
36 Reviews
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Blood of Zeus (2020– )
15 May 2024
Season 1 was good, but this season was dull for the most part, however, I hope and pray there will be a season 3 because I want to see the Olympian Gods get destroyed. I was rooting for them against the giants, but since they tick me off with the stupidity, backstabbing, and constant whining. Yeah, bring back the giants to get rid of them, especially Hades.

This season Hades is portray as the "good guy" but as a typical "good guy" he's a coward, a wimp, passive-aggressive, just an overall weasel. The worst part was the ending because he didn't have to do that.

However, I am glad what Gaia did what she needed to do once and for all.
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Sisi (2021– )
Sometime the reality is better than the fantasy
28 April 2024
I don't know the director chose to make Archduchess Sofia (Franz's mother) kind or understanding towards Sisi when in reality she hated her niece's gut and tarnish her name throughout the Viennese court simply because her niece, who wasn't her first chose as a bride for her son, got to become empress and she didn't.

I think that would be way more interesting to watch and I am surprised too because as Iballen-38453 mention "Germans love melodrama". Why not intensified the hatred of Sofia, the pettiness of the courtiers, and the dull court life which in a way help the audience understand why Sisi was so, what is the word? Desperate to get away from Vienna with her constant need to travel and walking many, many, many, many miles when force to stay in Vienna.
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21 April 2024
The trailer hook me, or should I say deceived me, because I was genuinely looking forward for this series. So when April 19 finally arrived, someone slapped me with a pie on my face.

The positive first, I thought the production looked good, I'm not gonna lie, and the CGI was very decent. And the acting was fair. Okay, that where it ends.

Okay, the negative. Oh boy, it was way too much talking for me. They just went on and on, and I am wondering where are my magical creatures? Well, they show up, but for a few minute towards the end of each episodes and then roll credit. Since they talked so much, I had to fast forward just to get to the creatures or magical moments that barely last.

The last episode was lackluster. All I am going to say is for a supposed powerful monster, he ain't all that.

The movie is 100x better than this, even the ending was more satisfying because A) They didn't talk too much and B) It took common sense/cleverness to defeat Mulgarath.
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Supersex (2024– )
What was the point?
19 March 2024
The biopic is made-up. I'm guessing the director thought Rocco's life would be interesting of itself, but in reality, it was extremely boring so the director thought it would be a good idea to embellish the story.

The director should have watched the documentary that Rocco did to know that there's not much to tell, but she was a boy-fan which took over the better judgment, and still over to lie about her hero hence the name "Supersex".

Francesca Manieri clearly identifies as a man but lack an important tool which could explain her hero worship for Rocco. As William Thackeray once wrote in his Vanity Fair: "I wonder is it because men are cowards in heart that they admire bravery so much, and place military valour so far beyond every other quality for reward and worship?"
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Feud (2017–2024)
Rich women are useless
14 March 2024
I have come to the conclusion that rich women are truly the most useless specimen on Earth and it's really no wonder that the husbands nor Truman doesn't have any respect for them.

I made the unfortunate mistake of listening to the audiobook of The Guermantes' Way by Marcel Proust which only add the pettiness to this pathetic life, just change the salon scene to the café scene and you essentially have the same but different appearance. All it is just about people meeting and talking/gossiping in a circle and going to balls.

As for Truman, it's extremely clear that the big reason he doesn't respect his swans is familiarity breed contempt plus deep down he wishes he was one of them. You can tell he envies them, but in my mind: "For what?" Just to get up around 11 a.m., put all this makeup and damaging my hair for a bunch of people who I don't even like or trust because they might be sleeping with my husband, then do some shopping to kill time, then stress over dinner or balls for people who I have seen a billion of time and hearing the same old stories over n over again?

My favorite tells tale is whenever a rich lady is being cheated on, she automatically focuses on either charity or garden, but never her kids. In the past I couldn't understand why so many rich kids were messed up but now I understand. It's called neglect... It burns me to know they're only charitable, not from the kindness of their heart, but from a cheated heart. It's like finding out the only reason why the person went on a date with you is because they felt pity, not attraction.

I am completely over it! No more rich women.
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Griselda (2024)
Too many make-a-believes plus it's boring
28 January 2024
I'm surprised that the director is Colombian because he doesn't seem to know much about Colombian culture or better yet low-class Colombian culture because first of all, Griselda grew up what is term favela or shanty town, so seeing dead bodies, chopped heads, etc. Is the norm, unfortunately, so I don't know why Andrés tries to portray Griselda as an adult nervous to killed when in real-life she killed a couple of people when she was just a little girl who was also a prostitute.

Second, Colombian mothers from the social class are not known to be affectionate or caring towards their kids when they never received it themselves. Abuse is very typical, however, from one extreme to another, Griselda did spoiled her sons badly like an abusive husband who shower his wife with gifts.

