Darkwing Duck (TV Series 1991–1992) Poster


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Another great TV show that was unfairly cancelled.
TheLittleSongbird8 February 2009
This and Talespin are absolutely great, as are the Little Mermaid and Aladdin TV series, but now they are unfairly cancelled. This is one of the few shows with wit, great detailed animation, memorable characters, and truly diabolical villains in a good sense. The pilot episodes were among the best, with the devious and calculating Taurus Bulba (none other than the god of voice acting Tim Curry) but there are other great villains like NegaDuck and Megavolt. If I had a personal favourite villain, I'd go for NegaDuck. The title characters are wonderful, especially Darkwing(brilliantly voiced by Jim Cummings) and his silly catchphrases. Launchpad is hilarious in every episode, and you have got to love Gossalyn. Along with Peter Pan and the Pirates, there should be a petition to bring these shows back!Find this show on YouTube and watch it! 9/10. Bethany Cox PS. The theme tune is amongst the catchiest theme tunes in any show I have seen.
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One of the best shows ever.
alan-5067321 November 2022
Darkwing Duck is a show that has fun with superheroes. Darkwing is a crime fighting duck, ha ha, in a world where people are ducklike. His regular duck name is Drake Mallard. This is animation and tv so it can do things like that. He gets helpfighting evil from Launchpad McQuack, a pilot and good friend. Drake Mallard meets Gosslin on the first episode while hes after some criminals. She has no family and he adopts her. They go out most nights looking for crime to stop and Darkwing usually tries to keep Gosslin from going to keep her from getting into danger. Animation and music in this show is absolutely beautiful even if it's "old." The show takes inspiration from classic heroes like Flash and Batman If you like humor, animation, superheroes and great tv in general it is worth watching.
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What a short lived show
pjbridges_2825 November 2019
Found this Gem on Disney plus. Watching the seasons. Brings back childhood. Even now, throughout the years this is still a great show. Wish there was more seasons.
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Should Have Taped More Episodes.
Nicholai21 July 2003
This show represents the ultimate regret that I failed to tape more shows from the halcyon days when the cartoons were kings. I taped all of two episodes from that show and blindly placed my trust that the tradition of great cartooning would continue for me to enjoy even as an adult.

Now those cartoons are replaced by cable-channel reruns, cheap Japanese imports, or superfluous morning news programs, and I'm left with the slowly fading memories of those shows.

But the one show that refuses to be forgotten because of it's uniqueness and charm is the one, the only Dark-weeeeeng Duck!

I've heard of superheros who got into the business in order to defend truth, justice and - well, you know the rest.

I've heard of superheros who were inspired to do so because of some life-changing trauma they've experienced at the hands of a criminal.

But a superhero who gets his kicks because of an ego streak?

That's Darkwing Duck for you: the daring, death-defying duck-billed defender of the denizens against the evil forces of darkness, doom and any other grandiloquent alliterations that looks good in a comic book panel. Heck, who needs a comic book when you have a vainglorious vigilante who constantly provides his own narration - even while making breakfast (if he can achieve that in one piece!)

This setup makes for perhaps the most satisfying half-hour of superhero-based animation I have ever experienced. Sure, Superman, Batman, the G.I. Joes and other conventional heros in this genre are all good and well, but they are as never as full-rounded as Darkwing Duck. Those other heroes can be so. . .so. . .morally, ethically and methodically impeccable in such a way that it gets boring after a while. Hell, I frequently find myself rooting for the bad guys just so those darn boy scouts will be revealed as, well, HUMAN.

Not so with DW. The show successfully lampoons all those other superhero show by having Darkwing encompass pretty much all of the antihero qualities you aren't supposed to occur in a conventional animated superhero. He's obstinant, short sighted, short-tempered, impetuous, arrogant, imperious, clumsy to the point that recalls Inspector Clouseau. Did I forget to mention the "ego the size of a small planet"? At times, these traits get so in the way of his crimefighting that it becomes difficult to tell the "hero" apart from the villain.

