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District 9 NEEDS a sequel
freakspeely-7419011 May 2020
But don't let that stop you from jumping into it. It's an excellent film. Funny, suspenseful & engaging. Highly recommended for lovers of science fiction. Definately worthy of repeat viewing. C'mon though gang, WHERE'S THE SEQUEL!?
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Brilliant World-building and Social Commentary
truemythmedia7 January 2020
"District 9" is a film I was lucky enough to see in the theater when it first released. The marketing for the movie was remarkably good, posters everywhere meant that before you even entered the theater, you had already been primed to see the "Prawns" as a nuisance, larger and stronger than humans, and probably best kept at a distance. The film's opening and narrative bookends being from the perspective of a documentary of news crew meant that everything felt very lifelike when you saw ads running on TV. As a Sci-fi lover, my interest was primed and pumping as I bought my ticket.

Now, 10 years later, my love for this movie is not as strong and has shifted from my previous reasons for liking it, but nevertheless, this is a film I expect will remain on my shelf for years to come.

"District 9" wowed me in the beginning for many reasons. The first one out of the gate that grabs you is the world building. There are hosts of movies that take similar tacks when it comes to informing the audience about the history or rules of a fantasy, sci-fi, or just slightly left of real, world. Relate everything through news stories that play in the background or are featured in scenes that inform everyone as to what is going on. In fact, this approach is so common that it is considered a crutch by many filmmakers and is classically made fun of in the brilliant "Shaun of the Dead"

It is truly rare to find films which spin a tried and maybe tired device into something fresh and even featured as a part of their film but Neill Blomkamp delivers a fresh look at documentary news coverage as exposition that simply stunned. Not only does the footage seem real, immersive, and present important concepts to audiences, it does so in a way that they are used to receiving information so that when they are presented with personal stories that contradict the news coverage, it causes them to ask questions about those same sorts of stories in their own lives, but more about that later.

The next thing that stood out about the film was the performance of Sharlto Copley ("Chappie") which, essentially, launched his international career. One of the most difficult tasks that a writer, director, or actor faces is to make relatable that which is unrelatable. Taking a character like Wikus, who is blind to his prejudice, complicit activities, and general willful ignorance and turn him into someone for whom we have genuine empathy is the essential role of an artist. To not hide from the way that Wikus allows himself to be stupidly used in the beginning of the film and give him a journey which confronts him with the horrific results of his apathy in a way that leaves us hoping for better for him is the essence of good acting and I say Bravura to Copley for his performance.

The reason that I highlight these two aspects of the film is because they are what I find to be essentially brilliant about the film, yet also what was lost on me about it ten years ago. With the way the film tells its story in two ways: through high level news; stories, documentary footage, and interviews with family and friends of Wikus; as well as on the ground personal interactions; between Wikus and his coworkers, the company, his family, and the Prawns; we end up getting the story from two perspectives.

As a young man, I wasn't asking myself the questions I now ask myself so I only saw the interesting story, the horror of realizing something alien is happening to you, and the thrill of some impressive action sequences especially considering the budget. As an older man I realize that while the film is about these things on the surface, it is also about the difference between what we receive through screens, second hand accounts, and media outlets, as opposed to that which we experience personally.

The film is about perception, propaganda, prejudice, and personal connection. It is about what is real and what is not. Questions like this continue to be begged more and more as our world becomes more saturated, debate if you will for good or ill, with screens, vlogs, stories, commercials, news stories, reality shows, and everything in between. "District 9" is a reminder that while our world has gotten wider with the advent of new technologies there is always the threat that it may not get deeper as it grows in breadth. We must remember that the tactile person to person contact which is the enemy of prejudice requires us to seek specifically for the individual and to see them for who they are as an individual and not just what group they belong to.

The Prawn in this film is a stand in for all of the things we fear at a knee's jerk whether it is the immigrant, refugee, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Communist, Fascist, Snowflake, or Boomer. May we all seek to understand each other more despite the efforts of the powerful to shape our understanding through media.
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Expect the unexpected
Robert_9013 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone's seen the trailer that kick-started one very fishy-looking viral campaign, interviewing several humans and an alien in quick succession. That marks many people's first exposure to Neill Blomkamp's District 9, and the trailer - which had a decently executed "mockumentary" feel to it, which only served to make its sci-fi content seem even more surprising. This same element of surprise is still present throughout the film proper, and it is quite a cinematic treat.

