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Interesting Look At The Political Intrigues Of The Tudor Court
sddavis6327 February 2002
For anyone interested in the history of England's Tudor dynasty, this is definitely a must-see film. The most famous of the Tudors are King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I, but this film offers up a look at the intrigues within the court in the period between Henry's death and Elizabeth's accession, as Catholic Princess Mary strives to gain the throne after the death of her Protestant brother King Edward VI. The religious divisions caused by Henry VIII's embrace of the Reformation are well documented and believably portrayed.

Helena Bonham Carter plays the title role - Lady Jane Grey - cousin of the young King Edward and a fanatical Protestant who is manouvered into taking the throne after Edward's death at the age of 15. Jane - also 15 - is at first overwhelmed by the thought of being Queen, but then embraces the throne. Her immaturity, however, and wilfullness (not surprisingly for a 15 year old) get the better of her and lead to her downfall after only nine days on the throne, and Mary's accession. Carter was excellent in this role. Cary Elwes also offered up a strong performance as Guilford Dudley, whom Jane is forced to marry against her will, but whom she falls passionately in love with. The supporting cast included performances - all of them quite good - by Sara Kestelman as Jane's mother Frances, Patrick Stewart as her father Henry, John Wood as the Duke of Northumberland (Guilford's father), Warren Saire as the young King Edward, and - playing this role absolutely perfectly - Michael Hordern as Dr. Feckenham, confessor to Princess Mary. In fact, there really wasn't a sub-par performance in this movie.

It isn't perfect, mind you. It's a little bit too long, and I found myself, particularly in the last hour or so, wondering when it would end. Some of the history is questionable. Many historians think that neither Jane nor Edward were as innocent in the plot to keep Mary from the throne as the movie portrays them, and the love story between Jane and Guilford is, as I understand it, largely fictional. But the basics are quite correct, the behind the scenes plotting believably portrayed and the religious struggle of the time absolutely authentic. It's well worth watching this movie if you are interested in this period of English history.

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The Nine Days Wonder
JamesHitchcock3 September 2012
Lady Jane Grey, the "Nine Days' Wonder", is a controversial figure in English history, one of a small group of English "monarchs" whose right to that title is accepted by some historians and denied by others. (Others include Queen Matilda, King Louis and King Philip, the husband of Jane's nemesis Queen Mary I). To some, mostly Protestants, she is Queen Jane, the rightful Queen of England for the nine days between 10th and 19th July 1553. To others, mostly Catholics, Mary was rightfully Queen from the death of her half-brother Edward VI and Jane a mere usurper.

Legally, in fact, the position was complicated. Mary, like her sister Elizabeth, had been declared a bastard by their father Henry VIII. Towards the end of his life, however, Henry had passed the Third Succession Act, which restored his daughters to the line of succession without formally legitimising them. Edward, as he lay dying, had executed a will excluding Mary and Elizabeth from the succession and naming his cousin Jane as his successor, although, because this will had not yet been ratified by Parliament at the time of his death, Mary's supporters argued that it carried less weight than Henry's Act. Jane was proclaimed Queen by the Privy Council, who then promptly abandoned her when they realised that Mary enjoyed more popular support and that attempts to prevent her accession were doomed to failure.

"Lady Jane" was the third British film about Jane's life after a silent version from the 1920s and "Tudor Rose" from 1936, neither of which I have seen. It was made in 1986, during the "Thatcher Years", to a script by the well-known left-wing playwright David Edgar, so it is perhaps unsurprising that it is essentially Tudor history rewritten to suit the Guardian-reading classes of the 1980s. It is a curious mixture of costume drama and political tract, of fact and fiction. It follows the essential outlines of Lady Jane's story but contains two major divergences from historical fact.

The first of these concerns the relationship between Jane and her husband Lord Guilford Dudley. At first Edgar paints them as they are portrayed in most history books- Jane as intellectually precocious, scholarly and devoutly religious, Guilford as a debauched young man more interested in frequenting taverns and whorehouses than in reading Plato. Both are initially reluctant to marry and have to be coerced by their parents, who see the match as politically and financially advantageous. In the film, however, Jane and Guilford quickly fall deeply in love, although the historical evidence suggests that they disliked one another intensely throughout their marriage.

