Scream 3 (2000) Poster


David Arquette: Dewey Riley



  • Dewey : The killer called her.

    Mark : When?

    Gale : What'd he say?

    Sidney : Oh you know the usual small talk. "What's new?" "How you been?" "How do you wanna die?"

  • Randy : Told ya I'd make a movie someday, huh?

    Sidney : Oh my god.

    Randy : Well, if you're watching this tape, it means as I feared. I did not survive these killings here at Windsor College. And that giving up my virginity to Karen Kolchec at the video store was probably not a good idea.

    Dewey : Karen Kolchec?

    Randy : Yes, Karen Kolchec.

    Dewey : Creepy Karen?

    Randy : Shut up. She's a sweet person, okay? We were working late. We were putting away some videos in the porno section and ya know, shit happens.

    paul : [Knocking in background]  Open the door Randy.

    Randy : 15 minutes.

    paul : It's my room too.

    Randy : Paul, 15 minutes. I'm leaving my legacy.

    [knocking continues] 

    Randy : 15 minutes Paul. Damn! Anyway, the reason I am here is to help you so that my death will not be in vain; that my life's work will save some other poor soul from getting mutilated. If this killer does come back and he's for real, there are a few things that you gotta remember. Is this simply another sequel? Well if it is, same rules apply. But here's the critical thing: if you find yourself dealing with an unexpected backstory and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules do not apply. Because you are not dealing with a sequel, you are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy.

    Dewey : Trilogy?

    Randy : That's right. It's a rarity in the horror field but it does exist, and it is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go. Godfather, Jedi, all revealed something that we thought was true that wasn't true. So if it is a trilogy you are dealing with, here are some super trilogy rules: 1. You got a killer who's going to be super human. Stabbing him won't work. Shooting him won't work. Basically in the third one you gotta cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him, or blow him up. 2. Anyone including the main character can die. This means you Syd. I'm sorry. It's the final chapter. It could be fucking 'Reservoir Dogs' by the time this thing is through. Number 3. The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest. Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you. So in closing, let me say good luck, god speed, and for some of you, I'll see you soon. 'Cause the rules say some of you ain't gonna make it. I didn't, not if you're watching this tape.

  • [interrupting a moment between Dewey and Gale] 

    Jennifer Jolie : [shouting]  What the fuck happened to you?

    Dwight 'Dewey' Riley : Jennifer, wait a minute.

    Jennifer Jolie : Who gave you a place to stay? Who are you supposed to be protecting?

    Dwight 'Dewey' Riley : Jennifer.

    [Jennifer slugs Dewey] 

    Gale Weathers : Hey!

    [Gale slugs Jennifer] 

    Jennifer Jolie : My. Lawyer. Liked. That.

    Gale Weathers : Not as much as I did.

  • Mark : Do you want to have this conversation with a polygraph?

    Dewey : Is that a threat, Detective?

    Mark : When it's a threat... you'll know it.

    Dewey : Was *that* a threat?

  • Milton : There'll be other movies, Roman.

    Roman : Not only did they, did they kill the film, but they killed my cast. You know, nobody's gonna wanna work with me. Variety called me a Pariah. I don't even know what a Pariah is. Why, why couldn't have somebody kill the cast from Stab 1? Huh? Or Stab 2? Why me? What? John, what did we do wrong?

    Milton : Hollywood is full of criminals whose careers are flourishing.

    Roman : I'm not a criminal. I, I was questioned, yeah, but that's all. I was questioned. That's it.

    Milton : It's good for your mystique.

    Roman : You think it'll help me get work?

    Jennifer : [Entering John's office with Gale and Dewey]  Roman. John.

    Milton : Jennifer. And guests. To what do I owe the honor?

    Gale : Rina Reynolds.

    Roman : Rina Reynolds? Who's Rina Reynolds?

    Milton : [to Roman]  Why don't head to the house? Tell everybody not to cut the cake without me.

    Jennifer : [to Roman]  Oh God, I forgot. Your birthday.

    Roman : Yeah.

    Jennifer : Happy Birthday, Roman.

    Roman : [as he exits John's office]  Yeah, as if life isn't tragic enough.

    Milton : [to Roman, as he leaves]  Shut the doors behind you, please.

    Dewey : So, you knew Sidney Prescott's Mother?

    Milton : Who?

    Jennifer : Rina Reynolds?

    Milton : Uh, do you know how many actors have worked for me? Hundreds, thousands.

    Gale : He didn't say she was an actor.