District 9 takes place in an alternate timeline where, twenty years ago, an alien spaceship came to a halt above the city of Johannesburg. The inhabitants of the ship are unable to operate the ship anymore, so they end up being segregrated to their own slum within the city below. Eventually, the government calls for the eviction of the aliens (nicknamed "prawns" due to their appearance) from the slum. The film's ostensible protagonist is Wikus (Sharlto Copley), who through a series of events too complicated to recount in a synopsis, ends up undergoing some rather dramatic changes and before long he's thrust into the middle of something far too big for him to handle...

The best thing about District 9 is that it always manages to stay fresh and surprising throughout. As the trailers indicate, it starts off as a mockumentary in order to expose the gist of the story. The film gradually crosses over to being a more conventional film, although still filmed with a very documentarian look and interspersed with occasional news footage or interviews. Despite the unexpected change in presentation, you don't really notice because you're so wrapped up in the ingenious premise. Then you're presented with the plight of Wikus, whose story is one I don't really want to expose too much because watching it all unfold was just amazing to watch. He's a perfect example of the Everyman, trying to survive as best he can in the face of everything that the world throws at him over the course of the film. His development, along with that Chris, the prawn he befriends (who is surprisingly well-rounded for a CGI character) raises this above your average science-fiction film. Even when the film's final third act becomes incredibly action-packed, it still doesn't jar with the mood of the film and doesn't forsake its characters and intelligence for the sake of cheap action sequences.

On that subject, the action sequences are far from "cheap". Given that Blomkamp and collaborator Peter Jackson were originally aiming to make a film adaptation of Halo before changing to this, there's still plenty of moments that feel quite reminiscent of Bungie's game, from the alien technology to the frantic battles. The effects work looks great in even the simplest of situations, to say nothing of the bombastic finale. There's just something about the way it all comes together, especially when it is combined with one very uncompromising storyline and subject.

District 9 is a rare find nowadays. It doesn't sacrifice the intelligence or raw power that its story affords it for the sake of appeasing your "typical" blockbuster crowd with a lighter rating and less focus on the story. It's a damned fine thriller that is not without its flaws, but is still several cuts above your average summer film and is well worth watching - but only if you can handle the heat. And it does get quite hot.
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The first science fiction masterpiece in years
NonSequiturL13 August 2009
I do not give out ratings of 10 lightly, but here it is - the first film in years that has been deserving of the rating.

Neill Blomkamp brings to screens a fantastic, gritty, realistic piece of science fiction with District 9. Not since Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner", John Carpenter's "The Thing", or James Cameron's "Aliens" have we seen a science fiction film with a vision of this caliber. After viewing District 9, it will be clear to one and all why Peter Jackson put so much faith in Blomkamp and took him under his wing as protégé.

Abandoning the usual settings of Hollywood sci-fi and placing us in the harsh slums of South Africa, we are given an original piece of work which takes risks in the way it tells its story. Not only does it go against the expectations of audiences who have been trained to expect mediocrity from their sci-fi, it goes above and beyond the call of duty to provide us with spectacle as well as something to ponder after we've downed our popcorn.

There is, thankfully, not an overused, overexposed celebrity in sight, and every unknown face in the film gives a solid performance. The aliens themselves, brilliantly realized with top notch CGI even manage to make us feel something, only rivaled by Gollum from "Lord of the Rings".

District 9 has so much to like. It's spectacular, darkly funny, entertaining and thoughtful all at the same time, and it's all done on a meager $30m budget. There is true talent on show here. If only there were more films like this, the world of cinema would be a more interesting place.
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District 9 - Not your typical Sci-Fi Action Thriller
Billy_Costigan16 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
District 9 is a story about aliens who make contact with Earth and the relationships with humans and society. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare. Their sole interest, alien technology and weapons. Weapon research would mean huge profits for the company. Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley) is placed in charge of the filed operation to evict, remove, and place the aliens in a new holding facility. Conflict and tension threaten the operation as agents move in.

Don't be fooled. This isn't your typical alien sci-fi action movie. What got me was the believability. If there were aliens out there that were able to make contact with Earth, it seems it could have gone something like this. The way the perspective switches from mock documentary style to standard third person certainly contributes to it. "Real" news footage and interviewers tell the story in retrospect, as the events of the movie have already occurred when they are being interviewed. I think it all added to the realism of the experience.

Usually in these type of films, it's mostly mindless action and the story is lost. Not the case here. There's so much more to it. It's also about betrayal, loyalty, trust, relationships, and sacrifice. It can actually be pretty deep and thought provoking with many themes floating around. The film's really about the story which is really a fresh, gritty, original concept, which is good to see nowadays.

While the creatures can be most readily described as monsters, though they are like us. Family and friendship are still important ideals in their world. The film explores a fine line between human emotions and monsters. With all the selfishness, hatred, and greed within us, maybe we are the real monsters or at least that's how it can be perceived.

