Red vs. Blue (TV Series 2003–2024) Poster


Gustavo Sorola: Simmons, Pvt. Dick Simmons, Pvt. Dick Simmons 2.0, Gene, Zealot, Cyclops, Gus Sorola



  • [Simmons and Grif of Red Army are faced with the Blue Army's tank, manned by Caboose. The tank is pointing its cannon at them] 

    Simmons : OK, you ready? Let's do this on three. One...

    Grif : Wait. On three, or three and then go?

    Simmons : On three. It's always faster to go on three.

    Grif : OK. OK. On three.

    Caboose : Here!

    Sheila : Tutorial deactivated. AutoFire sequence activated.

    Simmons : Ready?

    Sheila : Acquiring targets.

    Church : [to Tucker]  I'm going for the jeep. Cover me.

    Simmons : One...

    [Grif starts backing away, then turns and runs like hell] 

    Sheila : Target acquired.

    Grif : Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...

    Simmons : Two...

    Sheila : Target locked.

    Simmons : Three!

    [Simmons turns and sees that Grif is long gone] 

    Simmons : Oh, you backstabbing cockbite!

    Sheila : Firing main cannon.

    [Sheila fires her cannon and blows up the Warthog] 

    Simmons : Son of a bitch!

    Grif : Son of a bitch!

    Church : Son of a bitch!

    Sheila : Firing main cannon.

    [Sheila continues firing while everyone runs away from the tank] 

    Tucker : [to Church]  Hey dude, the jeep blew up!

    Church : No kidding. Thanks for the update, Tucker!

    Simmons : [hiding with Grif behind a rock that Sheila continues to shoot at]  "Hey, I have a great idea. Let's get out of the jeep, and sneak around the side of the rock." Great plan, you idiot!

  • Church : [watching red team through a sniper scope]  Okay, so the red guy is Sarge, their leader, which is lucky for us, because he's not a very good leader.

    Simmons : Yeah.

    Church : And that's Donut. I like Donut. He's pretty harmless, I don't think he'd hurt a fly.

    Simmons : Plus he's kinda...

    Church : What?

    Simmons : Well... y' know...

    Church : Actually, I don't know.

    Simmons : Well, he's kinda into girly things. Like, feelings, and...

    Church : I think you're projecting.

    Simmons : I'm not projecting, I'm just stating an observation.

    Church : I don't know. You seem pretty defensive for someone who's "not projecting".

    Simmons : His armour is PINK.

    Church : Pink? I wouldn't say pink. More of a... slightly less red.

    Simmons : It's pink, okay? I know pink when I see it!

    Church : I'm sure you do! You wanna talk about it?

    Simmons : NO.

    Church : And last is Grif. He's really lazy, and really annoying. But at least he's smart. I think he's smarter than anyone, really.

    Simmons : You mean smarter than all the people there are now, right?

    Church : No, I mean all of them put together! There was this one guy, in maroon armour, I haven't seen him in a while, but he was a frickin' KNOW IT ALL! He walked around like he owned the place, but no one listened to him, and they didn't really like him.

    Simmons : What did they say?

    Church : Oh, just that he wasn't good at stuff, and he was dumb, and stuff he liked was dumb, and he wasn't as attractive as other people.

    Simmons : [trying not to cry] 


    Simmons : Sounds like a real jerk!

    [runs off] 

    Church : Hey, where are you going?

    Simmons : [sobbing]  I have to go to the bathroom!

    Church : Well, could you hurry it up? I need to finish orientation before you have to make me dinner!

  • Sarge : [Tex has finished repairing Shelia, and is now attacking the Red Base. Sarge is in the Warthog and radios Simmons]  Simmons, I'm comin' around in the Warthog. Take the gunner position when I come by.

    Simmons : Right, Sir.

    Grif : I'll, uh, I'll just stay here.

    Simmons : Yeah. Stay and guard this cement wreck. It's vital to our success.

    [Simmons jumps into the gunner position of the Warthog] 

    Simmons : I'm in, sir.

    Sarge : [they drive off towards Sheila]  Good. Here's the plan, Simmons

    [Tex blasts the Warthog, and Simmons flies off] 

    Sarge : Yowza!

    Grif : [Sarge and Simmons run back to Red Base]  Wow. You guys back so soon? Win the war already?

    Simmons : Hey Sarge, you mind telling me the rest of the plan now?

    Sarge : If we survive this, I'm gonna kill the both of you... slowly...

    Sheila : [Shelia is still firing at the Red Base]  Firing main cannon.

    Donut : [Donut runs up the stairs, while Grif, Simmons, and Sarge are cowarding in the other staircase]  What are you guys doing up here?

    Grif : That chick with the black armor is back!

    Donut : What chick? The one who stuck a grenade to my head?

    Simmons : That's the one!

    Donut : The one who's the reason why I'm in this Light Red Armor?