Edgar's second major divergence from history is his attempt to introduce twentieth-century politics into the period. During their brief reign Jane and Guilford are so shocked by the poverty of their subjects that they introduce a reformist political agenda- distribution of land among the peasantry, state-funded relief of poverty, universal free education based upon progressive principles and the abolition of corporal punishment. At times I thought I was watching an alternate history fantasy about how England, under the enlightened rule of Queen Jane the Good, became the world's first socialist welfare state nearly four centuries before such ideas caught on in the rest of the world. In the film it is this reformist agenda, as much as any popular support for Mary, which causes Jane's Council to abandon her cause, her Councillors all being wealthy Establishment figures with much to lose from such socio-economic reforms. Also, Mary's determination to marry Philip of Spain was due more to political considerations than to romantic love, and Thomas Wyatt's rebellion did not aim to restore Jane to the throne. (By 1554 England's Protestants had turned to Elizabeth as their champion).

And yet, despite Edgar's tendentious distortion of history, this was a film which I enjoyed in many ways. The love story of Jane and Guilford, however ahistorical it might be, was touchingly handled. Helena Bonham Carter, in her second major film role, was not as good as she had been in "A Room with a View" the previous year, making Jane perhaps rather too priggish. Cary Elwes, however, is good, playing as Guilford as that familiar figure from coming-of-age dramas, the truculent, rebellious teenager who matures into a sensitive, caring young man when he finds true love. Jane Lapotaire is also good as Queen Mary, making her more sympathetic than one would expect given her popular reputation as the tyrannical "Bloody Mary". It is a far more subtle portrayal of the Queen than Kathy Burke's demented fishwife in "Elizabeth". Other good performances come from Patrick Stewart and Sara Kestelman as Jane's overbearing parents, John Wood as her devious, scheming father-in-law the Duke of Northumberland, Warren Saire as the tormented King Edward and Michael Hordern as Doctor Feckenham, the elderly Catholic theologian who vainly tries to convert Jane to his faith. (Despite Edgar's modernising agenda, he does not try to hide the religious controversies of the period, with Jane's fervent Protestantism and Mary's equally fervent Catholicism much to the fore).

The film was directed by Trevor Nunn, best-known as a stage and television director. It is one of only three feature films he has made, the others being adaptations of Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" and Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". Yet on the basis of this film and "Twelfth Night" (I have never seen "Hedda") it seems a pity that he has not worked more in the cinema. Here he handles his material well, the story moves fluently and there are a number of memorable scenes. I was particularly struck by the one where Jane and Guilford announce their wishes for the country, with each wish smashing a wine-glass with the exclamation "Then it is done!" Even though it might tell us more about the 1980s than the 1550s, "Lady Jane" is still a very watchable historical romance-drama. 7/10
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Well done on the whole
TheLittleSongbird20 November 2014
Lady Jane had much going for it, including a talented cast, that it had Trevor Nunn directing and that it was covering an interesting but not-quite-as-well-known part of Tudor history. And while it has its imperfections it is more than worthwhile. Some of the first part of the film is sluggishly paced, the film is often over-scored in both a bombastic and syrupy way(though also with some lovely moments) and a lot of the supporting roles are written in a stock way(ie. Duke of Northumberland, as untrustworthy as the man was I'm not sure whether he was quite the scheming villain that the film made him out to be, could be wrong though). There is also one unbelievable scene which was when Jane swore that her husband would never be given the title of king, that would have made sense if the film had maintained that Jane and Guildford hated each other but instead it makes them madly in love which was rather conflicting.

However, there is much to recommend. If you're wondering how accurate Lady Jane is to history, in places it does play fast and loose(the romance being the biggest one) but most of the time it is accurate(especially with Jane's execution), at least it didn't feel grossly distorted and gratuitous like Henry VIII with Ray Winstone did. First off, Lady Jane is incredibly well-made, the costumes, sets and scenery are colourful and immaculate in detail(perhaps too much so at times), the lighting is dynamic and the photography is beautiful. The script doesn't do as good a job with developing the supporting roles but does a wonderful job with Jane, who goes through several character stages. The dialogue is thoughtful and avoids being too mawkish. The story is compellingly told and plausible on the whole, despite a few pacing lulls and that one conflict in the central romance, there's plenty to be entertained by and the ending is truly emotional. The romance is not 100% believable and has an 1980s feel at times, but it was also rather touching and the chemistry between Helena Bonham Carter and Cary Elwes smolders. Trevor Nunn directs beautifully, and Lady Jane is very well cast and acted. Helena Bonham Carter is both sexy and fiery but in the later parts she's heartfelt as well, while Cary Elwes is similarly excellent. John Wood's Northumberland is one of his serious roles and he does great at being sinister and Patrick Stewart plays a scheming, cold-hearted character menacingly and movingly. Jane Lapotaire is a haunting Mary and Michael Hordern and Sara Kestelman's performances are fine too.