Neill Blomkamp does a tremendous job with the direction and realism of the film. Sharlto Copley blew me away. I was shocked to see this was his first acting role. The action sequences were well done as well. District 9 is a very unique sci-fi film, one that shouldn't be missed. Mind you, this isn't a film for everyone. It's violent, and many parts can be cringe worthy. Be warned but be ready for one of the best films of the year thus far.
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Weirdly mindblowing
Misss253 February 2022
This movie different from the rest of the Alien movies. Though the gross awful looking aliens creeps me out most of the time at but that doesn't distract me from enjoying this the unique story. It kept at the edge of the seat whole time. It surprises, saddens, and amazes me at the same time. I never imagined this movie would end in this way.
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This is mind-blowing!
planktonrules13 August 2010
This is such an incredibly weird movie that I am not even sure if I can adequately describe it, but I'll try. The film is, through the first half, a mockumentary about a problematic alien problem that will supposedly be happening in the near future. In 2010, an alien ship appears over Johannesburg and just hovers there. When humans eventually decide to cut through the hull, they find the ship packed with over a million aliens--aliens that are starving and look like giant bugs. Well, there seems to be no one in charge and they all are apparently workers who have no real purpose other than to work. When the UN decides to finally do something about it, the aliens are herded into a giant ghetto like those used during apartheid. And, for the most part, they are reviled or exploited--and kept as a permanent underclass.

The film mostly centers around a rather dim civil servant, Wikus Van De Merwe (Sharlto Copley). He is the leader of an organization sent in to move the bugs to a new facility that also totally sucks--but is away from the humans--who have come to totally distrust and hate them. But, in the process he accidentally infects himself...and where this goes next is just amazingly weird! And, once infected, the film stops being a mockumentary and follows his new life as a wanted man. Why is he wanted, who wants him and what this is all about is just too much for this short review--really.

So let's talk about the film. I used to think that movies like "Happiness of the Katakuris", "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" and "Delicatessen" were weird films, but "District 9" clearly sets a new standard for weird and creative. You simply cannot find anything like it--and it's wonderful to find a film that is this unique. Plus, like good sci-fi, this one is a great allegory with deeper contemporary meaning--with a lot to say about us screwed up humans! By the way, this movie is rated-R and it clearly deserves this. The language is very, very rough but the film is also very gross--with lots of blood, guys, vomiting and the like. It is NOT for a person with a weak stomach or children...seriously...do NOT let the kids see this one! Because of this, although I loved this film and was blown away by it, I also cannot see it as a perfect film--hence my not giving it a 10. It's just unnecessarily adult when it could have been a great film for a much wider audience.
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This should not be missed!
dark_fibre10 August 2009
Just got home from a preview of District 9. We had seen the previews and were intrigued to see just what the film would be like.

The film style was very much documentary like with lots of sound byte style comments settings the scenes and giving commentary all through the film. These in my opinion took it from being what could have been just another "aliens vs humans" film and elevated into the realms of social commentary. The aliens are presented almost as animals yet you rapidly start to sympathize with them and tune into their desperation.

If it wasn't for the alien space ship in the background and the poor being alien in every sense, you would think this was a movie about any slum and the people who prey on the inhabitants.

Like other films which cover the worst that humans can do, there is a brutal violence present and the directory has not shied away from depicting it. This is not a film you want to watch after a big meal. Just ask my girlfriend. She thought she would have to leave half way through.

In all, this is a film we worth every cent to see. Right up until the end you are never sure what's going to happen next. The characters are believable and the style of the film just adds to it. This could have happened, and in fact may happen.

For a first effort, Neill Blomkamp has created one of the best SciFi for a while, his future work will be well worth paying attention to.
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NOT one of the greatest Sci Fi films ever!!
il_conde18 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a negative review of the film. Instead, it is a clarification of why I think those fanboys who rank this movie up there with Blade Runner and Children of Men must have very short memories.

The first half of the movie is basically throwaway. Its this mockumentary that supposedly frames the plight of the prawns into some kind of relevance. But its really just a lot of back story. The movie does nothing more for the morays of apartheid, refugee status, or whatever social commentary its trying to make beyond the assortment of interviews meant to set up the second half of the story. It's just a cute premise that serves as backstory for the "real" movie.

The "real" movie starts the moment Wikus finds the tube of liquid and gets infected. The camera calms down and the "documentary" camera gets replaced by a neutral camera and cinematic action style we're all familiar with. The shift in perspective is disconcerting. What POV are we really seeing? It's like a movie within the movie.

