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Oh, we do hate those fascists, don't we?
fred-houpt27 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's such a shame that Wertmuller no longer commands the interest of producers. She gave us such powerful films, and at her peak, she and Giannini could do no wrong. European directors have given us films that excoriate Fascists. There is Bertoluci's "1900" and "The Conformist"; Costa Gravas's "Missing", there is "Schindler's List","The Pianist", "Two Women" are just a few of a long list. What does Wertmuller show us? Simple people get caught up in every single war, WW 2 was no exception. There were probably all kinds of attempts to kill Mussolini before he was finally caught and hung up like a piece of meat. This movie takes place early in the rise of El Duce. To openly show displeasure with his black shirted thugs would guarantee a short and brutal outcome. The same held true for those brave and furious souls in Spain and Germany who tried (in vain) to stand up against Fascism. The main story in this drama is the almost mad plans of a simple country bumpkin who seeks to avenge the murder of an "anarchist" who planned to kill Mussolini but got carried away and told everyone in the town of his plans. Next thing we see is him murdered. Giannini's character shows up in Rome and seeks refuge in a brothel (all pre-arranged), after having gone to France for training in shooting a gun. Much has been made of the mayhem inside the brothel but to me this is color adding to the texture, it is subtext. The main body of this drama evolves with Tunin and his trembling approach to the plot. That he becomes embroiled in an unexpected love for a prostitute is but one twist in the plot. There are several wonderful scenes where he has ample opportunity to kill a vile fascist thug who is a regular at the brothel but he refuses to get sidetracked. Even after having fallen in love he still refuses to divert from his presumed destiny. He fully expects to either fail or even if successful to get caught and killed for his efforts. "Tunin" tries to make sense of his confused feelings and at the end has to abandon clarity for duty. He is confused, frightened and compelled to honor his fallen comrade. The surprise twist (I won't spoil it) at the end of the film pushes him over the edge into an irrational, spontaneous and self destructive spree. His fate once met is anti=climactic, he having already intuited the end.

The film is funny, tense and upsetting. I simply cannot believe how fast Mariangela Melato speaks, she sounds like the fast rattle of a machine gun. The cast is totally wonderful, the direction tight, with evocative single frame shots of Tunin in a pose, creating a "snapshot" feel, supporting his introspection as he plans. (An aside: what is up with Giannini's face? He looks like his face was covered in splotches freckles; he looked sickly and scary and did not look like this in "Swept Away") Anyway, a really powerful drama, the likes of which we just don't see today.
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To live like a dog or to die like a dog?
lasttimeisaw29 April 2016
To live like a dog or to die like a dog? It is an elemental question hovering above the head of a disaffected but weak-minded farmer Tunin (Giannini), after his anarchist friend being murdered by fascist police, he decisively joins the anarchist camp, and takes up his dead friend's cause, to kill Benito Mussolini. He arrives in Rome, and contacts his comrade Salomè (Melato), a premier prostitute in a brothel, who will assist to carry out his assassin plan. During a location scout with the unsuspecting Spatoletti (Pagni), the head of Mussolini's police division, Tunin falls for a young working girl Tripolina (Polito), will the mutually spontaneous romance spoil Tunin's determination of his action? Or, does it matter?

LOVE AND ANARCHY is Wertmüller's seventh feature, which debuted in Cannes in competition and won Giannini BEST ACTOR award. It is the second teamwork for Wertmüller, Giannini and Mariangela Melato, after THE SEDUCTION OF MIMI (1972), and they would try a third time in SWEPT AWAY (1974) one year later.

Freckle-faced, disheveled, Tunin is an honest but slow-witted countryside man, hasn't been to seaside before, he is not even a radical anarchist, but avenging the death of his friend, is the only thing he knows that can prove his worth, whether or not it is a suicidal mission. Fear is something he has to battle everyday, Giannini registers a viscerally soul-pulverising performance as Tunin, downplays his masculine charm and portrays him as a sympathetic, the salt of the earth sort, a cog in the machine, but radiates with those attributes what make human human. Mariangela Melato's Salomé, a spitfire driven by her own scores against the repressing government, is also superbly thrilling to behold, her piercing look, gravelly voice, worldly-wise flamboyance, and her unabashed camaraderie and affection towards Tunin, leaves a searing impact afterwards. A then 19-year-old Polito, a debutante in her full-fledged flapper outfit, thrusts herself into a more rational attempt to save her lover, only to no avail.