When you think about it, the idea that superheros can constantly save the day without developing a severe ego streak is ridiculous on its face. So it's should be logical that that should happen in this case, especially when you are dealing with a character who tries deperately to compensate for his lack of actual superpowers.

We all know that in the end, even when he seems overwhelmed by his negatives, his positive attributes will eventually win over and help him defeat the villain du jour. When he's at his best, he really is daring, ingenious, resourceful and kindhearted to boot.

Darkwing/Drake Mallard's adopted daughter Gosalyn provides the heart needed for this show, plus she provides a worthy counterpart to DW's more explosive personality. She is also independent minded, hot-tempered and careless, yet at the bottom very sweet. Launchpad, besides providing a bridge to that other popular duckbilled show, makes up for his simpleminded ways with his unwavering loyalty to DW.

If there's a failing for this show, it would be the fact that since it's a children's show it can get peurile at times (plus it leaves me starving for more violence). But I won't hold that against them and give it the sterling accolades it deserves.

**** out of ****
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Very Funny Cartoon!
SonicStuart21 May 2004
Darkwing Duck is the most hilarious cartoon done by Disney! Darkwing Duck is a show that spoofs famous superheroes! Plus in this cartoon Launchpad McQuack from Ducktales is in this cartoon as Darkwing's sidekick and Gizmoduck is in it also who Darkwing is very jealous of for stealing his fame in St. Conard! My favorite villains on Darkwing Duck are Negaduck (my #1 favorite DWD villain), Megavolt, Bushroot, Liquidator and Steelbeak! I don't like Quackerjack because he is so annoying because he uses toys as weapons and his plans are not clever! Plus I liked a lot of Darkwing's gadgets he uses like his gas gun and other things. Darkwing Duck brings back a lot of my childhood memories, not to mention I dressed liked him once for halloween. It sucks how Disney now airs terrible cartoons that are just unoriginal and just crap, 1990's Disney Afternoon cartoons are the best and they're will never be a replacement for that! Overall awesome cartoon and hilarious!
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Disney just doesn't make shows like this anymore!
RoamingTigress6 September 2004
Every day from school, from 1991-1993, I would always run home from school to see the latest episode of Darkwing Duck. This action-adventure-comedy was the highlight of my youth. Back then, I loved the characters (especially Steelbeak and Darkwing himself), the majority of the story lines and the good IL' classic Disney feel that somehow lacks in today's Disney shows. The villains were always interesting, and the shows humor wasn't centered on bathroom humour, unlike a number of new animated shows.

Twelve years later, after finding some taped episodes, I am still in love with this wonderful show and glad to see there are lots of devoted fans out and about. I hope to see it returned to its former glory in some form or another.
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Let's Get Dangerous
Terryfan3 August 2015
When you have a show whose Theme song goes off like this:

"Daring duck of mystery, Champion of right, Swoops out of the shadows, Darkwing owns the night. Somewhere some villain schemes, But his number's up.

(3-2-1) Darkwing Duck (When there's trouble you call DW) Darkwing Duck (Let's get dangerous) Darkwing Duck (Darkwing, Darkwing Duck!)

Cloud of smoke and he appears, Master of surprise. Who's that cunning mind behind That shadowy disguise? Nobody knows for sure, But bad guys are out of luck.

'Cause here comes (Darkwing Duck) Look out! (When there's trouble you call DW) Darkwing Duck (Let's get dangerous) Darkwing Duck (Better watch out, you bad boys) Darkwing Duck!"

How could you know get interested? This spin off of Ducktales shows case how well it can stand on it own two feet and still be consider one of Disney's best animation shows of the 90s and it goes to show it in this show.

Darkwing Duck feature some pretty funny and interesting episodes each one that make the series worth your time

The voice work is pretty fun and they got a very good cast for the show. Darkwing Duck / Drake Mallard (voiced by Jim Cummings) Launchpad McQuack (voiced by Terry McGovern) Gosalyn Mallard (voiced by Christine Cavanaugh)

Also the villains for the show have their own interesting take in the series you should watch to better understand

Darkwing Duck remains a fan favorite today the theme song is awesome and the series has something all Disney fans would appreciate

Let's Get Dangerous
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Kids Don't Have Shows Like This Anymore
lkiriya23 April 2007
I think everyone has shows they look back on with nostalgia, comparing them to what's on TV today and thinking, "Cartoons were so much better when I was a kid!" For me, that show was Darkwing Duck.