The movie is oddly dispassionate and unemotional. While the CG character animation is top notch, I never cared for the prawns, for the most part they seemed like a bunch of random bugs running away and on a rampage and only the father and son prawns were midly sympathetic. There was no villain I really hated - the MNU mercenaries were just nameless thugs and the head of MNU / the father was never much of a character. I loved no characters either. I liked the choice for Wikus - Sharlto Copley - hes an atypical hero, uncaring, selfish, nerdy bureaucratic type. He's different enough to be interesting but I can't say I rooted much for him or loved the guy - except at the very end of the movie when he has a change of heart and has his orgasmic heroic battle like every good action hero must do. His wife seemed hardly a character at all so his empathy with and from her had little weight.

Lots of stuff made no sense. Why did the prawns give up all their weapons? For cat food? Why didn't they just take what they wanted? Why did the command center drop down from the ship when it was such a pain to get it back up again? It was never clear at what point they were at with some/most/all prawns getting moved to the new concentration camp.

Overall it lacked the thematic unity of great science fiction like "Children of Men" or "2001", movies where I felt deeply involved with the characters. I can't believe some fans and reviews put it in that league.

The mockumentary reminded me of independent and student films like "American Zombies" and others of that genre. But the devolution of the movie into a well done but typical action sci fi flick seems to give the movie a schizo personality, with competing tonalities.

Camera work, while not Cloverfield shaky, was kind of wonkishly bad video shaky and can make you sick (as it did my date).

I was mildy entertained by the film, but my review is in response to the surprising laudations given to it by the reviewers and fans. I wonder who wrote those and why?? Possibly one of the most audacious SciFi films of the summer, but it lacks the thought and conviction for it to be anything more.
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Darkslide9213 August 2009
I caught an early screening of this movie last night. I went into it with high expectations considering the high ratings it has been getting already. My expectations were not high enough however because this film exceeded my them in every way possible.

I will not go far into detail because I would prefer to not spoil anything. This is unlike any sci-fi we have seen in years. Forget Terminator 3 and 4, forget the AVP movies, forget all those laughable sci-fi movies, this film is what we have been waiting for. An original idea, an original concept, brilliantly executed, great CGI, good acting, it just has it all. We have seen many aliens come to earth movies, but this is different, I will not say why though. That is for you to find out when you see it, which I HIGHLY recommend you do.

This movie, quality-wise, matches up with the popular Sci-Fi films we love. The original Alien, the original Predator, The Matrix, Star Wars, etc. While I enjoyed those ones more because they are classics, this one clearly meets the standards we expect today when it comes to quality. A big driving force behind this, in my opinion, is the fact that high esteemed Peter Jackson is behind this project as the producer. After seeing his masterful Lord of the Rings saga, anyone can see that he knows what he is doing.

As far as movies for this year, this is definitely top 5 so far on my list (Up, Star Trek, 500 Days of Summer, HP6, and District 9). Thank you Jackson and Hollywood for finally producing the best Sci-Fi in years. If this movie does not make its way to IMDb top 250 then I will be in awe.

See this movie!
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One of the few big films that doesnt depict the aliens as the bad guys and i greatly appreciate it for that
Neptune16527 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To this day, District 9 is one of my favorite movies. It is a masterpiece, evoking emotion with artistic imagery and superb acting. I love the plot, the effects, and how the allegory for the apartheid is carefully worked in, but visible to all viewers. A must-see for all sci-fi fans!! This movie was pure perfection. The cinematic scenes with the music they had were amazing. Especially the final fight between mec suit and general guy. Underrated and strangely unknown, this is modern sci fi at its best! Technically exceptional, brilliantly acted with a solid plot line and character development, humorous, heartfelt, brutal, effective, realistic and suitably bizarre. Hits the spot repeatedly and relentlessly. The real villains, true to life, are the humans. An achievement all modern sci fi should aspire to!
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Most overrated film of 2009.
erik-imdb17 August 2009
After hitting 9.0 for the weekend, I broke down and saw it. There are certainly some things to recommend it - excellent CGI, and some fantastic acting by Sharlto Copley in the lead role. It's possible worth seeing if you don't mind watching some splatter-happy violence.

That being said - the story is a complete and utter mess. If you've seen the trailers or viral marketing pieces you know that it's about a bunch of aliens "refugees" stuck in a ghetto called District 9. Basically, it's a thinly-veiled apartheid movie with aliens. Expect to be beaten over the head by this through the entire length of the film. You see, it's about how evil people are and how much they hate people errr... things (remember... thinly veiled) that are different from them. People are especially evil if the get together and form large paramilitary corporations that are inexplicably allowed to flaunt every known or imagined law, ethic, and moral code with complete impunity. People are so evil and stupid that they'll concentrate all of their efforts into beating down "the others" and completely give up on deciphering the massive amounts of technology the others happen to have. There's no point in trying to integrate them into society, no National Geographic teams in there studying them. Nope, nope, nope, we're just too busy, as a species, being evil. Even though the aliens are very easily bribed into doing whatever, we don't even try to persuade them to use their technology for us. We don't even want to use them as slaves. Target practice, maybe. We're just too darned committed to being evil. The politicians are in on it. The media's in on it. The father-in-law's in on it. It's serious work being this evil.

