
28 Reviews
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The Resident (2018–2023)
Definitely 10 Stars
5 April 2024
The best series I have seen on Netflix. Great acting especially Conrad's little daughter, Remington Blair Evans.. I like almost all of the characters expecially Conrad, A. J., Mina, Prevesh and Billie. Interesting who resonates with whom. I teared up 5-6 times, very poignant and touching in parts. Lots of unlikelies: in real life, the doctors would NOT sit on the bed of the patient, but needed to be done so the camera man could capture doctor and patient. A doctor would never wheel a patient down the hall, a nurse or porter would. Too many doctors racing down the hall at break-neck speed, too often. Too many doctors kissing in public in the hospital; they would have taken that to the broom closet. LOL Musical chairs, overnight love interests changed, handled in a humorous way. They made Cade (Kincaid) look "hot to trot." but, hey, she was just looking for love. Not too much love stuff, but handled appropriately. Billie (Jessica Lucas) is extraordinarily beautiful. Tasso Feldman's nurse girlfriend has the sweetest voice.

Loved A. J. warning the doctor (Dale) that Conrad and Billie loved each other and whatever else happened, they always would. Wonder how A. J., knew that when even Conrad did not know. Anyway, that touched me. Such a touching series and very illuminating. I may watch it again. Please watch.
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John Wick (2014)
Take No Prisoners
4 January 2024
Well, it opens with pathos and emotion, a wife losing her life and a scumbag killing his dog. He embraces killing people, but not dogs. Looked like a sweet little beagle. So, many of these action movies are unbelievable in terms of the beatings the characters endure without actually dying and with minimum damage to the face. I wonder if these are real combat guns, or just some sort of replica made for the movies? This is another Kick Ass vigilante revenge movie with some darm good car driving. This is a bad guy movie we rout for since he is just cleaning house. Speaking of, the Cleaners seemed to be following him around. Enjoyed! Keanu is charasmatic!
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Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016 Video)
Kept My Attention
30 December 2023
Although Robin looked considerably older than Brandan, in real life she is only 4 years older. I did not like her playing that part and did not like her acting ability in this film. Well, what is there not to like about Brandan. I see all of this technology in the movie and I am guessing in real life it is available, plus a whole lot more. A few disconnects: Why do the bad guys put on a mask to hide their face; they are going to kill the guys so they cannot pic them out of a lineup. LOL So, when Brandan first encounters Robin, she leads him to another waterfront where a sniper is waiting to kill Brandan. So, how was the sniper in place to do the kill unless Robin had told him beforehand she was taking him there? That was not good writing.
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The Big Ugly (2020)
Rough and Tumble Movie
4 December 2023
Thoroughly enjoyed this movie because I did not know where it was going. Not all movie need to be feel-good. That is not real life. The musical score was written for me. Love those guitar strings. This movie had a lot of old men and some some younger guys who liked to use their fists. In reality some of the beatings some of these men took would have killed them after the 3rd hit. A movie with lots of beatings. Jr. Was just a little guy and he looked like he was giving hard punches but in real life he was too puny to score those jabs.

Someone must have been standing in for him. I recommend this movie.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
NOT the worst Netflix has to offer
8 November 2023
It was entertaining in a serio-comic and noir manner, downright funny in places; and I do not think anyone could possibly take it seriously. It was a re-make they say. I would actually like to see the original. The little boy was adorable and quite the adult; he was really a good actor. It was painful to watch and I was shocked Liam did this movie. Was he channeling the fact that his beloved wife died on a sky slope in real life. How much closer could the past real event in his life come to these environs of snow and mountains. Was this Liam's catharsis, stepping into the snow to test his resilience and fortitude for the future, meeting his wife's death head-on. Did he have to dwell at length before he accepted the part? Joy and happiness to him!
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I love Ray Liotto!