Wertmüller's resplendent depiction of the Italian brothel is certainly inspired by aesthetics of Fellini school, and her taste for music is admirably impeccable as well, whether it is classical pieces like Debussy's CLAIRE DE LUNE, or the catchy French ditty LA PETITE TONKINOISE by Vincent Scotto, together with Nino Rota's sentimentally melodious score, emotionality and vivacity are eternally among the national spirits running in the Mediterranean blood of Italian people, not even the ominous subject matter and demoralising situation can change its tonality.

Less heralded than Wermüller and Giannini's most acclaimed collaboration SEVEN BEAUTIES (1975), which earned both Oscar nominations (yes, Wermüller is the first woman who has even been nominated for BEST DIRECTOR), LOVE AND ANARCHY is no less a fine-crafted equivalent which speaks loud about its filmmakers' political slant and an outstanding melodrama can transfix its audience without compromising its thematic tragic.
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Multiple Viewings Recommended
aimless-461 April 2006
Rather than contend for film with the longest title, "Film of Love and Anarchy (or At Ten o'clock This Morning in Via dei Fiori in the Infamous House of Prostitution)" is better known by the more manageable "Love and Anarchy". This 1973 Lina Wertmüller thriller is a hard first watch because there is no suspense to grab the viewer and hook them into the story. I was only able to handle about 30 minutes at a time, not because it was unpleasant but because I was too uninvolved in the story to ignore distractions and interruptions. But while it withholds most of its appeal from the initial viewing, it yields something new each time it is viewed.

"Love and Anarchy" is more an expressionistic opera than a realistic thriller. Imagine "Cabaret" starring Charlie Chaplin's "Little Tramp" and you will have a good idea of its style.

It's main theme sneaks up and surprises you. U.S. viewers, dimly aware of the great depression and World War Two, suffer a complete cultural disconnect regarding the continuing legacy of fascism in Italy and Germany. Meaning that anti-fascist political messages are embedded in almost all post-war Italian cinema. But Wertmüller's "Love and Anarchy" has the broader theme of anti-extremism, taking shots at those who make major sacrifices out of perverted idealism and a lack historical perspective.

The film begins with its main character Tonino (Giancarlo Giannini) at a turning point in his life, the execution of an older relative for political subversion. After viewing the body on display in what would otherwise by an idyllic rural setting, Torino is inspired to take over what he perceives as his relative's mission, the assassination of Benito Mussolini.

Tonino goes to Rome and links up with his anarchist contact, a highly sought after call girl named Salomè (another Wertmuller regular Mariangela Melato), her brothel is popular with the Fascists and Mussolini's head of security, an arrogant blow-hard named Spatoletti (Eros Pagni), is especially fond of Salomè.

Tonino and young call girl Tripolina (Lina Polito) soon fall in love which serves to greatly complicate his mission.

I watched the widescreen version of the film on the Fox Lorber DVD, and contrary to several other comments I found no problems with the film transfer. My guess is that these refer to the variation in color tone as the film cuts between characters, but this is a deliberate effect by Wertmüller's. She lights each face differently to convey the character's motivation. The uncomplicated Torino is given natural lighting, the political Salomè is tinted red, and the disillusioned Tripolina is in shadow. These combine with bold colors, a surreal score, and acute camera angles that exaggerate elements and play with scale in many of the frames. The everyday scenes in the brothel are especially good, combining the audacious with the darkly comic. The best is a carnival-like montage to music showcasing the start of a busy day of business for the prostitutes and their eager customers.

In almost any other film Pagni would steal the whole thing with his overplayed performance but Melato matches him line for line. This contrasts nicely with the more subtle and nuanced performances of Giannini and Polito. Polito is very effective when Wertmüller makes use of her eyes in several close-ups.

There is much overwrought melodrama as Wertmüller uses a farcical tone to illustrate that the Fascists and their opposition are linked by a common hypocrisy and a shared perversion of idealism. Ironically the film is at its best during its quiet scenes such as Tornio and Tripolina's stroll through the plazas of the city.

