well-cast overall and although the Tom Green - Carrot Top bit got slightly too much at times, everyone played their parts wonderfully.

Well shot and directed, you're sure in for a good time. A nice way to spend 100 minutes in the cinema.

I'm looking forward to hitting up the Trailer Park Boys TV show next!
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LOVE the TPBs. HATED (most of) this Movie
atomicis6 December 2020
Started off interestingly, I must admit. Devolved into a waste of film after about forty minutes. I race cars (amateur) and there is some promised auto racing here, which I thought was going to be great, but it just went all pear-shaped, and very quickly. If I never see Tom Green (whom I liked once upon a time) or "Carrot Top" (who is repulsive in every sense of the word) again, I'll be happy. Also, If you love extreme closeups of fat male genitals by all means this is the film for you. (Some other reviews allude to excess nudity, but sadly it's all male, and all fat, ugly body parts). When there's a chance for some "tasteful" babe nakedness, they quickly put a towel around themselves as if they're making a PG-rated flick. As other reviewers here have said, this poor excuse for a movie seems to have been written by a pubescent boy who's just discovered lewdness, and likes it far too much.
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For Trailer Park Boys fans.
ryakun29 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Great flick guys, Its def better than Don't Legalize it. The movie is full of hilarity, memorable moments and most importantly swearing! This movie has some of the most creative swears I've ever heard and its gonna be something brought to everyday lingo among fans everywhere for sure. Too many cocks in the movie though and not just the cock kind.

If you're a Trailer park boys fan this is def a must see..even if you were disappointed with Don't Legalize it. The movie starts off slow and somewhat boring but they're building up to it and its a ****ing ride you won't soon ****ing forget! Hope to see more of you guys in the theaters and online.

Swearnet!!! **** off and get a subscription!

Be advised: This movie is def not for minors as it contains graphic nudity and language with some violence thrown in.
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For a "Comedy" Genre Movie, It isn't even funny
SalahuddinAhammad5 October 2020
If you think swearing left and right makes a movie funny and enjoyable than it's a perfect movie for you. But the actors aren't even funny they just swear every chance they got. It's horrible.
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Even TPB Fans Should Give This A Miss
deepfrieddodo19 October 2023
The biggest draw to Swearnet is seemingly that it is so outrageous. Its not, its just swearing, and tame in comparison to real, stupid stunts, like in Jackass. Whilst it is a fictional take on their real selves, none of the trio/quad are likeable in the film, tarnishing some endearing characters that they created.

A weak narrative, dialogue dependent on the f-bomb; without the funny lines to go with it, and characters that aren't enjoyable to watch. Other than a mid-credit scene which sets up the opening 2 minutes of season 8, Swearnet is not worth watching. Give it a miss, stick to Trailer Park Boys.
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Negative reviews because this movie is trash
darkman-277 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to like this movie.

I watched it twice. Once shortly after it came out, then again last night.

I almost didn't remember any of the movie. Why? Because I apparently wanted to forget it. Rated NC-17 because of it's disgusting crude humor. It's just not funny. This movie has the most male full front nudity and dick jokes I have ever seen. And well, it's just not funny. It's simply nasty. However, that's not the most disgusting humor in the film. I gotta admit I couldn't handle the ants on Pat's stomach. It's was just too much. This movie isn't funny.

If you are going to make a movie rated NC-17 why not try to put some actual adult humor in there? Instead this movie seems more of a 13 year old boys story. A shame really, the potential is there. This movie doesn't make me want to subscribe to Swearnet at all.

Funny thing is, I swear all the time, but for some reason this movie makes me want to stop swearing. It simply doesn't seem cool at all anymore to me after watching this film. Best part of the film is in the credits.

