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Nowhere to be found
28 May 2024
This was an easy one - still I'll go with no pun intended when it comes to my summary headline - as I always do of course. The show has quite the interesting core premise ... it reminds me of other shows, where someone was trying to decipher how to prevent something (or some things) from happening.

Now I have to confess: I am in love with Paula Patton ... as crazy as she "seems" especially in episode 2 - I'd stick with her and would try everything to help her. Add to that JR Bourne, who I knew from other stuff, but is quite front and center here ... also Devon Sawa! Who I came to admire in Final Destination and Idle Hands. A shame he is not the face of more stuff - I do believe he is a good actor to say the least.

So on the acting front you have quite a few winners here. Which helps a lot - because you have quite the ... over the top story and twists. There is almost no time to get some air - you could start question some of the things that happen (or happened in episode 1, that kickstarted everything) ... but you would rob yourself of quite some fun and excitement you could have! Suspend your disbelief ... and just go with the flow.
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Mad without Max
28 May 2024
Not entirely true (no pun intended), but you understand what I am trying to do and say here. This plays in the Mad Max universe and world, but tells us the story of Furiosa ... and we do get to see scenes from Mad Max Fury Road during the end credits.

I understand if some people feel we already had a Furiosa movie - with Fury Road. But I think it was more than worth it to have this origin story. Especially with Anya Taylor Joy in the lead ... and Chris Hemsworth being her nemesis. Whom I kind of didn't recognize in the trailers ... the prosthetics team did quite the job on him.

And he goes as over the top as he is allowed to. And then some - Miller who is quite old, does not seem to think about retiring .. I would not be surprised if he does another one ... I actually would love it if he did ... cinematography is just off this planet ... this looks amazing. And while it does not have too many action scenes (in my book), the ones it does have are long and glorious. Imax does help too - the rest of the cast and the story is a bit of secondary. Just go with the flow - quite a bit of violence by the way.

Chris is quite the revelation here too. The first chapter (or is it first two?), feels a bit underwhelming, considering I was expecting way more Furiosa at that point ... but it does make sense with the overall story arc! Really well told and even better showcased ... not for the faint of heart ... but anyone who loves cinema and Science Fiction - well there is no way around this! Another pun? Well Miller was able to make it epic for sure, if you need to ask.
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One Day (2024)
Actually multiple days
28 May 2024
No pun intended - it is one day over many years/decades. You may have seen the movie (with Anne Hatheway, if not it really is a good movie) or you may have read the book/novel this is based on. Something I haven't done (yet).

So as you can tell, I am not the person to look for comparisons and how does it fair to ... I can't do that. I can tell you however that the show has time to explore and goes a bit deeper than the movie on many subjects. Still I do not think it is way better than the movie. Which to be fair had Anne Hatheway ... I mean it's winning just because of that already (no offense to the main actress in this, she is amazing here too, but anyone would be losing against Anne).

No relationship is perfect, some never really amount to anything. Maybe you chose someone just to be and feel safe ... there is a lot that this unpacks ... and there is a lot of .. well love lost (no pun intended) ... it also does have some steamy/hot scenes ... especially in episode 2. Not much in the nudity department, but I don't think anyone would go into this, with that mindset ... just saying for the few that were unsure.

Well told - and short episodes too. So more than decent, if you are into that kind of drama ...
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Emergency (2022)
28 May 2024
No pun intended - if you are fed up, hearing or in this case watching systemic racism, maybe this movie and its theme is not for you. And I am not accusing you or telling you how to feel. Maybe you are aware of it and just like movies to be an escape and you do not want serious issues in your movies - even more so with some ridiculous twists and turns.

Let's just say that certain things that happen (and how our main character react to them) ... are not the most logical things ... but it is a movie, it is over the top, it is suspension of disbelief. Remember that and you will have a strong finish to something that almost drifts into slapstick at times (the mixture might also be something that does not work for you). As you can see, I thought they did a good job overall. This is flawed mind you ... but the message is there and the friendship and the subtext ... well you can understand and feel the anger that is underneath ... it may not be a red alert emergency ... for you, but for others it is a matter of life and death ...
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Bilitis (1977)
Soft to the core
28 May 2024
No pun intended - obviously I am talking about the erotic themes of the movie, but you can also tell (quickly) that the movie also does look soft (not sure what filters they used, lighting and all that) ... but it does have quite the dreamy feeling about it - or whatever you would call it.