6 October 2023
I will watch anything with Ray Liotto and give it a 10. RIP, you sweet man. You left us much too soon. When they killed him off early in the movie I was disappointed;; but pleased when they reprised him as his own brother. Sorry, the son of James Gandolphi who played Tony Soprano was miscast. He had NO charisma; he did not have "it". Hey, you either got it, or you do not. You cannot fake it! He only got the part because of his late father. Leslie Odom, Jr. Was great; and he has got "it". He looks like a young Denzel Washington, one of my fav actors. Somehow, the entirety of the movie was confusing and who was who, rather eliptical. I must have dozed off and missed part of it. I still recommend the movie.
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A Winner!
30 September 2023
I watched part of it last night and could not wait until tonight to finish it. It was warm and wonderful and such a soothing movie. All of the actors were great and the musical score was fabulous. The relationship between the have, and the have not, was not realistic in real life terms. I especially liked the character of the Doctor's newly found girlfriend. She as a fav character and emoted so much emotion and feeling. I was happy to see him "kiss" her. He took his time. He did not understand code for "just wanted to see if you need anything before you go to bed." It was a darling movie and wish we had more offering in that genre.
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15 September 2023
The takeaway is do not get caught up in stuff and keep your mouth shut. This Kentucky girl could have left her hometown; she just went about it the wrong way. In real life, she was her own worst enemy. I did not know she was British and thought her southern accent was good until she said "whilst." That should have been a red flag since I was born and lived in Kentucky for 20 years. So, she took her relocation money and used it for drugs. That was her way out; but by then, she was not making her life choices, drugs were her master. She really provoked him, and he then did what he did, mostly beause being an FBI agent was who he was in his soul. Guess her mama never told her you get more with sugar than vinegar. Emilia did a good acting job. I felt the FBI guy was miscast. Highly recommend.
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Dear Child (2023)
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting by all. I was way off on who I thought was the bad guy. The bad guy, I did not even remember from the movie. He should have been a little more developed. Guess I need to watch it again. I thought it was believable. But, the audience had a right to know how the real Lena died; not letting us know was a great disappointment. A quirk of fate set the whole thing off. Time and chance are everything. Eccles 9:11. The writers who envisioned this were very introspective and talented. The directors had everyone in line. Even, litle Jonathan was a great actor. This is one of Netflix's BEST overall!
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Burning Body (2023)
Intriguing Watch
11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a 10 because it kept me capitivated. Somehow I originally missed that it was true crime. Rose was a p.o.s. As a woman and totally without humanity. I cannot blame it on her being an only, and spoiled, child. She just had evil in her DNA, born that way, certainly not inherited. Her parent's moral dilema, first lying for her, then coming clean. How would we choose if our child was involved? I have previously thought about that; and for me, the answer is that it would depend upon the circumstances. It was not a feel-good movie but one of morality and humanity, or lack of. I highly recommend this movie. It gives one pause.
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Snitch (I) (2013)
Poignant and Well Presented
4 September 2023
This is a 10; and I regret it was not a series. I would have liked for it to be explored and expounded upon. Great acting by Dwayne Johnson who is so charasmatic and believable. Susan Sarandan was off her mark and I have seen her acting skills more sharpened; but this was a small role and guessing it was hard for her to get into. I would watch it again just to focus on the musical score - even strings in a cartel story. The dialogue with Johnson responding that he was at the jail to visit his son. It would not in real life have been necessary for Johnson to also out himself as a snitch. Guess that was the fastest way to get that out in the open and get on down the road.

Loved the movie and love Dwayne Johnson.
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Who Is Erin Carter? (2023– )
One of my Favs!
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a 10; and I am sorry there is not a sequel but there could not be since she killed the Irish guy and would not work for him. And, she turned down the guy who started her out in her life of crime. This was fabulous acting by ALL! Great musical score! Great scenary. It was silly that Jordy took Harper to safety and left Erin behind where the bad guys knew she was. I have had to sort thru so much *&#! To get to a good movie to watch because there is no filter to get rid of the movies you have already watched; and I watch so many, I can not remember which ones. I would watch this one again!
