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kosmasp2 April 2007
Jet Li behind a black mask? Does that work? I think it does. It's not the greatest movie ever made, but it's a fun little action b-movie that you get here.

The emphasis is clearly on the word "b-movie"! You can't watch this movie expecting a Hollywood Blockbuster. Or anything that would resemble a logical story. It is quite literally a "no-brainer". I have criticized movies for being no-brainers before. Why did I rate this one higher? Because I see it in the context. For example, Black Mask 2 is a "no-brainer" ... but there is nothing there that is entertaining. Here you have some jokes that work, but more importantly you have good choreographed action scenes. All of that is missing in the sequel (if you can call it that ...)
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Seriously awesome fight sequences!
WritelySo2 April 2002
The story would never win awards, but that's not what it's about... the script was just entertaining and suspenseful enough to make room for the incredibly choreographed fight scenes. Who needs a story with fighting like that? Really, it's worth watching for that reason alone. IF you can handle the gore, of which there is a LOT... none of it done realistically enough to be tough to look at. I gave it a 7.
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Jet Li rocks!!!
baumer18 July 1999
In Stand By Me, Vern and Teddy discuss who was tougher, Superman or Mighty Mouse. My friends and I often discuss who would win a fight too. Sometimes we get absurd and compare guys like MacGyver and The Terminator or Rambo and Matrix. But now it seems that we discuss guys like Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and Jet Li. It is a pointless comparison seeing that Lee is dead, but it is a fun one. And if you go by what we have seen from Jet Li in Lethal 4 and Black Mask, you have to at least say that he would match up well against Chan. In this film he comes across as a martial arts God.

Black Mask is about a man that was created along with many other men, to be supreme fighting machines. Their only purpose is to win wars that other people lose. They are invincible in some ways. Now that is the premise for the film, but what that does is sets up all the amazingly choreographed fight scenes.

Jet Li is a marvel. He can do things with and to his body that no human being should be able to do. And that is what makes watching him so fun.

Besides the martial arts in the film, Black Mask is strong with humour and that is due to the chemistry that Jet has with his co-star, the police officer. They are great together. But to be honest. if anyone is reading this review, they want to know if the film is kick ass in the action department. And the answer to that is a resounding YES!!! Lots and lots of gory mindless action. You will love this film.
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Good mixture of ideas, and talent
ebiros218 October 2011
This is probably the movie that made Jet Li well known in the States. The mask obviously reminds you of "Kato" in Green Hornet, and that homage alone was enough to secure this as one of the classics of Hong Kong martial arts movies.

A genetic experiment to create super soldiers is deemed a failure. All are ordered to be destroyed. One of them survives, and finds a peaceful life as a librarian until the old acquaintances shows up to finish their job.

The production of this movie is not its good part. It reminds you of the dingy atmosphere of '70s Hong Kong movies. But the idea is brilliant, and casting little known Jet Li at the time for the lead was a spectacular success. He really is believable as genetically enhanced super soldier. Very young Karen Mok plays an unwitting hostage to Li, and adds sideline to the story.

This genetically enhanced soldier scheme continued with other movies such as Huk Mau (Black Cat), which is in the same vain as this movie, with also "Black" as part of its title.

With fantastic moves like this, who wouldn't be a star ! Jet Li became the premier super star from this point on, which still is on going.
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Certainly not Jet Li's best
Fanon5 June 1999
I can't understand why they decided to release this film to introduce the American audience to the dynamo that is Jet Li. Fist of Legend would have been a much better choice. Anyway, Black Mask isn't terrible, but it certainly isn't great either. The final fight sequence is well staged by Yuen Woo Ping who went on to coordinate The Matrix. But the English release suffers from rough editing and dubbing. (I'm begging the Hollywood studios to release these films uncut with subtitles.)Jet Li shows his characteristic charisma in the title role and Francoise Yip has a cool but brief role as the female 701.

Black Mask has a strange goth style that adds some interest but it is overloaded with gun battles and explosions. More focus on Li's fantastic physical skills were in order. Black Mask is a decent film but do yourself a favor and pick up Fist of Legend if you want to see a tremendous film that really shows Li's skills.
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Dumb, but fun.
BA_Harrison29 December 2012
Once a part of 701 squad, an elite group of super-soldiers/assassins surgically altered to feel no pain, Tsui Chik (Jet Li) now works as a librarian; but when the remaining members of 701 squad (whose number include the rather gorgeous Francoise Yip) turn to crime, bumping off drug lords to corner the narcotics market and stealing police files to sell to other criminals, Tsui Chik takes on the guise of superhero 'Black Mask' to fight his former comrades.

