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(I) (2016)

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Haunting and beautiful
dakjets16 May 2017
I have to admit that I had low expectations when I was going to see this movie. The negative reviews are why. Appearance that the film has gone bad, not earned enough, etc. But it does not make sense to listen to others. The best part is to find out yourself. And I have to admit that I enjoyed this movie well, even though I understand some of the criticisms. At the same time, I know that Morten Tyldum is an incredibly good director. One of the best Norwegian directors, without a doubt. I think it's strange that he made something directly bad. The film is not a featured sci fi movie, even if the action takes place on a spaceship. I enjoyed the movie for three reasons: 1) The story is unique, and something I've never seen before. It's always a good sign. 2) It's beautiful to watch, great movie, spectacular setups and scenes. It was impressive and 3) This movie works to switch between a love story and some action sequences. It seems like a thoughtful movie, and I appreciated the thought behind scenes and action. The few people we meet in the film give insight and one becomes familiar with the characters. It is also a strength, but perhaps also a weakness. The gallery is limited. But anyway, I recommend this and hope to see similar movies in the future.
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Long way to go
kosmasp13 May 2017
I heard the critics too. And I get that this is not for everyone. But I do believe that a rating that is currently around 7 (out of 10) is pretty accurate for this movie. It is good, it's not amazing or breath taking (excuse the pun), but it really is suspenseful and it does keep it real (if you buy into the whole notion that this space mission/travel thing is or will be possible in the first place of course).

We do have some great actors involved in this, but you can imagine that there are moments in the movie where some may feel the movie could offer more. But that would not be keeping it real. Of course there are some decisions that are questionable at best, but that's life and that's how people work sometime ... Really good character piece surrounded by Science Fiction, but only watch it if you like human drama mixed with it!
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A highly enjoyable ride that unfortunately got rolled over by the Critics.
Samirsbureau22 December 2016
After the trailer release of this movie it became one of this year's most anticipated movies, but some people were expecting something entirely different than what this movie aimed for, and the result was their disappointment.

People need to be aware that this movie is an ADVENTURE/ROMANCE and a bit SCI-FI. NOT A SCI-FI 2001:SPACE ODYSSEY KIND OF MOVIE.

I will start giving my own honest review of this movie. First of all, The acting in this movie is phenomenal, of course when you get 2 great actors like Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence you know it would work in any kind of role, and it's true, the chemistry between both of them just works flawlessly and it's very gorgeous as they're both very handsome and it's just nice to see them on screen.

Then comes the VISUALS, which i consider to be this year's best ( Along with Dr.Strange ), The best way to watch this movie is at a theater with a huge screen and definitely better to catch the 3D version. I really don't know where to start with the visuals because the whole movie is just beautifully shot and the CINEMATOGRAPHY of this film is perfectly done, probably each scene in this movie is Iconic.

The Plot wasn't as good as the other factors but still it managed to keep the pacing of the movie going and I was definitely not bored, even though the ending wasn't spectacular but again this isn't Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, this is just a movie about 2 lovers surviving on a spaceship alone.

The best way to describe this film is to say that it's Titanic all over again but in space and it's beautifully shot, emotional, and overall an exciting experience.

It's really sad that people misunderstood the point of this film and were going for a complex space/time plot instead of a simple good-looking love story, but I know that moviegoers will definitely like this film. Give it a try and if not for the story then just for Wonderful scenes and for the link between the 2 main characters

Conclusion: Great, Simple, Gorgeous and Highly Entertaining are the four things you'll be saying after watching this movie.
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Romance and sci-fi in outer space
TheLittleSongbird24 October 2017
Although 'Passengers' had one of the most unique concepts of any film in recent years, had talented actors on board and the production values looked wonderful from the advertising, the critical reception (not just from critics but also from those who dislike Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence and immediately saying the film would be terrible, not being ignorant this actually happened) was a turn off.