Does this sound like a ridiculous and over-the-top description? It's not. There's no human in this movie who's not a complete jerk. The hero? He's really a jerk. Everyone around him is an even bigger jerk. There's no human character in this movie that doesn't deserve to be fed through a wood chipper (the alien characters that get any development are, of course, noble, peaceful, and loving). Let's just be honest. There's a certain mindset that just gets off on this mentality - these people will see this movie and say "Oh yes! yes! yes! We're all jerks! Show us how bad we are!" It's species-level self-flagellation at its finest if you're into that sort of thing. Otherwise you'll spend quite a bit of time rolling your eyes.

One final word - shakeycam. Yes, it's supposed to be "documentary-style," but this is was just overboard. Think "camera being held by a person with an inner ear infection having a seizure." 6 / 10 stars
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Very disappointed by both the movie and the other reviewers.
batatas3118 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am appalled that so many people love this film, with many claiming it to be a masterpiece. It was the rave reviews and the high ratings that influenced my decision to watch this film, but now that I have seen it, I honestly do not see what all the buzz is about. This movie failed to deliver on almost every end. The characters were flat, the filming style was annoying, and the plot was unbelievable with too many holes.


While the action isn't great either, the main problem with the film is that it makes an obvious attempt to appeal to the empathy of the audience and horrible fails at it because of absurdity. The success of this movie relies on whether or not the audience actually cares about the main character, Wikus, but there is no character development. The so called bond between the alien wearing the red clothes and Wikus, is laughable. The movie barely shows them together throughout the film, but for some unapparent reason, we're expected to accept that by the end of the movie they've developed a close bond out of thin air. A bond that they are willing to risk their lives for. "I won't leave you", says the aliens, "I'll come back...I promise". Huh?... What a load of ridiculous crap. Was I supposed to shed a tear at that moment. For those of you who actually felt emotional at that moment, I worry for you. I mean, Wikus was not even a likable guy. The whole time he acted like an asshole and he had an utterly annoying accent. Did the director of this movie expect us to actually care about the guy. I sure as hell didn't. He was a selfish bastard throughout the whole movie, who only cared about himself. The only reason I could come up with for why he protected the alien at the end was that it was his only chance of becoming human again. I can honestly say that I think that he got what he deserved.

The story also contains too many flaws. Gaping flaws that make this movie nearly unwatchable. For this part I'll just ask all the questions that I have. I mean, how is it possible that the aliens got stranded on Earth in the first place and then after 20 some years, the mothership seems to magically work again? Why does alien fuel turn a guy into an alien? Why would the aliens have an antidote for a guy turning into an alien? Why would Wikus only cut off a finger? Why didn't the aliens retaliate with their superior technology? Why would the government allow the aliens to be so loosely controlled? Why do the aliens act like savages even though they are supposed to be an advanced race? Why can't the aliens contact their planet, wouldn't they have the technology? Why are humans allowed to stay in District 9? Why would Wikus's wife actual believe that he performed some sort of sexual activity with an alien? Why is a spaceship buried under ground? Am I missing something?

Yes, I am being a bit too critical, but it's just because people keep saying that this movie is so so great and it bothers me. I have much more to say, but I'll just leave it at this. I give this movie a 4 out of 10.
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Not what I expected
tomcraft00010 August 2009
I attended a promotional screening for this with a pretty good attitude towards all the hype that surrounded it. It was not what I expected, it was much better.

Not only were the CGI top notch, but the narrative is driven through a believable plot. Watching this film made me believe that a situation as such had occurred on Earth, and therefore the far fetched notion of an extra terrestrial race visiting us becomes so close to a reality through a story that is so realistically depicted.

District 9 is a beautifully crafted film which shows signs of great promise for being around for a while, a subject talked about by many people. Can't wait to watch this again with my friends = )
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Great original sci-fi
SnoopyStyle10 May 2014
In 1982 a spaceship appears over Johannesburg, South Africa. They find an alien population of "Prawns" and put them in a concentration camp called District 9. After 20 years, the local population has had enough of the aliens and plan to relocate the aliens to a location far away. Wikus van der Merwe is a meek bureaucrat who is given charge to organize the relocation plan by private corporation MNU. District 9 has become a vast lawless place with alien technologies. While rounding up the Prawns and getting signatures on paperwork, Wikus is infected with something that is slowly morphing him into the alien.