Black Mask is a frenetic comic-book martial-arts actioner from director Tsui Hark, a rather chaotic film with a plot that makes very little sense but which still succeeds in being highly entertaining thanks to a huge helping of silliness, loads of insane wire-enhanced fighting (choreographed by Yuen Woo Ping), and a fair amount of gore.

Amongst the craziness on offer: characters are blown to pieces, crushed under vehicles, killed by razor edged CDs, and hack off their own limbs to escape capture; Jet Li has a brief but very impressive battle in a graveyard and also performs an jaw-dropping kung fu routine using a high voltage cable as a weapon; and crime-lord King Kau (the brilliant Anthony Wong) is sent his daughter's severed legs in the post!!!

One more thing... if possible, try to find a subtitled version of the film—the dubbing is atrocious.
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Watch the HongKong original cut instead of the U.S. release cut.
honorhorror25 November 2009
What more could I say? The Americans totally hated it because the U.S. cut was so bad, although you could detect the underlying goodwill in it.

Talking about the U.S. theatrical release(along with the newly released Blu-ray Disc version), it's faster and tighter than HK cut, the background musics were all changed from the dark, grim HK musics to Hip-hop musics; and there were a lot of gruesome scenes cut out. Though, the dubbing was a notable job given that they tried to capture the original actor's voice and tone. But, the problem is Hak Hap(Black Mask) the movie was designed and meant to be dark, grim, super-disturbing and totally gruesome. Very unfortunately the U.S. release just skimmed the cream they wanted, which in return completely changed the movie's undertone(HK release was rated 18+) to be even more comical and amateurish.

Now let's talk about the original HK release. This movie is like a hidden gem, a prototype for the whole "matrix" tide and era. The fighting scenes are totally awesome even the camera works were a bit "old-school" among HK movies. However the style the movie created was a unique blend of Kungfu and pop culture. With all the leather, black costumes and decorations, this movie features a batman-like superhero in a black mask against a run-of-the-mill gang of multinational super-soldiers lead by a punk heavy metal rock star boss. Yes it sounds like imaginations of a retarded child, but it works. It's so impressive that the whole movie's gonna give you nightmares featuring foreigners fighting a bloodbath battle in leather coats. In year 2002 they made a sequel which had a PG-13 rating, but without Jet Li and Liu Qing Yun. And you know how bad that was because Li and Liu were the core characters in the movie and had strong personalities and an interesting friendship. And, did I happen to mention Francois Yip? Her roundhouse kick was totally cool, even cooler than the villain boss because she didn't use a stuntman for all the fighting. Did I mention she was also smoking hot? Anyway, there are a lot of things to like about the movie.

However, the movie also suffered from a lot of problems. First off, it's a mediocre script made at its best potential, which means this production team deserved a better screen-writer. There are a lot climaxes in the entire 100 minutes but they often felt like far-fetched and don't totally make senses to the audiences(US version was even worse because all the character developments were cut). Anyway, you can't ask too much out of a comic-inspired action movie. Also, this movie is entirely improper for children. I won't recommend it to you if you are less than 20 years old. It's saturated with disturbing contents including blood, gore, sado-maso costumes, extreme brutal violence and so on. Along with the style of the movie, it can be called a wet dream for heavy-metal rock music fans and action fans. (the U.S. cut was milder, but if you want to see it, see the HK release for what it is.) 7/10. Status: inspiring, hidden, undervalued, adult.
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Underrated Jet Li movie
JacksonW052329 March 2020
Back then they didn't really have any hong kong superhero movies so Black Mask was something that stood out. It manages to be a superhero movie that knows it's unrealistic and embraces some of the campiness. It also had some R-rated looking scenes so it's not like a kid's superhero film. Jet Li and his co-star Sean Lau has good chemistry and really pulls off the action scenes.
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A mess of a movie
CaZSuede17 May 1999
Jet Li, is one of the best hand to hand combat fighters in the world. He has been for over 20 years and he puts others in the genre to shame. While he is big in Asia, he is almost unknown here in the US.