Seeing it with my flatmate last night, who had seen the film before, really liked it and had recommended it to me, 'Passengers' turned out to be a much better film than expected. It's not perfect and can see where some of the criticisms are coming from, but it was to me a beautiful and thought-provoking film that raised some interesting questions and thoughts. Unlike a lot of people on the internet and particularly on IMDb, critics get a lot of respect from me and often we are on the same page. There have been a fair share of times where our opinions have been different, when a praised film didn't do much for me and a panned one surprised me in a good way. 'Passengers' is one of the latter examples and a lot of the problem with its less than enthusiastic critical response is to do with advertising which didn't indicate that it would be as unconventional as it was.

For one thing 'Passengers' looks wonderful, the advertising didn't lie in this regard. It's beautifully shot and crisply edited while the lighting and sets have a lot of atmosphere and are imaginative in their scope, showing the beauty, wonder and mysteriousness of outer space. It is easy to see why the production design garnered an Oscar nomination The special effects at their best make the jaw drop.

Don't think that Thomas Newman's score has been talked about enough despite being nominated for an Oscar (losing out to 'La La Land'), it's understated and hauntingly beautiful in a distinctive Newman. 'La La Land' deserved the win but of the other Best Original Score nominees (which included 'Jackie', which should never have been nominated) 'Passengers' for me was one of the better ones.

There are many moments where 'Passengers' provokes a lot of thought and is intriguing, raising some very interesting questions and ideas. The story on the most part didn't lose me, while it is not your conventional thrilling sci-fi film with lots of special effects and action it has its fair share of poignancy and intrigue. The initial fiery animosity turning into a beautiful love story was convincing thanks to the chemistry between Pratt and Lawrence. The direction isn't mind-blowing but is competent before not knowing what to do with itself in the final quarter or so.

Pratt is more understated than usual, in a cast against type dramatic role for an actor better known for comedy. He handles it very well and commands the screen. Lawrence gets a lot of hate here, but to me she is one of the better actresses today under 30 (her acting actually has a beyond her years feel to it). Here she is luminous and touching. Believed these two as lovers and found myself caring for their love story due to their success in keeping it alive. It's not just them though, Michael Sheen is amusing as Arthur and while his screen time is short (too short) Laurence Fishburne gives his characters pathos and dignity.

On the other hand, 'Passengers' doesn't live up to full potential. Its biggest flaw is the last 30 minutes, it would have worked better as something more suspense or action-oriented but instead felt like a tacked on logic-free anti-climax where too many things felt unresolved and it was too over-the-top and ridiculous.

While the writing did intrigue and provoked a lot of thought, it didn't always work. Some of it did get confusingly over-complicated, with things needing to be made clearer and less vague, and other parts were forced. Pacing also could have tightened in places, the beginning while interesting in what was explored takes a little long to get going but the film really gets going properly once Lawrence's character wakes up.

In conclusion, was not sure what to expect but got a well above-average, to me it was good despite a few problems. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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movie starts at the wrong place
SnoopyStyle9 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Starship Avalon is transporting 258 crew and 5000 passengers in hibernation to the colony on faraway planet Homestead II. The ship is hit by debris and malfunctions slowly infect the system. Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) is awaken when his pod malfunctions. He is all alone except for robot bartender Arthur (Michael Sheen). He is unable to access the more sensitive ship systems. After a year of loneliness, Jim is suicidal and then he falls in love with Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawrence). He decides to disable her pod and wake her up but keep the decision from her.

This movie needs to start when Aurora wakes up. His decision is workable storytelling if we figure it out along with her. It could be a mystery with tension that turns into an action thriller. Also the movie is too desperate to be romantic. The fact that the audience knows what he did makes it impossible to get into the romantic mood. By starting the movie at the later spot, it can inject some creepiness and tension. It also makes the movie shorter which would help a lot. These are two hot A-list actors. It's easy to see how the studio automatically goes for the romantic route but the story is built for a tense thriller.
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A decent sci-fi rental that plays it too safe.
Damien_King867 April 2017
I'm just going to list my takeaways from the movie in list format. Maybe it will be helpful to someone, maybe not.

