Fool's Gold (2008) Poster

(I) (2008)

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Cure for Seasonal Affective Disorder
mollymormonbrat9 February 2008
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why this movie is getting as lousy reviews as it is. I walked out of the theatre quite pleased; even if this movie will not get an Oscar, it earned the price of my ticket. It's campy, silly, and bright, and there is nothing like a fluffy romp around the sunny islands to cure those winter blues.

Admittedly, it's a contrived, predictable mystery, but that proves to be the focus rather than the romantic comedy that was promoted. But in the spirit of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, it's a spunky predictable mystery. No, the characters were not all complex, but at least the powers that be went to the trouble of making them entertaining and personable.

I liked the idea of looking for sunken treasure. I liked the upbeat island soundtrack. I liked the funny characters. I liked the pretty scenes and the silly lines. I liked the random explosions and fight scenes, as pleasantly ridiculous as they were.

Kate and Matthew have the chemistry they had in "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". They have the sunny dispositions to pull off a mindless-but-fun storyline and to work with a wacky cast.

It's mind candy in all its fluffy goodness.
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Not as horrible as everyone says
Lark_Pash9 February 2008
I found this film "cute" and "silly". Don't go to it and expect the best film of the year, but rather something fun to watch during a date. I went and saw this last night with a friend who did not want to see all. In the end he said he did enjoy it after all.

There is a little bit of a "Dupree" feeling towards the character Finn who is irresponsible and far from mature. His character is charming in a goofy way. He seems to mess everything up, but somehow in the end it all work out.

I did not care too much for the character Gemma, but nonetheless I laughed at her idiotic comments because I have met people as naive as her. She's basically a miniature Paris Hilton at sea who knows nothing about the sea.

I wouldn't describe this movie as thrilling, but it was entertaining. The comedy is shallow here and there. However, there are some incidents that will make you laugh and laugh. If you want to see a light hearted film that'll make you smile and giggle then I'd recommend seeing this.
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Entertaining, especially those accents!
k-forshami15 June 2008
Fools Gold is exactly how you would expect it to be. We have all heard the story before in SAHARA and dare I say it, Into the Blue, although this movie is obviously a comedy/adventure.

As for the story's strength and the actors performances, again, it's exactly what you would expect. McConaughey, Hudson and the other supporting characters deliver more than adequate performances and Donald Sutherland is as brilliant as he can be considering the overall quality of this movie.

Last but not least, pay attention to the accents, It seems like everybody has a fake (funny fake) accent. I'm not sure why they chose to fake the accents when everybody does a terrible job, but hey.. I guess it makes the movie even more entertaining.

Definitely watchable
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Fools Gold is worth seeing if you want silly humour, romance with a bit of action on the side..
jumanapearl20 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've just been to see Fool's Gold last night at the cinema and although there have been mixed reviews on this I have to say I really liked it. The plot is somewhat basic hunky man and gorgeous woman goes searching for lost treasure at the bottom of the ocean, throw in a couple of minor characters (one of them a very rich millionaire played by Donald Sutherland), some stereotype bad guys add in a little bit action and humour and that's Fool's Gold in a nutshell. The chemistry between Matthew McConaughy and Kate Hudson is brilliant (they worked really well together even on 'How to lose a guy in 10 days'.) and the humour made me laugh out loud especially the stupid comments of the dim-witted dilettante Gemma Honeycutt played by Alexis Dziena. Although when the main bad guy (Bigg Bunny aka Bugs Bunny)asked his henchman 'Where's Cyrus?' to which the henchman replies 'he'll be up in a minute' followed by Cyrus' mangled, water spout corpse being blown up in the air I had to cringe a little at that one. The other thing that got me was when Moe got shot in the water by the harpoon gun and he was bleeding why were there no sharks around to feed on him? (unless the Bahamas doesn't have sharks? I have no idea) But when you go to see this film don't expect too much as it's supposed to be silly romance comedy. so I give it my 7 out of 10 vote.

Jumana P.
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Stress reliever
lchinnery6 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not every film has to be deep and philosophic, or, at the other end, a rip roaring farce or a mind shattering scary movie. There is a role for a film that is light but well done that will make you forget a stressful week at the office. This is one of those.