The intro (credits) already will give you the vibe of the movie. A lot of nudity, coming ... of age story and things of that nature. You cannot be too sensitive about those issues. You can however like what you see I reckon. Some girls looked way too young by the way, fortunately the main characters were played by adult women (way older than I thought they'd be during the shoot of the movie too).

The movie is infamous - and it mostly has to do with the nudity. There are also some scenes that suggest violent acts in bed - you may feel uncomfortable a couple times. Women trying to figure out what they are and how they feel ... being exploited by grown men at times. Is that what you would call cringe nowadays? Just a fair warning for you to know what you will get yourself into ... oh and Emanuelle called ... she wants her chair back (it does seem at that time that chair was quite popular - well it is very similar, might be a different one to be honest)
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If you love something ...
28 May 2024
... let it go. Which if you watch the movie will understand quite clearly and maybe even see the same way - so no pun intended. While the movie does take directions I did not expect (not all of them), it feels a bit ... well almost underwhelming. It is tough to feel really close to the characters. I do believe that your moral code will inform who you will root for more. But even then, I don't feel like you will do so with enough passion.

Funnily enough "passion" being in the German title of the movie. Also quite funny: the twist at the end, the maybe you could call it openness of the movie. Maybe you will feel you know what the ending is and what it means (for the characters) ... but likely you will feel ... weird! The ending may be too clever for its own good ... and the movies own good too ... decent and quite interesting ... but might leave you cold (no pun intended)
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Too good to be true
28 May 2024
No pun intended - if you have to act for an App. If you do things, to make yourself feel good .... well this will no turn out for the best. It doesn't seem far fetched to be honest. We are quite bound to our digital ... "self", to a shell, to another "home". We post stuff on social media to make ourselves feel better. There is even a job called "influencer" - something I am certain people many decades ago, could not imagine be something you could make money off.

But back to our romance. It starts with a crash ... which seems bonding. But the cracks start to show, when the pair participate on a points system. Getting points for doing something for your partner ... again, can be seen as something positive ... but can also backfire. I don't think it is a surprise what direction the movie will take ... still well played/acted and some interesting twists.
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Hit Man (2023)
28 May 2024
No pun intended - we have a teacher in the main role here. And he has a side job/hustle. Which is nothing special, he just seems to help out the police in catching people who try to hire a hitman ... if you didn't know: there is no such thing as a hitman (at least according to the movie - I wouldn't know what reality actually looks like - funnily enough the movie suggests it is based on a real story in the credits).

So this walks a fine line - being quite romantic in one sense, but also quite ridiculous and over the top in another sense. Glen Powell seems to be quite "hot" right now (which his students will say too, towards the end of the movie) - getting a writing credit next to Linklater here too.

This may suggest it is action, but there is very little in that department happening. There is quite the romance going on and discussions ... a lot of dialog. And a lot happening too (cat and dog persons behave - it's a movie). This are almost two hours that fly by ... with a few twists along the way ... and an ending I did not expect to happen like that. Great acting from all involved ...
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Power (2024)
Not to the people
26 May 2024
No pun intended - the documentary is trying to shine a light into the power police has (in the US) ... which may exceed enormously from what they were intended to have and be for the people. As a comic book hero said: with great power comes great responsibility. It is easy to paint a whole force as bad - what needs to happen is trying to root out the bad people and find a way to have people who are secure in their job and their attitude.

Because let's keep it real: it is not an easy job. But that is why you need way better training for those who want to actually become and help the people ... with the power that they hold. The movie makes a few good points, but could go deeper on others. Also this is as I already stated confined to America ... but the world is so complex you could never have done all of the police ...
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Size does not matter
26 May 2024
No pun intended of course. When they say big, they really mean it. Still quite the cutie we get to see here. Not sure if you are a cat or dog person, but I don't think it will matter that much to you. It shouldn't - this is a family movie. And while I myself have not too much knowledge of the history of Clifford (this is not the first outing you can see the dog in), I feel you do not have to be aware of much. There might be some jokes only you will get of course - but the movie really does work for everyone.

Acting is decent, considering they had to pretend there is a big red dog (I assume they were staring at a tennis ball, which seems to be common practice with things like that) ... just suspend your disbelief and leave your sarcasm outside ... well if you can! Even the New Yorkers seem lovable ... well to a degree ;)
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Crossing and shooting
26 May 2024
No pun intended - one thing we know for sure: when Nic Cage is on the box - you get Nic Cage who will do anything - but stay in the box! Well you know what I mean - dialing up the crazy to 11 and all that. Which in a story about animal hunt and whatnot is not the worst thing to have.