Third, this series is only 6 episodes but damn does this feel long and drawn out. I definitely prefer Catherine Zeta-Jones portrayal of Griselda.
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Ferrari (2023)
Decently boring
27 January 2024
I have to agree with the low star reviews. Honestly what is the point of this movie, which got me thinking, however, the blame shouldn't go to Michael Mann and the actors 100 percent.

Unfortunately, people's life aren't really that interesting. I know the people who are disappointed were hoping for more but it's not going to happen. Enzo was your typical well-to-do bourgeoise man who main occupation was worrying about his business and cheating on his wife. And, Laure, the typical bourgeoise wife who has too much free time on her hands.

The only fault that Michael Mann has is creating a pointless movie. I understand he likes Enzo and the Ferrari but there wasn't much to talk about nor anything new.

Please do not make a film about the Agnelli because it will be the same story - A well-to-do bourgeoise husband who only think about his business and cheating on his wife while his aristocratic-bourgeois wife who have too much free time.

It looks like the American film is repeating the French film - From high success/Golden year to mediocrity.
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Madres. Amor y vida (2020–2022)
When is Season 2?
13 January 2024
I enjoy the series very much. Some of these people are draining and borderline toxic but I rather enjoy it because at least I'm not bored like other medical shows.

Now when is season 2 coming? I am stilling for season 2 of Sisi and I really don't want to wait for the second season of The Life We Share too! Come on, I am tired of waiting. I'm Puerto Rican, so I'm just going to say it, I don't like the lack of professionalism - Walter Presentation is owned by an Italian dude and Madres. Amor y vida is from Spain purchased by Telemundo. Enough with the mañana, mañana mentality...................
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Seek professional help!
8 January 2024
Since George Lopez lives in California, he will have no problem finding a psychiatrist, but finding a good one and willing to put in the work is whole other challenge.

This film was a low-budget dumpster film, but clearly George has some unsolved issues (probably from childhood trauma) because he keeps making the same story over and over and over again.

Due to being bullied by his Mexican family and friends for being dark-skin and having a wide nose that he grew this hatred i.e. Jealousy for white guys because deep down he wishes he was them. However, he should let go of that trauma and be happy with the past success that he has achieved because at this point is becoming pathetic to see a well-to-do old man still lingering on the past and putting his frustration on innocent people who have nothing to do with your past.
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This movie stinks
8 December 2023
I mean this was a BAD movie. Yikes?... The only part that I liked was the little girl, she was very sweet and I adored her Christmas spirit, but that's about it.

The Santa Clause character don't know when to shut the fudge up. He goes on, on, and on to the point that my brain blocks him out then realize that he's still talking.

However, thank you Disney because I was about to add the $2.99 with my Hulu, but scratch that! You save me and my pocket from making a horrible decision. But I'm not going to lie, I am kind of sad because around the holiday season Disney is my go-to Christmas movies and shows, especially for the new stuff, but last year you disappointed me with Tim Allen's reboot Clause and this year with this movie...
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Genie (III) (2023)
Unhappily Ever After
4 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of using the wish responsibility and reasonably; The family have to move to a rundown neighborhood where the parents constantly fight because lack of money and the little girl now a teen uses drugs and sex to escape her harsh miserable life and soon became pregnant by some random boy from high school which will increase the finance burden on the family. However, the selfish, nagging wife is having an affair and decides to divorce her husband. Then the stupid, idiot husband who should have wish to have multi-billion dollars and a fully owned house or condo, drank himself to death. The End.

This movie was so stupid and I have a headache.
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this is movie was going to be about Eddie Murphy making a wish for every day to be Christmas and that the whole town would look like the North Pole and the toys magically come alive etc. Etc. Because deep-down he's afraid of change and Christmas gave him that sense of stability but as the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish"... I guess a combination of Tim Allen's Santa Clause and Bill Murray's Groundhog Day, but NO.

This movie was about Eddie Murphy who got laid off and the neighborhood has an annual Christmas light competition but this time there's a $100,000 prize. So guess what his wish is going to be? Not the $100,000 but to win the competition which to be honest, I didn't see him really make a wish because all he did was visit a magical store and bought this Christmas tree then sign the receipt which might he sold his soul, but how could he sell his soul if there was a monetary exchange? But whatever, it was BO-RING!
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Bang Bang Baby (2022– )
Empty calorie pizza
15 October 2023
This was not satisfying at all. I was so close to the end by watching each episode a day or two because I really wanted to like it, but I gave up. What is the purpose of this show? I have no freaken clue because it's all over the place, but at the same time it doesn't seem to go anywhere.

