Battlestar Galactica (TV Mini Series 2003) Poster

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Released in 2003, First watched in 2005, again watching it 13 years later
GraXXoR13 July 2018
After Firefly was aborted in 2003, I lost interest in investing in "fringe" TV... At any time, loved characters could be axed and heartfelt universes unwritten...

So when BSG was released, I didn't even bother to watch and assumed that it would be canned after a couple of episodes.

When a third year was confirmed, however, I changed my mind and decided to start to watch it.

It was 2005 when I first saw Adama walk down the corridor and decry all networked computers. And I loved it.

Now, 13 years later I am rewatching it...

13 years.

Imagine that. That is the difference between 1987 and 2000...

That is the difference between: Superman IV The Quest For Peace, Inner Space, Masters of the the Universe, Predator and The Running Man


The Matrix (Japan Release) Existenz and the X-Men.

13 years is a LONG TIME in terms of Sci Fi...

And yet, 13 years later, I'm rewatching Battlestar Galactica.

When I first watched it back in the day, I was unmarried, did not own a home and had no children... Now, I'm married, have two beautiful children and own an apartment.

Yet watching it today, it's as fresh and vibrant as it was all the way back then.

Moreover, I still view this as one of the finest pieces of "hard" science fiction ever aired. The science, the characterisations, the situations, the politics, the religious commentary, the ramifications of hubris and the sheer edge of seat drama is absolutely spot on.

13 years later and in an age where science fiction and fantasy are mainstream now, and are as acceptable as a crime and comedy, but still this story takes no prisoners.

Recently, The 100, Killjoys, Altered Carbon, Star Trek Discovery and the closest yet, of course, The Expanse, have all shown their mettle and revealed appealing dystopias or post apocalyptic charms, but at the end of the day, only one show has really covered all bases so satisfactorily...

Battlestar Galactica.
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Some of the anti-BSG2003 complaints are just crazy
nomen_meltdown12 October 2004
Besides saying that I really liked the re-imagining of Galactica, I just wanted to point out the madness in one of the recurring complaints I've noticed among fans *and* nay-sayers of BSG2003. I read a lot of people saying "the new one doesn't have the humour of the original" or "it takes itself so seriously, the characters are too serious," or things to that effect.

I'm just wondering... how funny do you expect a nuclear holocaust to be?? I mean, writers of fiction are hoping that you can suspend your disbelief and try for a moment to imagine that what you are seeing is real, or could be real. So imagine for a moment, if you can, that you live in NYC and you just heard on the news that H-bombs have started falling from the sky in LA, and they're coming down in waves, west-to-east, and humanity is being utterly wiped out. Millions of people-- men, women and children, perhaps members of your own family, are dying in terror. Are you *really* going to be cracking jokes? Imagine that the human race is quickly being massacred, only a few hundred are managing to escape-- a tiny fraction of what civilization was, and you aren't sure if you're going to survive into tomorrow. Just how much humour is going to be in the air, mixing with the fallout and all? Even before the bombs start falling, all of the "overly serious" characters seem to me to have pretty good reasons... Adama's ship is being turned into a museum, effectively ending a major chapter in his military career (which is his life), Apollo's having to face his father, whom he blames for his brother's death, Teague is a drunk (they're not often the cheeriest people), Lauren's just been diagnosed with terminal cancer... you expect these people to be making with the ha-ha?

The character I did find funniest was Starbuck. Be it because she was a little 'crazy' or because she had the least on her shoulders (besides her boyfriend dying 2 years ago because of a decision she made... hm, may explain the 'crazy' a little, y'think?) to spoil her mood, and what do people say about Starbuck? "She was too crazy." There really *is* no pleasing some people.

Arguing that the characters in a story that depicts the extermination of said characters' species are "too serious" is... well, it only shows that you either can't do what the writers would like you to do-- and imagine yourself as a part of this world-- or that you can, but you're a suicidal sociopath.

I thought the miniseries was excellent; the re-worked premise made for a more textured story, the characters actually had some depth this time around, and were well-played by actors who obviously tried to 'get' some of the nuances of their characters and could take a serious situation (however imaginary) seriously. And I loved the special effects, too.

So with all due respect, the puritans who prefer the shallow, campy 70's series with its recycled fx footage, its 2-dimensional characters and it's plot that provides little context or background, can stick their complaints in their old pipes and smoke 'em.
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The Best Piece of Filmed Science Fiction Ever Made
colinbarnard-130 March 2006
Yeah, I know: a superlative. Curses to you both Ron Moore and David Eich- you have made it impossible for me to watch "Star Trek" again. Not since the first "Matrix" film in '99 have I sat at a screen and gaped in awe at the push my brain was given.

In three hours, we are introduced to a world, and a cast of characters, that are unrivaled in depth and seriousness. The story is compelling beyond belief. We are really there. We really care.

Topical, directed with talent and passion, and acted by people who deeply care about what they are creating, Battlestar Galactica sets the standard by which any filmed drama must be measured.

Nothing else will satisfy again. May BSG reign for years to come.
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Love it or Hate it
bishopolis27 April 2006
Viewers either love this programme, or else they completely hate it. It seems there's no middle ground.

This incarnation does deviate from the standard format of BattleStar Galactica -- and indeed, from every single episode of every series produced in the 80s by Glen A Larson. The first scene has one of the leading roles played by a woman, the source of about half the griping. Apparently, women aren't supposed to be tough, nor fully-dressed, in space.

Also, no one's perfect. It's hard to faithfully jump in and worship the 2-3 main characters, like we're used to doing as children. Back then, the main characters flashed their CHiPs smiles, fired their blasters from the hip and got all the girls, even if they were blue. The main characters saved the day, reliably and on time, each and every week. By comparison, the characters in this series are barely keeping themselves together and obviously suffering from their environment, let alone trotting out the whitened smiles for the final chuckle at the 44th minute freeze-frame. The characters in this series, faithful to the style of modern scifi series like FireFly, are as realistic, as flawed and ultimately as believable as it gets, warts and all. The stories are generally well-written, well-acted and consistently cruel to the characters we want so dearly to like.