I was only two years old when the show was released, but growing up I caught nearly all of the episodes in reruns on Disney. I'll admit that at one point in my life I wanted to marry Darkwing. (Along with Negaduck, Launchpad, the Liquidator, and Bushroot.) Ask me about my childhood, and if the first thing I mention isn't this show, you can bet I'll start humming the theme song as I think.

Darkwing Duck was not only a clever series with great parodies of the more serious super hero shows, it was also funny without the bathroom humor or ADHD plots you get on kid's shows these days. Darkwing Duck always got a message across, without being loud and in your face about it. Now that I'm a teenager, I've seen some of the old episodes. Much to my delight, it wasn't just nostalgia making me thing Darkwing was great-it really is. It's just as funny to me at age seventeen as it was at age five.

It's a shame Disney stopped making shows like these.
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Darkwing Duck review Warning: Spoilers
Darkwing Duck is arguably one of the best Disney television series to date. It's charming and hysterical comedy is what makes Darkwing soar, along with it's wide arrange of wacky characters and cheesy plots and devices which keep the audience rolling. Naturally I'm super thrilled that Darkwing is finally back, albeit in a different form then we were familiar with this year, but rest assured, it's handled spectacularly .

The new release, The Definitively Dangerous Edition sort of acts as "the next season" of the series had there been one. I guess it kind of picks up several years after the series ended moving forward in real time, sort of canonical, as opposed to just another adventure during the time which we were familiar with Darkwing. It's a perfect return to the character that fans could ever request. If you are one of the long-lasting fans of Darkwing Duck, this somewhat new comic book series is something to be excited for.

It's safe to say that the comics do a really wonderful job at capturing the characters as we've known them on screen for so many years. It's humor remains just as witty and slapstick as you would expect it to be. Author and long-time fan Aaron Sparrow takes to the writing pen to deliver a really awesome re-introduction to some of my favourite characters to ever appear on-screen, and then beautifully illustrated by James Silvani and Sabrina Albherghetti.

This omnibus collection includes all of the wonderful Darkwing comics published by Disney and BOOM! Studios in 2009, but it's worth noting that the new reprint credits Aaron Sparrow as the correct author of the series, something that the BOOM printings painstakingly decided to leave out, causing much controversy. Following the Definitively Dangerous Edition, more brand-new comics will be released later this year, picking up right where the Definitively Dangerous' final issue left off.

Although it's a re-release of an old already-existing comic series, some of the dialogue has been painstakingly re-written by Aaron Sparrow and that's definitely for the better. There's also some new artwork and hidden Disney cameos scattered throughout. As if Darkwing wasn't awesome enough, this comic literally touched base with every franchise I have ever cared for. It's absolutely marvelous.

Our band of heroes are re-united sometime in the near-distant future when a handful of diabolical F. O. W. L villains reunite for yet another diabolically great plot, I won't give any of the surprises away, but rest assured all your favorite cast of villains are certainly front and center. The book is really just a massive amount of fun. Every page is bursting with innovation and wacky subplots.

The Definitively Dangerous Edition consists of all the key factors that drove the original beloved series. It's characters are wonderfully driven and diverse, it's story is always keeping it's viewers (and in this case, it's readers) on edge and rolling on the floor. Wonderfully designed and brilliantly executed, Darkwing Duck has returned exactly how the longtime fans have deserved.