Cage was quite open about having done a lot of movies, because ... well he may not have been young while doing them, but he still needed the money. Something that rings true for all of us I assume, still nice to hear it from him. That said, the movie is quite decent. You have characters doing awful things mind you - but you have to suspend your disbelief and just go with the flow of it all. You can still disagree with the morality and the goals ... I've seen worse movies for sure. And while Cage may have done a lot of these, they still have a certain quality, which cannot be said about Bruce Willis output ... his medical condition aside of course.
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Setting JC back ...
26 May 2024
... not just time wise (this plays in the 30s America), but also when it comes to his abilities. This was meant to introduce him to a world wide audience. And it does have a few things that look good. Of course those who already knew him, probably were quite disappointed. You do not get a 100% of Jackie, especially when it comes to the fighting - a big part to say the least of it all.

Still the way he is introduced ... hanging in the air, doing gymnastics ... I am certain those who never saw him, were quite smitten. But the movie is all over the place, like Jackies character himself. Or some random people who are thrown in there to heighten the stakes or something.

Stunts are overall at least decent, when Jackie is being left loose they are even great. But this seems to be go more of a Rocky and Wrestling route ... which does not serve Jackie or the movie too well. Not a bad movie and in the age without Internet (can you imagine) ... I reckon a decent effort ... makes Rush Hour look like a masterpiece of sorts ... although I didn't feel that way when I first watched it.
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Englemageren (2023)
Gut punch or hitting you over the head(?)
26 May 2024
No pun intended - the movie starts off quite strong .. and shows from the start this is not for the faint of heart! So if you are sensitive, if you are not able to stomach, not just violence shown with blood, but with ferocity ... maybe this movie is not for you. There is a lot going on and I reckon it does show the depths a "misguided" human can fall into.

And yes I know I am being nice with my description. And I am not the parent of the individual - how would I react if I were? Well I know I would try everything to help the victims, because however much you may say blood is thicker than water ... we are all humans. We all are someones son or daughter. Why do I say this and make a point of it? Well you will understand if you watch the movie.

Unfortunately the police seem to have missed that point. You would have assumed that if someone knows of the existence of a killer, you would not let them ... well you would at least have them under surveillance ... the very least. So suspend your disbelief ... and don't be shocked ... actually you very likely will be shocked! No prisoners taken ...
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Eileen (2023)
Going loco for Anne
26 May 2024
No pun intended - I was kind of surprised to see Anne Hatheways name way down the cast list - at least here on the imdb site. And the movie does show a different picture (again no pun intended), what with her being the second lead role. Of course the main lead role is another woman - and she is quite the force! You may have seen her in other things and she is really good - in this movie too.

And not an easy role to play. Psychologically but also physically - while there is not much in the nudity department (body wise), there is a lot of acting with that body that opens one up - vulnerability and all that. Passion can take many forms - we never really know what goes on in someone elses head ... we do find out here to a degree ... and we may not feel comfortable with what we get to discover ... bound to anything? Well don't be quick to shoot your shot yet - more puns you say? Well that is me.
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Total Trust (2023)
Total ... control
26 May 2024
No pun intended - this should be shown to some people who think that their government is being unfair to them - who allege they are being silenced (when in reality they are able to say the most outrageous and mostly wrong things). Take a look what happens in China - and you might reconsider what you thought about your own situation.

What we do get here, feels more like a fictional film, though it allegedly is a documentary. Certain things feel staged - other things we do not get enough insight too. We do have a lot of times of waiting - of being unable to look behind the curtain. It would have been nice to get more and deeper perspectives ... that said, it still cuts deep and it still is harrowing to watch ... if you are up for it ...
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Trinket Box (2023)
26 May 2024
No pun intended - the movie begins quite strong. Actually it made me feel more than uncomfortable - I saw something coming or happening, that I did not want to be a witness of. But this strong theme, is almost completely stripped away. With a strong slash - which on one hand I did appreciate ... on the other hand it took away a lot ... and it never really recovers from that.