Black Mask is supposed to be a breakout movie for him, but it fails horribly. First of all, it is dubbed. While it may have camp value (the dubbing isn't even close and it is flat in tone), it seems inappropriate for the ordinary movie viewer. Secondly, the director in this movie, Daniel Lee, does a horrible job. He cuts scenes so fast, at times, you don't know what's going on. Other times, the camera shakes and wobbles. Fans see Jet Li's movies for the fantastic martial arts. However, the director edits the scenes so fast that you don't even know who's who half the time! Other times, a scene is left hanging (ie Li is beginning to cut a hole in the floor of a jeep, while the badguys arm their guns, two seconds later, both Li and the love interest are already under the car!) Other scenes are so improbable, that they cross over the point of being completely ridiculous (killer CD roms? Just give him Throwing Stars!!!!). Li, needs a director who is less prone to machine gun cutting and more to creating a cinematic mise-a-scene. The added rap/techno music goes from being okay to intrusive. The plot has possibilities but are all squandered by cartoonish characters that take away from any credibility that this movie strives for. And are we really to believe that the love interest would not recognize Simon, because he has a half mask on? Wouldn't the hair, lower jaw, or voice give it away?

If you want to see a Jet Li movie, try Iron Monkey or his classic Shaolin Temple. This disjointed mess is a complete waste of time.....2/10
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Good Stuff !
mikelcat14 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Very good martial arts film and Jet Li is the best since the master himself Bruce Lee .Li is excellent as the low key librarian/cop who saves all time and time again . He has a presence and a look that is riveting and believable as the kung fu king that you don't mess with .Francoise Yip is simply beautiful in that mixed race original way that is unique because of her mixed heritage , she has an innocence and an allure all at the same time that I found unforgettable .The villain , the man with the sunglasses and long hair was very good as well but I can't find his name in the credits , can some one help me out with that ? Thanks ! Enjoy Hak hap or Black Mask , in any language its good entertainment !
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Acetylcholine17 May 1999
Lame, cliched superhero action movie drivel. I had high hopes for this movie, and the genre of HK buddy cop actioneers is one that i don't despise, but very rarely do i see a storyline as trite and ludicrous as this one was. This would have been forgivable, as it always is in these kinds of movies, when the action compensates, unfortunately, it did not. The action does carry the trademark surreality and over the top nature of HK action, but it's not very involving, obscenely gory, and in fact often completely incoherent (perhaps this is due to re-editing for american release, it does show signs in many places of patchwork). I was very disappointed.
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This movie rocks!!
coldstick15 January 2006
I have no idea why this flick is getting such a bad rap by so many IMDb users (Some are saying it's his 'worst movie ever.' What?? Haven't any of you seen Cradle 2 The Grave?) My favorite criticism is that the plot is totally stupid, and just an excuse to hang all of the action sequences on. Duh! What the crap were you expecting from a Jet Li movie? Did you honestly believe that someone thought up the story, then just loaded it up with action? Of course not! Black Mask is awesome, wall-to-wall action throughout nearly it's entire running time. It's also deliciously gruesome, and we get plenty of severed limbs, decapitations, and creative ways of watching the bad guys (and quite a few innocent people, too!) get slaughtered. Most of Li's other martial arts films are nursery-school when compared to Black Mask; there is no holding back on the gratuitous violence, bloodshed, or action sequences whatsoever! And that made me a happy camper. Again: if you go into a Jet Li movie expecting magnificent dialog and an intriguing plot, you are going for the wrong reasons. Black Mask is probably my favorite of his movies (though, beware of the horrendous dubbing).
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Typical HK, lousy, but with parts you absolutely must see!
pmwgreen25 May 1999
Typical HK, really lousy, but with parts you absolutely must see. I loved it! As my wife said, "If you liked 'The Matrix', see this movie and you can see what Yuen Wo Ping can do with actors who are used to performing on wires." Really, you should see the 1999 re-mix in a theater on a big screen; it knocked my eyes out. And please leave your 8-year-olds at home. Please. You know who you are.
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Not Jet Li's best film!
Darkside-Reviewer27 May 2021
Black Mask (1996) is one of the most ridiculous and over the top martial arts movies I have ever seen.