In conclusion, imperfect but well done. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Historical and yet not for History Buffs
Tim Ewing5 May 2002
"The next time I see your face, I want it for eternity." If you know much at all about Lady Jane Grey and her unfortunate marriage to Guildford Dudley, you must know this cannot at all be what she said to him as they were parted for the last time. Yet the story branches away from the historical aspects of Jane's life and builds up a romance completely created in the minds of the writers, who have done an excellent job. In the beginning, the scene at Bradgate in Leicester, with the dance for the King, is extremely well shot. The plot thickens between the cunning Earl of Northumberland and the cold, greedy Duchess of Suffolk, while Jane argues theology with the Catholic doctor. Comparing this with history, I believe this was also very well written; from what I've read on Jane Grey (I have done extensive Tudor period research) I know she was very Protestant and, unlike the later Queen Elizabeth, very willing to argue on the topic of religion. Perhaps my favorite scene in the entire movie is the one where Jane goes to visit the Princess Mary. In this scene the Renaissance class system is extremely well depicted. The outwardly friendly but rather sneaky nature the Princess' maid (I believe that is Lady Anne Wharton) conducts herself shows the "subservience of the lesser nobility"; the proud way Jane speaks to the maid shows what the upper nobility could do; and then the regal, majestic, icy cold way the Princess Mary enters the room and "embraces" her second-cousin is the perfect example of a Princess of two royal bloodlines. Later, the love that blooms between Guildford and Jane will, without a doubt, sweep you off your feet. If you've ever been in love, I guarantee you'll relive some fond memories there. Overall, an excellent movie and highly recommended.
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Beautiful Historic Movie
shamza00720 August 2018
Lady jane is an excellent historical movie. The plot of the movie is very accurate with actual historical events. The movie is very emotional and is one of the rare romantic movies that i actually like. The performance of both the lead actors was spectacular. In short, this is a movie that is a must to watch
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Beautiful and Moving
wildebeest-213 April 2001
It's hard for me to be objective about this film as I find both the main actors so divine, but I thought the portrayal of the developing romance extremely moving, by the time the film ended I was sobbing, and I say that about almost NO movie.

The cinematography was stunning, both indoor and outdoor shots were beautifully visualised and captured. The sets and costumes also were extremely well done.
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Extremely historically inaccurate, ..but enjoyable
elle_kittyca6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I give this film a 7 our of ten with an important caveat-it is far more inaccurate historically than any decent historical film should be. I am not talking about the small kind of details than many historically oriented people might complain about... I'm talking about the major details such as the focus on reforming the shilling, which is made to look like a major accomplishment of Jane's even though it did not occur at all in her very very short reign. Most of this film is completely fabricated, from the depiction of her personality to the relationship with her husband. The only thing that is true is that she was used as a pawn by people around her who wanted a protestant queen instead of Catholic queen....and their misuse of her in this plot cost her her life. In all likelihood, so much of the biographical details are fictionalized because we have so little information on what she was really like.

The reason I give the film so high a rating is that its a total guilty pleasure for someone who likes a a bit of historical drama. Helena B-Carter is great as a a Jane that is willful, but both strong and vulnerable at the same time She's a pleasure to watch in this, even if we have little information to suggest how Jane herself was. I also like the complexity of the relationship with her husband, even though by most historic accounts, he was a drunken louse and there's no reason to believe they won each others hearts as they did in the film. In short, this is a reasonably well written and presented historical drama, even if not a great representation of Jane and her life.
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Cheesy as it sounds, I laughed, I cried, and I was awed.
trepidatio29 October 2002
The first thing to love about this movie is how good it is at being a historical drama. It opens by telling you what has come before, and the ending is made even more poignant (if that is possible) by knowing what will come after. In between, it stays far more authentic than many "historical" movies ever bother to with little apparent effort. This ease is due not only to the gripping bit of history being told, but to the superb acting by all the major players.