Be forewarned: This new BattleStar Galactica requires thought and some attention to detail. It's not metal chewing gum, and it doesn't suck up to the audience nor offer the safe and predictably mindless entertainment we're used to seeing in a space opera. But if you can stand occasionally hating your heroes, and if saccharine leaves a taste in your mouth, then you may just become a fan.
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TV doesn't get better than this
talon_mortis9 January 2007
To think that I heard of a remake of BSG and thought 'pfft, probably rubbish'. Dear God I was wrong. This is possibly the best example of television I've ever seen. The sheer cold, clinical, detached storytelling style makes for an enrapturing viewing. The miniseries is what, 3 hours long?, and I didn't flinch once when I first viewed it.

The characters were wonderous, especially I found Colonel Tigh to be a terrific re-imagining of the previous incarnation. Commander Adama and Captain Adama had an almost painful on screen chemistry. Oh, and Mary McDonnel? Inspired choice.

The thing that I truly love, however, is that there is very little noise. No massive explosions. No screaming and shouting. Everything is detached, everything is calm, in a slightly sick way. Only one word can truly sum up this miniseries and what follows.

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Some People Just Do Not Understand
adamjbernay14 December 2003
I've read a lot of your comments, and it amazes me how some people seem to think that the function of this mini-series (and hopefully series) is to cater to the whims of the fans of the original series. Sorry, that's not it.

The die-hard types -- the "fans" (and I am one, of BSG, BSG2003, Trek, B5, etc.) -- are never going to be more than a small fraction of the viewership of any television program. It must appeal to a broader audience, or it is DOOMED.

Ronald D. Moore -- in my opinion, one of the better writer-producers in sci-fi today -- took a concept that pleased just about nobody but the fans and reproduced it in a manner that made it interesting and watchable to a modern audience. And if you step outside of your "I want Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, and Dirk Benedict" temper tantrums, you will find it interesting and watchable as well.

As for some of the main cast members -- like the Adamas pere et fils -- being stiff and friends, welcome to career military officer types. I would bet you're the same people who complained about Commander Jeffrey Sinclair in the first season of Babylon 5 as well. These are TRUE TO LIFE heroes, not the Saturday morning cartoon comic book heroes.

As for remolding Starbuck (does she drink a lot of coffee? ;-) and Boomer into women... well, I had my doubts at first, but I thought they did a magnificent job. As for the Cylons looking like humans now... well, only some of them do. And, to be perfectly honest, it makes a lot of sense for them to be able to blend in with their enemies. Anyone who has knowledge of terrorists in the Middle East knows that the reason they can get in to major civilian population centers and cause hideously evil damage and destruction is because THEY BLEND IN. Use some logic, people!

Much like when going to see a movie based on one of Tom Clancy's novels, I didn't go into this expecting to see the original. I went into it expecting to see something new and interesting with some similarities at the plot level. And I was not disappointed.

Since ENTERPRISE seems to be killing the Trek franchise -- and I admit, I enjoy ENTERPRISE a lot of the time, but a lot of people don't, and I can see why -- I am in high hopes a series based on BSG2003 can revitalize hope for on-going TV science fiction. I don't see why it shouldn't as long as people stop thinking they're going to get Lorne Greene. They're getting Edward James Olmos, one of the most brilliant actors in Hollywood, coming BACK to TV after a successful movie career... and how often does THAT happen?!?
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Fabulously Brilliant!
mag9113 November 2006
I love everything about Battlestar Galactica. I used to watch the original as a kid but this is so much better due to quantum leaps in special effects since then. You feel as if you are right there on the flight deck or in the cockpit or in the command centre. Its easy to believe that Galactica exists somewhere 'out there'. I love the characters, they are so gutsy and real, the plot is excellently portrayed and leaves you gasping for more. I want to be a cross between Starbuck, Six and Laura and who wouldn't want to be mates (and more) with Apollo, Helo and Baltar. Such brilliant and realistic escapism is not always easy to find. The producers, writers and stars should be congratulated but I guess their reward is working on such an excellent project and knowing that they get to touch the lives of so many people.Even though we don't all get to fly vipers out amongst the stars we can pretend we do when we turn on BSG.
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Sci-Fi takes another step forward
sirderakus31 December 2003
I expected very little of this Sci-Fi Channel miniseries, for I adored the original so much, but to my pleasant surprise this production is excellent. It doesn't fall back on genre-typical styles of film-making as we have seen repeatedly in Star Trek or other television dramas. The editing is wonderful, the directing is above par, and the acting is quite convincing. I am especially pleased with the performance of Mary McDonnell as the president of the colonies. Her portrayal is that of an ordinary human being thrust into power by extraordinary circumstances. She doesn't overplay her strength and she doesn't fall back on 'exaggerated feminine emotionality' as so many female leaders seem to do in other shows. The quality of her performance is also seen in the other actors, who are allowed the screen time to show us their personalities, rather than simply deliver trite one-liners.

CG-wise, Battlestar Galactica was beyond excellent. Lighting in space is harsh and I was pleased to see that the producers didn't soften it just to make the ships look more romantic. External scenes were used to tell the story and not gratuitously. I was left wanting more every time.

Excellent show.
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The dawn of a new era. A sci-fi show you don't have to be a nerd to watch.
Wraith86771 December 2006
Before this re-imagining was even announced I had never before heard about "Battlestar Galactica" except when an overweight comic book geek mentioned it on TV. But when I heard such a show was airing I found myself....well, gitty. Never watching the old series I spent the night that it first aired glued to my TV waiting for it to come on. And after I watched the whole miniseries, I was blown away. A sci-fi show with no lasers? No elaborate, all too clean, spacecrafts? No weird talking animals? A sci-fi show that is actually relevant to today? Can such a show exist? Yes, my friend.

Never before has such a show like this been created, "Naturalistic Science Fiction," is what the producers call it. It was created to shake things up in the sci-fi genre the only problem is that it came too late. Sci-fi is now associated to too extremes, Star Trek and Star Wars, both are great, I prefer Star Wars, but, whatever. And there have been smaller shows in between the two, Farscape, Stargate, the old BSG. But never before has this entered.

The new Battlestar Galactica is simply saying "screw those guys, I am the evolved one." And it shows, it shows. The story of the miniseries starts where the original series starts, the original series started with a movie by the way.