Pros - The production is immaculate. The cinematography, set design, CGI, all of it is top notch, as expected from a movie starring two of the most popular current actors. - Although I'm not crazy about Jennifer Lawrence, and I only really like Chris Pratt as Starlord, I will go ahead and list them as a pro, since they did a good job with these characters. Michael Sheen is also welcome in any movie.

Cons - The science of the movie is a bit slinky at times, obviously to serve narrative motives. Other reviewers have detailed these inaccuracies, so I won't get into it, here. - The movie mostly leans toward a romantic drama vibe, and I personally think there should have been more of a sense of dread and danger throughout the movie, not just near the end. - Given the high profile status of the leads, the sex scenes are predictably tame and brief. Along with the lack of danger, the lack of eroticism is another way in which the movie plays it too safe. - The catharsis at the end that stems from the main moral dilemma (which I won't spoil) does not occur satisfactorily in my opinion. It didn't move me at all, and made it feel like it was never that important to begin with.

In summary, this is an entertaining, but light sci-fi romance. It feels like a 70's sci-thriller that has been thoroughly processed for a general audience. It makes a good rental, but I couldn't help but lament that it wasn't the riskier, edgier film that it wanted to be.
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Waking Her Saved Them
davidlohr22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love how everyone seems to miss the fact that if he had not woke her up everyone would've died. He wouldn't have had anyone to pull the lever to release the reactor pressure while he held open the blast door. She also had the option to return to sleep using the autodoc and CHOSE not to. Did y'all naysayers even pay attention?
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Romancing the vastness of space
saccitygrl27 January 2017
I dislike reviews that summarize the plot or discuss the plot unless the latter is done to support an opinion. So, I will not do this in this review. Here are my thoughts and impressions.

This film that was a very pleasant surprise. I had no expectations and enjoyed seeing the two actors (Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence) in a genre film and role I hadn't seen them in before. My only previous experience of seeing these two on the screen previously were 5 year engagement (which I LOVE) and hunger games (meh, its okay).

These two are great in this film. There is a great chemistry and given the romantic turn this film takes, it works.

The plot is great too--I like how the film explores the nature of space travel and the realistic challenges that it creates in the life of mere mortal humans. I also enjoyed seeing these characters grapple with some very serious predicaments that forced some decisions that could be viewed as selfish and suddenly turns to be completely unselfish.

This film is not a run of the mill film--it has some great ideas and perhaps even themes (if you give it some thought) that are explored exceptionally well.
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Epic yet thoughtful
nick-615-607703 November 2022
When do bad decisions turn out to be the best?

Constantly this film puts this question out there. Simply without the bad decisions the ship and crew would not survive.

This is a glorious Sci Fi epic. Beautiful in every way with deep character development.

Time is given to explore and enjoy the simplicity of the story and ultimately the dilemma that is thrust upon both characters.

My favourite leftover from the movie is the thought, what would I do?

Maybe a better question would be what would Robinson Crusoe do? This surely is an update of that classic tale

I do not want to spoil this movie for anyone so please, enjoy.
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An good sci-fi flick with some excellent special effects.
jason-2107 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Note that this contains spoilers. If you haven't watched the film, I suggest you do before reading this.

The first hour or so of this film was fantastic. Just taking in the spacecraft with all its amazingly conceived features, was reminiscent of the first part of 2001: A Space Odyssey. It also struck me as being a realistic version of the type of spacecraft in Wall-E (think of the little cleaner droids, buzzing around, fixing things and cleaning the mess the characters make!) The premise of being alone on a vast, automated, self-repairing craft that is aware of your presence and provides all the conveniences you require, was an interesting concept. The technology and physics seemed plausible, cool, and realistic; and the special effects were restrained and effective. The robot bartender was fascinating, and provided some welcome entertainment.

For the first hour the story seemed meaningful and thought-provoking, but after that it began to fall apart. A major aspect of the plot during the first half of the movie was being unable to get to the crews' quarters to wake them up, and the hopelessness of the situation because of this.