Forget, the stupidity of treasure suddenly being blown out of a blow hole because it has been discovered, the diving errors, etc. This is a nice story of rekindled love. It is a very positive story.

However, there is nothing in this film that is Oscar worthy. Why should that be a problem? Don't get me wrong, there are some good performances, camera work and music.
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Nice break from winter blue's
speteman17 February 2008
My expectations for this movie were very low going in, and I would say that the movie met them. I expected a fun, exotic, exciting adventure, which the movie delivered upon. It is a fairly predictable movie, but always fun to watch Mathew McConaughey play the guy who hasn't grown up along with Kate Hudson playing the lady who wishes he would. Their chemistry is great, and isn't that all you really expect from a movie like this, regardless of plot?

The only thing that didn't fit in the movie was a couple of overly bloody scenes (on an absolute basis the blood was very minor, but the fact that they showed up at all was surprising.)

Not the best movie you will ever see, but will certainly give you a break from all this extreme winter weather we have been having.
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Good solid movie
mm-395 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Living in the cold March weather of Winnipeg, Canada I found the sun and surf a relaxing break from the cold weather where the wind chill freezes my bones until July. A good solid movie. Great cast Hudson, Sutherland, and Matt. The actors can bring the best out of a script with their facial expressions, and mannerisms. Sutherland is like wine and gets better with age. A natural actor. The script is a good mix of humor, and action. The rapper sub-plot is added comic relief and action. The lighting and location shots bring out a feeling of adventure. The wide open spaces created by the camera angles give a feeling of freedom. All I can say is please take me away from this cold weather I want to be there in Florida. 7 start out of 10. Great to get rid of those winter blues.
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Disappointing and irritating.
bond_girl_00769 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was unbelievably disappointing, after the great chemistry and comedic timing of Hudson and McCounaghy in "How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days", I expected something at least marginally as funny or cute. The writing and the dialogue were insipid. Scenes which should have been hysterical were instead so poorly timed that it left me scratching my head. This movie was in dire need of some ruthless editing; for instance, the scene where Hudson and McCounaghy are explaining the history of the shipwrecked Aurelia to Sutherland. That was some of the most boring, long-winded, convoluted dialog I've ever heard in a so-called adventure movie, and it went on for several minutes. The entire scene should have been cut.

The comedic timing was off...way off. For instance, the scene where Hudson tells the Gemma character, "There are other ways of getting attention besides acting like a bimbo," and then there is an awkwardly long pause before the "Ukrainian Sidekick" character says, "Like what?" This scene is followed by another awkwardly long pause where the characters stare at each other; presumably this is to allow the audience time to laugh at this "brilliant" piece of wit.

And why in the name of all that is holy did the writer feel the need to introduce the Gemma Honeycutt character to this story? I felt like the writer was trying so hard to tell the audience, "This character is supposed to be stupid, do you get it everyone? This character is stupid," I felt like saying, "We get it, already. She's an idiot." The writer, in trying to convey that Gemma is a moron, underestimated the intelligence of the entire audience. The character was so annoying that I literally wanted to punch her. Anyone who claims that the character was realistic because they have, in fact, met people that stupid needs to seriously re-evaluate their associates.

I felt like this movie was a complete waste of my money, and I lament that I paid the premium price for the ticket instead of going to the matinée. Not that I think the movie was even worth $6.50.

I don't blame the actors, since I've seen Hudson and McCounaghy in movies that I really enjoyed, where I thought they were top-notch. I blame the writing and the directing. A major overhaul of both would have saved this movie.

Obviously this movie was supposed to be light and fluffy, and I certainly don't expect "light and fluffy" movies to be Oscar-worthy. But I do expect them to be entertaining. Look at movies like "Romancing the Stone", and "You've Got Mail." Sure, they're fluffy, but they're not retarded. They're entertaining movies that reasonably intelligent people can sit back on the couch and enjoy with a glass of wine and a plate of lasagna on a Sunday night, and not feel like they've just sacrificed several hundred brain cells.