The plot of this movie follows a man named Tsui Chik (Jet Li) a former test subject of a failed experiment to create super soldiers. Tsui Chik and the other test subjects underwent an experimental procedure to remove their ability to feel pain and emotions turning them into unstoppable killing machines. Tsui Chik escapes from a death squad sent to terminate the project, after which he decides to live a quiet life as a librarian free of violence. But when a new gang comes to town and begins killing off all of Hong Kongs most notorious drug lords in a string of vicious murders Tsui Chik recognises the violent handywork of his former test subject compatriots. Tsui Chik realises that he is the only one capable of taking on his former allies but by doing so he puts his friends at risk, so in order protect his true identity Tsui Chik becomes the masked hero known only as Black Mask.

The Black Mask character is like something out of a cheap comic book series that you'd find in the discount section of a comic book store. Jet Li gets "dressed up" in what looks like a homemade comic con outfit which leaves him looking like a mix of both the Green Hornet and Zoro.

My favourite scene in the entire movie is a scene where Jet Li's character throws CD disks at the bad guys like there ninja throwing stars but are so sharp they actually manage to slice through skin and bone and become lodged in someones skull. Then later in the film Jet Li's character gives his cop friend a CD disk with a computer program on it and all I could think to myself was "Careful those disks are sharp" I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

The special effects for this movie are bad even by 90s standard's and features some of lamest looking laser gun effects you will ever see in an action movie.

Jet Li is an amazing martial artist who has stared in some amazing martial arts films during his career as an actor and stunt performer. Black Mask however is probably one of the worst movies he's stared in. All I wanted to see in this movie was Jet Li facing off against a gang of martial arts trained super soldiers in hand to hand combat while some kick ass music plays. Sadly the movie failed to deliver on that promise by having some of the worst fast editing I have ever seen in a martial arts movie.

This also wasn't helped by the fact that I own the UK release of the movie which is missing some scenes cutting the movies run time down to only one hour and twenty two minutes. The UK version is also horribly dubbed with no option to switch to the original audio. The original soundtrack has also been switched with some of the most generic stock action music I have ever heard.

Even though I didn't really enjoy this movie I still recommend giving it a watch if you enjoy cheesy martial arts movies that unintentionally make you laugh.
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Thy name be mindless action. YESSSSS!!
RevRuin24 May 1999
Horrible dubbing. Cheesy overworked plot. Story that's been done and done and done. Implausabilities abound. Plot holes large enough to drive a cliche through. But MAN those fight scenes were incredible! If you go in looking for a serious piece of cinema, you'll leave unhappy. If you can't laugh at how horribly some of the humor flops, you'll be disappointed. If you go in to see Jet Li kicking butt -- something he is incredible at -- you WILL be happy. Scale: 1 to 10. I give it a 7, simply because I said, "WOW!" so many times.
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Awesome martial arts action, shame about the dubbing
dodgee_693 June 2005
Jet Li puts in a good performance as the genetically altered superhero who is just trying to be a normal guy, until his old unit become his enemy. This film has some of the worst, fasttrack dubbing I've ever heard, but if you can see past it, there is a semi-decent martial arts film underneath. The fight scenes have been superbly choreographed and the script is none too bad, as far as Chinese action thrillers go anyway. At times it is disturbingly gruesome, at others it can be quite serious, and then again there are a few parts where you will definitely just laugh! A well rounded martial arts flick, that provides you with everything you want, need and expect from Jet Li. Fast kicks, hard punches and dirty combinations as well as an impressive final showdown fight with the unit Commander. Highly entertaining and good visual ride.
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Jet Li: Library Cop
AwesomeWolf10 February 2005
Version: Magna Pacific's R4 DVD - English dub

Somehow 'Black Mask' earned a spot on Civic Video's "Best buy" stand, with big stickers on the DVD case announcing it was a "hot hit" and only $10. I get the feeling that they were actually trying get rid of the copies they had in stock. I would have been a sucker for this ruse, had I not enjoyed this awesome tale of super-librarians and crazy super-human bad guys.

Jet Li plays Michael, a test-subject used a secret government project to create a group of super-soldiers known as the 701 Squad. When the project is canceled, the 701 Squad escape, but Michael is separated from the others and goes into hiding. He ends up working in a library, as a SUPER LIBRARIAN OF DEATH! Not really. Michael convinces everyone that he is a geeky, helpless librarian. One of his best friends is a detective, Inspector 'Rock' Shek (Ching Wan Lau), who finds himself working on a case involving a gang systematically eliminating Hong Kong's drug-lords. Michael realizes that this gang is the 701 Sqaud, who have seemingly turned to the dark side. Donning a black mask, Michael becomes the super-hero Black Mask (he is so creative) and vows to stop the 701 Squad. For Super-heroic reference, his black mask is a better disguise than Clark Kent's glasses, but covers less than Batman's mask. I guess some super-heroes don't take the whole secret-identity thing too seriously.