One of the most noticeable differences is the camera, what i mean is that you are aware that there is in fact a camera recording the action, from shaking to zooming in and out this is to give the impression that this is all really happening and that you are viewing war footage. Another thing is that everything feels authentic, from the towns to the corridors of the ships, everything is alive and is used in the scene, you actually feel that theses ships are real. Speaking of ships the new look of the Cylon ships is eerie to say the least.

The characters are also unique, for the first time you can have a tough WOMEN soldier without her being regarded as a lesbian. All the characters change, meaning they don't simply stay, the tough one, the scared one, the dumb one, they all switch to different roles.

The technology of the show is similar to that of our own and of Blade Runner. They also make do with what they have, there isn't a piece of technology that is presented to the characters at the beginning that will vanquish the enemy that will be introduced in ten minutes.

All in all if you are looking for something different to watch than the new Battlestar Galactica is one to see. In fact everyone should at least give it a try. Do not listen to those who say that it is bad they are the ones who would rather see the women as background characters, and who want the kid to be smarter than everyone else.

Give the miniseries a try.

I give it 9 "Screw you were more evolved" statements out of 10
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Some Dark Moments, and Saw What They Were Trying to do, BUT...
Matador0710 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
it failed to thrill.


I appreciated the efforts to give all of the characters more...well, character than the cardboard cutout "good guys" in the original, even if it was taken too far in the case of Starbuck, who is just obnoxious and needs to be seriously toned down, and Baltar, who is just nuts and had FAR too much screentime talking to the fantasy woman in his head (and can it be any coincidence that the only character WITHOUT any issues turns out to be a Cylon spy?). I also appreciated the sporadic attempts at darkness -- the abandonment of the slower ships in the fleet to certain death was particularly effective. But despite these attempts, the mini-series as a whole just lacks any real emotional punch.

Instead it gets caught up in spending so much time establishing the various characters and their rather broad issues, that it fails to take a look around at the bigger picture around it. As far as these people know, the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE HAS JUST BEEN WIPED OUT. Not once did I get any sort of feel for the emotions such an event would cause, nor did we get to see more than the barest glimpses of the chaos of the destruction itself. Independence Day might have had more emotional punch, and that's not good.

Nonetheless, going forward I have some hope. If they decide to turn this into a series, the have already shown a willingness to explore character flaws and depict grim choices and events. Episode to episode I could see them being able and willing to introduce conflict and occasionally have things not go so well. But as far as capturing the power and tragedy of the entire species being annihilated? Just out of the makers' league I'm afraid -- and because of that the mini-series just felt "smaller" than its subject matter.
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Intense, moody, and dark. Much better than expected.
mstomaso9 January 2006
Those who are used to SciFi's standard fare are likely to be a bit bored by the realism, character development, intelligent dialog, and lack of explosions, mutant organisms and/or poor special effects. This is REAL science fiction, not cheap shock effects strung together with a mediocre plot. Hand-held photography- pioneered in groundbreaking series like ER and Firefly - has started to become cliché. Nevertheless, it works in this film partly because it is not overdone. The shots alternate between a hand-held documentary feel and a more standard dramatic presentation.

I was never a big fan of the original Battlestar Galactica TV show, and I have only seen a few SciFi originals which did not embarrass me on behalf of the entire genre of science fiction (Farscape and both Dune Mini-series being the exceptions). SciFi hypes their productions heavily, and they are almost always disappointingly silly. So, I was not inclined to go into this with an open mind. If anything convinced me to give it a shot, it was the fact that E J Olmos was hired to play Adama and that Mary MacDonnell was on-board. To say the least, I was very pleasantly surprised by the production quality, intelligent script, and the cast. This is more than a reinvention of BSG, it is a vast improvement over the silly cowboy histrionics the first series devolved into.

The story begins just before an invasion of 12 planets colonized by humans. The invading force has infiltrated all of the defense networks by positioning key agents in positions where they can easily exploit vulnerabilities, and has basically disabled all planetary defenses, leaving everybody and everything vulnerable. There is no battle. The few vestiges left of the once thriving human population are those who were fortunate enough to have been in space at the time of the attack. From this dire premise, Battlestar Galactica proceeds.

All considered, this is a film about the human will to survive, redemption and the spirit of hope. Though dark, moody, and as fragmented as life often is, BSG is also driven, suspenseful, and very well written. The cast is as talented as it is visually striking - mixing weird beauty, youthful energy, and hard-edged agedness. None of the actors misstep, and each seems to know their character particularly well. This is an unusual quality for SciFi originals, and shows that the network invested in quality directing talent and worked with reasonable production deadlines (as opposed to rush-jobs).

I strongly recommend this film for serious science fiction fans.
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7/10 killed a few hours.....killed 'em stone dead.
Rob_Taylor14 December 2003
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of potential here. But if a series does materialise out of this, I hope they bear a few things in mind.

Firstly, and most annoyingly, don't employ drunks to do your camerawork. I'm not referring to the sudden and somewhat disorienting camera motions during the space battles. No, I'm referring to the "wobbling camera" syndrome that appeared in a number of set piece scenes, almost to the point of making me wonder whether I was watching some "hidden camera" documentary.

Secondly, don't overuse the "human Cylons" routine. Whatever your motives for putting them in the script, ultimately it just looks like you're too cheap to splash out on effects. Especially when the new and souped up mechanical Cylons are only on screen for about a minute in four hours!

Thirdly, the Cylon "eye" on the Cylon fighters was, quite frankly, ludicrous in the extreme. What was the point of that? We know they're Cylons, that they have a new weapon, etc, etc. I didn't know you could "ham" up special effects, but this did it, and did it to truly Porcine proportions.

OK, so what was good about the show. Well, it introduced some character traits into the main players. Colonel Tighe's a drunk, Adama has a problem with his son, and sundry other minor "people are real 'cos we've given them problems" features. So, in that sense, I suppose it's an improvement over the original, which had precious little character development.