While none of the performances are bad, or even mediocre, some bits manage to shine even brighter. Jane Lapotaire as Princess Mary is wonderfully haunted by longing and desperation behind the strong, poised front. Patrick Stewart shows us ever so briefly that his Henry Grey is not only a cold-hearted conspirator and dominating patriarch, but a father who desperate needs to make things right for his little girl. Helena Bonham Carter and Cary Elwes play superbly off each other as Lady Jane Grey and Guilford Dudley, bringing out nuances in each other's performance that cement the core of this beautiful story.
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Sympathetic portrait of the Tudor Era's brief tragic queen
roghache5 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love these historical Tudor dramas, such as the earlier Mary Queen of Scots with Vanessa Redgrave and Glenda Jackson. However, I confess that I caught this one on television and missed a few parts. Unfortunately, I'm not an expert either on the history of its title character, nicknamed the Nine Days Queen, so am going somewhat by others' comments on the historical accuracy.

The film chronicles the succession chaos following the death of Henry VIII. When the new king, Henry's sickly teenage son, Edward VI is dying, a scheming minister, John Dudley (Duke of Northumberland), concocts a scheme to ensure a Protestant succession by marrying off his own son, Guildford, to the young king's royal cousin, Lady Jane Grey, a devout Protestant. Lady Jane is merely a pawn forced by her parents to acquiesce to this arranged marriage and claim to the throne. Although at first she detests her new husband, as time passes, the couple fall passionately in love. However, all is not well. Henry VIII's daughter, Mary, claims the crown for herself and must therefore eliminate the young usurper, resulting in the execution of both Jane and Guildford.

This is an interesting tale of Tudor court intrigue, with the period costumes, castles, and scenes all beautifully done.

Helena Bonham Carter, a very young actress herself, brings a sympathetic portrayal of the 15 year old bookish, devout Lady Jane, coerced by her parents into an unwanted marriage. Also, this young queen's willingness to sacrifice her life rather than renounce her faith (if this is indeed historical) serves as an inspiration for us all. Patrick Stewart is particularly forceful (as always) in his role as Jane's domineering father, Henry Grey, who eventually springs to his daughter's defense by leading a rebellion on her behalf.

My problem lies mainly with the historical accuracy. If there is no evidence of true love existing between Jane and Guildford Dudley, it isn't acceptable to simply concoct a sort of Romeo and Juliet type romance out of the story, in order to keep audiences entertained. Perhaps a bit of dramatic license is tolerable with historical figures, but not to this extent. I remember being quite touched by Jane's genuine friendship with her cousin, the sickly young King Edward, which is perhaps more historically based.

Lady Jane's claim to the throne was indeed a weak one, and the crown went to Henry VIII's closer kin, his two daughters, first Mary and then Elizabeth. Mary was his older Catholic daughter by his divorced first wife, Katherine of Aragon. This tragic, much maligned figure, who came to be known as Bloody Mary, was poorly treated by both her father and her husband, Philip of Spain, with whom she failed to produce an heir. Elizabeth, Henry's younger Protestant daughter and offspring of his second wife (Anne Boleyn), enjoyed a long reign as Elizabeth I. Lady Jane Grey's story is indeed a tragic one, but she was merely Henry VIII's great niece, a much more distant relative than his daughters.
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Very memorable
gweniviere9 May 2002
This is one of those movies where after you turn it off, it sticks with you. The acting is exquisite and the whole movie is executed with sensitivity. After watching it, I felt like I had to know more about Lady Jane Grey's real story. The truth, as the history books tell it, isn't quite as pretty or romantic as the movie made it seem, but other than that it is very historically accurate as most period piece movies go. I would strongly recommend this film (10 stars!) and would see it over again.
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Interesting Costumer describes the turbulent and brief ascension to the throne of Lady Jane Grey and Guilford Dudley
ma-cortes30 September 2013
A dramatization of Lady Jane Grey's short life ,as the death of King Henry VIII throws his kingdom into chaos because of succession disputes . It deals with Jane Grey (a very young Helena Bonham Carter) from her forced marriage , which she resisted at the beginning , though after falling in love for Guilford Dudley (Gary Elwes, director Trevor Nunn personally chose him to star this role , Nunn later offered Elwes to join the Royal Shakespeare Company) to her brief reign as monarch of England , his early downfall and finally , to her ultimate beheading . The film portrays her as an innocent set up for the slaughter while the scheming courtiers and pretenders to the throne barely pay her mind, as they stab each other in the back in their attempts to gain power and influence . Anxious to keep England true to the Anglican Reformation, a scheming minister John Dudley , the Duke of Nothumberland (John Wood) marries off his son to Lady Jane Grey, whom he places on the throne after Edward VI dies . Thomas Wyatt was the leader of the rebellion, proclaiming her Queen of England , her father, Henry, was a part of this rebellion. But all of them cannot withstand the course of power which will lead to their definitive fall . In 1553, Lady Jane Grey ruled the throne in Britain for just nine days. Jane was imprisoned along with Guilford ; in reality, Lady Jane and Guilford Dudley barely knew each other and were not together during their imprisonment . She was aged sixteen years when she was the Queen of England . She was the Grand Niece of King Henry VIII. Jane Grey is rarely referred to as Queen Jane and is more commonly known as Lady Jane .