I really highly recommend Darkwing Duck: The Definitively Dangerous Edition to anyone ranging from the hardcore to the casual fan. It's an immense amount of fun and a great return for the character in this medium. It is currently available in several comic book stores across North America.
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Let's Get Daaaaangerous!
DrezenMedia29 December 2009
I would reminisce like most people I know and ask "where have all the good cartoons gone?", and I do, but regardless, the good cartoons were made, and this was one of them! For one thing, it was an original idea. It did use characters from previous Disney endeavors (Launchpad) which I think enhanced it. The villains were a riot! They were in a class by themselves! I remember having a Megavolt action figure, I don't remember what happened to him, but when I found out he was voiced by Dan Castellanetta (Homer Simpson), I really, really wanted that action figure back! Bushroot is cool, the Liquidator rocks!! Splatter Phoenix was an inspiration for a character in my animation series I'm developing, Taurus Bulba was a jerk (and a great one), but my favorite (and probably yours too) was Negaduck! Negaduck is the only Disney villain (or character, for that matter) to ever wield a chainsaw. Everyone needs to see this cartoon. I can't continue to write about it without spoiling anything or reminiscing about how I used to get yelled at in first grade for telling my teacher that I invited these characters to school to join us for lunch. Ah...those were the days!
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I will always cherish this Superhero.
Vivekmaru4520 July 2010
Another winner by Disney. Darkwing Duck is the alter ego of Drake Mallard, who fights a diverse number of Supervillians along with his sidekicks Gosalyn and Launchpad McQuack (of Duck Tales fame). There is a similarity here to Bruce Wayne and his crimefighting alter ego Batman.

Excellent variety in all the episodes. Good voice characterization and score and excellent dialogue throughout the series.

Darkwing Duck is voiced by Jim Cummings.

A unique venture by Disney, focusing on a Superhero theme means total non-stop action, evil villains such as the likes of Megavolt and Quackerjack and a host of others.

Fun for all ages. A must for any collection.
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Not as good as I thought it would be.
d-3836325 April 2020
I never grew up with Darkwing Duck, so when I went to check it out, well... It didn't work out for me. I wish I would like it, but it seems not as funny or original as I want it to be. I can't say I was hating it, I just think other shows from the Disney Afternoon are much more funnier and cooler than this one. Some of the characters either get annoying or kind of one note. I will say it was funny for a bit because the idea of a goofy superhero kind of works in this show, however as each episode gets on. I found the story and characters a bit stale. Launchpad was suprisingly the only character I found kind of worked in the show. He's not smart which being stupid isn't always funny, but there were times they dealt with his character that made me love him even more. Even the voice actor brings good emotion towards his sillyness that brings a smile whenever I see him. There's not that much good to say about this show other than some of the themes of the episode are sometimes dark, but that's rare. Also the villians are goofy sometimes, but as expected. Also, some of the violence can suprise me when you actually see some good slapstick. However, you mostly see the villians and heros not being harmed in a serious way. Overall, I like the try, not the execution that much. At least we have a great theme song that I will say is the best thing about this show.
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Let's get dangerous... but not too dangerous.
SSJAniFan16 July 2003

Who could forget the episode where we learned the "real," origin of Darkwing, which was a parody of Superman. Or the Spider-man parody episode? Or that Darkwing's rogues gallery mirrored other comic book supervillains?

This was hilarious, with of course due thanks to Jim Cummings, who provided Darkwing's voice. What can I say, he's a genius! It's so funny when Darkwing is constantly trying to get attention, but failing to do so, or losing it to someone like Gizmo-duck!

I have a question though: why'd they change the theme song? It was played on the Disney Channel when DD first appeared, but after it was moved to Fox, they changed it, and it has stayed that way since. I have an original episode that plays the first version of the theme song, and I prefer it much more.

BOTTOM LINE: A funny cartoon! A Disney great! Too bad now they're making junk like Teacher's Pet.
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Best cartoon of the 90's!
vappy10 January 2007
I loved Darkwing Duck when I was 5 years old and I still love it now! It's interesting how most cartoons from childhood seem lame when I watch them now but Darkwing Duck remains funny and entertaining. The witty dialog, action, diverse characters, and style made this show unique from most Disney cartoons. If they ever remade the series I would most definitely watch it!

One thing I find interesting about this series --there is a large amount of violence including knives, heavy artillery, and explosives. Some of the villains are high-class sociopaths (Negaduck) and there is subtle adult humor. As a child, these depictions of violence never had an affect on me and as an adult I find the cartoon to be more interesting due to the use of classic weapons.