    Jennifer : Good catch.

    Milton : So, what's the point?

    Dewey : Uh, no point. I'm just gonna give, uh, Detective Kincaid a call.

    Milton : I remember. She was a bit player in a couple of my movies... a nobody. So, what does it matter?

    Jennifer : Oh, come on. You have made millions off the story of her murder. You're obsessed with her and you're obsessed with her daughter.

    Gale : Alright, easy, Geraldo.

    [to Roman] 

    Gale : Why don't you tell us the truth?

    Milton : What they Hell are you guys getting at? I make horror films, that's what I do. The studio came to me with Stab, they came to me. Check it out.

    Dewey : But you knew who she was?

    Milton : When we did the first Stab, I realized I knew Maureen Prescott before... I mean as Rina. I couldn't tell anyone. Can you imagine the press?

    Gale : And now? I mean murders on your set and, and... still, you say nothing?

    Milton : Get real. That would make me a suspect.

    Gale : Just because you knew her?

    Milton : Yeah.

    Gale : I don't think so. Just what did happen to Maureen when she was in Hollywood?

    Milton : Now, you listen to me, Lois Lane, let it go. It's dead and buried.

    Gale : How would you like to see it dug up on national T.V.? Why don't you tell me what happened?

    Milton : It was in the '70s, everything was different. I was well known for my parties. Rina knew what they were. It was for girls like her to meet men, men who could them parts if they made the right impression. Nothing happened to her that she didn't invite, one way or another, no matter what she said afterwards.

    Gale : Are saying she-?

    Milton : -I'm saying things got out of hand. Maybe they did take advantage of her, you know? Maybe the sad truth is this is not the city for innocence. No charges were brought. And the bottom line is Rina Reynolds wouldn't play by the rules. You wanna get ahead in Hollywood, you gotta play the game or go home.

  • Gale : [At Sidney's house, Dewey comes out onto the porch where Gale is, watching Sidney with her dog, Cherokee]  Look.

    Dewey : Yeah, she's doing great. Look what I found.

    [He's holding her book, "The Woodsboro Murders"] 

    Gale : [She laughs]  What are you doing with that?

    Dewey : Will you sign it, Gale?

    Gale : But you hate that book. Besides, I'm done with that kind of reporting.

    Dewey : For me, though. Will you sign it?

    Gale : [She laughs again]  You're a nut.

    [She takes the book and pen] 

    Gale : Okay.

    [She turns to the first blank page, to find a square shape cut out of the pages, with a jewelry box in it's place, a jewelry box with an engagement ring, surprising Gale] 

    Dewey : Will you?

    Gale : [Unsure]  Dewey...

    Dewey : I know it'll never work, you know it'll never work. But what I'm asking is just to see if we're wrong. We don't know everything, Gale.


    Dewey : You think you do.

    [They both laugh] 

    Gale : You're a brave man, Dewey Riley.

    Dewey : Actually, I'm a little scared right now.

    [They both embrace in a passionate kiss, with Gale then placing the ring on his finger, accepting Dewey's proposal] 

  • Dewey : Surprise. Surprise. Someone dies and Gale comes running.

  • Maureen Prescott : [as Sidney closes the vault door behind her, finding herself in a screening room]  Sid. Sid. It's just me, Sid. Oh, I was so pretty. Everybody loved me. Have you missed me, Sidney?

    [Coming out of an open doorway, wrapped in a bloody crime scene sheet] 

    Maureen Prescott : Would you like to hold me one last time?

    [as Sidney stares in horror] 

    Maureen Prescott : What's the matter? What are you staring at? Don't you remember your...

    The Voice : [the voice changing to the killer's voice, taking off the sheet]  --Mother?

    [Sidney tries to run, but the killer locks the vault door with a remote control] 

    The Voice : Uh-uh! You're not going anywhere, Sidney. It's time you came to terms with me and with Mother. Maybe you never knew her at all, Sidney. Maybe you just can't get past the surface of things.

    [Opening the costume to reveal a bullet proof vest] 

    Sidney : Who the Hell are you?

    The Voice : The other half of you. I searched for a Mother, too, an actress named Rina Reynolds. Tried to find her my whole and four years ago, I actually tracked her down. Knocked at her door, thinking she'd welcome me with open arms, but she had a new life and a new name: Maureen Prescott. You were the only child she claimed, Sidney. She shut me out in the cold forever, her own son.

    Roman : [the killer takes off his mask, revealing himself to be Roman]  Roman Bridger, director.

