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Multiverse of Madness breaks away from the typical Marvel formula and creates an identity of its own. Thanks to Sam Raimi for his creative influence.
8 May 2022
Dr Stephen Strange casts a forbidden spell that opens a portal to the multiverse. However, a threat emerges that may be too big for his team to handle.

Review: After all the teases and the potential plot discussions, the Multiverse of Madness has finally arrived and the bigger question remains if it's up to the mark. Well, it's a yes and a no. A no if you've been following too many of the theories which could've led to a mammoth of expectations from the movie and a yes because of a variety of reasons. A direct continuation of WandaVision and Far From Home, the Multiverse of Madness just scratches the surface of the Multiverse with this outing, which is great because since the Fourth Phase of MCU is inherently believed to be based on the Multiverse, you're comfortable in knowing there's so much more yet to come. In all honesty, beyond the Multiverse, it's the story of Doctor Strange and Wanda Maximoff with predominantly being Wanda's. Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda takes out all her guns in this outing, unleashing herself as the most dangerous villain you've seen as yet, even exceeding Thanos, in my opinion at least. This was also evident in Endgame when Thanos had to resort to 'Rainfire' when he encountered her. That Wanda has now grown 10x or more powerful. She was the show stealer in Multiverse of Madness similar to how Thanos and Thor were for Infinity War. Doctor Strange plays the perfect antagonist in her mind. American Chavez is also integral to the plot for obvious reasons e.g her multiversal travel abilities. How the three are interlinked goes back to the ending of WandaVision, a show which is significant and a prerequisite for every viewer who's going to watch this movie. With Sam Raimi on board known for his Evil Dead series, there are plenty of horror moments with jump scares included, which is unarguably a welcome addition to the MCU. MCU has been experimenting as of late with different styles of storytelling, thereby remaining relevant in the process. And it's the right choice because one can only do so much in the superhero genre. With a sitcom like presentation for WandaVision, Dynamic presentation of Moon Knight focusing on mental conflict and now elements of horror in this movie, it's an experiment which seems to be working. But yes, the movie does seem chopped because of quick change of scenes, but I guess it was done to put more focus on the pace of the movie and to avoid distraction from the central characters. My suggestion is to go into this without expecting a lot of theories you've read because in it's truest form it's an excellent film and a great harbinger for all the 'true' multiverse madness which is to follow.
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Fresh (2022)
A promising beginning transitions into a chaotic cliche
8 May 2022
Fresh is a movie which switches its genres 30 minutes in. It starts out as a Rom-Com with subtle hints of the horrors to follow. It's exactly after 30 minutes the opening credits roll in certifying the movie has begun because that's when the movie transitions into a Black Comedy Thriller. And although it's a promising and interesting start, that's also when the movie suddenly goes downhill and transitions into a pack of cliches. Even though I suspected from the get go where this is going to go since there are plenty of movies based on the same subject, I wanted to give it a chance because of the reviews I had read, but unfortunately the script is so bad and illogical that I ended up fast forwarding the final 40 minutes. It's not the fault of the actors because Sebastian Stan (Aka Winter Soldier/Bucky) plays his character perfectly well and puts on quiet comfortably his finest performance, but unfortunately the script turns out to be just bland that even the performances are unable to save it from a disaster. At some points the movie is confused itself if it intends to be dark or a black comedy. But anyways, it is what it is and my recommendation is to Skip It.
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The Outfit (2022)
It's like watching theater in a movie. Can't fathom the low rating.
8 May 2022
My oh my, what have I just watched. The Outfit is a rare gem gone unnoticed. I'm literally thinking of words to describe this piece of art. Just when I thought the mob thrillers are going through the same shtick, out comes The Outfit with a very unique take on the subject. It's a steady and slow burn thriller with plenty of twists and turns to catch you off guard. A cat and mouse thriller supplemented by a game of wits. It's a rare movie which feels like a theatrical experience, with just one setting of a tailor shop throughout the movie complemented by one of the finest scripts and performances. The Protagonist Mark Rylance as Leonard just steals the show altogether with a performance you don't often get to witness. It's hard to speak so much without spoiling it because trust me once this movie gets going, it's hard to figure out if one's lying or telling the truth, alas a game of wits. Please watch this.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Intelligent and Unique take on religious extremism
26 September 2021
Midnight Mass, another outing from the director of the Haunting Series and horror classics like Ouija and Oculus, is a thriller, not to be confused with horror. It's a psychological thriller which dives into the debate between religion and extremism. But it takes a very unique take on religious extremism, which of course I cannot spoil. Anyone going into Midnight Mass thinking it's a horror with jump scares, would be disappointed, because there are not any. This show tends to get slow at times because of too many dialogues and stretched out scenes for the purpose of character development. Centered around a village, it doesn't shy away from exploring the many characters this show has, which is good, but when too much time is spent on it without significant story progression, it does start to bother a viewer a bit. Anyways, this show actually gets going from the 4th episode, when the major twists are revealed. It gets more interesting as the story progresses and evolves into something you wouldn't see coming. I was a bit disappointed with the climax because Mike Flanagan took his typical approach with it. The climax was very emotional and I couldn't connect with it tbh. But this shouldn't hold anyone back. It's a good show and the unique take on extremism was a welcome change. Recommended.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
I'm really not sure if the kid needed any saving
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So Blood Red Sky, an intriguing movie after so long based on vampires. BRS is when Snakes on a Plane meets 30 Days of Nights. It's Hijackers vs Vampires vs Passengers vs The Kid, except it only sounds good, but the execution? Oh man, it's just awful. It's definitely an opportunity missed and I was wondering if someone else could just take this project and do it right. Trust me, this movie starts out well, but just goes haywire once the mother twist is revealed. The mother vampire goes all out to protect her sun from the hijackers except its the son who turns out to be the biggest illogical twist of them all. He's practically a human superhero who ends up saving everyone. The bravest and the smartest of 'em all turns out to be kid putting everyone else to shame. Somehow he always ends up doing the right thing at the right time and it just gets irritating. I couldn't understand the physics behind some of the actions. The airlock is open and the enemy is pulled out due to the air pressure, but the kid and his mom aren't. Wow. The vampire mother is walking around passengers bleeding, but she doesn't crave for their blood. This was one of the most flawed representations of a vampire. Although, the concept is good, but they could have easily pulled it off creatively. Poor script, poor screenplay and pathetic climax. The kid ends up ruining the entire experience. I wouldn't be surprised, if he grows up to be Blade because he's already half superhero.
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Dark (2017–2020)
A Time Traveling Masterpiece
20 June 2021
Whenever I watch shows or movies pertaining to time travel, I always question to myself how complex can it be and how will the entire complexity eventually make sense? Can they reconcile the grandfather paradox etc? But my oh my, Dark is an unusual entry in such an entertaining genre and it's nothing except a masterpiece. This show has it all; a universe created with delicacy and detail, complexity like you have never witnessed before, often forcing you to independently read up on characters to connect the dots and understand who is who and how is one related to another. It's the kind of show you want to forget so you could watch it again. Above all, this show has one of the finest climaxes and conclusions to a an overly complicated plot. A beautiful beginnning and a beautiful conclusion. Dark cannot be missed.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Guilty Pleasure
20 June 2021
S1 to S3 were great but S4 is a major letdown. It seems the characters suffer from amnesia because they keep repeating the same mistakes followed by illogical actions which follow such mistakes. Like I for one couldn't understand how characters just betray, forgive and forget so easily only to repeat this cycle countless times. "It was just sex" the characters make the relationships sound so insignificant with this dialogue and to top it all this statement does work as an excuse. All in all it was fine initially but now it's gotten on my nerves how stupid the characters of this show are.
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College Romance (2018–2023)
This rating is only applicable on Season 1
1 February 2021
Season 1 was fresh and great. The character building and progression was also good. Plus even the supporting characters added humor to the scenes. Every episode had a unique situation.