    Grif : Donut, I understand the need to safeguard your masculinity, but it's so much faster just to say Pink.

    Donut : Ohhh, I've been waiting for this...

    [runs to edge of base, towards Sheila] 


    [Tosses grenade at Tex and Sheila] 

    Tucker : [Simmons and Grif look at grenade, grenade flies, Lopez/Church watches grenade, grenade flies, Tucker and Cabosse watch grenade]  Wow. That girl has some arm...

    Tex : [grenade lands in Tex's lap]  Oh, CRAP!


  • Grif : [*Grif starts his "eulogy" for the "dead" Sarge*]  Hey everybody, it's great to be here! Well, what can I say about a guy like Sarge? I mean, besides "good riddance!"? Hoooo!

    [*both he and his sister chuckle*] 

    Grif : Ha-ha. But seriously. Sarge lived a great life. And now that he's dead, our lives are pretty good too. Zing! Ha-ha-ha-ha! You know what I'm talkin' about.

    Sarge : Come on! Is this a remembrance or a roast?

    Grif : Quiet in the front row! And I'm not askin', and he's not tellin', but I heard when Donut first came to the base, Sarge spent a lot of time talking about glazed Donut holes, if you know what I mean! Hi-yo!

    Simmons : Too soon!

    Grif : Hey now.

  • Grif : What the fuck was that?

    Simmons : That was the weirdest match I ever played.

    Church : Dude, that sucked! I got team-killed in like, the first ten seconds.

    Caboose : Sorry that was my fault... Some guy kept screaming into the mic.

    Tucker : BOM CHICKA BOW WOW!

    Church : Dude, Shut up!

    Caboose : See?

    Tucker : BOM CHICKA BOW WOW!

    Church : Alright, that's it. I'm muting him.

    Sarge : Alright, let's play another!

    Donut : Dude, I am not wearing that armor again.

    Sarge : Same teams?

    Church : Yeah, same teams. New map.

    Tucker , Church , Donut , Caboose , Simmons , Sarge , Grif : New map!

  • Grif : Hey, you're back! How'd the Humpday thing go?

    Simmons : Umm...

    Church : Oh, it went great, as long as you weren't on our team.

    Grif : So you lost.

    Church : Yeah, unless there's some new game type where you're supposed to catch the most amount of bullets with your torso. In which case, Simmons was the clear victor.

  • Simmons : [Trying to alleviate Grif's irrational fear that there are bats in the cave]  So what if there ARE bats? You're wearing state of the art armor-designed to deflect bullets and protect you from explosions!

    Grif : So basically, what you're saying, is you think there are bats down here?

  • [PSA presenting the difference between Real Life and the Internet. Title card reads "Discussing Politics: Real Life"] 

    Church : [calmly, but assertively]  Look, that's just how I feel about it.

    Sarge : Well, I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

    [title card appears reading "Discussing Politics: the Internet", and suddenly cut into a chaotic battlefield] 

    Church : [shouts]  You deserve to die! Die and go to hell and burn!

    Sarge : [shouts]  Well, I hope you get raped? twice! Then maybe you'll feel differently? Jerk!

    Grif : We don't *need* to find weapons of mass destruction, we just need to *want* to! That's how it works!

    Simmons : I voted for Nader; I hate everyone!

    Frank DuFresne : Have you considered changing your homepage to

    Donut : Politics gets me sooo horny! Check out my webcam pics at!

  • [during a Public Service Announcement asking NASA to stop sending Mars rovers to Blood Gulch] 

    Simmons : At least Grif figured out how to turn them into skateboards.

    Grif : [Grif runs past the camera very fast]  Whoohoo!

    Simmons : Hey! Sarge says you're supposed to wear a helmet!

    Grif : [Off camera]  I'm gonna build a ramp! Who wants to help?

  • Sister : [*Simmons has threatened to call Red Command to confirm that Grif and his sister have to run*]  You keep talking about them! Why don't you call *our* guys?

    Grif : "Our" guys?

    Sister : Yeah! The Blue guys!

    Simmons : Excuse me, the wazza-wha?

    Sister : The Blue guys! The guys that sent me here! In the big ship!

    Simmons : Grif?

    Grif : Uh, yeah... this might be a bad time to bring up the fact that my sister is colorblind.

    Simmons : WHAT?

    Sister : I don't get it! What's the gray guy so upset about?

    Simmons : But girls can't be colorblind!

    Sister : Yeah? Well, they say girls can't ejaculate either! But guess what?

    Grif : Yeah! Wait, what?

    Simmons : I can't believe it! It was such a simple espionage plan, the Blues have decimated our forces. Quick, quick, get me a shovel! Oh, Sarge is gonna be pissed!...

  • [Church and Tex are in Caboose's mind and are encountering his mental images of all the characters] 

    Caboose's Church : Attention Reds! The great Caboose demands an audience with you, so listen up ya blowjobbing cocksuckers!