Don't waste your time unless you like dicks and raunchy humor. Watch ANYTHING Trailer Park Boys instead.
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I Swear This is Great.
anaconda-4065811 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Swearnet: The Movie (2014): Dir: Warren P. Sonoda / Cast: Rob Wells, John Paul Tremblay, Mike Smith, Pat Roach, Sarah Jurgens: From the creators of The Trailer Park Boys comes a followup that regards one's response to censorship. Rob Wells, John Paul Tremblay and Mike Smith play themselves struggling with possible life after Trailer Park Boys. Mike Smith conjures the idea of an Internet show called Swearnet where our boys say pretty much anything they desire. This catches on and soon they are raking in cash from those subscribing to their rants. Subplots includes Wells in a relationship with a woman who apparently gave Sebastian Bach of Skid Row a blow job. She places his belongings in the front yard when she learns of her reputation on Swearnet. Tremblay is a nascar racer whose father's ashes are stored in a doll. His lover is a female Russian body builder. Mike Smith is so not like Bubbles here. Very profane in his vocabulary and his combination of vulgar words. He is the originator of Swearnet but lands in trouble when some underground sponsors come to collect. Pat Roach is done up as mascot Swear Man and his scenes are perhaps the grossest, particularly when his genitals end up on live television during a hockey game. Sarah Jurgens plays Rob's sleazy clingy girlfriend whom Smith takes a very verbal disliking to. This is a film that contains something to offend everyone yet its attack on censorship and free speech is one for which many will agree upon. Amusing ending with a negotiation that is pretty much the funniest scene in the film, and that is something one can swear by. Score: 9 / 10
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All in all it was a decent movie
rnjrqmt19 February 2021
Ignoring the fact it was in a way a self promotion for the three( which is understandable considering at first they weren't even paid very well. So they have to make a name for themselves) and it's a self commodity business in a way. Mind you, being a "icon" or "star" is not easy. That being said. I thought the movie was basic, but fun. Made me laugh throughout the whole movie, and maybe that's just me getting their humor, but even with carrot top( no disrespect Tom green) I knew that dude from celebrity death match and so on. I did have some questions though but minor, like how'd the girls come into play? Are they really together like that? Did they really do acid like that? You know just simple questions I'd go on Reddit for. Overall i liked it and if you won't get " offended" I guess about how they do certain things it's a fun watch sober or not. If your a big fan you can appreciate what they do, if you're coming into it cold that's understandable. Take it how you will.
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Surprisingly Good
foxtailedcritter25 January 2023
I'm a fan of trailer park boys when I first seen this years ago I switched off after 4 mins thought nah this isn't like TPB. Gave it a second chance today and it really picked up after 10 mins. Had me laughing (even after a terrible day) and hooked. If you watch after the credits they even snuck in something really nice. Won't spoil it but literally if you're a fan of TPB watch after the credits roll. Honestly feel bad I didn't give this a fair chance the first time.

If you love crime, *rugabuse alcohol*Buse, crude comedy, swearing and just funny absurd humour then stick around after the 10 min mark it gets back to classic TBP mode.
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Great comedy, don't listen to the bad reviews
bellino-angelo201421 January 2023
When I first heard of SWEARNET THE MOVIE few years ago I was a bit reticent because despite the score of 6,1 has few reviews with mostly negative scores. But since I am some sort of omniscient half-God that can apparently digest everything, last September I finally had the courage of watching it and, as it progressed, I thought the naysayers must have seen a different movie instead of this one, it was so funny and had a great time.

The movie follows Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay that are tired of having their shows cancelled because of censorship. So they have a genius idea of creating their own network free from censorship. They'll end up being shunned from most of their neighbours and long-time friends up until they meet Carrot Top and Tom Green (playing themselves) on a charity event and do lots of crazy stuff such as Carrot going at very high speed, screaming and blowing the horn without reason, Green that insists on giving keychains to everyone up until Smith, Wells and Tremblay get angry and leave, only to make amends and later stage a fight with Carrot and Green and continue their network.

Even at the beginning I knew it was going to be a romp because of the stuff Smith, Wells and Tremblay did on their network, but as Carrot Top and Tom Green (who both have also the honour of putting me likes on Instagram for comments on their posts) it all improved. I don't think to have laughed so hard at a badly reviewed film like I did with this one, but I did thanks mostly to the both of them, they were so funny and great also in referencing their most known movies.

Overall, a great comedy that unfortunately ended up being misunderstood and forgotten but instead is great fun for folks over the age of 20. Not to be missed if you stumble upon it.
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The ultimate NC-17 experience known for having 935 f bombs!
UniqueParticle20 April 2023
After finishing Trailer Park Boys I want to watch everything related. Swearnet is one of those movies generally fans of the characters would appreciate which I'm fine with I absolutely love how cool everyone involved is! Nice to see a Mike Smith out of his Bobbles character he's so damn cool. This is one of funniest films out there I didn't expect the comedy to be spot on. Another thing about Mike is under his eyes you can tell how much damage the grandma glasses did he's such a legend. Nice to hear Pat Roach swear even on Trailer Park Boys he would say fring off lol. For something so bonkers I love this a lot and all the wild antics!
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