    [Using the voice changer] 

    Roman : And brother. She slammed the door in my face, Sid. She said I was Rina's child and Rina was dead. And it struck me. What a good idea. So, I watched her. I made a little home movie, a little family film. Seems Maureen... Mom... she really got around. I mean, Cotton was one thing. Everybody knew about that. But Billy's Father, that was the key. Your boyfriend didn't like seeing his Daddy in my film too much. He didn't like it all. Once I supplied the motivation, all the kid needed was a few pointers. Have a partner to sell out in case you get caught, find someone to frame. Was like he was making a movie.

    Sidney : You. This is all because of you.

    Roman : I'm a director, Sid. I direct.

    Sidney : [Softly and sarcastically]  Oh.

    Roman : I had no idea they were gonna make a film of their own. What a film it turned out to be, huh? I mean, introducing Sidney the victim, Sidney the survivor, Sidney the star!

    Dewey : [as Dewey and Gale untie themselves from the chair and run to Det. Kincaid's side]  You're gonna be all right. Just apply pressure.

    Mark : [Handing Dewey his gun]  Take this. Get the son of a bitch.

    Sidney : [Back to Sidney and Roman]  Fine. You got what you wanted: Hero and Villain, face to face. But you know what happens now? The villain dies!

    Roman : Exactly! But I'm not the villain, Sid. You are.

    [Dragging John Milton's body out of a closet; Milton is tied and gagged] 

    Roman : Curious. The man who gave away your Mother's innocence. Huh? What he did to her made her a slut. Huh? She never recovered from thatnight, right here in this very room. They fucked her three ways from Sunday, ruined her life. Ruined yours, too, didn't it, Sid? You hate him, Sid? Come on, I know you do. I'm sure of it.

    Sidney : [He pulls out a recorder with Sidney's voice on the tape]  I know who you are. I know what happened to Mother and I want you to understand I'm gonna make you pay!

    Roman : That's what the police are gonna find on his answering machine, right next to his lifeless, mutilated corpse.

    [John tries to speak through the gag] 

    Roman : What? Can't hear ya.

    Milton : You don't have to do this, Roman. Just tell me what you want, I can make it happen. Any picture, name your budget, script approval, final cut.

    Roman : I already have it.

    [Slashes John Milton's throat] 

    Sidney : God! You spineless bastard!

    Roman : No, Sid. That would be you. You did it all. You did it. You killed them all, even your closest... friends. Living in total isolation, the pressure of another movie about you, the discovery that Milton destroyed Mommie Dearest... you finally just snapped!

    Dewey : [Dewey and Gale trying to get to Sidney]  One. Two. Three!

    [Dewey and Gale bust through the doors] 

    Roman : [Back to Roman and Sidney]  And who's our hero, huh? The sole survivor. Who's the one who bravely faced down the psychopath and killed her with her own knife? You're gonna pay for the life you stole from me, Sid. For the Mother and for the family and for the stardom and, Goddamn it, everything you had that should've been mine!

    Sidney : God! Why don't you stop your whining and get on with it? I've heard this shit before!

    Roman : Stop!

    Sidney : You know why you kill people, Roman? Do you?

    Roman : Don't wanna hear it!

    Sidney : 'cause you choose to! There is no one else to blame!

    Roman : God-fucking-damn it!

    Sidney : Why don't you take some fucking responsibility?

    Roman : Fuck you!

    Sidney : Fuck you!

  • Gale : I did write the definitive book on the Woodsboro Murders.

    Dewey : And I'm sure you just can't wait to write another one.

  • Gale : [Walking on set, seeing the replica of Woodsboro, and turning on her camera, hiding it in her purse]  Jesus. Deja voodoo.

    Jennifer : Gale Weathers!

    Gale : [Under her breath]  Shit.

    Jennifer : Look, I know we've never met and I don't mind you never returning my calls, but I have to tell you that after 2 films, I feel like I am in your mind.

    Gale : Mm, well that would explain my constant headaches.

    [They begin walking around set] 

    Jennifer : You know, I'm sorry that things didn't work out on 60 Minutes II, but Total Entertainment, that's a pretty good fallback.

    Gale : [They stop walking and turn to face each other]  Mm, thank you. I'm sorry that things didn't work out with Brad Pitt, but being single, that's a pretty good fallback.

    Jennifer : Gives me more time for my work. After all, Gale Weathers, you're such a complex character.