Then we do make a time "jump" as I would like to call it. And we get quite cliche - we can see what is happening, we can feel what the neighbor is about (and who she is) ... there are a few interesting effects (and some jump scares that might or might not work on and for you) ... but overall the movie loses itself in the predictability it did set out for itself ... still the ending is kind of "nice" (no pun intended) here either ... if you can hold out for that long. I am not blaming you if you don't ... you have to be a horror fan to like this that's for sure.
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Secrets out
26 May 2024
No pun intended - I assume most will know what this documentary is about. But how much do you know? And this is a legitimate question. Of course if you were on the site yourself - well you do not need any schooling. I was made aware of the site back then, but to understand how little I knew, I'll tell you this. When the data was leaked, I thought that Nia (woman/wife of Youtuber and quite the out there Christian) was actually Ashley Madison - I mean it is a female name, right? That's a yes to that question, but a no to her being Ashley.

Great name - and great documentary, really shining a light on all aspects of the site and its users. For three episodes this does as deep a dive as is possible. Your own morals will inform how you feel about the hackers or the "cheaters" - also women amongst them (you need two to play that game).

The first episode kind of reels you in - it feels and sounds quite pragmatic. Even some of the employees seem to make sense ... to a degree. Again, not telling you how to feel or what to condone. But even there you can feel cracks in the system ... and boy was the system flawed.

How did the site get so big? Well you can "blame" human desire, you can blame a lot of things. You can talk about Karma - but you can also see that some people just felt mightier than though ... no one is above anyone else. So what happened with the leak - is at least as bad as what happened on the site. Well there are a few thing on the site that were worse ... but that is just it. Just when you thought you knew it all ... more stuff comes out. And I do not mean names and email adresses, just to be clear.

Great documentary, hopefully informing you in the right way - making you understand, we are different and we should not judge others - but we should also be more than careful who we deal with, who we give sensitive information to ... this takes quite the turn towards the end ... a big bang can also be a new beginning!
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Monster (III) (2023)
Don't say a word
25 May 2024
I'll never tell - oh wait that is from a different movie. So no pun intended - also there are a few words spoken here (I did not count them, in case you were wondering) ... overall it does stay ... well "silent" when it comes to dialog. This is not a silent film though - I read someone even being annoyed by ... noises. Just in case you were wondering.

I actually am not a fan of this "gimmick" driven movies. And while one of the main characters might have chosen a different path ... the movie was able to get my attention and was suspenseful from start to finish. Is it predictable? For sure. Are the bad guys way over the top? Also true (well true in the sense of within the movie and what it does) ... it is a thriller in the end ... and it does try something kind of new ... I've seen worse, but I get it, if you are not swayed ...
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IF (I) (2024)
If (l)on(e)ly
25 May 2024
I reckon this is one of my more complicated summary line captions ... still, this too is true: no pun intended! As always - and as always any movie will be loved and cherished, but also hated upon. I understand if you feel this is trying to copy other filmmakers (someone on a different site mentioned Spielberg) ... but whatever the case is, try to watch this for what it is: a fairy tale, a coming of age story, a throwback to your childhood and a blooming fantasy.

The world is yours to conquer ... but life has other plans. The beginning may not be as strong as Up, when it comes to touching your heart and maybe even be able to make you cry ... but it goes that way. This speaks and touches upon parenthood, but also being a kid/child. And not being able to live that childhood .. but having other things that worry you.

Suspension of disbelief is very important. There are quite a few things you have to just accept. This is tragic but also life affirming to a degree. This might make you cry - do not fight it. You are human after all. Let the twists win you over - let the story and the imagination of our main character guide you. As it guides the IFs ... maybe try to overlook the whole girl going into a mens bathroom ... there is a story reason for it, but I understand if you feel that is a bit cringe. There are other things that I reckon some might describe that way (be it accents or developments, character interactions) ... still, this is meant to make you feel other things. So park your inner sarcasm and go with the flow - that is what I did ... great voice cast, next to great real life cast! Especially the super sweet girl in the lead role - a performance that the movie needs.
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Black Spot (2017–2019)
Lost ... in the woods
24 May 2024
Well not exactly, but you know I always have to go with no pun intended - but to get to say that, I have to make one. And while this starts off quite good - well the first season overall stays strong, there is a drive, there are different things going on, but you can feel how important almost everything is (story but also character development and connections) ... which at least for me (and I reckon some more here) did not ring true in the second season.