This is a correct portrayal about political intrigue , lovers and war during Edward VI , Henry VIII's weak son , is on his deathbed . As are splendidly recreated intrigues , treason , turmoil and power fight of its time , including the troublesome days and machinations surrounding . It deals with a wonderful love story between Lady Jane Grey and Lord Guilford ; at first hostile to each other, but later they fall in love . It's magnificently captured by marvelous sets , splendid production design and glamorous gowns . This elaborate , colorful costumer drama packs outstanding performances from an extraordinary support cast . As the film was cast with several members of the Royal Shakespeare Company . These included prestigious players as John Wood, Michael Hordern, Patrick Stewart, Sara Kestelman, writer David Edgar, and the film's director, Trevor Nunn, who was also the Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company . This was the third filmed for the cinema version of the Lady Jane story . The tale had been filmed twice before for the big screen, the most recent at the time was half a century earlier in 1936, as The Tudor Rose , and before that, the first time in 1923, about sixty-three years earlier, as Lady Jane Grey ; or, The Court of Intrigue.

Colorful as well as glowing cinematography , being final British film shot by veteran English cinematographer Douglas Slocombe , the picture was also the penultimate film overall lensed by Slocombe, whose final film was Indiana Jones and the last crusade about three years later . Evocative musical score plenty of chores , lyrics and Baroque music , being the only ever cinema film score composed by music composer Stephen Oliver whose work was mostly in television. The motion picture was well directed by Trevor Nunn . This was first theatrical film for director Trevor in eleven years , the last had been Hedda in 1975 and the third and final was Twelfth Night or What You Will ; all three pictures are costume period films.
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The most romantic period movie ever made
belinda_au12 June 2007
This is definitely a tissue box movie girls, so keep a full box handy.

I first met this young couple, Lady Jane and Guildford, in 1990 and watched it over and over until I had my favourite quotes down pat, like all those mentioned on this site.

The music and drama draw you into the movie, from the opening scenes with the pounding horse hooves to the passion and love found in the closing scenes.

Seeing the movie 15 years later renewed old emotions, dreams and memories of the past. I've encouraged friends to watch it with me, including my new husband! He won't admit it, but even for a period movie, he enjoyed it. He also enjoyed teasing me when I was blowing my nose through the final scenes. I cry every time! It's such a touching and inspirational movie, of the excitement of first love, family torment, and just wanting to experience life and make a difference.

I highly recommend this movie, it has something in it for everyone.
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history... ish *Spoilers
ksf-215 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers - True-ish story of the time period between the rulers in England, 1553, when Seymour, Duke of Somerset was knocked off, and Edward VI had croaked. Helena Carter is Jane, Cary Elwes (Princess B!!) is her future husband, Guilford Dudley. The amazing Patrick Stewart is Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, aka Jane's dad. Jane only cares about her studies, and refuses to be married. Dudley is a wild child and doesn't really want to be married either. But it's all to keep the "right" religion protestants at the forefront, so they did what they must do out of duty. When the king died, Mary was still around, and would have the support of the catholics, so they rushed Jane to the throne, for a mere nine days. Until... Mary showed up and orders executions all around. According to wikipedia dot com, the only one spared was Jane's mother, who had married into the royal court, and was pardoned by Mary. And some of Jane's siblings. Wikipedia seems to have a very detailed account of the execution, and what led up to it. It's speculated that when Jane's father fought for the rebellion, this helped ensure her own execution. In spite of the fact that some wanted Jane pardoned. The film is quite good, in spite of taking numerous liberties with the facts. Directed by Trevor Nunn. Had written and directed a mix of things, including some shakespeare.
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Reverend300020 May 2014
Helen-Bonham Carter and Cary Elwes give fine performances in the lead roles. Also I think the portrayal of Mary I in this film was good. But despite some of the good performances, I found this movie not very pleasing.

Having read several books on the historical Jane Grey, it is hard to honestly find good in this film despite its historic inaccuracies. But putting aside, when looking at this at a cinematic standpoint alone, I still find much about it I don't enjoy.