The family life of Darkwing Duck is also quite interesting. Unlike most cartoons where the hero either has no children or a family of his own, Darkwing has a spunky, adopted daughter and a sidekick for his family, as well as a former criminal sorceress for a girlfriend. I found this family dynamic to be refreshing and interesting. Being raised by a single parent myself, I felt like the show was acknowledging children like me who don't come from "whole" families with a mother, father, and 2.5 children.

Overall I think Darkwing Duck was one of the most original and interesting cartoons to emerge from the early 90's and when contrasted with today's cartoons it has a very different approach that makes it unique. I await the release of the next seasons on DVD.
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Villains of St.Canard, beware, for Darkwing Duck, the terror that flaps in the night, has come.
BornAgain0731 December 2006
I loved this show from the very first episode. Darkwing Duck makes an excellent and very realistic hero, one that makes blunders and mistakes, but always does his best to overcome them. He's devoted to his chosen position as St.Canard's protector, and he has a very normal weakness: his ego. His adopted daughter Gosalyn is spunky, but sweet. She's always adding spice, humor, and unique twists to the show. I can't forget Launchpad, DW's ignorant, but devoted sidekick. Without him, Darkwing might not have been so lucky in his cases. Or maybe not... Anyway, if any of these characters were missing, the show would have been can-celled long before.
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The best American animated serial, period
AndreiPavlov31 July 2007
During the early 1990s we had this serial going every Sunday on our TV and we were breathless. Such a wild escapade of jokes was, is, and will always be a rare treat.

When speaking about super-hero serials, nothing more ridiculous, zany, mocking, and over-the-top lovely stupid has been created, in my humble opinion. Every time I watch any part of it, I lose the number of puns and jokes delivered (when I try to count) - they just go on and stumble one onto another. I don't know if the English-speaking version of this serial is funny but the Russian one is brilliant. I guess it is a perfect example of Disney productions, which deserves to be on DVD.

If you enjoy "Mermaid", you will hardly like this title. And if you are adult to the core of your soul, you will not like it. Otherwise: take a wild ride with the utterly obnoxious duck and rejoice.

10 out of 10. Definitely. Thank you for attention.
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Awesome, even for a teenager!
JudgeChaos5 May 2015
I was born in 1998, so I never watched Darkwing on TV. However, I recently started watching it and, holy cow, is it awesome! And this is coming from a 17 year old girl! I freaking adore Darkwing's self centered personality. I think we all dream about being praised as a hero at some point, but Darkwing is addicted to that feeling, and I freaking love it! I also adore the rest of the characters, I love Gosalyn's smart ass remarks, Bushroot is a sympathetic villain, and everyone is just awesome! Well except Commit Guy...I really don't like him...but he's only in two episodes (as far as I know) so it's all good. My favorite episode is probably "Darkly Dawns the Duck", it has the right amount of action-packed and heart-felt moments. If you love Disney, or Batman, seriously check this show out!
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One of the best animated shows from my childhood
dee.reid12 February 2011
"Darkwing Duck" was one of the great animated treasures of my childhood. I was only about six-years-old when this show began its original run on ABC, which was also during the same time that a wealth of animated cartoon shows were popping up featuring anthropomorphic animals as its lead characters. "Darkwing Duck" was one of the best to come out during this time. With its hip, New Jack-inspired opening theme song, the show is about its titular character, Darkwing Duck, a Batman-like, non-super-powered superhero who fights crime in St. Canard (surely this show's animated version of Batman's Gotham City). He's capable of getting the job done, surely enough, but he's very egocentric and desperate for fame and attention from the city's citizens and police officials. In his civilian identity, he is Drake Mallard, a typical, unassuming suburbanite who tries to be a good father to his adopted daughter Gosalyn, who learns of his superhero alter-ego pretty early within the series. Drake's best friend Launchpad McQuack is also his sidekick and pilot. "Darkwing Duck" is a fun show. Being a fan of comic book superheroes including Batman (who this show seems to delight in routinely parodying), I've always gotten immense enjoyment from watching it. One of the best things that can be said about "Darkwing Duck" is that it has a great, recurring cast of super-villains, including Megavolt (who can control electricity), Quackerjack (an insane former toymaker), Bushroot (a half-duck/half-plant mad scientist), Negaduck (an evil version of Darkwing Duck himself from an alternate dimension), and my personal favorite The Liquidator (whose entire body is made out of water). Each one is powerful enough to give Darkwing a significant challenge whenever they come to blows, but nonetheless Our Hero always triumphs in the end - this IS a kid's show, after all. "Darkwing Duck" was unfairly taken off the air a lot earlier than it should have been. This was during a boom time when there were all sorts of animated superhero cartoon shows on the air, like "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" and "Batman: The Animated Series." Thank goodness the advent of DVD has allowed this show a new after-life for a newer generation of TV-goers and old-school fans - like me - who grew up watching this show.