My main gripe, though, was with Starbuck. Not that they'd given him a sex-change. I can understand that entirely. Think about it. Dirk Benedict is really only known for two roles - as Face in the A Team, and Starbuck from the original BSG. Considering the age of the original, he must have pretty much made the part his own for people to remember him so vividly. The script and casting staff are to be commended for realising that no man could fill his shoes in that role. So I'm OK with the gender change. But try as I might, I just can't seem to like the new Starbuck. They seem to have tried to make the role too similar to poor old Dirk's, right down to the cigars. And trust me, seeing a woman chew on a stogie ain't something that's ever gonna be attractive in a female role. Add the character's insane attitude, compared to the original happy-go-lucky Starbuck, an actress that can't quite do the "tough girl" role, and you have an instantly dislikeable character.

I also have problems with the way they are doing the Baltar role. It's good that he's not a one-dimensional cardboard maniac, as portrayed by dear old John Colicos, in the original. However, the whole "Baltar's talking to himself - or is he?" routine started to grate on my nerves, as did the overuse of the sex scenes between the two characters. In fact, the continued reappearance of "Number 6" began to get silly very early on. As for her giving Baltar a hand job at one point - give me a frickin break!

In fact, considering the target audience probably consisted to a great extent of former BSG fans, I felt there was altogether too much unecessary babbling, sex and dialogue, and nowhere near enough action. A lot of engagements between the Cylons and the Colonials are talked about, but never seen, a bit like the new Cylons themselves.

All in all it's a valiant attempt to update the franchise, make it a little bit more "adult" and a little less "space opera". It has potential, if they address a few issues in any resulting serialisation, but I wonder how much mileage there is in a series where each week the cast and crew run away from searching Cylons, whilst doing little other than argue who's in commmand or who's fault it was Apollo's brother got killed, or perhaps punching out a superior officer to add excitement. A series can survive on one of two things - story, or characters - preferrably both. The story isn't very strong here and so far, to my humble opinion, neither are the characters.

There's none of the charm or humour of the original, which was what made it so popular way back when, and a humourless show, with no strong characters and precious little story, cannot hope to succeed.

All in all.......disappointing.
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This could have been much, much better.
Jayew102510 December 2003
When I first started seeing the commercials for BSG beginning earlier this year, I was very enthusiastic. I thought, a great show from when I was a younger, matched with the technology of today, this is going to be the event of the season. But as I began to see more and more of what was coming I lost my enthusiasm. I guess there were just too many changes for me to enjoy the show. I liked the old Boomer and Starbuck. I liked the old Cylons. I liked the relationship between Adama and Apollo. Oh, and those old uniforms were just the coolest thing back then, wow. Even the SFX could have been better with the technology thats out there nowadays. I LIKE the old show better. This show to me was for a much younger audience, and I am not certain what age group that Sci-Fi caters to, but this was more like a teenager show, not someone in their 40's who was a huge fan of the original. When it comes to remakes let's try to keep up with what made the original what it was, a classic, other than just the name of the show and the names of the principal characters.
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What is the point of a `re-imagined' fiasco, it isn't anything like the original?
dvo47p26 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The Scifi Channel probably will not pick this up as series, SURPRISED, me neither.

What is the point of a `re-imagined' fiasco, it isn't anything like the original?

That's the oh so prevalent reservation heard over the internet ever since The Sci-Fi Channel rejected the Richard Hatch, Brian Singer and Tom DeSanto versions in its objective to make Battlestar Galactica into a 2003 mini-series. It has been said that in order to fairly critique this project, one must consider it as a separate entity to the 1978 series. However, what is the point to this, if it isn't anything like the original?

To be fair, the general outline of the 1978 series and 2003 mini-series are identical. Mortal enemies called Cylons destroy 12 human colonies in a surprise attack. Of all the mighty ships that protected these colonies, only the Battlestar Galactica survives. The leader of this vessel, Commander Adama, takes command of a rag-tag fleet to find the long-forgotten, legendary "13th colony" of Earth. This is the way it was in the original series. That's where this remake is the same.

Sadly, that singular paragraph is the only thing similar to the original series at all. The original series' concept was that "brothers of man" who inspired ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Mayans were fighting to survive, in a solar system far, far away. In this retooled remake there are indeed colonies of man, but they aren't anything like "ancient Egypt" at all; they're just humdrum cities filled with humdrum humans with humdrum costumes flying in their humdrum spaceships. Remember how the original series' pilots all wore helmets with Egyptian style markings on them? Well, now they are all wearing space helmets. Boring, been-there-done-that space helmets.

Oh, yes, there's also the "new" Starbuck, as talked about on many a message board by now. In the original, Starbuck was sort of "TV Han Solo," as played by Dirk Benedict ("The A-Team"). Here, Starbuck is a tomboy-like skinny blonde (Katee Sackhoff), who even if you accept the gender change, has a lot to be desired. Starbuck may have been a typically sexist 1970's character but at least he was always fun; he never took anything too seriously. If you're going to make Starbuck a woman, at least make sure it's a women who, much like Dirk Benedict, always holds back a mischievous grin and a glint in her eye. All the new Starbuck has is a walking smart-mouthed, hard drinking, cigar chomping, hard drinking, fist swinging, Top Gun clone with a big personality disorder, the anal sort.


Not even Cylons are no longer Cylons! In the original series, Cylons were mechanical to the highest degree; a race of purely artificial beings who abhorred anything "human" at all. Now, they are supposedly a race of robots longing to be human, yet wanting to kill humans anyway. Huh? Don't bother figuring this plot paradox out: you only need to know that Cylons in this remake are led by a supermodel-type cyborg named #6; a "Cylon" who seems to go around having sex to get spy information. I'd say sex sells, but for some reason Six doesn't "sell it" for me. Maybe it's how her spine glows red during sex? That's a tad bit too silly for my tastes.

Then there's Baltar: the man who was once the series' arch-villain. Now, he's an ill fated sex addict! He's a guy who was at first fooled by #6 to give key defense codes in the throes of passion (Uh...didn't he suspect something when his lover asked for top secret information in the middle of sex...?). Now, Baltar is a cowardly "genius" (or so they tell us), just trying to survive. So what...? He's been downgraded into a mere foolishly fooled fool so what's the harm? Of all the script changes, this is the most dire; Baltar was the arch nemesis of all Galactica lore. Making him into a bumbling genius is folly, to no good end.