What an amazing debut effort from director/writer Neill Blomkamp. It is richly original and so very human. It uses the documentary style to elevate its realism. The CGI Prawns are brilliantly grotesque without being a ridiculous horror. Wikus is such a wonderful comedic character. It is a scathing indictment of the treatment of the disenfranchised. The movie works on so many different levels. It is audacious beyond anything a big Hollywood blockbuster should be.
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dickjones-9189529 September 2018
I watched this again after 9 years. Still as impressive as it was back then visually and otherwise. The soundtrack was great. Reminded of how good South African films can be. Check it out if you haven't already
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Excellent no-nonsense sci-fi actioner...
dvc515913 August 2009
Going into the cinema I had mixed expectations as I only saw a handful (yet interesting) posters and only one trailer. I only heard a handful of reviews yet all of them came from this site. Well, I decided to hedge my bets and walk in anyway. And I'm glad I did.

"District 9" is a wallop of a film that is also one of the year's very best films. It perfectly presents the balance of human emotions and CGI mastery. The acting is top notch and believable, and the characters are so realistically presented; even the protagonist is deeply flawed, and during some scenes I wonder who should I root for.

The story is well told; a refreshing, unique and somewhat original scenario, one that we've never experienced for quite some time. The atmosphere is bleak, dark and realistic, actually making me believe this thing can actually happen here on Earth.

The special effects are excellently rendered, and actually give more than their money's worth (Only US$ 30 million! And the effects were amazing, as great as anything WETA has done before!). The creature effects are so realistic we could not tell the difference. Thanks to none other than WETA for this amazing feat, and I hope they get an Oscar for visual effects. But the practical effects are believable too, as per the engaging and thrilling (and also non-stop) action sequences in the film's second half. And boy, those weapons are awesome! Special mention goes out to the fluid editing. Example, first half of the film works like a docu-drama, and the second half becomes a hybrid of Black Hawk Down, and we don't notice the change of pace. It's that brilliant.

Peter Jackson really knows how to pick a good story and director when he sees one. And I want to shake Neill Blommkamp's hand if I meet him. He is certainly a talented director, and one to look out for in the future. (P.S. If that Halo movie is still going on, Blommkamp has proved that he is the man for the job) In short, it's an excellent science fiction action film, but not without it's intelligence. It may have a few flaws and very few clichés (these happen near the end of the film) but it is still very solid nonetheless. If there is a sequel, I'll be first in line to see it.

Overall value: 8.5/10
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A Sociological Sci Fi Thriller
Hitchcoc25 August 2009
I have to admit I was sucked in by the TV commercials for this movie. I wasn't disappointed. It didn't take long to link the events of this film with the realities of many parts of our world. The aliens are the oppressed, and, realistically, the earthlings have interned them in camps and allowed them to create a dystopic society. They feast and are feasted upon by the exploiters. Like the Native-Americans and many other disenfranchised creatures, they have become a nuisance, and the society that is treating them so badly is now going to move them to a "more convenient" place. An overzealous public official, the central figure in the movie, gets his jollies by treating the aliens as if they were non-sentient creatures. He does a Steve Irwin kind of commentary as he invades their homes and tries to get them to agree to their relocation. He is so cocky that he doesn't realize that swipe from one these beings could cut him in half. In his stupid recklessness, he infects himself with an alien canister and begins to transform into one of them. The strength of this movie, however, is the "humanity" of the aliens. They have personalities. They are not bugs, though they look like them. They love, they fight, they survive in horrid conditions. This is a very complex movie that doesn't go for the cheap thrill, although it does occasionally go too much to the special effects and predictable battle scenes.
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So many plot holes. Drags you out of the film.
connmoore17 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the acting and look of this film, and it comes from an interesting idea, however the entire movie is rife with plot holes a thousand miles wide.

SPOILERS TO COME First of all, why would fuel for a ship genetically modify someone to turn into an alien. It makes no rational sense at all, even if you are trying to suspend disbelief with the old, "Well its alien, so it can do anything." Second of all, why are almost all the aliens mindless drones, except the one guy who is actually technologically advanced. Why are these aliens, who live in an area filled to the brim with alien technology only they can use, allowing themselves to be abused like they are? One alien infected human could pick up one of their weapons, and invade a highly protected secret government site...the same guy is able to get into a single battle suit of the aliens, and defeat dozens of heavily armed humans without a speck of training. Yet over two million of them sit around, being physically abused day after day, and do nothing. The aliens are shown being both physically and intellectually superior to human beings, but then made into placid cows only to advance the paper thin plot.