This is an important film with an original message, fine performances from the entire ensemble, and really slick film-making techniques.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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A brilliant study of turmoil and human testing...
ch_otchy14 April 2004
Directed by Lina Wertmüller in 1973, "Love & Anarchy" is an indisputable classic. Universally identifiable and immediately entertaining, Wertmüller carries her audience into the mind and times of Turin, a peasant in 1930s Italy. When one of his close friends and idols is killed by fascists, Turin becomes obsessed with anarchist ideals he hardly understands, and sets off to exact an awful vendetta--the assassination of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. The plan gets off-track when Turin falls in love with Tripolina, a prostitute in the bordello where he lives in the days leading up to the assassination attempt. We soon learn that Tripolina returns his love, and the tragic stage is set. Knowing full well that the assassination attempt, successful or not, will surely mean his death, Turin is suddenly gripped by fear. When all he had at stake was a quiet life on the farm, he was glad to give it up for a chance at changing the quality of life for his peasant countrymen. But now, having tasted the happiness love can afford, can Turin really carry through with this suicidal act? Can he truly give up his life for a belief he once thought was worth dying?

"Love & Anarchy" is a brilliant study of turmoil and human testing in the face of insurmountable odds. It begs the question--is it better to bow and live, or stand up and die? How much can a people be crushed before someone makes a sacrifice for the betterment of society? Whose responsibility is it? And on a grander scale, is it better to live happily, contented by love or family, and leave the world untouched, or to attempt real change by sacrificing everything in exchange for it? "Love & Anarchy" poses all these questions, but it offers no easy answers.

Wertmüller's favorite actor, Giancarlo Giannini, plays the peasant boy, Turin, with beautiful humility. He wordlessly portrays infinite subtleties of emotion with body language and facial expression alone. Giannini has the face of a silent movie actor, and in fact was touted as a new Chaplin in the 1970s. Playing opposite him as the prostitute Salome is Mariangela Melato, who viewers may recognize from Wertmüller's "Swept Away." She, too, delivers a wonderful performance. The style and pacing of the film are excellent. Cinematographer Giuseppe Rotunno captures Rome in a gorgeous, yet unobtrusive manner.

In "Love & Anarchy," Wertmüller doesn't pull any punches. As par usual, she lets the politics of her movie decide the fate of its characters, and tragedy ensues. One must admire her for making an extraordinarily brave and beautiful film. She exhibits how powerful and effective a tragic story can truly be in exploring the more complex questions of life.
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A Masterpiece of Political Cinema
jayraskin118 April 2011
I saw this film two times in 1973 and a few years later again in art cinemas in the United States. I vividly remember the opening line, "I'm off to kill Mussolini. Screw the rest." While Fox Lorber put this film on DVD in 1997, it is now unavailable and sells for $37 used. I bought a made-in-China copy for $5 on Ebay. I was a bit upset when the first title read only "I'm off to kill Mussolini." I wondered why the change? Anyways the rest of the DVD seemed fine.

This is an amazing film. The acting by everyone is superb, with Giancarlo Gianini giving a performance that won him a best acting award at the Cannes film festival and should have won him an Oscar. He is Chaplinesque, but not imitative of Chaplin or anybody else. It is one of the most sympathetic performances ever given. In many scenes, he doesn't talk, but you sense his feelings of anger or sadness. His mass of freckles on his face make him look more like a 14 year old than a man planning a major political assassination. Mariangela Melato is sexy, foul-mouthed and hilarious. She also manages to make you believe that she is both a cynical prostitute and a politically and culturally aware anarchist. Lina Polito is the young prostitute with hope. She gives a performance similar to and as wonderful as Liza Minnelli in "Cabaret."

The musical score by Federico Fellini's main composer, Nino Rota, is energetic and terrific. It often counterpoints the action on the screen, bringing us away from it, and making some harsh scenes seem comical, but it also heightens the playfulness or menace in other crucial scenes. He won an Oscar for the Godfather Part II a few years later, but he deserved one here too.

This is a tribute to the European nihilist and anarchist movements of the 1800 and 1900's. It is also powerfully anti-fascist.

This is great and enthralling film-making. It is Lina Wertmuller's best film and still stands out today, nearly 40 years later, as a great historical and humanist work of art. It is sad that more people do not know about it and have not had the opportunity to experience it.

