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B for effort - read the book!!!
jaffolicious9 August 2018
The book and story upon which this Hollywood flock is based is awesome, and even important. The movie is a fairly standard Hollywood-version military exercise, and I can't fully fault the production team or actors because they have to tell a big story in 2 hours about a major event that should be well known to Americans and Afghans alike, let alone the rest of the world. Plus, no one behind the special effects or acting or script or direction were there. Much like Lone Survivor it's a pretty decent depiction of a true story for a film production, but also much like Lone Survivor, I wish it had taken the source material a tad more seriously, and attached much more telling and brutal realism (like Saving Private Ryan and The Hurt Locker) in terms of mood and dialog and acting, and even equipment and battle scenes. I don't want a Tears Of The Sun fairy tale with my war movies. I want something that transports us there. More realistic tactics, weapons that fire and report realistically, bombs that aren't full of fireballs all the time, etc... All could have been done here. But many would have lost interest in the drama... It's been dumbed down, and 90% of the audience will have no idea.

Maybe I demand too much, or am too picky, or just don't accept the "average" like "average" Americans who don't look any deeper at stuff like war other than action films and headlines. I feel like our veterans deserve better.

Meanwhile, the negative reviews here are by folks who really have no idea what they're talking about, especially when they call it "propaganda". Politics produce propaganda. This is a story based on actual accounts...as in: it happened. Doesn't matter what your politics are. Read the book Horse Soldiers. Talk to more vets. Talk to some Afghani people who know a bit about their own country and the Taliban.

This movie could have been WAY better, but it was sinply "good" as what we've come to expect from Hollywood most of the time. I think it was wasted on misguided and detached production values and sensationalism that can only be provided by limited knowledge and devotion. Had Spielberg made this flick? Might have been an all-time great. And I say MIGHT, because it would be almost impossible to bring the reality and education to the screen that the book was able to portray and provide, and the reality on the ground these men experienced. Why we settle for pop culture education on important matters and historical events as our ONLY education is beyond me. But it seems the American audience wouldn't know the difference if REALITY ran over them in the form of a stampede of horses with a team of US special forces and Afghan militia on their backs. So I guess there's no real hard done, right?
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Much Better Than The Negative Reviews
AudioFileZ5 April 2018
12 Strong is based on truth and it would seem that in itself goes a long way as it took until a decade later for this story to become known through the book on which it was based. Quite simply it deserves the big screen treatment as it was a first victory in a war which goes on as I write this. The heroism is off the charts as everything changed the minute the 12 dropped in. Importantly the movie gets this point across. If it often seems like a lunatic's gamble as the small group of 12 immediately were split due the lack of trust by the Northern Alliance's war lord. Again the movie pulls no Hollywood bombast in depicting this. It seems like even our supposed allies are so distrustful the operation is doomed. As far as the battle scenes go there's that suspicion it may have received some of the Hollywood action movie push. I say don't over analyze this as it gets the point across of how desperate the situation really was and how focused, disciplined, and well trained our brave 12 were. The bottom line is this is a good homage based on real events and that always hovers large. If it could have been better depicted I'm certainly not sure exactly how as the victory was near impossible and that is captured on film quite realistically. I have nothing but praise for these fearless 12 warriors and I'm proud their story is now displayed for all of us who they put it over the line for. See the film and don't pick it apart, rather, be proud there is another great generation and just be glad we have soldiers like these 12.
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Decent retelling of a true story almost too good to be true
mat-fletcher4 April 2018
But it is true, this really did happen. Obviously the movie makes some artistic, social and political changes but it seems like a mostly faithful retelling of the story.

Now, true story aside, the movie itself was very enjoyable, the actors made believable SF soldiers, the locations, the equipment, everything looked good.

I am so glad that they did not make a Lone Survivor clone, this is a movie that can stand up in it´s own.

Some other reviews here are saying that they are disappointed that it is predictable story. I suppose that they don´t realise that it is a true story, such is the epic and frankly absurd bravery of these men in the field, it´s almost too good to be true.

It´s a great story and it is well told in this movie.
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Good war movie with authentic weapons
mark_a_dorner6 May 2018
I don't understand all the negative and one liner reviews- most be trolls. The absurdity of mounted cavalry attack against a T-72 speaks volume of OEF. A few errors such as glowing NVGs and a tad weak Mk82 bombs.
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Ponies are the new secret weapon of the U.S. military
stevojaxon28 December 2019
I liked it. Heaven knows why but it's worth seeing. Make up your own mind as it's one of those movies that you need to form your own opinion about.
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Granite jawed jingoism
northernpaladin29 October 2021
Now I'm not doubting these guys existed or downplaying their killing abilities but that is really all you get.