    [the Reds appear from behind obstacles one by one] 

    Simmons : Caboose? Oh no, he's come to kill us!

    Grif : [he is wearing yellow]  Will someone please help me? I don't wanna die.

    Lady Donut : I love Caboose and yet I'm still afraid of him.

    Sarge : [in a pirate voice]  Arrgh. I be havin' a southern accent. Yorgh.

    Lady Donut : He's so scary.

    Caboose : Fear not, Reds. I come here not to destroy, but instead to ask for your assistance on this day.

    Church : Okay woah woah woah woah woah. I gotta correct a couple things I'm hearing.

    [to the fake Church] 

    Church : First of all, you? You're not Caboose's best friend. Okay? You don't have a best friend. You know why? You don't need one! You're Church! Knowing other people just waters down the experience! Live the dream, buddy!

    Caboose's Church : Shove it, dick-sniffer!

    Church : And Caboose? Come on, dude. Seriously? Have you paid attention to our enemies for one second?

    Caboose : I beg your pardon?

    Church : First of all, that guy,


    Church : he's not yellow. He's orange. And since when is there a girl on the red team?

    Lady Donut : My favorite thing is pretty dresses.

    Sarge : Argh. I got termites in me leg.

    Church : And that is not a southern accent.

    Sarge : Arr.

    Lady Donut : Do you have any tampons?

    Church : Seriously, what is the matter with you people?

    Tex : Calm down, Church!

    Grif : Don't kill us, Mr. Sidekick!

    Caboose's Church : Hey butt-brunch! I'm Caboose's sidekick, not him! Shut your pie-hole!

  • Simmons : Do you know what weapons we'll be using?

    Sarge : Weapons. They're gonna be great!

    Church : Okay awesome, what are they?

    Sarge : That information is only given to people with the proper clearance.

    Church : What's the proper clearance?

    Sarge : Sorry, that information is only given on a need-to-know basis.

    Church : Do I need to know?

    Sarge : That's top secret!

    Church : This sucks.

  • Grif : So all we know is that there's gonna be some kind of an upcoming campaign...

    Sarge : Possibly.

    Grif : And that the Spartans will be involved in it...

    Sarge : Those are your words.

    Grif : But that we can't know anything...

    Sarge : I can't say.

    Grif : Including who we're fighting...

    Sarge : I have no comment for the subject.

    Grif : Or if we're even fighting in it...

    Sarge : Sarge: I plead the fifth.

    Grif : Or when it even starts...

    Sarge : I refer you to my previous statement.

    Grif : But that it's going to be great.

    Sarge : I feel comfortable confirming that. Wait- Yes.

    Grif : ...well I'm totally stoked!

    Simmons : Kickass!

  • Simmons : Andy, is that you?

    Andy The Bomb : No, I'm the other talking bomb. Francis. Pleased to meet ya, dickheads!

  • Grif : [Sarge has gone off to look for a levitation ray in order to get the crash-landed ship off of Donut*] 


    Grif : Sarge just drove away with our Jack, didn't he?

    Simmons : And our shovels. Sometimes I'm amazed our entire platoon hasn't starved to death.

    Church : [appearing behind them*]  The fuck you guys doing out here? You're breaking the canyons!

    Grif : Fuck off, Blue! The ship just crashed on one of our guys!

    Church : What, this ship?

    Simmons : [sarcastically*]  No, another ship! Then that ship left and this ship crashed in the exact same spot.

    Church : Where'd it come from?

    Grif : It's a spaceship. It came from *space*.

    Church : [momentary pause*]  ... Dibs.

    Simmons : What?

    Church : Dibs. I just called dibs. It's my ship now. Dibs.

    Simmons : No it isn't, jackass! We found it first!

    Church : Yeah, but you didn't call dibs; I did. Dibs. See?

    Grif : You can't call dibs on a spaceship! That's ridiculous!

    Church : Heh, yes I can! Dibs! See? I just did it again. Now, get the fuck away from my ship, Tomato Can.

    Simmons : Don't call me "Tomato Can"!

    Grif : Try and take it then!

    Church : Um, okay... Sheila?

    [Sheila suddenly appears behind Church*] 

    Sheila : You bet!

    [points her turret at Simmons and Grif*] 

    Grif : Fuck! You forgot about that too, didn't you?

    Simmons : Yeah, kinda.

    Sheila : Now step away from the ship, Tomato Can!

    Grif : Ha ha, "Tomato Can"!

    Sheila : You too, Lemon Head!

    Grif : Hey, I'm orange, not yellow!

  • Grif : [When Simmons sits next to him in the jeep]  What are you doing?

    Simmons : What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting in the jeep.

    Grif : What-are we on a date? Get in the back.

    Simmons : Oh you're so insecure!

See also

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