"Fool's Gold" was not even entertaining, and to me, that's it's biggest flaw.
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Worth your money in gold..... well not really but it was good
skydiverblonde10 February 2008
This was a pretty good movie. I laughed and so did a lot of other people so I would definitely say it was worth the money and watching. Sometimes I think that people have nothing better to do but whine and moan cause they want to see every thing for free and have poor taste in movies. those are the people that wait in line three days to watch star wars and think everything else sucks. May have rated this a little high but wanted to get it up to at least 6.5/10. Has a couple slow parts but good story, and good footage of the ocean. I have liked all of Matthews movies over the years and Kate for that matter. The last movie they were in together was really good too. For a guy going to a chick flick with his girl at least it has some blood and action and doesn't make you want to cry.

I want to get some scuba gear and go look for treasure myself after watching this movie. Hope most of you don't read the first comment and give this a try to see if its worth it for yourself. I use to listen to a friend of my all the time about movies and would eventually see them and disagree most of the time and feel misinformed about how good a movie is. Now if he told me that a movie is a waste of time I would go see just to see if he was just being to hard on a good movie or telling the truth.

Well I hope to have been helpful, cause I know plenty of people in the theater I went to would agree that this was not a bad movie that you can see whats going to happen the whole time blah blah whine whine whine......
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A Confused Movie...
jaddison38313 February 2008
Fool's Gold's biggest problem comes in the form of confusion. While employing two game lead actors, one notorious for making bad films sellable (that's you Matt!), neither Ms. Hudson or Mr. McConaughey could save this film that can't seem to decide whether it's a comedy or an action film.

When an estranged couple meet mere hours after their divorce on board a privately owned super-yacht (she's working, he's slumming), their romance is instantly rekindled by a new clue into the treasure that has been their goal for years. Once they recruit the stupid and rich boat-owners, nothing's left but to be inspired by random things to each new unbelievable clue along the way.

Kate Hudson positively glows on-screen here, but that radiance doesn't resonate with the rest of the film. Fool's Gold delivers very few laughs, relying mostly on slapstick and a dumb-girl character. And the whole plot doesn't even work that well. Many subplots that are put in place are never completed, and the dialogue doesn't go over well. All in all, this wasn't even a good romantic comedy OR an action movie- largely because it wouldn't commit to either genre mixing both elements unsuccessfully. Skip this one... 4/10 stars.

Jay Addison
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Hits it's mark...hey if you want Shakespeare, maybe Hudson an McConaughey aren't for you!
chersull_992 March 2008
My 11 year old daughter and I, big fans of "How to Lose a Guy..." went to see this last night because there really was not another movie we could agree on. I was reluctant based on the HORRIBLE reviews this movie received, which I now believe were completely undeserved.

I'm as big a movie snob as anyone. Yes, I saw "La Vie En Rose" in the theater the week it came out. I love the Coen Brothers and anything written by Charlie Kaufman. I'm no stranger to so-called "good" films.

But guys - if you're looking for high-brow, why oh why would you expect it from Kate and Matthew. I mean, have you BEEN to a movie in last ten years? She is Goldie Hawn's daughter. I mean, duh! We were very pleasantly surprised by this movie. The scenery and cinema photography were beautiful. I agree completely with another commenter's statement that it was a great cure for SAD. This movie was fun, and sweet, and everything you'd expect from this cast.

Go see this and have fun!
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Fool's Gold
nbrochujrp28 August 2007
I just came from a screening, one of the first I think, for this film and I have to tell you it was one of the most enjoyable movies that I have seen in quite a while. The cast was flawless, and the performance given by Donald Sutherland was a treat! It was funny, it was witty, and the comedic timing and chemistry between Matt McConaughey and Kate Hudson was delightful. The action scenes were realistic but believable and the location of the film was breathtaking. I would recommend this film to people of all ages, and it was for sure NOT a chick flick. I plan on going again with my husband once it hits the theatres. Job well done to all!
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This is a good movie for the majority of people - not including movie-snobs
Masnor27 March 2008
The movie is well worth the price of admission for the vast majority. It was actually my second choice but I thought my wife would prefer it. My initial interest was Kate Hudson, but the trailer had peaked my curiosity. As it turned out, I really liked the movie. The comedy of errors that start the story set the tone of the movie as a relatively mild intensity adventure. It doesn't pretend to be more than that. It will not compete with Indiana Jones for awards, but you don't get to see an Indiana Jones adventure every weekend.