Here's what I don't get. If you've been given the permission to rip-off a 1978 TV series, why would you decide to rip-off every single other sci-fi story source, instead? Gone are original Galactica costumes that resembled ancient Egyptian wear, replaced with headgear and uniforms that look ripped off from --of all places-- Starship Troopers. Gone are the chrome-armored Cylons, replaced with a sexy female cyborg: a rip-off of Terminator 3 at best, and Species at worst. Gone is the ominous attack by thousands of Cylon fighter ships at once, replaced with large explosions seen from the air, over key metropolitan cities; a very obvious Independence Day rip-off. Regardless of all the ripping off going on, at no time did I see a single homage to Galactica; the very source this mini-series was supposed to be ripping off! That's just weird.

Even by itself --that is, if you forget the original series, and the reason for this remake, entirely-- the script is still flawed. It is implied that with the defense codes Baltar provided, the Cylons can attack without hindrance. The thought is that Cylons can use their own computer brains to hack into all computer defense systems and disable them.

This is an amusing premise though it doesn't sell the story the way it could have. What about the 20-year-old ships dragged out of storage, to defend the Galactica? They wouldn't have the same ease for hacking. Consider: even a classic Macintosh Plus is invulnerable to a virus that could wipe out the whole hard drive of a modern Pentium 4. This is one of many story elements that stared this mini-series' writers square in the eye, and could have really improved the story...yet were sadly ignored.
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Best. Reboot. Ever.
adaptor7 February 2021
Most reboots are terrible and this is a brilliant exception. They took what was good about the original series, which I grew up watching and loving, threw away the camp, and built up a beautiful use of new technology and sensibilities around it. Most of the cast are top notch and the storyline is smart and generally compelling. There are stumbles along the way but this is a solid series from beginning to end that bears rewatching.
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Intelligent scifi for a new generation
casarbi22 December 2004
A fantastic reinterpretation of Larson's original premise.

I loved the old Galactica. It was cheesy, simplistic fun. However, I always find Larson's old pilots hold more promise than their series.

Like Buck Rogers, the original Galactica pilot is far darker than the rest of the series run. For a show based on the genocide of 12 planets, the original Battlestar Galactica never really got to grips with the futility, fear and condition of a race on the edge of extinction.

The new show makes up for that in abundance. The tone is dark, the pace is slow yet methodical. In the old show the attack on the colonies was dealt with in the first half hour. Here we have a far slower build up.

The characters, while sombre are very real. Even Starbuck (and kudos for changing sex here, how many male Solo rips offs will we have to endure in SciFi?) works well. She has a hint of Benedict in expression and dialogue with far more consistency ever offered to Benedicts character.

Apollo takes some getting used to, but surprisingly, the best characters this time around aren't the pilots, but the Administration. Adama is fantastic. Believable and oozing authority. Tigh is a wonderful mess and the President surprisingly well written.

Finally, the glory to the show has to be Baltar. No longer a panto baddie, he is deeper character. A character with realistic motivations, drives and issues. While a tragic character, his portrayal is humorous and sinister at the same time.

The best scifi show since Farscape. The series is pretty fine too!
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I hated The New Battle Star
mike-991-95824519 January 2019
I had the grate pleasure of been born in the 1970's. 1974 to be exact. We had Star Trek on every day. What more could a young fella ask for in 1977, I remember catching the bus with my father to watch Star Wars. If I recall correctly the dude in the black mask gave me some bad dreams.

Skip forward 3 years as father and son went to see the empire strike back. It was around this time at school where every kid was asking was Vader Luke's dad. It would fill up our every lunch time discussions until a kid said did you guys watch the show on Saturday morning. No we all said, so next weekend we all went round to Chrises house and had our minds blown away. There were epice space fights with robots. As a bunch of 7 years old kids we were hooked. We watched it on Saturday morning and played out our favourite scenes. In the play ground on Monday. We loved that show so much that serveral of us started whistling the theam song while playing the Apple //e game elite. ( one of the best challenging space trader games ever ). As kids tend to grow up so did we. We grew up on some pretty fantastic shows and would defend their honnor till death if need be.

Skip forward to 2003. We were so excited to see our favourite show brought back from its deep dark hole where it was sitting for the best part of 24 years.

We were so excited to see the mini series but we all hated it. It didn't live up to our expectations, yes we know that our expectations were outrageously set too high. So as a group we decided not to watch anymore episodes. Move on to 2013 at a boys night in the motel they just happened to be playing the 2003 mini series. We were all glued to the tube and spent the whole weekend binge watching. Being a bit older and wiser it was easier to accept the series as the excellent show it is and realise that as kids we only remember the good parts.

I hope the boys and girls are playing in the play ground after watching bsg the same type of game we were as kids.

Despite the initial reacton to the new series I have to admit this could be one of the best sci-fi shows ever. I would like to see a spin off series following another battlestar during one of the wars or maybe a tale of the 13 tribes. Either way give us more BSG please!!!!!!!!
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An unbias review
Captain_James21 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
When Galactica first aired in 1978, I was only sixteen years old. At that time in my life, I was craving anything Star Wars or Kiss. When Battlestar Galactica aired it was simply amazing. I made sure that every Sunday Night I would be there to cheer on my heroes, Starbuck and Apollo, to triumph over the evil Cylons. The initial cancellation came as a shock to me, especially since my friends and I would sit in the lunchroom on Monday and talk about the Battlestar Galactica episode the night before. When Galactica 1980 came along I had high hopes but was thoroughly disappointed with the series. I was so disappointed in Galactica 1980 that I buried the series way back in my mind, never again to be spoken of.

Now twenty-three years later, my sixteen-year-old daughter shows me this script of a show I loved in my youth. Obviously, I read it out of curiosity to see how they have remade my old show. My toughest experiences with the script were the gender changes of Starbuck and Boomer, and the names becoming call signs. At first I wanted to just put it down and just dream of what was, however my curiosity to see the conclusion kept me going. The most amazing thing about the script is that it is easy to relate to the characters and to understand what makes them human. Now without further ado, my review:

We begin the story at Armistice Station with Boxey's Father looking at pictures of his wife and son. Suddenly, a Cylon raiding party led by Number Six, who is a very attractive humanoid Cylon, interrupts him. She sexually assaults him and Armistice Station explodes. Number Six is characterized as being very seductive and Moore maybe trying to accentuate how truly seductive she is in the scene.