So what we have is a comic-style plot that has been used many, many times. There is nothing new or innovative about it. It is interesting enough, but who would actually watch this for a plot? It does seem like a futile exercise. The dubbing isn't all that bad - it isn't all that good either. It just kinda sits in between being a bad dub that you can laugh at, and a good dub that you can actually appreciate.

What 'Black Mask' does possess, is action awesomeness. All movies about super-heroes reaping vengeance and what not need action awesomeness. 'Black Mask' sees Jet Li and Ching Wan Lau wandering around and generally kicking arse, having their arses kicked, and then kicking arse again. Awesome. The movie features some cool action sequences, with the debut of the Black Mask towards the start being the one that stands out against the rest.

'Black Mask' is a good action movie, and a better action movie than Michelle Yeoh's 'Silver Hawk', but 'Silver Hawk' is just more entertaining than Black Mask. Check out 'Black Mask' is you're a fan of Jet Li, or Hong Kong action films in general - 7/10
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90s action
SnoopyStyle3 June 2016
In Hong Kong, an experiment created 701 commandos to battle gang violence. When one of them went crazy, the project was canceled. Michael (Jet Li) sacrificed himself for his fellow soldiers to escape termination. He managed to escape. One year later, he's trying to live a quiet life as librarian Simon. Police Inspector Rock is his friend. Someone is wiping out the drug gangs and planting bombs in their bodies. Michael recognizes the bomb as something from the 701s. One explodes in the hospital. He decides to disguise himself as Black Mask to battle his former comrades.

It's a lot of shooting, a lot of explosions, and a lot of fights. It's another Universal Soldier. Karen Mok is fun. Jet Li does good action but his character is wooden. The story is simple. The action is stylized and there's plenty of it. In general, I don't mind these characters and I don't mind lots of action but there isn't much else.
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Great action but awful dubbing
Conan_The_Barbarian30 October 2005
While not Jet Li's best effort, Black Mask is a decent, fast paced action flick which has its merits.

The incredible martial arts sequences are definitely the best part of the film. Lots of punches, kicks and spectacular aerial displays take up the bulk of the film and are a treat to look at. Combined this with the expected explosions, gunfire, non-stop bad guys and smashing glass, there is plenty of chaos for the action fans.

Judging from the dubbed version, Jet Li gives a fairly decent performance. While not as memorable as some of his other films such as Once Upon A Time In China, he gives a decent performance. The supporting cast isn't spectacular but are adequate enough.

Unfortunately, the dubbing is rather appalling. While you can get the gist of the storyline, it's pretty obvious that large chunks of crucial dialog related to the storyline are left out. While there's not too much storyline to follow in this action fare, it's still disappointing all the same.

I was however, laughing non-stop at the dubbing of Commander Hung, played by Kong Lung. It is definitely the most (unintentionally) hilarious dubbed voice i have ever heard. It's worth renting this just to hear how funny it is.

Overall, I recommend this to Jet-Li fans and most action fans. If you're not one or both of these then you would probably be best advised to steer clear. It sells for dirt cheap here in Australia ($5-$8 depending where you shop around) but it's probably worth getting the authentic version if you want the best experience.

Be warned though, it is rather violent (expect to see limbs being taken off and crushed and a fair amount of blood) so beware if you're faint hearted.

I give it 6.5 out of 10.
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A mixed bag
no-skyline22 May 2007
Jet Li stars in this wire-fu actioner effort as a super trained commando type unable to feel pain or emotion who escapes from an evil master to live a normal life. Drawn into using his skills once more to defeat his old squad he must also protect his new found friends.

I liked this movie it's not the best Jet Li has done but it's good entertainment and has some good if slightly outrageous fight scenes. The bad guy is good value for money and seems to have stepped right out of a comic book, Francoise Yip is also very effective is Li's one time comrade. However Li's friends sometimes get in the way of the action and the Tracy character is fairly irritating (how often did i wish she'd get shot so we could move on with the movie!). The tough guy cop is quite funny in places but overall its about a 7/10 movie.