The romance between the two leads, makes for what one would call a good "chick flick". However, I think most audience, regardless of gender, would find this display of the romance heavily mawkish. It is hard for me to relate to, and I am someone who usually enjoys romance in film.

Outside of the two leads, the rest of the characters come off as very cardboard-like. And they seem to fit into two different camps: a) plotters/schemers (which no doubt, that kind of thing definitely went on in the Tudor court) and b) honorable people (but are kept at surface level).

For as much cinematic liberties as this took. Some of these character (though usually historic) should've just been molded into one character to save on time for casting, and because it seemed excessive to have as many historic portrayals as they did all in one movie.

I tried to find much good in this film, and I just couldn't. I'd recommend Tudor Rose (1936) aka. Nine Days a Queen, as the superior of these two films in presenting the story as well. Tudor Rose was an incredibly moving picture,and concise (unlike the needlessly lengthy runtime of Lady Jane) but with great performances all around by a solid 30's British cast. It wasn't as historically accurate either. But from a cinematic standpoint, I found Tudor Rose better than this film in terms of Jane Grey movies.
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4 stars
Forbes-321 February 1999
I first saw this movie in 88 on cable, and have seen it numerous times since. I never tire of watching it. It was the first Elwes movie I saw, and was so moved by his performance, that I have become a dedicated fan of his since. Although in real life Jane and Gilford never loved each other, the on screen love story is very moving. Lady Jane is an excellent, yet, overlooked, piece of work, and I highly recommend it.
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A very early look at Helena Bonham Carter...
AlsExGal10 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
.. when she had those china doll looks. In fact this is just her second film role. The reign of Lady Jane Grey is a fascinating look at how far the English ruling class were willing to go to NOT go back to Catholicism under Mary Tudor, a Roman Catholic, and next in the line of succession after Edward, Henry VIII's only and very sickly son.

You see a friendship blossom between Jane (Carter), a bookish girl, and King Edward. You - and her relatives - think that she will marry the king when the time is right. But then they learn that the king is dying. Not apparent yet, but soon it will be apparent to everybody. So Jane's relatives and John Dudley hatch a plan to have the king will his kingdom to Jane. But since England has never had a queen at this point, she will need to marry John Dudley's son, Guildford, so there can be a titular king and also, so there is something in it for John Dudley. But Jane will have none of it and is half beaten to death before she acquiesces to the marriage. Now at this point, just about everything is true. Jane was actually in love with a member of the Seymour family, not the king, but still, close enough.

But after the marriage, thtese two - Jane and Guildford - fall passionately in love. How could it not be when Guildford Dudley is played by the dashing Cary Elwes. This is complete fiction, the marriage was never consummated, and Jane considered Guildford a complete dolt probably because he was one. In the film, however, Jane's idealism rubs off on Guildford, and as a result the film has Jane pushing her weight around and making the kind of bad decisions you'd expect from a 16 year old monarch. Mary manages to rally the people to her side and take back the throne shortly thereafter. But it does turn out to be true that Mary was everything the Protestant ruling class thought she would be - especially the blood thirsty religious fanatic part.

The film got another thing right. Mary really did love King Phillip of Spain, whom she married. He really didn't care for her at all, and it did break her heart.

The direction, cinematography, costume design, and acting were all splendid. The goofy arranged marriage romance made me roll my eyes, but I guess you have to sell tickets or else you have a BBC documentary on your hands.

It is worth your time if just to see a couple of young actors at the beginning of their careers. At the time they were both completely unknown and I still remember it 35 years later. It is seldom broadcast.
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Wonderful Film!
spot_n_race_goil16 October 2002
I had to watch this movie for a British History course, and I was fully expecting to be bored during the entire thing, but I was so pleasantly suprised! This was a great movie - great acting, directing, plot, settings, etc. And apparently it's a great movie to watch to get a feel for that period in England, 'cause my professor made us watch it. I would definitely recommend this movie to anybody who has ever watched and enjoyed any period drama before!
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Nine-Day Queen
AaronCapenBanner27 November 2013
Trevor Nunn directed this true historical account of the circumstances that led to the succession of the royal throne of England in the 16th century. Helena Bonham Carter plays 15-year old Lady Jane Grey, who is pushed into the throne by royal ministers after the death of King Henry the VIII. His son Edward is dying, and the reform-minded ministers do not want the Princess Mary as queen, because she is catholic, and Jane is protestant. Jane is forced to marry Guilford Dudley(played by Cary Elwes) to be Queen, but they do eventually fall in love, and decide to institute further reforms, which alarms the ministers, and seals their fates, as Princess Mary is leading her forces to usurp Jane... Fine cast and production in this handsomely mounted and interesting film. Certain historical facts may have been tweaked, and it is a bit long, but overall it works, with a moving ending.
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Tudor Romance
bkoganbing12 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
To see the real story of where Lady Jane Grey's tragic life had it start one might look at the Disney film, The Sword and the Rose. In that one, soldier of fortune Charles Brandon (Richard Todd) wooed and won Henry VIII's sister Mary (Glynis Johns). Their grand daughter was Lady Jane Grey who for a brief nine days was recognized by some as the Queen of England.