My issue with the scene is the need to use a sexual assault prior to the destruction of Armistice Station. They could have easily sent just Cylon Centurions in to destroy Armistice Station. However, the further along you go, you begin to understand why Moore chose the sexual assault. His attempt is to remove the Star Wars clichés. If the Cylon Centurions had assaulted the station in the manner described, it would have looked like the opening scene of Star Wars -A New Hope. The message he is conveying in a not so subtle way is this that "this is not Star Wars".

In fact, the script conveys that message rather loudly if you pay attention to it. The concept of no sound in space to the split screens to the use of missiles for long-range combat screams "this is not Star Wars". In 1978, critics often criticized Battlestar Galactica as a Star Wars rip-off. The effort to distance itself from this criticism is very apparent in the script.

The characters in the remake have been humanized with character flaws that exist in all of us. The approach in many ways has made the characters more compelling. For instance, Adama and Apollo are estranged over the death of Zak. Apparently Apollo feels his father pushed Zak into a career that was not fit for him. Because of the piloting accident Apollo feels the responsibility lies with his father. Many parents, such as myself, play a role in shaping their children's future. Adama, being a military man, would logically believe a military life is one's proof of manhood. This belief is something he conveyed to his children, which would create resentment if one was to die in career that another feels is not suited for the individual. Throughout the remake, you have a sense that the two men do still love one another. Because of the Cylon attack, the dynamics in their relationship begin to change for the better. When Apollo appeared to have died, Adama felt a loss that any parent would feel if they lost a child. But when Apollo returns, the relationship between the two begins to heal. The real turning point in the relationship was when Kara confesses to Apollo that she passed Zak even though he failed his piloting exam. Now Apollo can see that Adama is not solely guilty for his brother's death which helps lead to more healing. During the blockade run from Ragnar, Apollo acknowledges Adama as father instead of Commander. The two realize the love that is still there as Father and Son when the series concludes.

The Kara and Apollo relationship is a very interesting one. Kara was Apollo's brother Zak's fiancée. His death seems to be crucible between Kara, Apollo, and Adama. In many instances, you have the feeling that Kara has more than just friendship feelings for Apollo. This shows during Apollo's arrival on the Galactica where Kara and Apollo exchange more than pleasantries. Later on, when she heard that Apollo `died' she was visibly upset and the picture of Zak and her revealed that Apollo was there too. Her tough exterior hides a very complex woman. When she realizes that Apollo is alive, it just brought new life to her. Her feeling of shared guilt for Zak's death was finally shared with Apollo where she tells him that she passed Zak despite failing the exam. Kara proves to be every bit the warrior Dirk Benedict's Starbuck was and fights courageously over Ragnar. She saves Apollo in a belly-to-belly viper maneuver to get onboard a Galactica under duress from the Cylons without the thought of the danger she was in. I have the feeling that in a full series, Kara and Apollo might become a couple.

The relationship between Number Six and Baltar is a strange one at best. I see her as like a laboratory scientist who does research with guinea pigs to see how they react in certain environments. Baltar seems very self absorbed and more concern about people finding out how he was the unwitting tool used for the Cylon destruction of Kobol. Baltar seems intent in ridding the Galactica of Cylons but does not want to expose how he knows what he knows. Number Six seems to enjoy baiting him and studying his behavior.

President Laura Roslin and Commander Adama relationship adds a new dynamic missing from the original. She brings civilian rule over the Rag Tag Fleet instead of martial law that existed in the original. Roslin seems like the kind of leader to represent the people's concerns and needs over her personal agendas. She cares more for their safety than hers. She continually put her ship at risk trying to rescue more survivors following the devastating Cylon attack. Her first truly difficult choice as the leader of mankind was when the Cylons spotted the Rag Tag Fleet and sent fighters to intercept. She decided, with a heavy heart, to leave the ships without FTL drives to their doom while saving a majority of her people. Adama and Roslin butt heads several times but in the end, she persuaded Adama to see the reality of the situation despite his objections. Their partnership, I believe, will be a very interesting one during moments in crisis in future episodes.

One of the relationships that I feel will play out more is the one between Boomer and Boxey. I am under the impression that Boomer does not know she is a Cylon, which can lead to fascinating possibilities for the future. Boxey may bring out the maternal instincts within Boomer which when the time comes makes her decide to serve the humans and betray her fellow Cylons. I certainly hope that this element is played out correctly in the series as to where it becomes logical why she would choose humankind over cylonkind.

Besides the character relationships, the history of the Cylons is clearly defined in the remake. Man created the Cylons adding a twist from the original. The eventual man vs. man's creation relationship is an age-old tale. A tale similar to how the Monster turned against Dr. Frankenstein. In many ways, Cylons are the victims as is the Monster in Frankenstein. They were created as a slave force that eventually became the instruments of destruction for the Colonies to wage war against one another. Finally one day, the Cylons realized that mankind was the monster and warred against man. Apparently the Cylons left and as of forty years ago, they were never heard from again. An uneasy peace exists between creator and creation in which the creation evolved into the Humanoid Cylons. The Cylons also have a form of religion and a God. I found that absolutely fascinating and would like to see how Cylon religion is played out in a series.

By far my favorite element of the mini-series is that one can read it while being familiar with the original with a level of real suspense. The original pilot was the roadmap but Moore decided to tell the story from the point of view of what happened on the Colonies during the Cylon attack. The horror of nuclear war is shown in all its horrifying glory in the remake. The plight of the Colonists is a story worth telling and it done extremely well in the remake.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with this remake. Most remakes end up being carbon copies of the original story or they overuse the cliché moments of the original. This remake does none of the above, which makes it somewhat unique. It is not a question of comparing the original to the remake since both versions stand out as great works for their time. The remake is not the original but simply a retelling of the old story from a fresh perspective that leaves one wondering, what more will come from this.
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The Grim Beginning
magicwalnuts5 July 2008
As a huge fan of the show from the second this miniseries aired I may be a bit biased, but regardless this release has incredible merits.