The result is that it's funny, interesting, and not especially predictable. Movie-snobs should not attend. This movie is for people wanting 90 minutes (113 actually) of light hearted entertainment. It is listed for the categories of adventure, comedy, romance, and thriller. That's exactly what it is. Go. Have a good time.
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Balmy Escapism from the Winter Doldrums? Let's See
enli10117 February 2008
"Fools Gold" centers on an almost divorced, or newly divorced, or still madly-in-love couple (all 3 apply) searching for Spanish treasure that was sunk in a hurricane in 1715. Does the movie succeed as balmy escapism from the winter doldrums? Let's see…

Is there action?: Yes, the action was there, fun at parts, but broken up by a lot of talking that really didn't advance the plot, but worked well to confuse it (I mean a lot of talking). There was also the sound of crickets chirping that at some points was so loud it drowned out the dialogue. On purpose perhaps?

Did the actors have chemistry?: Yes, in "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" they did. However, both Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson are likable enough off-screen and in other films that you want to root for them, despite the flaws of this film.

How 'bout the location?: I was never quite sure where the story was supposed to be set. The real 1715 fleet went down off the Eastern coast of Florida near Cape Canaveral. At one point in the movie they said they were in Key West, but I've been there enough times to know that those mountainous islands in the distance weren't anywhere near Duval Street. The movie "The Deep," which also involved treasure hunters searching for the 1715 treasure, also suffered from a lack of appreciation of history, setting the wreck in Bermuda. But who can complain when you have a salty Robert Shaw and Jacqueline Bisset in a wet T-shirt?

Funny?: The laughs were few and far between. Theo Huxtable from "The Cosby Show" was one of the baddies, and I think his pal in the film might have been Cockroach (no word on whether or not their knowledge of the 1715 treasure was based on "Cleland Notes"). I remember laughing at parts, and then waiting to laugh again, and I was still waiting when the lights came up and the usher rolled a trashcan in. I was still waiting when I got in my car. I'm still waiting.

All bad?: What the movie does well is gets you out of the cold for a couple hours. There were picturesque vistas of the tropics, girls in bikinis, palm trees blowing in the breeze, and Bob Marley music in the background. You may fool yourself for a moment into believing that you're actually in the Caribbean, if you sneak in a Pina Colada or two, or three.

Post Script: If you want to read a real thrilling, funny, and sexy adventure story about treasure hunting for the 1715 fleet, try reading Tom Ryan's novel "A Sword for Pizarro."
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Just a fool's comedy of errors...
janyeap5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film attempts to offer a wild and silly escapist's fling before ultimately getting the audience to a happy, happy Hollywood ending.

It basically relies on a script that throws in a cash-strapped and irresponsibly reckless beach bum with his bubbly, female sidekick; a wealthy English gent whose home and life, leisure and pleasure extend no further than his yacht would allow; a gang of violent scums, popping up in a helter-skelter manner, as if unsure of what they're supposed to do; a supplement of fable spin about some 1715 Spanish sunken ship carrying 40 chests of gold just waiting to be uncovered… all crammed into events circling no further than the ocean and beach span. It comes off as being unsure of relying on the focus of romance or actions, sometimes having scenes drag on, or suddenly having them interrupted by cut-and-paste scenarios, just to get them to link.

There's really nothing, in this film, to challenge one's brains, except for a nice splash of catchy, witty and humorous lines and phrases, especially those shot out of the mouth of Ewan Brenner's character, to provoke laughter. Yep, nothing unpredictable! Character and event links are oft provided awkwardly by insipid jesters like Alexis Dziena's Cemma. Yet, there are moments I really did enjoy with this film. Oh yes, the enormous chemistry oozing out of Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey's characters, his facial skits (despite his portrayal of an absurd, one-dimensional-minded devil-may-care character) that summon up memories of the articulated facial contortions and distortions of Charlie Chaplin's 'Tramp", and Hudson's ever so delightfully sweet and expressive face, plus the fabulous shots of the deep-sea scuba diving treasure hunt are worthy of capturing.