Jane Grey (1537-1554) was a quiet, learned, and pious young woman who was a pawn in a power play by the Duke of Northumberland played by John Wood. The minor King Edward VI was a sickly lad who inherited the throne from his father Henry VIII. His original guardians were his uncles Thomas and Edward Seymour, but they got to quarreling and both eventually made it to the executioner's block. In fact Lady Jane Grey opens with Edward Seymour's execution and the Duke of Northumberland assuming guardianship.

But he knows he's got a sickly dying king and to preserve the newly formed Anglican church that will go by the boards if the Catholic Mary Tudor inherits the throne, he needs a Protestant on the throne. Of course he wants to insure his own dominance.

To do that he and Jane's parents get an arranged marriage with his youngest son, Guilford Dudley who mostly is interested in sampling the fleshpots of whatever town he's in. Still he's a handsome bloke if I do say so.

Lady Jane gives you the politics, but concentrates on a legendary romance that actually developed out of this arranged marriage. Cary Elwes as Guilford and Helena Bonham Carter as Jane are one appealing pair. They may or may not have been that taken with each other as presented here, but why let that get in the way of an appealing story.

By all accounts John Wood as the Duke of Northumberland was as big an intriguer and egomaniac as presented here. Allegedly he had one overbearing personality and the royal council went to the Catholic Mary rather than deal with him any longer. A lot of them had reason to regret that shortly.

Sara Kestelman and Patrick Stewart are Jane's parents, a pair of greedy rogues if there ever were. Stewart gets his just desserts, but Kestelman as Frances if anything was downplayed. She actually gave up her place in the line of succession for her daughter because between all of them, they thought they could control Jane and Guilford. By all accounts she was one malignant witch of a woman who actually survived it all.

The most touching performance here is young Warren Saire as the terminally ill Edward VI. The kid who changed places with a doppleganger beggar boy did not have a happy reign while he was in his minority. He so wanted to live and secure a Tudor succession.

Lady Jane isn't accurate history, but it's still a fine film with a good cast and thoroughly enjoyable.
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lady Jane, victim of political ambition of others
I found this very enjoyable, and its refreshing to watch a character from Tudor history, that doesn't really get much attention, when it comes to history in fiction. Helena Bonham Carter , played this role well.

Lady Jane was well educated, and great granddaughter of Henry vii England, also great granddaughter of of Thomas grey,1st marquess of Dorset, a son to late queen consort Elizabeth Woodville, by her first marriageto John of Groby.

Very sad tale of young girl who was victim of others political ambitions. What I know of her mother, she was very strict. And was not named in the ,line of succession.Her mother being the daughter of Mary Tudor, (Henry VIII sister). Its fascinating how peoples lives in this era all intertwine with each other. Lady Jane at one stage was brought up in same household I believe as the young Elizabeth Ist,& and also was ward of Thomas Seymour.King Edward Vi uncle.whom himself was executed for treason,along same lines of political ambition.He set his devious eye on Young Elizabeth, and also on marrying Lady Jane toEdward Vi.

Its seems quite common thing in this era to set their sights quite high, to end up getting the chop. Good film.
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Carter and Elwes shine.
CLW20 November 1998
This film beautifully demonstrates the abilities of both Carter and Elwes. I enjoyed the delicate love-story involved, however historically innacurate it may be.
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interesting but overly sentimental
earthward1 May 2005
Interesting historically and visually impressive but I found it too slow and sentimental.

A number of scenes could have been left out or shortened considerably. It seems like the writers conjured the romance between the leads (which wasn't historically accurate) to make the movie more palatable to audiences. But most of the love scenes were dull and dragged on way to long.