Don't get it twisted (well the show does, but that is a different story and pun), it still has quite nice story stuff going on - but it never had me going as much as the first season did. Actors are good and again back to season one: when one of the main characters gets out of his car and we have no idea what is happening ... there is mystery ... that works and this is one of the main ones in season 1 ... actor and script go hand in hand - don't hold your breath (sorry) ... overall and because I saw comparisons: Dark is way better.
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Who's your daddy?
24 May 2024
Not sure if some will willfully misunderstand my review summary line. So just to be clear: no pun intended. Having said that, the movie does have quite a lot of jokes aimed at a grown up crowd. I doubt any kids know Marvin Gayes Sexual Healing - well I surely do hope they don't know it - that would be a whole different beast to discuss.

I did watch Garfield as a kid - and he may be one (if not the) best known felines in the world. So it was only a matter of time to do another movie ... and maybe a sequel to this, if it is successful enough. If you suspend your disbelief and go with the flow ... there are a lot of things that don't make much sense. One of them being the financial status of our main human - who is also Garfields ... well I would say owner, but it probably is the other way around.

Animation is great, voice actors are amazing (and you surely will recognize quite a few of the speakers. Jokes are mostly good, the fact that we never really feel any danger for Garfield (or anyone in his proximity) is one thing ... and sometimes it tries to hard - see the break in and several sequences that pretend Garfield is in real danger.

As I already mentioned, a lot of things do not make much sense ... try to not just not overthink it ... try to think as little as possible ... and you'll be fine ... you can even argue that it was on purpose (this not making sense - see cars on the road that would actually crash into each other) ... this is meant to be silly then.

Fourth wall is broken from the start too - you should know quite fast if this is something you can enjoy ...
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"Forbidden" fruit
24 May 2024
Or female(?) - but surely no pun intended. If you are open minded (and you really should be, considering this depicts same sex/gender love), you will cherish the theme of the movie - and how troubled the characters are. An impulsive act starts it all - love can not be denied - well to one self that is. You should of course get consent from the other individual.

Some may have issues that this does not depict the love act in an explicit manner - on the other hand, I watched this on Youtube and there might be some version with at least some nudity to it. That said, this should not be the main reason you are watching this. There are other sites that will .. satisfy any of those needs. This is more about the struggle ... and the love that is a struggle in our society .. and in the minds of our characters. Can you dig it.
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Grace (III) (2019)
Grace less
24 May 2024
No pun intended - and it is not our main character who seeks to lose .. their grace (and then some). Abusive relationships are unfortunately nothing new ... and nothing rare either. The acting is decent enough and the story or rather character development if you want to call it that, is there for us to witness. Other things can be witnessed too - nothing explicit ... and yet you still may find yourself appalled.

And rightfully so - not all stories of abuse have a good ending. One thing is for sure: if you see something, you better report it. Not sure if I would call this a wake up call, but it does point and show some things we have to talk about - and have to openly condemn too.
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Daddy issues
24 May 2024
No pun intended - I almost went with the Who's your daddy saying - which also would not have been a pun, right? Kidding aside, this is a spin off to another short "Order to kill". You do not have to watch it, to understand this. You might even argue that this may be weakened if you watch the other one first.

Because the other one has theoretically at least a stronger core/message. This starts off with a scene by the pool (not the whole short plays around the pool as the summary kind of suggests) ... which you may expect to lead to something ... that otherwise you only get from adult sites/movies.

But this is about love not given (in more than one sense), so nothing much happens. The daughter of a friend - though again, considering what we see in the other short ... the father seems to have meant more to our main character here ... not that it really matters. Especially when it comes to the love connection or lack thereof - well not to the degree the viewer and/or some characters might think ... interesting, even if not the best acting, the moral or the hardship (not a pun for sure) is there ...
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Order to Kill (2018)
Return to life
24 May 2024
Or as a song once also said: back to life - no pun intended! Especially with a title like that, you can imagine that this is about life and death. It also is a short movie that has an interesting theme (PTSD - you may have heard about it, especially with individuals who came back from war zones) - it could have done better, but its intentions are pure and good.

A soldier who has learned to act only on command. There is something to say about that - thinking on your own and all that. There are things that you could see as a positive if you have a leader you can follow - but of course it is also quite sad, if you can't or are not able to act on your own.

As I said, interesting themes - unfortunately especially the beginning of this seems to lack passion. The ending may have a bit too much of it. Acting is decent I reckon, though some may feel it is underwhelming - I'll leave that up to you.

An interesting short - that spawned a spin-off ... which I did watch first, but more on that on its own site.
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