Season 2 was a poor follow up to S1. It wasn't offering anything new, instead it decided to remain the same as S1 instead of developing it further. Imo, S2 was very ordinary because it offered nothing extra.

College Romance S1 is the real deal. S2 please avoid it.
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Taish (2020)
Potential becomes a victim of Pathetic Writing
31 October 2020
The plot of Taish had great potential and looked promising. Even the cast is terrific at least for the main characters.

However, it's the uncooked screenplay, poor writing and immature character development which ruined the entire experience.

Most of the supporting characters are not properly introduced. In fact, I could not even figure out how some of the to characters were even related to the main characters. They'd just appear and disappear out of the blue with the expectation that the viewer would just accept them.

Characters were poorly built. I could not reconcile or justify the actions behind some of the characters. Also everything would be so convenient for them. Half of the situations make no sense at a.

A criminal was being transported in an Ambulance without any police car following it? Really? How dumb is the London police?

The writing was an even bigger loser here. This movie could have been so much more, but poor writing just decimated everything this movie had to offer. One particular subplot was entirely unnecessary for the movie. I'm still struggling to understand how could the movie have been different if this subplot never existed. I'm talking about Pali-Kulli-Jahaan. I thought it would lead to something, but unfortunately not.

Also the climax made no sense at all. Everyone at the end was all over the place. Almost looked like some kind of trial and error. Every subsequent scene was in contradiction to what the characters would do in the prior scene. Like I said, maybe things would've made sense if writing and character development had been better. But without such elements, I really couldn't understand what was happening and why was it happening.