As I'm a great Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey fan, I'd be willing to throw my dollars for a tix to see this flick. This film may work really well for the young teen viewers.
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Rate films as what they are supposed to be
adbodin4 November 2023
If you want godfather rate it 1. There is not horse heads in beds, no mob style violence. Sure there is a silly wack here and there. But if you want a light hearted evening flick, execution is just fine. There is genuine chemistry between the two leads and the storyline is just fine. I am sure that many ..m e included would like a little adventure just like this, so for me it offers that nice piece of escapism.

Throw in a super yacht and the ever likeable Donald Sutherland and the just a simple enjoyable film continues.

Lastly for those from the Antipodes that do not make it to the Caribbean most weekends just fills out the afternoon with some pleasant vistas.

Yep, for what it is it's not half bad.
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One of the worst...
eggartrealty7 February 2008
We got to see this one at a "sneak" in LA the other night.... This has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever sat through. Kate Hudson certainly is a cute girl but not a good actress by any stretch of the imagination.

Continuous unfunny, clichéd movie lines and situations made this one unbearable. Everything from the cinematography to the direction was just bad. It's one thing to do a mediocre romantic comedy but this one "bit the big one". I don't think the "simplest minds" would enjoy this one. The writers should know by now that we've seen all these situations before in every soap opera and TV sitcom. Having cute actors star in it doesn't make it a good movie.

Be sure to look for the boom mic shadows, the choppy editing, the weird off camera sounds and Matthew's accent turning on and off.
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Just Plain Fun.
mwvachon9 February 2008
While not necessarily Oscar material, this movie was at least fun to watch. Kate and Matthew deliver OK performances as the central characters in a film that has a good balance of multiple story lines, mystery, and comic antics. I likened this offering to a lightweight version of National Treasure, without all the pretentious BS. Alexis Dziena was also a surprise as the air-headed daughter of the millionaire benefactor played by Donald Sutherland (hated the accent, what was that supposed to be? Euro-trash?). Sure, this movie was a bit smarmy here and there, but this one plays strictly for laughs and warm emotions. I thought some of the actions scenes were very well done for a comedy. I actually found myself unconsciously squirming in my seat during a couple of the suspenseful moments. Of course the Caribbean scenery was also great to look at. Given the lack of decent date-movies lately, Fool's Gold is a welcomed 'treasure'.
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Don't be Fooled. This is a stupid film.
dmanyc2 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
You have to be a fool to sit through Fool's Gold. Yet another bad romantic comedy Hollywood unleashes. A broke, on-the-verge-of-divorce, deep-sea treasure hunter spots a clue to a long-lost treasure in Key West and drags his estranged wife, his buddy, a multi-millionaire and his spoiled stupid daughter to find it, all the while dodging a wealthy rapper with a stupid stage name and even stupider henchmen.

1) Once upon a time, Matthew McConaughey was poised to be the next Paul Newman. These days he seems more like a professional beach bum, both on and off the screen.

2) Kate Hudson was poised to be the next big thing, but has basically been in one crappy film after another, displaying neither talent nor personality. Simply put, she's just a member of the Lucky Egg Club.

3) Donald Sutherland deserves better than this. He really should call Keifer to get on his show.

4) What was the point of the daughter? She was a hybrid of Paris Hilton/Hannah Montana that was really a waste of celluloid. She wasn't even attractive. She looked like a twelve year old playing dress-up. Her voice and her constant stupidity made me cringe. A friend of mine once said "There's no crime in being stupid. It's staying stupid that's a crime." I say playing stupid or being stupid is...well, just plain stupid. I kept waiting for someone, anyone, to yell at her to stop being stupid, but she just kept on being stupid. Too bad that the sword landed near her crotch and didn't behead her.

5) What's Theo from the Cosby Show doing here?

6) If you're suppose to be a tough-guy hardcore rapper, why on earth would you call yourself Bigg Bunny? BIGG BUNNY???? That sounds like the name of a Muppet on Sesame Street, not a hardcore rapper with treasure and murder on his mind.
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Predictable, but entertaining...
paul_haakonsen22 December 2015
While "Fool's Gold" is predictable to the point where even a blind can see what's coming, it still proves to be quite entertaining. It is the type of movie that you can't help to enjoy, sort of like a brushed up take on a movie such as "Romancing the Stone".