Having seen about 6,000 films (150 films X 40 years), I would put this one in the top twenty.
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Great movie. This movie deserves an 11.
PWNYCNY18 December 2008
Excellent movie. Fast-paced, witty, earthy, entertaining dialog that tells a compelling story. That coupled with excellent acting, great continuity, and an unconventional setting makes this movie a special entertainment event. The movie also dramatizes the life of those on the margins of society and takes the audience on an emotional ride, generously spiced with conflict, arguments, squabbles, reconciliations and above all comradeship and friendship as the story takes a group of otherwise unsavory characters and elevates them to the level of real, but unsung, heroes who, hiding behind their masks of moodiness and bravado, have consciousness and really do care and are willing to act on it. Can a foulmouthed prostitute and a half-deranged peasant be heroes? Is a brothel a legitimate setting for hatching political conspiracies? Are those who society usually despises capable of heroism? This movie is about love and heroism and shows that even the most downtrodden are capable of great acts of personal selflessness. Great movie.
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All time favourite
inquiry4430 January 2014
I saw this movie in the 1980s but it remains an all time favourite. It is a terrific story with a range of characters who demonstrate extremes of character. The women are sexy and smart and they are critical to the story. The music by Nino Rota is wonderful and delicately placed within the story. There are many memorable scenes. The stars Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato, and Lina Polito are perfect for their roles and there are many other notables including Eros Pagni who is the brute given charge of the black shirts. I've watched this film at least a dozen times and I plan to watch it many more before I return to the earth. I commend Love and Anarchy to you.
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Tunin has been ordered to kill Mussolini but love and strange events will make change his ideas
federicoperri10 July 2007
Giannini at his best , a cult wertmuller movie that has been forgotten but it's a very good movie not only for Italian public but also for cinema lovers of all genres. it's the story of a poor man , Tunin which he must kill Mussolini during a ceremony. So he stayed for a couple of days in a house where there are women that offer sexual lends by paying. Tunin will fall in love with two of them and that will be negative for his mission. The excellent acting and the lina wertmuller's directing made this film a masterpiece and a realistic portrait of Italy of the '30. Giancarlo Giannini and Mariangela Melato are really wonderful and they show that Italian acting is at American level
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Lots of anarchy but very little love
raskimono30 November 2002
The well-regarded director Wertmuller made this movie which is a slow study into how brutality and violence can be saved my love in my opinion. It is very operatic which is how she chose to attack it. The direction, I can say is flawless but the movie feels incomplete. First, I am more the director who uses visual images rather than hammy stagey dialogue to tell their stories. Carnini is the only actor who does not use a pantomime, overexagerrated style in the movie until the very end, while everybody else does. It softens the impact of the movie as it is the quieter moments that carry real weight. The style of direction is very narchiac with wonderful wide shots and good editing creating an effigy of exuberance over the picture. Most of the picture set in an italian bordello where the fascists of italy stay is a place for both love between carnini and pesilamo. Images are beautiful, and certain individual scenes work while others don't. We are left with a great understanding of what love must feel like but the brutality of man is never explained. It esssentially sets up the theory that all fascists are naturally evil. The ending tells us it is the stoty of one man while the movie sets it up as the story of every man. This the best explanation I can give without speaking too much about its plot. Wertmuller was much better in Swept away and seven beauties. But for an introduction to Wertmuller, and arty Italian cinema of the sixties and seventies which dealt very operaticly with evils of fascism.
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mirkobozic26 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lina Wertmüller, the brilliant director who had her masterpiece Swept Away famously ravaged by Madonna,seems to have an approach to her actors like a woman to a great couture dress: if it works great, wear it again. And this she did-just like in Swept Away, we have Giancarlo Giannini and Maria Mellato in the leading roles, playing a country boy coming to Rome to avenge his friend's assassination by the Fascists through murdering Mussolini. Though Fascicsm may be the motif driving the story, the center stage for this juicy treat of a film is a Roman brothel where Giannini's character finds refuge, and gets drawn into the miniature universe of prostitutes and Madames varying from obnoxiously ugly to attractive, but each one loud-mouthed and bursting with passion regarding everything they do or say. Giannini created a masterpiece with his leading role, a man tortured both spiritually and visually, but we still can see the beauty of his piercing blue eyes underneath all that dirt and scars. Melato turned the prostitute stereotype into a whole new direction with the twist in the end where we see that even though she'd never admit it, it's not always about the money, but about the heart. Lina Wermtüller's movies usually revolve around male-female stories put into some sort of an extreme environment(a deserted island, fascist Rome), which makes her stories essentially much smaller in scale, at least when it comes to the core, a cat-and-mouse play between two equally passionate people. Of course, you have all your Italian stereotypes neatly arranged here as if it were on a shelf: curvy,beautiful girls, lots of smoking, cursing and alcohol, a bit of politics and a love story. As they would say: bravissimo.
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The dialog is where the heart is
petrichw16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The dialog before the climax scene (he misses the assassination of Mussolini) reveals important dialog about the many different perspectives of fulfilling the anarchist dream of assassinating Mussolini. Many perspectives are considered and many pieces of the chess board fell into place. Many things about this film make it great (actresses who play prostitutes, as well as Mussolini's strong arm character), cinematography, music, the pacing. Its the dialog here which revealed to me the brilliance of Love and Anarchy. I consider this dialog scene which more power and force than the main characters death scene!
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Mr. Nemo
cindycita7619 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I loved, loved, loved this film. This is Wertmuller's best film in my opinion.