Undercooked, Underdeveloped and Uninspiring. This could have been soooo much more.
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Black Swan (2010)
So much more than Natalie and Mila's lovemaking scene
19 October 2020
It's a travesty that I watched this movie after an entire decade because many people I heard from about this movie only talked about the lesbian lovemaking scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. The objectification and description really took me off guard.

However recently I was looking for psychological thrillers to watch and I kept coming across thid movie. Finally I decided to give this a watch and I was not disappointed at all.

This movie was splendid in its nightmarishly sophisticated environment created by the director. The performances were top notch esp Natalie Portman, who might have given the best performance of her entire career. The immaturity, envy and fear were so beautifully acted out.

I won't talk much about the plot as one only has to watch it to appreciate it, but this movie comes a full circle with it's entire plot and easter eggs planted throughout the movie.

All in all, this was a complete movie and the kind anyone who appreciates art and psychological thrillers should not miss.
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Misaligned Expectations
18 October 2020
Let's give the credit where it's due. Mike has the art and intellect to make sense of a story surrounding mystery and horror and the ability to present it with intrigue.

But, in my opinion, this should not have been an installment of The Haunting series. They could have just made a different series altogether. The reason I say this is because there was literally nothing haunting about this.

For me, there were zero jump scares or even 'Wow' moments such as Hill House's Bent Neck lady hovering over the child. The lev of twist of hill house's episode 5 was missing here too.

This was too slow burn and the mystery they were building up to was just not good enough to keep me interested. It's a shame this is a spiritual successor to Hill House. I had almost quit the show after the 4th and 7th episodes because I was tired of waiting for something to blow me away eventually.

People can argue that it's a different story, but they need to understand viewers have some standards of expectations if one is billed as a successor to Hill House.

Indeed, this isn't a ghost story, but a love story. Also, there's nothing scary and haunting about this show. Literally, there were zero jump scares.

I hope they do something better with the third season, else this series has already gone stalemate.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Nothing short of a Masterpiece
30 March 2020
I don't usually write reviews unless I really want to recommend it. Dark is an unusual surprise. I went in with very average expectations and I was blown away to the complexity of the universe created within the show. At times, I'd go back to characters list to keep track of everyone at each timeline, but it's been worth the effort. Season 2 especially has been even better. Don't miss this one, guys. It's top notch and the best Sci Fi thriller on Netflix. What a stellar masterpiece. Hoping Season 3 gives a befitting conclusion that it deserves.
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
29 March 2020
It's nothing short of a masterpiece. An amazing conclusion also leaving room for more. The universe is constructed to the very detail and each character is so amazing that their emotions feel very raw. Not for a moment I got bored of this. An amazing series, everyone should check out. It's a travesty that it got cancelled.

I feel the 6th episode of the 2nd season is by far the best episode of a series I have ever seen.
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Take Shelter (2011)
Amazing storytelling, slow burn thriller and one of the finest ends to a movie
16 September 2018
This is the kind of movie, which keeps making me love these psychological thrillers. All the actors played their parts well and the concept explored in the meaning is really deep (obviously depends on your perception). I can't talk much because I want to keep this review spoiler-free, but damn Michael has acted really well in this. I loved the ending too.
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Could have been much better
10 September 2018
Although it's not a bad movie, I feel like this movie should have been much more. Matt Damon looked amazing and played his character really well. His emotions were top notch. But I feel his boy next door smile just took a little away from his character. Jude Law on the other hand, was actually the best actor in the movie. He surpassed them all and overshadowed Damon by a mile.

The movie overall, I feel went a big longer and felt like it was running in circles and wasn't adding much to the overall plot esp during the mid of the 2nd half. Other than that, it was great and it was a delight to see Damon playing a negative character.
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Upgrade (2018)
If Black Mirror and Matrix had a son, it would be Upgrade
9 September 2018
This movie is most definitely the biggest surprise of the year. It's one of the greatest hidden gems of sci fi which people haven't heard about.

The action of the movie is so unique and amazing that I just never wanted it to end.

Please watch this! You won't be disappointed.
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Her (2013)
Not everyone's cup of tea
9 September 2018
I found the whole concept intriguing. A romantic movie with the back drop of science fiction. It started well, but I guess I was expecting something else from this movie, being the whole sci fi fan. The movie, without a doubt had a great cast, which acted really well and the concepts explored in the movie were great. Even the message of the movie is simple. But somehow I just felt the movie was probably 20 30 minutes longer than it should have been and at times I just felt myself asking if an AI could evolve so much? The drama was too high in the movie and this wasn't a typical sci fi movie. Im sure people loved this movie, but it just wasn't my cup of tea.
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