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its Duck decent
ThunderKing613 March 2021
I didn't really like this show.

Its descent at best. It's not boring just it failed to engage me well. The characters had potential but Disney failed to utilize them.

It's just about a crime fighting duck who fights crime.

Overall the animation is great its just a show that is missing flavor.

Verdict: Quack Quack.
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The Terror that Flaps - an absolute gem
Darkwing-161 March 2001
Probably the best cartoon to come out of Disney in quite a while, Darkwing Duck was somewhat darker than the average Disney fare and managed to touch upon some serious issues. However, it also could be extremely funny, with Darkwing's over-dramatic entrances, his ego 'the size of a small planet' and his arguments with his daughter.

There's a whole new set of villains to be thwarted by the terror that flaps: NegaDuck, Megavolt, Quackerjack, Liquidator (a parody of Penguin from Batman) and Bushroot; collectively the Fearsome Five. Not to mention the evil F.O.W.L. and its chief agent, Steelbeak.

Fortunately, DW has help. DuckTales' Launchpad McQuack is on his usual form, performing some excellent crashes in DW's Thunderquack and playing a good sidekick; GizmoDuck occasionally shows up fresh from Duckberg to drive DW crazy; Gosalyn, his daughter (who has a greater capacity for getting into trouble than Huey, Dewey and Louie put together!); and, last but not least, Morgana McCawber, sorceress and one-time crook.

As you can probably tell, this is my favourite Disney cartoon bar none. A couple of videos were released in Britain, and DW played on the Disney Channel for a while, but it has been far too long since Darkwing graced our terrestrial screens. Any Americans who have the Disney Channel and/or Toon Disney should count themselves very lucky indeed to be able to watch this absolute gem.
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I love Darkwing Duck SO MUCH!
shiningrockstar14 August 2006
Ever since I was a little girl, I loved Darkwing Duck! I loved the way he said, "I am the terror that flaps in the night..." and the way he talked with his smooth, dark voice. I even loved his naughty, mischievous, little daughter Gosalyn, because she was spirited! I wish Disney had made a Darkwing Duck movie because I loved this series from the beginning to the end! I wish they had a fourth season or even more, and I could have seen, "Pranks for the Memories," if they hadn't canceled the good series after the end of season 3 because it was a very good series. I missed good old Darkwing Duck after they removed the show from Toon Disney and replaced it with Jetix.
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Danger Duck
hellraiser710 December 2020
This is another of my favorite animated TV shows of all time as well as another favorite animated Disney series. It was another one of the big ones for the Disney afternoon, it's funny how the show has a bit of a two way effect where as a kid I found it was just simply a superhero show but anamorphic and a comedic tone to it. But watching this as a teen and adult knowing this show was a parody made it even funnier as it turned to be clever and one of the best ones. Much like with the animated show "Danger Mouse" which parodied James Bond, this show clearly is a parody on "Batman", but like most good parodies other than parody on a franchise at the same time the show is it's own entity which is part of why it's a classic.

The animation style is great, it's the usual Disney animation style you have seen in basically every Disney Afternoon show but I'm fine with that as I honestly wouldn't want it any other way. The music is good, really love the theme song as it's one of my favorite theme songs, it's another really catchy tune from the Disney Afternoon lineup. I really like color palate to create the darkness throughout the show along with buildings which give the show a noir atmosphere.