I do not get the gushing over this film. Its all right, but its no better than something like Cloverfield last year. It seems like because a Sci-Fi film attacks a now dead subject like Apartheid, it gets a free pass into the world of Sci Fi elite.

Its not that good a movie, people. Its an all right action film, but it has serious plotting and character development issues that keep it from even approaching being a great movie.
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A South African Futuristic Greek Tragedy
mlambertint11 October 2009
After "District 9" was over, I had to run from the theater to the hotel and take a long, long shower. "District 9" is a first. We've never seen anything quite like it. A metaphor for a world that's becoming faster and faster a huge melting pot where nothing truly melts. The have and the have not. New ghettos, new forms of life and we have to learn to live with it or, or what? Neill Blomkamp, the 30 year old director, is someone who's exploded into the film scene and I'm sure he'll stay for a long time to come. A commercial director with a refined artistic mind. Accessible without being condescending a real find and who found him? Peter Jackson. A man that I suspect is creating a Hollywood overseas, a Hollywood for the thinking man. I urge you to see "District 9" and get used to those aliens, they stand for something that is already here.
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enfant_perdu16 August 2009
I had high expectations for this movie, and I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but I was a little disappointed once the credits started to roll.

I'm glad to see that a movie like this even got made with a decent budget, a wide release, and good marketing. I'm thrilled that it came in first place at the box office on its opening weekend and is getting good press. Having grown up in the 90s, I miss the former place of prominence aliens had in the popular culture. Hopefully the financial success of this movie will encourage the studios to green light more films in the same genre.

Overall, District 9 is creative and entertaining, but not as original or intelligent as I'd hoped. The trailers seemed to promise the film's main storyline would explore the societal impact of the aliens' arrival and the rich history that preceded the film's main action.

But the story that emerges from its great premise is pretty standard. It hardly develops the aliens' history or psychology. What little development we do get is uninspired, incomplete, and self-contradictory. It also doesn't explore the cultural impact of their arrival with the kind of depth that I'd hoped it would.

And none of the characters are particularly well-developed. Read a synopsis of the movie, and you'll have about as deep of an understanding of the main characters as you would if you'd have watched the whole film. Aside from a unique name and a slightly amusing quirkiness, the main character is relatively forgettable.

My other main criticism is that the narrative isn't as cohesive as I would've preferred. The story jumps from one scene to the next with little or no effort to establish the setting or the purpose of the action. It all ends up feeling less deliberate and focused than it ought to, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something essential missing from the mix. The faux-documentary style seemed arbitrary and without a clear purpose. I wanted to be able to forget that this was the director's feature film debut, but this thought kept popping into my head again and again.

District 9 does have a great premise, and its presentation is pretty solid. The first few minutes of the film do an excellent job of making this fictional world feel believable and realistic. But since the filmmakers did an excellent job in some departments, it makes the film's shortcomings in certain crucial areas that much harder to forgive.

Overall, it's a worthwhile use of two hours' time and the price of admission, and it's certainly more deserving of success than most other films currently in theaters. However, it's not the intelligent, insightful, engaging, allegorical story I'd hoped it would be. Instead, it comes off as an ambitious misfire: an entertaining-but-simple story with a handful of interesting ideas.

Hopefully, though, District 9's critical and commercial success will help pave the way for a resurgence of well-funded, high-concept sci-fi films (especially alien invasion ones).
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It is just THAT good.
thebackofmyhouse13 August 2009
Saying this movie is good would be an understatement. The movie has it all, a very intriguing deep plot, good acting and great action. If I was to find a flaw in this movie, it would be the shaky cam technique employed at the beginning part of the movie and also at the very end. The shaky parts are supposedly documentary clips telling the story of Wikus, the protagonist. But rather than add to the feel of it, the shakiness is just nauseating. They just over did it. But after a while into the movie, they got out of the documentary mode and things couldn't be any better. And the special effects in his movie will have you believing that these aliens are real.

It's better that you go into this movie not knowing the deeper plot as a big part of the movie's entertainment value for me is the parts when things look hopeless and you really feel the despair and hopelessness of the characters. The only thing you need to know going in is that there are aliens stranded on earth and they are put in slums.