Then, as if by magic, one of the crew wakes up, says there's something wrong with the ship, wanders around a bit, then dies. From then on it seemed to me like the script had been taken over by a different person, there to ensure the film served the public the usual smattering of sensationalist action scenes at expense of both the plot and plausibility of science. There is a brief promise of mystery as the trio realised there was something wrong with the ship and tried to figure out what it was, but this quickly evaporates as the problem turns out to be nothing more than a faulty nuclear reactor that is heading for self-destruction.

The obvious thing to have done here would have been to wake more of the crew, now that they had access, to see what could be done. However, we are told there is not time for that, so the protagonist miraculously fixes the nuclear reactor all by himself. What a genius! This involved finding and hot-swapping a replacement circuit board, getting blasted into space, being spectacularly rescued by his female companion, dying, and finally brought back to life by having about a dozen or so different resuscitation techniques applied to him at once by a machine! Yeah. Face palm.
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Very original, beautifully made.
Sleepin_Dragon2 December 2018
Passengers is a truly brilliant movie, it's hard to place it into a genre, but it is very much a sci fi love story. The concept is a great one, and it poses a fabulous question, could you force someone to spend their life with you, or live a solitary life. The idea is very original and very clever, the special effects are breathtaking, and the cinematography is first class. The main trio of actors do a superb job, but it's the dazzling Jennifer Lawrence that stood out for me.

Attention to the detail to this film was first rate, huge credit to all those behind the scenes.

It's not often the case that I wish a film wouldn't end, but after fifteen minutes or so, I was captivated, and really didn't want it to end.

Fabulous film, 9/10
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Beautiful spaceship romance with predictable plot
widooerlemans-7272830 December 2022
Saw it on netflix yesterday. This is my take:

  • scifi effects are very good
  • ship is beautifully designed
  • space looks authentic
  • actors are believable characters and do a great
  • as a scifi lover this is something you can watch with non scifi lovers as the plot is about fighting loneliness, building relationships, and trust.

  • storyline is very predictable and a bit dull
  • It takes quite a long time before something is "at stake"


As my review has to be 600 words, i guess i need to fill it with this sentence although im a big fan of to the point bullitpoints over longwinded blablabla reviews.
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First boring, then unrealistic to absurd
stefan-morcov24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first half is incredibly boring. Nothing happens for half of the movie. I understand that we need to "feel" the loneliness. But there are so many good movies that portrayed the Robinson experience without being also boring. And then: completely unrealistic on each level, on each detail (maybe apart from the love story, which is cute and romantic). This is not supposed to be fantasy or adventure. It is supposed to be a pure-blood SF story, whose main character is a mechanical engineer. So I expect that at least most of the technical details should hold a little water, as well as the main story line. But no: every little technical/scientific/engineering detail is completely illogical, and the methods deployed by the main character to solve the situations are absurd. Look: my motorbike has, I believe, around 5 completely different methods to stop the engine in case of emergency (cut the contact, cut the electricity, cut the gas, put it into neutral etc); but a huge stellar ship has: NONE ? A huge stellar ship the size of a village (5270 inhabitants) has only 1 (one) bed in the infirmary ? No sensor detects for 2 years that there is an open hole in the hull of the ship, and loss of pressure in some rooms ?! There is no backup system for anything – instead they repeat "this system is supposed to be impossible to break, so this cannot happen" – gosh I don't remember any engineering 101 lesson to ever say this line, they all speak of redundancy, backup, fail-safe and fail-over mechanisms. The individual space costume resists the heat of a reactor that would otherwise break the hull of the whole spaceship ?! There is absolutely no method to alert the large sleeping crew of a huge ship that something went wrong ?! There is no alarm system on a huge space ship ? My car has a better information collecting system from various sensors than that space ship, you actually DON'T need to plug-in floppy-disks around your car to collect data, they kind of get collected automatically and displayed on the screen. And if something stops, you still have the history of what happened before, stored in some central memory chip. Airplanes today have 2 independent black boxes to store everything that happens on board, all information from all sensors, any sound etc; for a space ship they just forget about this. For a space ship I would actually add maybe 3 or 5 different independent backup storage devices, plus maybe 2 or 3 backup computing devices, stored in completely different physical locations, completely independent, each one able to resume operation automatically and instantly if another one fails and maybe other 1 or 2 of them manually. Also: an intelligent passenger decides to solve a complex problem himself alone, instead of waking up like the whole 250 engineering crew of the ship. OK, we all expect a couple of goofs in any standard reasonable SF movie, it is difficult to keep track of all details and even good movies miss things. But when you hear a stupid idea every couple of minutes for the entire half of the movie when something actually happens, then the movie is crap. Good pictures though, loved the graphical effects. And the final completely weird finale to put the cherry on top: what is one young loving beautiful heterosexual couple expected to do alone, their entire lifetime, on a spaceship with 5000 vacant seats available ?... I would have said "children". Well, guess what: they decided to just plant a lot of trees.
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Don't go by the critics and enjoy the beautiful movie
sauravjoshi858 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Passengers is a science fiction movie starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt and is directed by Morten Tyldum.