7/10 - Good action solid plot and overall a fun film for any martial arts fans.
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Check your brain at the door and enjoy.
Hey_Sweden19 September 2018
Jet Li again shows off his considerable skills in this priceless bit of pulp nonsense. He plays the role of "Simon", one of a genetically-engineered commando squad of super soldiers who were designed to take down drug kingpins. Then the plug was pulled on the project, and the squad members targeted for termination. Simon escapes and settles into a quiet life as a librarian. His one good friend is a tough-ass cop, "Rock", played by Ching Wan Lau. He will have to fight his crazed former associates, who are still intent on fulfilling a purpose in life. This he does by assuming the identity of a vigilante sporting a black mask, causing him to resemble Kato from 'The Green Hornet'.

This viewer watched the truncated North American release featuring some pretty bad (but occasionally amusing) dubbing. The pacing and editing are rapid fire, and the almost non-stop action rarely allows the audience a chance to catch their breath. While the movie may never be mistaken for high art, it is nevertheless entertaining in an over-the-top, nasty, brutal, comic-book sort of way. Viewers may be caught off guard (and either dismayed or overjoyed) by how gory all of it is. It's directed with incredible style by Daniel Lee, and co-written by producer (and action specialist) Hark Tsui, offering plenty of inventive bodily destruction and an equally plentiful amount of explosions. While some moments are approached seriously, there IS also a heavy tongue-in-cheek attitude about the material.

Much of the comedy relief is supplied by Karen Mok as the feisty Tracy Lee. The gorgeous Francoise Yip is great fun as the relentless and grim antagonist Cailyn. The distinctive Kong Lung is a wonderful head villain as a dude dubbed "The Commander". Anthony Chau-Sang Wong of "Hard-Boiled" is cast as one of the drug kingpins targeted by the 701 squad. Mr. Li is in his element and makes for a determined protagonist, while Ching Wan Lau is quite good as the cop.

In general, a rousing 91 minutes (the original Hong Kong film ran about eight minutes longer) for Jet Li fans.

Seven out of 10.
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Among Jet Li's worst films
hayabusa-110 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Mild SPOILERS contained herein. I'm spoiling this film to save you the trouble of having to watch it.

Jet Li's movies fall into one of two categories: Shaolin period movies and movies set in modern-day Hong Kong revolving around Triads or Triad like organizations. Each genre has its best and worst films. `Twin Warriors' is Jet Li's best Shaolin era flick while `The Evil Cult' is his worst. `Fist of Legend' while in the recent past is the best `modern era' Jet Li movie. `Black Mask' without a doubt is the worst.

Jet Li plays a self-exiled mercenary who received an injection that gives him superhuman ability, but shortens his life span. In his `new life' in exile he plays a pacifist librarian. When his old mercenary squad goes on a rampage, Jet Li becomes a vigilante determined to stop them. He dons a very silly corrugated cardboard mask so as to conceal his identity from the police (and public) as a librarian, as well as to conceal his true identity to his ex-comrades in arms.

The version I saw was dubbed, and horribly at that. Why does Jet Li capture and hold hostage his library co-worker if he's a pacifist? Is there a love story between them? Why does the police chief not care when he learns of the Black Mask's true identity? The plot is just plain BAD. Bad by way of the superhero cheesiness, bad in the sense that characters are never properly developed, bad in its character interactions, all topped off by a half-explained story I quickly lost interest in.

The action and martial arts sequences are way over the top. Lots of blood, gore (severed body parts aplenty), explosions, and Matrix style superhuman martial arts fiascos are present in the film. Unfortunately this is the films best and only selling point. If you want to see Jet Li playing a vigilante superhero in a Mission Impossible style movie `Black Mask' delivers. For the rest of us Jet Li fans it is a true disappointment. This is one of those movies where Jet Li never gets to be Jet Li: he gets neither the chance to charm us with his charisma, nor a chance to impress us with his impressive yet realistic martial arts ability.

Normally a Chinese knockoff of Ozzy Osbourne would be enough to engross me in a film, sadly `Black Mask' proved to be an exception to that rule. Indeed the antagonist of this movie, by the way he dresses, his long straight hair, and trademark round sunglasses looks like the modern and aged Ozzy Osbourne. However the villain isn't on-screen long enough to make the gimmick worthwhile. I am assuming the likeness to Ozzy was intentional; in addition to the villain's look, he also ran a satanic looking hideout. So much more could have been made from the Ozzy Osbourne villain gimmick! If only the writer, director, or ANYONE had bothered to give a background to and develop the character of the film's arch villain!