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On the Edge of my Seat
11 August 2023
Any movie that glues you to the seat is a 10. As much as I would not have done it, some women have no fear of being picked up anywhere, even in a foreigh country. You never knew what he had in store for her next. In real life, why is it some crazy people are not at first blush detectable. Or why is it too many people ignore the signs. Was the end game, he was going to kill her? Had he killed others? In the end, he had also captured his student yet that had not been developed, or did I doze off? The acting and musical score were good, and it was spell-binging, so why give it less than a 10, considering some of the junk Net Flix puts out?
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The Wife (I) (2017)
The title should have been "The Power Behind the Throne"
7 August 2023
She said, "I am the Kingmaker" reference to Richard de Neville, The Kingmaker, Wars of the Roses, 1400s. The point is, it was not whether or not she wanted to write, she had to write; that is what a writer is about. It was not her choice, it was thrust upon her. At some level she knew that, but she did not have the confidence that she could write any other way than the way she chose, her only opportunity. She was very bitter as evidenced by her outburst about his taking care of the children while she was sequestered away each day. She was in great conflict about the sacrificies she had to make to be fulfilled. Actually, in the end, I think she was relieved to have her own life. I throughly enjoyed this movie, it depth and emotion.
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Fatale (II) (2020)
A 10
2 August 2023
Compared to most of the other Netflix movies, this hooked you and kept you interested to the end since we could not figure out where it was going. I liked it and highly recommend it. The acting was superb by all especially Hillary Swank, but who IMHO was too old looking for that part; although she and Michael Ealy are the same age, she looked a lot older than he. I just felt he should have had a slightly younger looking woman to romance, if that is what you call it. Swank is as good an actress as any out there but she does not have charisma. The plot was not believeable and Swank's character could have cut to the chase and just wacked her husband herself; it was too convoluted. But, then we would not have had a movie. This was a 10, all of you Naysayers!
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The Mule (2018)
Such Sillilness
21 June 2023
Is that as good as you've got. Why did I watch that dreadful movie. Guess, so I could write a dreadful review. What was the take-away. If I were that old and rambling, I do not think I would put myself out there. I would rather my audience remembe me as I was, Gawd, what was that western/cowboy series he started out in? He was so hot! Seriously, my fav scene was the gyrating hips of the one dancer. That is talent and tastefully done, nothing provocative! Wonder how long it took her to finesse that! You do not just wake up one morning and are able to do that. I was looking for one of his offspring to be in the movie. His daughter is quite pretty.
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The Woods (2020)
Did Not Like the Ending
16 June 2023
I watched this to the end, but found it confusing and convoluted. I could not remember everyone because the Polish names sound similar as an English speaking person and I could not keep up with who they were talking about. The reverberating sound in the musical score was too loud. I really need to watch this again to get more out of it. Good acting. I did not like the ending because there was not good enough reason for the lead to fall on his sword. After all, he had a small daughter to consider; and she was more important than the decision he made in the end. This should have been a better lesson in life to step up and take responsibility for one's own actions rather than allow someone else to do it and to the detriment of his own daughter. Still, I really liked the series and plan to watch all of Coben's Netflix series.
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Hold Tight (2022)
14 June 2023
Very disjointed; guess I did not pay enough attention in the beginning to grasp two of the groups of characters and what their deal was and exactly what they were doing, disappointing. Why was the bad guy and his young girlfriend kidnaping women, for what reason? Any why was the army buddy putting him up to it. And what was going on about porno videos? Maybe I will find a summary somewhere. I certainly would not waste my time watching again. The musical score had an annoying reverberating sound, much too loud that made it seem my television was going to bounce off the table, even with my turning the sound down.