The movie tells the story of 2 passengers who are awakened very early from their hibernation on a spaceship carrying passengers to another planet.

After seeing the movie it would be correct to say that the critics are too harsh on the film which is a good and entertaining watch. The plot of the movie is predictable but still enjoyable. The movie also narrates the human tendency when Jim wilfully awakes Aurora as human needs a human touch to communicate, romance and to spend the entire life.

The screenplay is good so as the background music. The movie could've been made more refined in terms of how the main characters repair the ship looks more dramatic. The depiction of space is also not that impressive. Climax of the movie could also have made better.

Overall the movie is a nice and enjoyable movie.
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Hostage Warning: Spoilers
"99 out of 100 people on IMDb disagree with THIS, you bad mean person! Your rating is way too harsh! This is a lovely light interstellar romantic comedy that's, like, loved by EVERY critic on Earth! Also, Chris Pratt, he's so dreamy with his sad puppy-bear expressions. Don't tell me YOU wouldn't sabotage a hot guy's pod and wake him up to keep you company for the rest of your life, just admit it, you hypocrite!"

When it comes to movies, I feel a special, top-shelf repulsion for the "people doing stupid things" trope which lurks in the dark with its loathsome slack- jawed cousins "This is a scary dark house/hall/corner but I am going inside anyway!" and "A scary serial killer is chasing us, gang - We should split up!" ready to jump up at you. My rating is merely a reflection of my displeasure with movies such as this one still using or having to primarily rely on the same cliches used over and over and not in any way is supposed to reflect the movie's cinematography, pacing, editing, settings, art direction, etc etc etc, because there is nothing wrong with the movie in this regard. Even the main Robinson Crusoe premise is delightful Existentialism 101 and I enjoyed it. Up until a certain point, that is.

Chris Pratt plays a mechanic with a shady past who's aboard an interstellar Titanic. When space ice (meteorite storm in this case) hits the ship, his hibernation pod malfunctions due to a temporary blackout. Only his, so he's the only person on the entire ship awakened early and there is another 90 years or so until destination arrival and allegedly there is no way to repair the pod on a ship with the most advanced tech equipment known to humanity. What are the odds! Now our mechanic takes it hard, as expected, and soon goes cuckoo from loneliness. Before you can say "Adam and Eve" he starts auditioning for the best Tarzan Impersonator Year 2150: Interstellar Tarzan strand in space. Interstellar Tarzan sad! Interstellar Tarzan look at sleepy box thingy. Interstellar Tarzan see future Mrs Tarzan. Interstellar Tarzan happy Interstellar Tarzan not be alone any more! Interstellar Tarzan genius!

You would expect from a sensible character in a sensible science fiction movie that instead of playing Biblical Adam in space, they would keep it in their pants and just wake up enough technician personnel to look at our WalMart Intersteallar Boats Inc Economy Class HiberPod(tm) malfunction and eventually better face the impending interstellar Titanic issue but I guess Morten Tyldum thought date rape-y deceptiveness (in Space (TM)) is a more fun topic to explore. Saving the ship? Boo! Building a mobile robot to send flirty notes to the person whose hibernation pod you deliberately sabotaged ensuring they will never see the new world ever? Yay!