Characters are all good all voiced by one of the best ensemble voice casts I've heard as most of them are familiar vocals you've heard from plenty of your familiar animated shows.

Darkwing Duck: Voiced by one of my favorite voice actors Jim Cummings, this is my favorite voice acting role from him. Darkwing is obviously an inspired parody on "Batman"; but also, they've taken a little from James Bond, Green Hornet, and The Shadow. Each of the parody bits are there from the coalition of evil that Darkwing must deal with called "F.O.W.L." obviously a parody on "Spectre" from James Bond. Darkwing armed with a Gas Gun like The Green Hornet's gas gun.

Anyway, Darkwing is one of my favorite animated heroes of all time, he's a fun protagonist this guy just has some of the best and most memorable lines. Despite a hero with good intentions and noble motives, he isn't the most efficient protagonist. Like with Jack Burton from "Big Trouble in Little China" he's not very good as sometimes the villains/super villains kick his butt.

But this is mainly because of one big Achilles heel which is his own ego, this guy whenever he's engaged in action is so wrapped up in it that he doesn't know he's actually drowning in it. He obviously is one that doesn't know when to simply shut up and fight. For example, whenever he catches villain in the act or about to engage in battle, he has this bad habit of always makes a big spectacle out of his entrance which is announcing who he is despite the fact the villains/super villains already know who he is as well as where he is which gives them the advantage to sucker punch him.

However despite this he really is a decent person that does care about others, he's always on time, never slacks off, and he does learn (at least for the moment) to swallow his ego and get the job done; maybe not always smoothly but done all the same.

Launchpad: He's Darkwing's number two which makes sense as he's a person in the hero business. He's almost liked a blind fan boy despite one to provide assistance he a little blind at the same time to the reality of the hero he's assisting. He's his usual pea brained self however he's not totally a pea brain as he does succeed in the hero business though not so much dumb luck but actually some unorthodox thinking which surprisingly works sometimes, even a little common sense.

In a way at times he's sort of a voice of common sense for DW as he is able to sometimes shine a light on certain screw looses in DW's plans which is surprising as Launchpad is known to be a screw up; though from what happens on the show it makes me question who the bigger screw up is.

Gosyln: An adopted daughter to Darkwing; she's a highly intelligent and high-spirited individual. I really love how she has just all the best traits of spunk, nerve and moxie. Very active in sports and what ever comes her way.

But I really like just how she's got this aggression streak how she' not afraid to show it and isn't going to take crap or even conform to the norm which I can emphasize with because when you think about it, why should she; you can say this is her way of saying this is who I am, you don't like it tough.

But I also like that she's also a voice of common sense but also of grounded reality as she not just challenges Darkwing but actually helps keep Darkwing's sense of reality and sensibility in check. All those things show why both Darkwing and her are good for each other, which make their family dynamic even more touching.

Nega Duck: Another character voiced by Jim Cummings and another favorite role; you really do believe there are two different people. This is my favorite villain in the show and one of my favorite animated villains of all time. This guy is the perfect dynamic opposite of Darkwing as he's a total psychopath who has an anger streak a mile long.

This guy is just teed off 24.7 it's literally is his only mood. This guy is evil to his core that even villains and super villains fear him as he not just wants to kill Darkwing but everyone else that just tees him off or simply just wants to destroy everything good and decent just for kicks.

Steal Beak: Voice by another favorite voice actor of mine Rob Paulson. He's my second favorite villains in the show, he's a parody on the Bond Villain mainly a combo of main villain Goldfinger and secondary villain Jaws. Like any bond villain he's the typical megalomaniac but I really like how he has this New Yorker smart ass charisma to him which make him hilarious and another character with some of the best lines in the show.

But the guy is smart, probably smarter than Darkwing but just like Darkwing even he has the same Achilles heel which is his ego which is how he get hosted by his own petard by Darkwing sometimes. I also like he's not all talk he can walk the walk, as we see he can actually fight also as we see he's does physically kick Darkwing's butt sometimes and he's not called Steal Beak for nothing.