The only "positive" thing about this show is it gives you a glance to Italian society... Italian men are bumbling buffoons and Italian women are essentially wallflowers. Alice, her mom and nonna, plus the psychic woman don't have any expression except yelling while the men (honestly boys) are immature, childish, violent or throwing a fit is what you see pretty much in Italy tbh.
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16 September 2023
I don't know why this film is called Art of Seduction when there's literally no seduction. It's about a guy who "likes" this girl named Ehrengard, I guess, the reason why I am guessing is because there's literally no chemistry between the two. Even worse, when they do interact with each other, they look like they want to kill one another with their snarky facial expression. That's another thing, the guy is a pervert, he tends to follow her everywhere and watch her river bath which is creepy. How he is a seducer?... That's another thing, there are a lot of back and forth scenes with the creepy dude and the duchess or princess, when they're having tea or writing letters to each other which is boring.

The only thing the film proves is that the Danes are socially awkward people.

Am I disappointed? Yeah.
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Who killed the baby then?
20 June 2023
While everyone in the documentary and the review section are boohooing because Melissa is a brown Hispanic woman, the real question should be who killed Mariah? Which no one is seemly unable to answer. All I see is a lot of deflection, deflection, deflection and the typical "She wouldn't do this. She doesn't fit the criteria blah, blah, blah..." First of all, she did fit the criteria. The problem with this documentary that it skips purposely on the evidences because the producer is trying to whitewash Melissa wrong doings as much as possible but the problem is a lot of things are disconnected or make no sense.

Just because she's Hispanic, brown skin, and a woman doesn't mean the justice system is broke. Melissa was a crackhead and homeless with 14 kids. The medical examiner said the poor baby was beaten and had bite marks, I didn't know the stair had teeth nor could it move on its own to beat the child.
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25 May 2023
The Puerto Rico episode took me out. Nothing but pure propaganda and also I am tired every time when they film in Puerto Rico it's always the same story "The Colonizers, Bomba, Hurricane Maria, Independace or Statehood argument".

Look, I'm Puerto Rican, I get it, there's not a lot in Puerto Rico but we do have other things. Also, that whole secret message by using Bomba is bullcrap. They copied that nonsense from Tumblr Hotep when someone post about the American slaves using cornrows as a map 🙄.

As you can imagine I am disappointed but not surprised because I just saw the other show with the Indian-American woman with the same story.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
D -
25 October 2021
Hi, I'm Max and I weelly, weelly wate Doctor Fuentes because she's a wesponsible adult. Me hate wesponsible adult waah waah waah 😭😭😭😭😭 You big meanie!
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The Good Fight (2017–2022)
So sad
18 October 2021
As you soon watch season 3 it goes on a sharp decline, but Rosey Leslie is the saving grace for season 3 because her storyline is more interesting. It doesn't focus on race nor politic nor Trump. Every single episode is about Trump and more Trump which gets extremely annoying real fast. Then, of course, race is brought up thanks to Lucca and that African guy. The last episode of season 3 seem promising, especially towards the end, but believe me it doesn't. Season 4 takes a weird and disappointing turn. Talk about a let down!

With all of the boring tv shows and movies, The Good Fight looked so promising but the producers and writers were in the writing room thinking how can we ruin a good show? I know! Trump.

I would only recommend The Good Fight to show how demented and cynical the Leftists are. I'm Independent, but I would never ever date a Democrat, Liberal, or Leftist, same people really, because they are muthasuckin crazy. Talk about professional help.
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The Leopard (1963)
Visually stunning and that's about it.
27 September 2021
The film is great if you're curious about the aristocratic life because it literally shows how boring and ultimately lazy these people are. They are interesting to look but mediocre in every aspect of their life. Many of the aristocrats are broke or poor due to their refusal to work.

Overall, this movie is BORING and nothing interesting happens. I manage to skip the scene reducing the time to 30 minute and still nothing happen.
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The Old Ways (II) (2020)
What is the point of this movie?
26 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is the point of this movie?... I thought this movie was going to be about a Mexican-American girl discover she has a Shaman or Witch doctor bloodline and learn about her heritage and how to use her power.

This film became a sort of hostage meets drug addict's withdrawal to "Oh, yeah, I am the new bruja." towards the end. What was the point of this film?

I might be Puerto Rican-American but I'm starting to hate watching Latino films. They should have use the HBO format and keep it under 5 minute because this was a waste of time.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
I thoroughly enjoy it.
10 August 2021
I hope the network at least give us a movie finale because last night I saw the last episode of season 3 and my heart dropped with the whole plane/Grace scene.
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2 August 2021
Just because the film is French doesn't automatically mean it's good. It was boring and I kept dozing off a few time.
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Metropolitan (1989)
This movie stinks
27 July 2021
The problem with this movie is you have pretenders who does nothing just seat around blabbing about nothing and doing nothing. The End.

I don't know why rich people think the Aristocrats are this boring. I hate when people pretend to be something that they are not and make others think Group A are like this.
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Amélie (2001)
26 July 2021
If you're a Francophile, I know you enjoy this movie or at least force yourself simply because it's French, but for regular people, this movie is boring.
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Pretty colour, I guess.
23 July 2021
Kevin Smith was cool when he was quiet and just there, but now... Wow. Should have never open the Pandora's box.
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