"Do you trust me?" sayeth the dishonest rat. I wonder what would Ellen Ripley do? Probably watch Moon (2009) instead because it offers the juicy slice of existentialism without the gratuitous high sugar, trans fat-ladden, LDL-raising Biblical connotation icing and rotten, worm-infested Stockholm syndrome cherries.
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A good movie
prigharat18 January 2019
It is nice 2hours time pass movie. A good watch but nothing woww in it. A romantic movie without toooo much of romance
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Nice love story in space
tero-j-ojala7 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Visually just stunning and good acting, but the content of the story was pretty standard romance-story: Guy does something wrong, lies about it to the girl, they fall in love, girl finds out the lie, they split up but come together in the final moments of the film.

If this story was not on the spaceship, it would be same crap that you see in every romantic movie. But they are on spaceship that is dying and that environment rises this movie from 4 to 7.

But overall the cliché counter is very high on this. A lot of last minute saves and coincidences.
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The Critics -- wrong again
handmethatspanner27 November 2022
Did you read Robinson Crusoe? Did you ever see a quaint Sci-fi movie called Robinson Crusoe on Mars.

How many lost at sea movies have you seen?

I like this one best of all. No it is not perfection and the errors shine through if you watch it often.

For my money it could have been longer. I would have savored more development of our two lead characters. As pure science fiction this is not an example of Hard-Sci-Fi. Far more technical details would have bored most viewers to tears.

My thinking is that the two leads are suffering from an abundance of enthusiasm for some of their other efforts that might come off as cartoonish, a bit thin or pale.

This will be one of those that ages well and becomes a fan/cult favorite. { somebody is going to expand this into a short series }

I would dearly love to argue the merits of this film with any critic. I watch this at least once a year. An eclectic fellow I have explored many areas of inquiry. Far and away I have exposed myself to more Science Fiction than anything besides work and sleep.

Cinematically it is a real contender, deserving.

As a foray into Sci-Fi it does really well.

As a romance it might be iffy but every romance has some challenges to overcome before the third act.
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Moderately Engaging SF Romance That Needed Darker Elements
Theo Robertson31 December 2016
The trailers to this film gives the impression that it's something of a weepy romance set aboard a spaceship . Guess what ? If nothing else at least the trailers are being relatively honest and to be honest I almost gave the movie a miss due to its predictable content , but decided to give it a chance to find it perhaps wasn't as predictable as I predicted it to be . Even so I still came away thinking it was a missed opportunity

Let me explain . The pivotal plot element of "Person waking up prematurely while in hyper-space" is not only a good one but had been done earlier in the first season of SPACE 1999 which led to one of the most shocking endings I have seen in a TV show . Here however it really only exists to set up a story which will involve two people falling in love . Hey don't report me for giving away the story because this is exactly what happens . To its credit PASSENGERS does include a couple of twists involving obsession , betrayal of sorts and redemption and being something of an angst ridden tortured poet myself I did find myself being swept along to a degree as to the character interaction between Jim and Aurora and more specifically as to if Jim will be found out

It's hardly the most complicated film of 2016 and I found myself wishing for a more complex and darker type of movie . As you can imagine - and imagination is in short supply from the Hollywood studios - you can't have this type of film without two good looking leads . The truth is Chris Pratt is maybe a little too handsome and hunky . How about a scenario where Jim is played by Robert Carlyle or Andy Serkis ? In other words someone who it's slightly difficult to fall in love with ? Love like life itself is a horrible , really horrible thing but not if it's featured in a Hollywood movie it seems
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When wrong is right
web-534-39383027 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible how simple and yet enchanting this story is. If Jim didn't make that wrong decision, then everybody would have died, which made his decision not only right but necessary. Well acted and wrapped with an effective soundtrack, this succession of different approaches to the same situation bring me to watch Passengers again and again at home and still discover something new about humanity. Highly recommended.
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A "wasted" opportunity.
jan-hranac31 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet another film which had a good shot at being truly great and ended up being barely above average.