    Gale : Oh, and to played by an actress with such depth and range.

    [Turns to walk away and runs into Dewey, who is approaching Jennifer] 

    Dewey : Jennifer, Nick said... Gale.

    Gale , Jennifer : Dewey!

    [Gale and Jennifer look at each other] 

    Dewey : Well, surprise, surprise. Someone dies and Gale comes running.

    Jennifer : [Walking over to Dewey's side]  Gale, I think you'll really appreciate my character work in this one. Someone's helped me to understand the real you.

    Gale : [Looking over at Dewey, pissed off]  Someone?

    Jennifer : Your ruthless ambition, your private self-loathing, and that lost and lonely little girl inside.

    Gale : [Seriously pissed off]  Lost and lonely what?

    Jennifer : You heard me. Thanks, Dewey. I'll return it.

    [She walks away] 

    Gale : Lost and lonely what?

    Dewey : Little girl inside.

    Gale : I thought you were supposed to be in Woodsboro?

    Dewey : Well, I'm surprised you even thought about me at all. Look, I gotta get back to work. I don't have time for this.

    Gale : Wait a minute. You work here?

    Dewey : Yeah. The studio needed a technical adviser, someone who went through the real experience, knew the real people.

    Tom : [Walking by Gale and Dewey]  Hey, Dewey.

    Dewey : Hey, Tom.

    Tom : [Turns back and approaches them, as he recognizes Gale]  Hey, it's the real Gale Weathers.

    Gale : Real from top to bottom.

    Tom : Ha. Tom Prinze, watch your show all the time. You're so right. Pop Culture is the politics of the 21st Century.

    Gale : Mm, thank you.

    Tom : And that story you did on me, last month, crashing my car, wow, was that ever powerful journalism.

    Gale : Right, um-...

    Tom : - I, especially, liked how you implied that it was caused by drinking and drugs and that the whole tire blowout was faked. That was great.

    [Walks away] 

    Gale : Tom, sometimes, in journalism, you-...

    Tom : [Continuing to walk away]  Are you parked in the lot? 'Cause you should check to see if no one's messed with your break light.

    [Walks away completely] 

    Gale : Who's he supposed to be?

    [Dewey smiles sarcastically] 

    Gale : You? He's playing you? You?

    [She laughs histerically] 

    Dewey : What?

    Gale : I didn't come here to fight with you, Dewey. Cotton's killer left a picture.

    Dewey : Sid's Mom. The detectives told me.

    Gale : Well, does Sidney know about?

  • Sidney : Hello?

    Phone Voice : Hello?

    Sidney : Who is this?

    Phone Voice : Who is this?

    Sidney : Um..Who's calling?

    Phone Voice : Um..Who's calling?

    Sidney : Gale? Dewey? Whoever? Call me back. I only hear myself.

    Phone Voice : [Voice changer clicks]  I only hear you too, Sidney.

    Sidney : Who is this?

    Phone Voice : The question isn't who I am. The question is. Who's with me?

    Dewey : [In the background of the phone call]  Sidney, Stay away!

    Gale : [in the background of the phone call]  Sidney!

    [Sidney moves to alert a police officer] 

    Phone Voice : Don't do it! If you do one thing to attract attention to yourself! One thing! I'll kill them both! Now, do you have somewhere where we can be alone?

    Sidney : [her voice cracking]  Yes.

    Phone Voice : Yeah, go there.

    [Sidney moves into another room] 

    Phone Voice : Oh it's hard being friends with you Sidney, when you're friends with Sidney, you die. Well these friends don't have to Sidney. It's up to you.

    Sidney : How do I know there voices...

    Phone Voice : ...Are real? How do you know you're not hearing things? How do you know I'm not someone in your head. Somewhere you know

    Dewey : [In the background of the phone call]  Don't come here, Sidney!

    [Ghostface hits Dewey] 

    Gale : [in the background of the phone call]  Dewey!

    Phone Voice : Or do you?

    Sidney : You're dead.

    Dewey : I don't want them. I want you. It's simple. You show yourself, they survive. You run! They die!

    [hits Dewey, who groans] 

    Gale : [in the background of the phone call]  Oh God! Oh God!

    Dewey : Don't you wanna know Sidney, who killed her. Don't you wanna know who killed your mother?

    Sidney : Where?

    Phone Voice : She'd have been so happy Sidney. To know we'd be together.

    Sidney : Where?

    Phone Voice : I'll call you when you're on your way

    [Hangs up the phone] 

See also

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