There are plenty of memorable episodes that cleverly poke fun at a lot of things but also work as their own stories and most importantly are very funny.

Two of my favorites are "Justice Ducks 1 and 2" this two parter obviously parodies on the "Justice League" and "The Avengers" as each of the Justice Ducks do represent characters from both series, but it was simply cool seeing the ally and enemy characters from the show team up and go at it.

"Time and Punishment" was a lot of fun as it parodies on Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" and "Judge Dredd" but other than fun, it was a slightly dark story showing how much one person can be a big part of one's life and what happens when out of the equation.

Darkwing Duck it's a heroic epic. well sort of.

Rating: 4 stars
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Good fun!!!!!
sethn17229 August 2006
Disney added on to the Disney Afternoon lineup with "Darkwing Duck" in 1991. It is about a duck who is an action hero, fighting danger, saving the world!!!!! His headquarters is on top of a bridge, if I remember correctly.

Although I have seen the show as a little kid, I can't remember everything about it exactly. Yes, this is another one of those "GOOD" things to come from Disney! That I agree. I'm sure kids everywhere loved this too!!!!!

So, for a great cartoon that is never dull and full of thrills, look no further than "Darkwing Duck!" It'll have you saying "Great!"

10 stars!

Oh, and one more thing: Good Job Disney!!!!!
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Let's Get Dangerous
zsofikam28 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Darkwing Duck, or "Dorkwing Duck" as I used to call it, I consider to be one of the greatest animated shows ever, along with Little Bear, PB&J Otter, Rugrats, Talespin, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Animaniacs, Ren And Stimpy, Pinky And The Brain, DuckTales, Moo Mesa, and The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. For one thing, have I mentioned that the theme song is one of the catchiest theme songs along with the theme songs for Moo Mesa, Pinky And The Brain, DuckTales, CatDog, Sagwa, Maisy, PB&J Otter, and The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh? Darkwing is very funny, as is Launchpad. Plus, Goslyn reminds me of myself when I was young. But what really makes the series if you ask me are the villains, some of my favourites being Bushroot, Dr Fossil, Phineas Sharp, Ammonia Pine, Megavolt, Splatter Phoenix, and Taurus Bulba. Negaduck, Liquidator, Quackerjack, Steelbeak, Isis Vanderchill, Tuskernini, Moliarty, and Camille Leon are also enjoyable. The only villain that I have never particularly cared for is Jambalaya Jake, he's just a little bolshy for my taste. Anything else? You bet there is! I simply love the lullaby for Goslyn in the first episode Darkly Dawns the Duck, it's just so soothing. Plus, I simply can't help but feel bad for Bushroot, he was so badly teased by his coworkers and had his budget cut for no reason other than that he loved plants and his coworker Rhoda Dendron so much. Same goes for Dr Fossil. I should mention a couple of things that I have always wondered: (1) Before Bushroot became a plant-duck it was pretty easy to tell that he was balding but after his mutation he suddenly gains a head full of purple hair. (2) Since we get to see Bushroot pre-mutation, what did Dr Fossil look like as a duck before his transformation? I'm willing to bet that he was very old judging by his appearance. Turning himself into a dinosaur could have rejuvenated him somehow and been an attempt to get back at his coworkers for viewing him and his dinosaurs as purely a thing of the past. Anyway, another thing I admire is many of the character designs. For example, Bushroot resembles a thistle with his purple "hair" and prior to his mutation when he was Dr Reginald Bushroot, he was much shorter than everyone else and balding. Other examples of brilliant design include Gosalyn resembling my childhood self not only in personality but in appearance as well, as well as Honker's resemblance to Chuckie from Rugrats, as well as reminding me of my childhood friend Sean. Finally, I love the witty dialogue such as "being the world's only mutant plant-duck is a lonely job."
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arielsiere10 March 2022
An amazing show about a duck named drake aka Darkwing Duck with launchpad and gossalyn their theme song is catchy and his catchphrase let's get dangerous is so awesome.
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