The basic plot of US special forces/green berets going to Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 and joining up with an Afghan commander (General Dostrum) to defeat the Taliban is simple enough and that bare outline is true enough it would seem.

Left to it's own devices this could have been a worthy testament to the skills of the Americans and a rare chance to focus on the Afghans fighting alongside them and doing the dying, instead we have Hemsworth being, well, Hemsworth, spouting some pretty poor duty and honour dialogue which in some scenes is just cringeworthy. We have no real idea what this guy is about or why his men follow him, similarly with Shannon's grizzled veteran who is obviously placed there as some kind of counter point but his considerable acting abilities are just wasted. As for everyone else, they are just walking through a series of constructs aiming for the pay cheque at the end. The real failure is to recognise who the hell General Dostrum was and his place in modern Afghan history, instead we have a caricature that belongs to a different era of film making.

In terms of the battles it starts well and does at least show that the real battle winner was the ability of these guys to call in massive air support. However in the final battle where we have Hemsworth leading a cavalry charge of Dostrum's men against truck borne rocket launchers "before they reload" is ludicrous these things fire into the sky, they can't be levelled so charge whenever you like. In fact this whole overly long final act is what spoilt the film for me, it is riddled with cliches and inaccuracies; we have Russian BMP's referred to as tanks when they're not, we have actual tanks referred to as T72's when there were no T72's in Afghanistan, we have Hemsworth firing an M4A1 single handed from horse back and hitting everytime including at a guy firing a tank turret machine gun straight at him, the scenes of Hemsworth and co' up close on charging horses are clearly on rigs not horses, really embarrassing and in the aftermath of the battle the amount of destroyed armour littering the field is just way over the top and to some extent devalues the victory.

If you want a bit of flag waving and bonding and stuff blowing up then go for it but there are better films set in this conflict out there.
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Good picture. Doesn't tell the whole story.,
smcpart23 January 2018
The 12 Special Forces (SF) men who went into Afghanistan were accompanied by USAF Combat Controllers (CCT) who were the actual men calling in the decisive air strikes. For some reason they were excluded, though they were right there, on the horses, riding with their Army brethren. To leave them out turns this story into more of a fictional portrayal of what really occurred. The courage that the SF troops showed was indeed worthy of telling in this format, but it is remiss in not telling the whole story and recognizing all the men on the ground. I enjoyed the movie but couldn't get past the parts where the SF troops were calling in air strikes. I give it 6 stars for the action though.

On a side note, the CCT personnel accompanying the A teams are highly trained in many facets of special operations, and complete a 2 year training program, which includes required graduation from Military Freefall and Combat Diver, among numerous other courses. These men also earned the right to be recognized for their contributions in breaking the back of the Taliban.
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ferguson-619 January 2018
Greetings again from the darkness. During the movie, Afghanistan is referred to as "the graveyard of many empires". Traditionally, January is the graveyard of most new movie releases, so it's a pleasant surprise when we see an entertaining, well-made and historically interesting film, and it's still mid-January! Doug Stanton's book "Horse Soldiers" is the source material for director Nicolai Fuglsig's first feature film, and it's anything but a disappointment.

The film opens on September 11, 2001 and subjects us, yet again, to those horrific images seared into the minds of anyone alive on that day. What most of us didn't know, was that about a month later, a team of U.S. Army Special Forces (the Green Berets) were being dropped into the rough and mostly unfriendly terrain of Afghanistan. This ridiculously courageous team of 12 men had one mission: secure Mazar-i-Sharif to prevent a takeover by the Taliban.

An early scene tells us this won't be the usual blind patriotism we often see on screen. One of the soldiers, Hal Spencer (Michael Shannon), is told (with a bit of anger) by his wife, "I'll love you when you get back." This contrasts to the usual loyal and stiff-upper-lip military wife we see in most war movies. Another wife scrubs the oven rather than snuggle with her man, while yet another coerces a taboo pledge to come home to her.

Chris Hemsworth (THOR) plays Captain Mitch Nelson, the intelligent but not-yet-battle-tested leader of a special ops team. The plan is for Nelson and his team to connect with General Dostum, an Afghan War Lord in charge of the Northern Alliance, and fight together to gain control of Mazar. After arriving at a local outpost nicknamed "The Alamo" (34 miles from town), the team gets their first surprise ... they must split up and cover the ground on horseback. Filmed in New Mexico, the journey is miserable and filled with danger - an ambush could occur at any moment, or perhaps they are being set-up by those they have been ordered to trust.