A lot of the historical detail was observed so it's worth seeing if you're interested in the history and don't mind fast-forwarding through the cheesy bits.
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love the romance, don't care about any inaccuracies
SnoopyStyle17 March 2015
Henry VIII died in 1547. His only son sickly Edward was 9. The country is divided between Catholics and Reformers. Edward likes his cousin Lady Jane Grey (Helena Bonham Carter) and minister John Dudley Duke of Nothumberland (John Wood) sees the young reformer as a perfect match. In 1553 with Edward dying, John Dudley (John Wood) schemes with Frances Grey to put her daughter Jane on the throne and marry her off to his youngest irresponsible son Guildford Dudley (Cary Elwes). The free thinking Jane and the hard partying Guildford hate the match at first. The Catholics want Mary on the throne after Edward's death. Jane would rule for only 9 days.

Firstly, I ignore all the historical inaccuracies in this movie. This is not a big historical event. It's not as if a film claims that Lincoln had slaves. There is no real stakes about faking much of this relationship. This is essentially a romance movie and this one follows a try-and-true method. The characters have real heat hating each other in the beginning and that heat powers the romance. Helena Bonham Carter and Cary Elwes are terrific in this. There are some great Shakespearian actors. Some will notice Patrick Stewart as Jane's father. John Wood is impeccable. This is a terrific romantic movie.
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Nine days later
AndrewPhillips6 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There you are, quite happy reading books, living a quiet privileged life because you are closely related to the king of England your name is Jane and you are 15 years old.

Then one day the scheming lord of Northumberland has a cunning plan, the young king is dieing, next in line to the throne is Mary who is a Catholic and we can't have that, too much blood has been spilt moving away from this religion. So the next best thing is to get Jane on the throne of England, not a Catholic she is ideal and can be controlled by her not so nice mother. Just to make sure he marries Jane off to his son Guilford, who he thinks he can control.

This proves to be a big mistake for the two fall in love and with the idealistic fervour of youth decide that all is not right with the world and what they would do to change it. Only when Jane is called to London do they realise what has been planned all along, this sends them into a frenzy of planning for the future to make it a better world for all.

Sadly with only nine days as Queen she doesn't get much done and is soon carted off to the tower with Guilford, tried and finally executed.

So that's the story in a nutshell, the cast do a fine job of the acting, especially Helena Bonham Carter for whom this was a break out movie. There are some touching moments the scene on the scaffold, the love scenes between the two leads. I like the fact it asks the question, how much better would it have been if the country had a Queen like Jane wanting to make things better instead of Mary a bitter old woman. Though I doubt a child of 15 would have been able to overcome all the Lords in her council and change anything, but it's interesting to wonder.

I do remember from my history lessons at school that Guilford and Jane never liked each other, as the film portrays, but that does not take away from the fact that these two young people, he was only 17, were pawns in a plan to take the crown of England. Even at that time when the young grew up quickly, Henry V11's mother was 13 when she gave birth to him, this was surely something would have never planned themselves.

Even though it does not follow history to the letter it is still a good film that has enough facts to make it interesting to you history buffs out there. Where it really works is as a love story, captured with style by Trevor Nunn. With the constant appetite for period dramas this could if re made well head all the way to the Oscars.
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masonfisk22 January 2024
A 1986 costume drama punctuated only by early turns by Helena Bonham Carter & Cary Elwes. As her cousin, Edward VI, an heir to the throne is about to die, machinations are underway by his top advisor, John Wood, to install his son, Elwes, in an arranged marriage to Carter which does come to pass when the royal succumbs to his illness but not before Wood gets him to sign off on a decree to make Carter queen even though the rightful line should be Mary, Jane Lapotaire. Hoping to make some real change & after their encounter w/some displaced peasants (made peasants because the royals took their lands from them) on their way to their estate puts them in the mind to make some real, substantive change to the realm but history intervenes (their rule only lasted days) when Lapotaire's armies overthrow Jane's forces & she & Elwes are imprisoned to await their fate. Never achieving the heights of other Tudor stories like 1998's Elizabeth or 1969's Anne of the Thousand Days (to mention just two of many), theatrical director Trevor Nunn (who made only 3 films in his career) never captures a compelling visual narrative for the actors to dwell in leaving the film to fall into the pretty pictures in focus category & not much else. Thankfully Carter & Elwes would have better luck w/their next films (Carter w/A Room with a View released the same year & Elwes w/the peerless Princess Bride the following year) but as a calling card, they've could've done worse. Also staring Patrick Stewart (would also gain immortality w/Star Trek: The Next Generation the next year) here playing Carter's father.
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