There is a good flow to the story and it worked out quite nicely. The movie picks up speed right from the very start and keep on sprinting in that high speed to the very end. And while on the topic of the story, then it is only fair to say that the storyline is fun, good and fast paced.

The movie was also quite nicely cast, and there is a great chemistry between Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. But Donald Sutherland also did add a great, unique touch to the movie, just a shame that he didn't have more time on the screen than he did.

"Fool's Gold" is the type of movie that you can watch more than just once, despite being so predictable.
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Pretty mindless
paper-1519 April 2008
An utterly mindless action comedy. No real substance, but it's no crime to cinema, as some reviews seem to feel. It's full of pretty. Just don't bring your brain to the cinema with you.

McConaughey and Hudson carry the whole thing. Their chemistry and skill make this a far more watchable movie than the script and direction might otherwise deliver. I've no complaints about them, but I'll avoid this director in future.

The script needed a heavy, critical edit. Unfortunately, it didn't get it.

here were a number of directional choices that I just didn't get. I'm not sure what the point of Gemma was, and the money shot with the sword was deeply tacky - I got the feeling the director wanted to see how long he could point a camera directly at the crotch of a teenage girl without it becoming too explicit for the rating. The nominal bad guys were so ineffective and stereotypical it was painful, and the racial aspect was both blatant and offensive, and it was this that truly sunk the movie for me. All of the actors involved can do better than to be involved with things like this.
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Enjoyably fun
kayakndive21 February 2008
I found this movie so very entertaining. I thought Alexis Dziena who plays Gemma was so adorable, innocent, sweet, and fun. She brought a lot of entertainment to the movie and was able to hold her own among a very talented cast, especially the experienced pros. I didn't want to see this movie because I found the commercials boring and dull and also silly. I was happy I went along with friends, we all laughed, held out breath in places, rooted for the good guys to get that good. Kate Hudson and Matthew Matthew McConaughey are a good team together, and hope they do some more films together in the future. They're good together in comedy. I could also go on and on about the cast members who were a pleasant surprise to see.
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GordLacey6 February 2008
I came from a preview screening of "Fool's Gold," and I wasn't all that impressed. I didn't know anything about the movie before walking into the theater, so I didn't have any preconceived notions about what I was going to see. The movie tried to be a comedy, but I found it was cheesy, not funny. I thought, "cool, a treasure-hunting movie," but it failed to be an adventure as well. It just seemed like a long, cheesy movie that involved a couple of characters looking for gold. If you like McConaughey and Hudson together then you should see "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," not "Fool's Gold." It would be okay for a rental, but I'd be a bit ticked if I spent money to see it in the theater.
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pithpower8 February 2008
i am striking out with movies right now. every movie, it seems, lately that i really look forward to seeing ends up being garbage. which, brings me to 'Fools Gold'. At first glance what is not to like: Matt McConaughy(sp?), Kate Hudson, Donald Sutherland, beautiful scenery, and buried treasure! but alas it all gets wasted.

The story is dumb, the humor is dumb, the acting is dumb. No real adventure. You just kind of sit there wondering if it is ever going to get better. It doesn't. They tried to get you to laugh but there was nothing funny to laugh about! don't see this one. Maybe, on a boring night with nothing else to do you could rent it.
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Breat Movie, Great Fun, Don't miss it...
stanleypoff1 June 2008
Not to spoil anything, just let me say that if I believed everything I read about a movie from one person's opinion, I would have missed watching a ship full of movies. When I consider the alternative of watching some actors or directors air out their political views or try to make a political statement when they should be trying to make real movies, I'll take this 1000 times over.

Matt McConaughey and Kate Hudson, along with Donald Sutherland and Alexis Dziena do a fine job of pulling off an "Action/Advernture/Comedy" Movie. I thought it was entertaining and was at no time during the movie bored with the storyline or script. Beautiful Scenery, Beautiful coastal beaches, Beautiful Cast.
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