This is one of those movies that teases you that it's nearing its end, but inside, you go "No, I want more. It can't end like this", and the movie hears you and gives you more. And it's primed for a great sequel. The potential that this franchise has is just enormous. The way they can expand the story is just limitless and all of them can add to it's lore. This is a classic franchise in the making.
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james-still6 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard enough about this South African film to know that it was an allegory about the Apartheid period. And I'm a huge fan of intelligent sci-fi. What could go wrong? Everything. Can I have those two hours back? The first 20 minutes was interesting. The lead character is portrayed as a passive-aggressive racist who is a part of the problem, smooths over police violence in front of the press, and fails utterly to comprehend the situation around him. In short, he's marked for death. He's the red-shirted security guy beaming down with Kirk and you just know his minutes are numbered. But when something bad does happen to him the movie's logic goes off the rails and melts into a steaming pile of a cheap Chuck Norris action flick where rifles blaze, grenades explode, and there's no motive to any of it other than just to blow sh*t up for the twelve year old kids in the audience.

Question. If you were making an allegory about Apartheid why would your clueless, selfish, white guy racist jailer be the hero and liberator of the oppressed black people? I should think that in the 21st century old ideas about the White Man's Burden is more than just offensive; it's also a tired cliché. The jailer bureaucrat's only motive seems selfish: he just wants to go back to his old self.

The sadistic villain is like a bad penny. He just keeps showing up in every other scene, fires off about a million rounds without hitting the hapless hero, and doesn't have the horse sense to call in enough backup to handle the escalating violence.

I'm supposed to believe that the Most Wanted Man in the Universe, with his picture all over television, can use his old access codes to break into a maximum security biology weapon lab and run off with alien rocket fuel? The plot holes get bigger and bigger, which is forgivable if the story is reasonable. Yet, the problem here is that there are no likable characters at all in the entire film. Also, the violence is way too gratuitous and serves no purpose.

I can't think of anything good to say other than to save your money and don't waste your time on this one.
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This alien movie is one of a kind. It belongs undoubtedly to the best of its genre.
AlbertCinefilu24 February 2023
''District 9'' is a unique South African movie consisting of a mix between mockumentary, action-alien movie and social commentary/allegory. The thing that impressed me the most here, (I wouldn't have really thought about that, being used to associate non-earthlings with spaceships), is: aliens in a slum/ghetto. I think it's a truly original element, or maybe the first successful story involving such a setting.

The film is both really entertaining & funny in a dark way (or even atrocious when there is a baby alien scene towards the beginning) and at the same time the movie subtly encourages you to think, not only about the relations between people in South Africa, but generally about those who we consider different, ''alien'' from us and thus imposing a threat on us. It also possesses a certain dramatic aspect that arises from the humanity of Cristopher and his son (two characters who are ''prawns'' - a slur given by humans).

I wonder if ''District 9'' was influenced by David Cronenberg's ''The Fly'', because there is one aspect of the movie that slightly resembles something else from the classic '86 movie, but I'm not going to spoil it here.

In the end, the film gets a 9 out of 10 from me.
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Worst RomCom ever!
ryan-clements-112 August 2009
I attended a preview screening of District 9 last night, and I am in absolute awe of this film and its director Neill Blomkamp.

Thanksfully, I knew relatively little about the story going into the film. I had a rough idea of the concept and had seen a few TV spots, but thankfully the film delivered so much more than I was led to expect.

What I like most about the film is that it increasingly gains momentum throughout its runtime, starting out as a mockumentary (and thinly veiled social commentary), but then delves into more mainstream thriller territory, before culminating in some thoroughly entertaining action set pieces. If action is your thing, be sure to stick it out through to the latter half of the film. As I was leaving the cinema, I overheard many other patrons saying exactly that... "I wasn't too sure for the first hour, but I'm glad I stayed" (personally, I have never walked out of a film at the cinema).

That is not to say that the first half is any less impressive. I am a big fan of realism in films such as this, and as such, I really enjoyed the documentary feel. I think the intention was for the entire film to be in the mockumentary style, but for me the style changes and takes on a more mainstream look (albeit hand-held)... which I think is important to know going in. There are also a few areas where it couldn't be believed that a documentary crew could still be filming (or even alive). But I think the film is much better for this, and definitely more memorable.

If there is one thing that irks me about this film, its that the story moves at an incredible pace... particularly in the earlier scenes in the film, which feel rather rushed, and seemingly at odds with the realistic documentary feel it was going for. Things just seem to happen so quickly, leaving little time to digest the premise and characters. I would love to see a version of the movie that extends the first half to allow a greater look into the reality presented to us.

SFX-wise, there are no complaints. There is the odd bit of artificial blurring on some alien movement, but overall we are presented with a very low-key, realistic CGI presentation that could teach Hollywood a thing or two.

One other aspect that I must mention is the performance of the lead character. Seeing a film of this caliber that has no recognisable actors, with foreign (to an Aussie!) accents just adds to the authenticity... but Sharlto Copley (in his debut performance) is a revelation and one of the most memorable aspects of the movie.

I cannot recommend this movie enough, and the wait until the weekend so I can see this film again is just too long!
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