There are two aspects of BSG II that really pull you in, first and foremost, and one of the reasons the series is so incredibly excellent are the characters and their interactions. They are just so darn believable, from the alcoholic second in command to a dying school teacher turned president of humanity.

The second, and the reason why standing alone this is an excellent piece of cinema is the grim atmosphere that is so realistically displayed. The sense of horror and helplessness is almost palpable as you witness the genocide of a race.

As I write this BSG has aired all the way up to season 4.5. Combined with the series BSG is shaping up to be one of the greatest science fiction epics of all time.
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Solid From The Get-Go
zkonedog11 March 2017
When most TV shows hit the airwaves, they struggle to make it an entire season and hope to find themselves along the way. Battlestar Galactica, however, began with this shiny miniseries, clearly establishing itself as a force to be reckoned with in the sci-fi TV ranks.

For a basic plot summary, the BSG miniseries sees the Galactica spaceship set to be decommissioned after many years of service in the Cylon wars. Deemed too "outdated" for the modern era, the creaky ship is pressed into duty when the mysterious Cylons (a rebelling race of machines created by humans) suddenly return to wreak havoc on the galaxy.

This is a clear example of a show that knew it would be good from the get-go. The acting is spot-on, the plot is intriguing, and the production values rival the pilot episode of LOST. It might come across as a bit egotistical, but BSG takes itself very seriously. Luckily, it has the gravitas to back it up.

As far as the comparisons to the original BSG series, I can't make any, as I haven't watched a single second of it. Suffice it to say, though, that you don't have to have ANY prior knowledge to get sucked into the plot.

Overall, this 3-hour miniseries sets the stage for the Sci-Fi Channel TV series, proving that shows ending in "Trek" or beginning with "Star" don't necessarily corner the market on sci-fi fare.
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Not So Good Galactica
choda197710 December 2003
As a sci-fi fan in general, I am always pleased to hear of a new and exciting series coming down the pipeline. This was how I felt with the highly anticipated 2 part miniseries Battlestar Galactica. I can't quite remember how long sci-fi hyped this series but I remember seeing spots for it all the way in June or so. With all the hype and time that went into Battlestar, I was ready for one of the best pieces of sci-fi that had yet to be seen. Unfortunately, all I saw was a C- remake of a grade F show from the 1970's. Now to be fair to all of you dedicated Battlestar fans from the beginning, the original was definitely groundbreaking and imaginative for it's time, but I imagine the Ford Pinto at one point might have been given that title as well. I am sure it was great back then but now it is pointless to watch unless you are an original fan in search of nostalgia. Having said that though, the new version of the series is not that much better. Granted, all of the visual aspects far surpass anything the original series ever could have attained and are quite impressive to watch, but that is about all the new Battlestar has going for it. There is not much character development at all, although it is obvious they tried to incorporate this at times, but it just didn't pan out on film. From the acting, especially towards the end, one would never know that these people were the very last of the human race, they certainly did not seem to notice much. The only two characters names I even remember are Starbuck and Apollo, and the only reason I even remember those is the fact that both of the characters are right out of cliche` 101. Starbuck is the ever-popular "manly woman", complete with the cigar smoking and drunkenness. Now I am all for equal rights among the sexes but for some reason having this "man-like" character in a woman is just not enjoyable to watch. Why is it that all "strong" women characters in these kinds of shows have to be so cliche'? I guess I should be thankful she wasn't some outrageously over the top Charlie's angel's type woman who can beat the crap of a guy twice her size despite her 110-lb. frame but it still doesn't sit well with me. Then you have Apollo, the "I'm not going to speak to my father because of my dead brother" character who seems to have about as much personality as a box of corn chex. The only real attempt at creating an interesting character was through Dr. Gaius Baltar and the actor portraying him did a very excellent job. Through this character you can see his inner demons plaguing him as he desperately tries to save himself from the truth of the situation. One of the main problems with this series is simply was too short for the amount of ground they tried to cover. The first hour of the series is absolutely pointless and wastes valuable time that could have been spent telling the story, not attempting to fit the original show into the situation by having Battlestar Galactica be some sort of a tourist destination...that was just lame. Another of the show's hindrances is the music and sound effects used. The space battles are almost completely silent save for the little air puffs from the vipers and the occasional Cylon ship screaming by. Now I realize that in space there wouldn't be sounds like we are used to hearing in earth bound dogfights but at least the music could have made up for it. Instead all we got were some drums in the background that just barely let you know they were there. If you are a fan of film and television you know that music plays a huge part in the general theme of the story and it set's the tone for what you are watching. It is very hard to be excited about an almost silent space battle with some congo drums in the background. Star Wars is a great example of excellent use of sound effects and music. Like it or not you always know what the tone of the scene is just by the first few notes of John Williams's amazing score. The composer for the series, Richard Gibbs, really should have taken a few notes from composers like Williams and given Battlestar a truly decent score, not some uninspired, unimaginative collection of music, if that is what you want to call it. Maybe this score would have been great for an episode of Diagnosis Murder or Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman but not for an epic sci-fi battle....I mean who green-lighted this in the first place? This series is one of those that has all of its really good parts in the trailer. If you watch that then you have pretty much seen the gist of the whole series and it saves you the trouble of sitting through 4 hours of bad acting. I wanted to like this series, I really did. I am always aching for good sci-fi and there just isn't much out there anymore so any time something like this comes along I am excited. But there were too many letdowns and loose ends in this series for me to really enjoy it. Its only real saving grace was the ending battle scene, but even that was short and somewhat lacking. All in all I would say avoid this unless you are just a huge sci-fi fan or would like to see your favorite series from your childhood on screen again.
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Earth, the Sanctuary
claudio_carvalho13 May 2006
After forty years of armistice, the Cylons massively attacks the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. Their strategy is based on a virus implanted in the mankind defense system. The former Battlestar Galactica, which is being adapted as a museum, is not connected in network with the defense system and becomes the unique warship capable of fight against the Cylons and lead the survivors to the legendary planet Earth.