The actors (all four of them) and their performances are completely stellar, the CGI effects are great and will hold for decades to come, and the central idea is simple and ingenious at the same time. Unfortunately, this central, initial idea is where the ingenuity ends. The actual premise which came out of it mostly wasted it, as did the plot.

It felt like somebody had a truly great basic idea: two people on a ship trying to have a relationship whilst facing dangers of interstellar travel. As a matter of fact, it sounds like something I would come up with. Then somebody else started to build on this initial idea and didn't do a very good job. Not just the plot but the whole setting contains such a large logical holes which don't make any sense each on its own and even more so in combination with each other. These holes completely broke my suspension of disbelief and convinced me that the writers of the screenplay didn't even bother to read the Ender series (a recommended reading for pilots, officers, etc. and one of the "bibles" for building of fictional worlds containing interstellar colonialism).

For example, the story is set a thousand years in the future and yet the society still uses American dollars! Thousand years from now on, not only there won't be any dollars but there won't be even any United States and FED to print them! It's also rather ridiculous to expect that (fiat) money would still be used even locally, let alone on an interstellar level. It's also laughable that colonists would have any incentive to pay their debts to any corporation back home even if the colonies provided means to earn dollars which they have no use for. Earth-colonies relations simply wouldn't work that way even if FTL was possible and in this universe, ships travel at half the speed of light. Any corporation sending these ships wouldn't exist by the time a ship would reach its destination.

The logical structure (or lack of it) of the plot suffers a lot just for being set in such a flawed universe. At the same time, there are some (usual) plot-holes where things happen just for the dramatic effect.

To end on a bright note, I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy the film. All the four actors which had any substantial part on the film (and especially the two leading ones) were absolutely perfect. Strangely enough (or not so strangely), I didn't see Lawrence's previous roles in her character - I never expected her to shape-shift or to pull out a bow and arrows. I saw a little bit of Star Lord in Pratt but only a little.

Like I've said, this film should have been great and it's a great pity that it isn't.
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Eminent Science Fiction
steen-mpi23 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Professional film critics are stupid. That is the conclusion you must reach after watching this movie. I was not expecting much after reading the uniformly negative critical reviews. But I was surprised. The movie is plausible. It is more than plausible, it is realistic. And the acting is so eminent that you are there yourself trying to decide what you would do if you awoke on a fully autonomous spaceship trying to figure out what is going on.

Granted, there are no alien horror creatures, no protracted fast-action sequences, no superficial technical nonsense to cover a thin plot. Maybe this is what the critics were missing.

There is only beautiful scenes, eminent acting, a plausible plot and a surprising ending. But that was enough for me.

So go watch this movie and decide for yourself how implausibly stupid the film critics are.
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Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt is what makes this movie worth to watch!
lucashammar21 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer for this movie I knew I would experience an amazing travel in a fantastic spaceship in the extraordinary beautiful outer space with two of my favorite actors.

So what's the story? In the future, a giant spaceship with 5000 sleeping passengers from earth is on a space-journey to a new colony on a new planet. But due to a malfunction, a passenger named Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) wakes up 90 years too early and quickly realizes that he will be dead before the spaceship reaches it's destination and will probably be alone for his whole life. He gets very lonely after a while and can't take it anymore. When he discovers that he can make another passenger awake, he wakes up Aurora Dunn (Jennifer Lawrence) in hope that he will no longer be alone and might get her to fall in love with him. But soon they both discover that there might be something wrong with the spaceship and has to do something about it.