`Black Mask' was the first Jet Li film released on video in the USA after Lethal Weapon 4, and I'm glad I stayed away from it until now. It may well have ruined my whole perception of Jet Li as a martial artist and actor. If you want to see Jet Li at his worst, rent `Black Mask' and `The Evil Cult' and make it a double feature or horror, both intentional and unintentional. Otherwise stick to moves that utilize the talents of Jet Li, and have plots that are semi-well thought out and plausible. 3/9 stars.
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Love or hate
winner5523 July 2006
This film appears to draw a borderline - on one side, those who love it, on the other, those who find it unbearable.

To begin with, there is an awful lot of comedy in this film that many viewers are not "getting". Of course jet Li's Mask looks like Bruce Lee's Kato - he's supposed to, it's a joke. The guy who has a time-bomb sewn to his heart - outrageous? of course, it's a joke! Some readers will probably ask, if this film is supposed to be so funny, why all the excessive and gory violence? well, for one thing the tolerance for this level of violence is actually different, from culture to culture; and while Hong Kong audiences would recognize this violence is extreme, it's certainly only slightly more than average for a HK action film.

Also, Black Mask is really the kind of film that takes a genre's conventions and pushes them to extremes, simply because the conventions themselves are wholly unrealistic. After decades of watching people get shot without any noticeable open wounds, many people were horrified to see Bonnie and Clyde and the outlaws of the Wild Bunch spurting blood all over the place. But the fact is, when you're shot with rapid metal projectile, it's almost certain that blood will spurt, especially from an artery.

This film is a Chinese comic book movie. It is true that the Spiderman films never get this gory - but if they were faithful to reality, they would be! Well, despite its comic-book origins, this film is faithful to reality.

The only complaint I have is the flashy, over-stylized filming and editing. If the makers of this film had shot it with an eye to Hollywood-style nostalgia (as, e.g., The Rocketeer, or the recent Sky captain film), I doubt anyone would have found it offensive.

But as it stands, I still had a lotta fun watching this movie.
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not a bad HK film if you throw on the closed captioning and hit mute
sickboy-112 December 1999
I'm commenting on the american release of hak hap/black mask rather than any of the others, partially because this is the only i have seen and the fact that they couldnt have made the movie worse for an american audience.

Hak Hap is your standard HK film (although a bit colorful one), which generally people watch for the action only and dont expect any epic storyline or intense character development. My problem of the film is that the dubbing was absolutely terrible, and the fact that the "americanized" rap soundtrack felt completely irrelevant to the atmosphere and scenes. Once watching this film you will realize how such a simple thing as the soundtrack can enhance a movie or completely break it. Due to the terrible dubbing and soundtrack i give this film a 4/10, if a subtitled import were availible,7/10 would be more appropriate.

In closing, just throw on a bay city rollers or airsupply CD, put the video on mute while making your own soundeffects and it will be -much- more entertaining than the english dubbed version. not a bad film otherwise for HK fans.
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Choppy superhero outing with insane action
Leofwine_draca4 December 2015
Having not been particularly knowledgeable when it comes to this particular genre, this film came as a complete surprise to me. Not in a particularly good way either. Coming off like some insane take on UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, BLACK MASK sees a librarian don the mask of the title - which incidentally looks like a piece of corrugated cardboard - and fight off a large number of enemies. Extremely cartoonish, this plays like a comic strip which is useful as it's impossible to take anything that happens seriously.

The moment Jet Li's character opens his mouth, it all goes downhill. For here we have an incredibly awful piece of dubbing work which just about ruins any credibility the movie may have had. And as the film shifts haphazardly from scene to scene, barely bothering with cohesion and sometimes cutting scenes off when they are only halfway through, you think all hope is lost. Then come along some bizarre fight scenes which almost make the whole enterprise worthwhile.

Forget Hollywood action - this is something different. Jet Li (a hissable villain in LETHAL WEAPON 4) convinces as a superhuman mainly due to his ability to do lightning moves and stunts that, for a normal person, would be impossible. People jump all over the place, kick each other, shoot and explode things in rapid succession. A love interest appears only for her to be in mortal danger from the baddies (yawn). The final battle is a real show-stopper. It's just a shame about what happens when the fighting stops. I don't quite know what I watched, but I'm not in any hurry to see it again.
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