SPOILERS Tunin is a poor farmer from the south who decides he must take over the role of Mussolini's assassin after his older, anarchist friend is killed by the fascists in his attempt to assassinate Mussolini.

Tunin meets his conspiratorial contact in a brothel, where she works undercover, so to speak. He also meets another prostitute with whom he falls in love. Wertmuller does a very good job with the romantic storyline as well.

Although Tunin's first reason for assassinating Mussolini was that he "hates tyrants," he also was doing it to get revenge for his friend, but also he hoped that in this act he would "beome" someone. This story had a more universal theme of how people try to become "someone" when they feel like a "no one," and it also makes you wonder how many people there are that were like Tunin, trying to change things and failing to the point that no one even knew they had tried in the first place.

Sadly, in the end, Tunin remains an unknown, and it is so sad, yet the ending is so well done, and I really think the original title is much more powerful than just "Love and Anarchy" because of the ending. At 10 o'clock in the morning, in via dei Fiori, in a well-known brothel... he is no one. I love Giancarlo Giannini, and he does a really good job in this film playing a different character than his usual Wertmuller characters.
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Wertmuller: Modern Film Genius - Love and Anarchy
arthur_tafero22 August 2021
Lina Wertmuller was the natural successor to Fellini and one of the greatest directors of all time. She displays her mastery here in one of her gems Love and Anarchy. Giancarlo Giannini is the successor to Marcello Mastroianni, and Melato is a worthy successor to Loren. It is amazing how Italian cinema is a lot like the Yankees; They went from Ruth to Gehrig without blinking on then on to Dimaggio and Mantle the same way. So it is with Italian cinema. From Wertmuller, Giannini and Melato, Italian filmmaking moved seamlessly into the Tornatore period with his masterpiece Cinema Paradiso. Love and Anarchy is a bit raw, but that was what life was like precisely in Mussolini's Italy before his downfall. A great film.
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This morning at 10 in via dei Fiori, in the well-known ...
thalassafischer5 May 2023
This is an epic film for our times just as much as 50 years ago when it was created, and in pre-WW2 fascist Italy. There is so much in this film that is tragically comparable to the world today that I feel it is a must see for everyone. I watch a lot of 1970s Italian cinema but primarily gialli and horror because Fellini is too obnoxiously self-indulgent for me. I feel grateful to find Love and Anarchy here on IMDB just because I took a poll on which actors' film recommendations I would want to see, and I quite naturally chose 1970s Italian arthouse cinema.

Beautiful, funny, philosophical and sad, Lina Wertmullers socialist film set in a 1930s brothel ticks all my boxes in terms of content, aesthetics, fashion, and ideas. I am also pleased this is in Italian and not horribly dubbed into English which would render this serious film ridiculous.
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Highly entertaining, witty, ...
BOUF15 March 2000
Giannini is hilarious as a dim-witted hayseed anarchist, who, en route to assassinate Mussolini falls in love. An exuberant, vital, full throttle feast of a film, mostly set in a lusciously decadent Roman brothel, where Wertmuller, (who also wrote the very witty script) successfully directs the extraordinary (and excellently acted) characters through wild changes of mood, and juggles powerful politics, tender romance, horrible farce and tragedy with exceptional flair. Rotunno's photography is delicious; the unusually potent period atmosphere is splendidly captured by Enrico Job (Mr Wertmuller) and the music by Rota/Savina is perfect. Wertmuller at her most accessible.
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