So what did I think about the movie? It was great. I liked the performance of Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, the scenography, the special effects, the romance, and the thrilling action scenes. The way they try to make space a beautiful scenario to travel through is very excellent, and how the spaceship looks like a very luxury cruise is really cool (and yes, you could think they are ripping off the Wall- E scenario here, but this movie is really not trying to be that over the top, I promise you that). The way the two lead characters are interacting with each other is probably the best thing about the movie. If there is a reason to watch the movie twice, it is to see the lead characters again. Their romance is likable and you believe the chemistry between them is genuine. I mean come on! It's Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt alone in a spaceship. You are gonna get what you want. But of course, the movie is not without the typical "liar revealed", and you might think it's gonna ruin the movie. But surprisingly, they made it work without any unnecessary problems in the story.

What's the bad thing about the movie? I think it depends on what you want? Okay, maybe the movie could have worked without the 3D-effects too, but I digress. If you want a likable romance with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence in a sci-fi adventure movie that also provides a thrilling action story, I believe you are gonna get it in this one. I liked this movie and I will watch it again sometimes.
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Romance movie pretending to be sci-fi
Paradroid7815 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The trailers made this out as serious science fiction, but it was basically a glorified "boy meets girl" movie in space.

Apart from a sleep inducing middle act where nothing happens apart from the two leads courting each other, the suspension of disbelief needed here, is staggering, mainly in the form of seemingly superhuman protagonists. Some spoilers ahead:

1. A woman passes out while in a bubble of water, effectively drowning, then miraculously "wakes up", while still in the water a few minutes later just because the bubble splashes down into a pool.

2. On multiple occasions people slipping on something and crash landing on their back leaves no damage other than them simply getting up and saying "ouch" as if it's a cartoon.

3. Male lead withstands thermonuclear blast at the end without as much as a heat rash, then runs out of oxygen due to a cracked helmet and drifts into space, but instead of freezing and suffocating when the air runs out gets rescued by his girlfriend who simply jumps off the star- ship in his general direction and miraculously catches him.

4. Out of 5000 pods, the one of the guy they really need malfunctions, who wakes up, explains how they can save the ship (which he's completely unqualified for given his job), and then being the token black guy, dies pretty much straight away.

6. Woman suffers major upper body trauma but carries on as if nothing happens.

With a bit of care to some details and without the totally artificial and forced happy ending this could have been really good. As it is, it came across as desperate to not challenge its target audience too much and suffered for it.
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Robinson Crusoe in Space
claudio_carvalho5 February 2017
While traveling to the colony Homestead II with 5000 colonists and 258 crewmembers in hibernation pods in a 120-year voyage, the spaceship Avatar is hit by a huge asteroid that causes malfunctioning in one sector. The immediate consequence is the opening of the pod of the engineer Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) 90 years before the destination. Jim unsuccessfully seeks a means to repair his pod and to communicate with Earth and soon he realizes that he is alone with the company of the android bartender Arthur (Michel Sheen). Along one year of isolation, Jim almost goes crazy and he feels attracted by the gorgeous passenger Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawrence) and he learns that she is a writer. Jim lives moral dilemma but one day he awakes Aurora and claims that her pod had malfunctioning like his. Aurora is devastated but after period she decides to write a book about her experience in Avatar. Jim and Aurora become lovers and while celebrating her anniversary, Jim tells Arthur that they have no secrets and Arthur understands that he may comment to Aurora that Jim had awakened her. Aurora becomes angry with Jim even physically attacking him. But when the pod of the Chief Deck Officer Gus Mancuso (Laurence Fishburne) has malfunctioning and awakes him, they learn that Avatar has failures in several systems and may blow-up. But Gus is terminal since the malfunctioning of his pod caused more than 600 problems in his boy. What will happen to the Avatar?

"Passengers" is an attractive romance with the storyline of Robinson Crusoe in a spaceship. The special effects are top-notch and the sets are magnificent. The lead couple is charming, but Michael Sheen steals the show in the role of a bartender android. Andy Garcia only gives name to the credits with a cameo of a few seconds. The story with a commercial happy ending is absolutely predictable and it is hard to see Jim exposed to a nuclear reactor fire without any consequence. But the plot is entertaining and better and better than the overrated and boring "Arrival". My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Passageiros" ("Passengers")
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