In the end of the 70's, my wife and I were huge fans of "Battlestar Galactica". We did not lose any show, and we loved the saga of Capt. Apollo, Lt. Starbuck, Cmdr. Adama and the crew and survivors in this warship. The enemies of this series usually made depreciative comparisons with "Star Wars", but there were many followers at least in Brazil. This "updated remake" is reasonable, with a female "Starbuck" and better special effects, but without the charm of the original film. Unfortunately, the character of Mary McDonnell is awfully ridiculous and inconsistent, and spoils most of the plot with wrong decisions and positions. The hopeless woman has cancer and is a secretary of education that hates politics, but suddenly she thinks that she is a military strategist, giving orders to experienced military commanders. I do not know the intention of the writer, but it was terrible and irritated me. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Battlestar Galactica"

Obs: On 02 August 2008, I started seeing the First Season of Galactica and the first disc is indeed this mini-series. I noted that most of the lead cast is non-charismatic and Mary McDonnell's character is worse and more ridiculous than my first impression.
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Honestly was not expecting it to be this good
TheLittleSongbird16 October 2016
The original 'Battlestar Galactica' series from the 70s was, and still is, a lot of fun to watch and has a lot of great things, such as most of the production values, the music and the cast (especially loved Adama and Starbuck). Flaws and all, there is still a soft spot for the show.

At the same time, it was a long way from a flawless show, with the problems more noticeable to an adult audience, such as annoying child actors, the character of Muffit II, the tone not always being focused and too many homages that distracted from the main plot-line. When 'Battlestar Galactica' was good, it was great, as seen with "War of the Gods" which took a darker and bolder approach and ended up epitomising what the show is all about. When the show was not good, like with "The Young Lords", it was cringe-worthy.

There was the worry that this mini-series, or pilot to the 2004 re-boot, would be another 'Galactica 1980', which had one great episode in the final episode "The Return of Starbuck" and one great scene in the attack of the Cylons on Los Angeles but is down there as one of the most pointless and unnecessary shows ever made, not only making the mistakes as the original 'Battlestar Galactica' did but amplifying them and making more on the way.

No fear of that. For a pilot mini-series, 'Battlestar Galactica' (2003) was pretty darn good, honestly was not expecting it to be this good. Whereas pilots tend to have a shaky finding-its-feet vibe, while still with things that could have been done better, 'Battlestar Galactica' (2003) is enough to make one feel excited, rather than apprehensive, for what was to follow. Am going to go on a limb here, for me this was an improvement on the original 'Battlestar Galactica' and while clearly for an older and perhaps more adult audience perhaps a little more accessible.

In 'Battlestar Galactica' (2003) the tone is much more consistent. It's dark, bold, moody and sombre compared to the more light-hearted and admittedly sometimes cheesy tone of the original, and while it was different it was interesting and avoided generally being clinical and cold (though it was occasionally in the early scenes). It clearly knows what tone it's trying to take, without trying to be too many things all at once which would fall into the traps of being bloated and under-explored, and what target audience it's aiming to appease to, without trying too hard to appeal to them. The characters have much more depth, with complex and nuanced personalities (the heroes have flaws as well as strengths, while the more villainous characters are more than standard villains with a sympathetic and humane edge while also being a threat). Only Tigh is a little flat.

The Cylons are more consistently characterised, being more of a threat rather than being indecisively written, and there are no annoying child actors or any character down there with the likes of Muffit II or Doctor Zee from 'Galactica 1980'.

Apart from some camera work that comes over as gimmicky and excessive, the production values are top notch, so much so that it felt out of place when it was aired on the Sci-Fi Channel with most of its output (more its movies than the long-running shows that aired) looking like direct to video fodder, and that's being kind. Mostly it's stylishly and atmospherically shot, the settings are more expansive and leaves one in awe and the special effects are not cheap and not repetitive or recycled. The music is haunting and moody with also with melancholy and nuanced pathos without being overly-bombastic or sappy, approaches that would have sounded wrong within the show.

Writing is as layered and complex as the characters, as well as being more focused tonally and the story-lines more consistent. It's very insightful and thought-provoking, and resists going into overload of cheese or mawkish sentimentality. While taking its time to develop, the story is still incredibly compelling with a lot going on while still being very much cohesive. There is no padding and the concept is always obvious with little getting in the way. The acting is very good, especially from dignified and authoritative Edward James Olmos and a heartfelt Mary McDonnell. A female and more abrasive Starbuck did take getting used to at first and did need toning down at first, but generally the sass and toughness of the character was entertaining and Katee Sackoff did very well bringing that out.

Overall, fans of the original show will be, and have been, put off by the wildly different feel of the show. But for other people who either liked the original while also acknowledging its flaws (like me) or didn't care for it, the different feel was, or will be, a welcome change due to having more depth and a more focused tone.

9/10 Bethany Cox
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Better than average.
yossarian1009 December 2003
I'm sorry, better than average is faint praise but praise none the less. Mary McDonnell, who gave a wonderfully touching performance as the First Lady in Independence Day, gives this reworking of Battlestar Galactica that special spark as colonial president and one who is sensitive, vulnerable, and quite strong. Edward James Olmos, as Commander William Adama, is the other stand out performer. The movie has that made for tv look, unfortunately, but it also has some bright moments, too. The artwork for the exterior scenes is pretty good, the special effects more than adequate, and the musical score is emotional and moody. However, the interior shots are too well lit which tends to show the inadequacies of the set designs. Again, that made for tv look. Oh, well. The only series I watch on tv is Enterprise so I'm not going to pick on Battlestar Galactica. If you're a science fiction fan, you should try to catch this. It's decent and worth watching.
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New "Vision" Lacked Entertainment
Badpauls7 January 2004
After watching this new "Vision" of Battlestar Galactica, I must say that it was not very entertaining...:( The first two hours had me hoping for some excitement, but this did not happen, even in the second two hours. There was too much time trying to develop the characters, and not enough "Original" story, or actual "SCIENCE FICTION", to keep me entertained. The characters did not appeal to me at all, as they were all angry throughout the show, as that was the only emotion they seemed to have. They did not want to make a "Space Opera", so they made a boring "Soap Opera" instead. Overall, I am very disappointed with this "Production".
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