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To Leslie (2022)
Her Own Worst Enemy
7 June 2023
It is difficult to sympathize with her since she was where she wanted to be. She made her own decisions; they were not thrust upon her. She had parents and a support system of sorts, love well, how do you define love. That suitcase so reminded me of leaving home after high school, my suitcase given as a gift for graduation by my grandmother. I was on my way because there was no support system to which I could return. But, she was optioned in life and made all the wrong dicisions because it was all about her. In her heart and soul she was tawdry. You see, it is all in the dna, what you find tolerable and acceptable and what you want to be a part of. She chose "low places."
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Noise (I) (2023)
A Waste of Time
24 May 2023
The acting was superb especially the Matthias character. Nothing else came together and overall watching this movie was a useless waste of time. What was it all about? Absolutely nothing. Just disfunctional characters who were both neglectful of the child. She, in real life, would never have left that child with Matthias for any period of time, especially all day. It is obvious he did not want a child and did not want to bothered, very immature. This is one Netflix can cast from their offerings; at least it only wasted one and a half hours of my time. I gave it a 4 rating because the acting was exceptional.
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13 May 2023
This resonates according to one's frame of reference, what is in one's core, one's DNA. Although I never lived like Jennette, I lived a childhood of neglect and deprivation. But, in my heart and soul, that was not who I was, or would ever be. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is." I was always above it, and never identified with it. I was not one of them. But, Jennette WAS one of them. She did not have the same pride as was infused in me. That was interesting. Some of us would have nevee aired our linens in public. Too much pride. Woody Harrelson was great even with the wad of cotton in his mouth, akin to Orson Welles in A Long Hot Summer. With Welles they had to dub his voice in many parts because he was not understandable. Woody did a good job. The takeaway for some of us is personal, a mirror of the past. Time and Chance happens to us all. Eccles 9:11.
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Hope there is a sequel
3 May 2023
I tried watch this 3 times but could not get into it because there was NO "hook" and Ampara was so annoying and unlikeable. Only because I could not find anything else on Netflix, I went back to it a 4th time, and was captivated. Great musical score and I want to watch it again because there was so much political stuff going on. It is a great history lesson. In the end they rushed through like in many movies. The wigs on the Guillaume and the other lead looked ridiculous, too wiggy. Since many men do not lose their hairline as they age in real life, all they had to do was comb it a different and add some gray. Some of the dialogue was silly. I highly recommend!
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Chokehold (2023)
It was too Guy deMaupassant
26 April 2023
Definitely a noirish film, not one I could appreciate. I am curious about the writer and what other movies he has written. The main charactor was not the aggresser in his bad deeds, he was just defending himself; except in the end. That was a shock! Interesting how the writer wanted us to know that money talks and can forgive bad deeds. Watching films of locations where I have traveled is always rewarding. The actor is talented and very good looking although they protrayed him as bedraggled and certainly not walking a runway. As I am writing this, I have gone from a 2 star rating to a 7. Just because it was not my cup of tea, I should be fair and reasonable.
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Rough Diamonds (2023– )
One of my Favorite Netflix Series
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watch Netflix everyday for at least 5 hours and this is one of my fav flixs. I liked the lead, Noah and his sister, unlike some other viewers. They resonated with me.......different strokes and all. I had a problem following all of the threads of the bad acts and who was doing what to whom. I was surprised that Noah turned on his mother-in-law in the end. It did not make any sense that his brother's wife would not just stay in Antwerp with him. So Noah danced around a little. He is a man, is he not? Good looking, too! It was great and I highly recommend! I would like another season of it. Who was the guy who was gunned down in the end?
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Reckoning (2019)
Aden Young is my Fav Actor
14 September 2020
Watched him in Rectify and fell in love with his acting. In real life he speaks with a quasi British accent and so does "American" accents well, perfectly in Rectify with the southern accent, the best ever!

He has many years of good acting to come. All of the acting in Reckoning was great. Did not care for the musical score. All of those bratty kids could have been left out! I have to deal with THAT at home!

The movie kept me interestedl
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