Horseback riding, caves, the weather, and the elements of the terrain are all challenges, but none of it compares to facing the Taliban forces which number in the thousands, and feature tanks, rocket launchers and an endless supply of weaponry. Director Fuglsig utilizes a "Days in Country" counter so that we can get some semblance of time and ongoing misery being fought through by the Americans. But no day is normal when the soldiers are on horseback while being attacked by tanks. The odds seem insurmountable.

One of the more fascinating aspects of the story and welcome approaches of the film is back-and-forth between Captain Nelson and General Dostum. Initially, Dostum shows little respect by telling the young officer that he lacks "the eyes of a killer" and isn't yet a warrior, and he spends a great deal of time lecturing and philosophizing on Nelson's behalf. Of course, the lessons may be frustrating in the moment, but aren't lost on Nelson as there is a huge payoff at the peak of the key battle.

The battle scenes come in all sizes - small skirmishes and massive, large scale assaults. Each is intense and dramatic and well-staged, though there are some moments where we shake our head in disbelief. At least we do until we remember that this is a true story, and despite that, it is truly unbelievable. The supporting cast includes Michael Pena and his snappy punchlines, Trevante Rhodes (MOONLIGHT), William Fichtner with a shaved head, Elsa Pataky - Hemsworth's real life wife as his screen wife, Taylor Sheridan, Geoff Stults and Jack Kesy. Rob Riggle plays Colonel Max Bowers, who was Riggle's commanding officer when he served in the Marines. The previously mentioned Michael Shannon is a bit underutilized, but the film's best moments are those with Hemsworth and Navid Negahban (as General Dostum). You likely recognize Negahban as Abu Nazir from "Homeland". It's their exchanges that show how the line between allies and enemies is not always crystal clear - even if they are fighting for the same thing.

Writers Peter Craig (THE TOWN) and Ted Tally (Oscar winner for THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS) do a nice job of character development, and the camaraderie of the 12 men of ODA 595 seems authentic - despite some schmaltzy moments over their 23 days of Task Force Dagger. Early on, we are informed that the most important thing to take to war is "a reason why", and then towards the end, Dostum explains that the United States is in a no-win situation: we are cowards if we go, and enemies if we stay. It's chilling commentary on a war that has dragged on much too long ... despite the heroic efforts of the 12 horse soldiers.
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Good action war movie Warning: Spoilers
I know people seem to say bad things about this film but they appear to be left wing anti war people so why they went to see this film is beyond me. Like any Hollywood depictions of based on true stories movies there are always additional materials to keep the story interesting, and I believe they did a good job in showing what these true American hero's do on a daily basis. My advice is to watch if you like good positive ending movies, unlike some reviewers who care to watch chaos endings and continue to live in that type of world.
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Fast and furious
Leofwine_draca30 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
12 STRONG is another Middle Eastern war epic, following on from the likes of LONE SURVIVOR and 13 HOURS. This one sees a typically rugged Chris Hemsworth playing alongside an introspective Michael Shannon as the leaders of a small squad of specialist soldiers who head into Afghanistan to help fight the Taliban after 9/11. They join up with a local warlord to take part in some skirmishes in the mountains. This film's strength lies in the quality of the action sequences, which are briskly directed with a maximum of firepower and pyrotechnic effects. The explosions have never looked so real or hard-hitting. The story is simplicity in itself and the characters little more than walking heroes, but this is fast and furious viewing that delivers on its promises.
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Far better than what most say it is...
jaretricejhr21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Depth": This film was incredibly satisfying to me. It definitely had me on the edge of my seat when I was watching it. I really hate seeing these reviews that are complaining about the movie's depth, and I can see why you would consider that one of the film's flaws...but giving it a 5/10 or less because of that one flaw...really? If you think that there are more flaws than that then I would understand...but there's more to a film than it's "depth", especially a film based on a true story. I honestly thought this movie was very meaningful and thoughtful of the people that actually fought after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It seems that critics aren't thinking about that at all, they just care about this one flaw in the film. You know that people don't look into a film as much as they need to when they give a film a pretty low rating because they noticed one flaw, especially one that a lot of people wouldn't notice, and or care about.

My Thoughts On The Movie: This movie really showed me what the fights after the 9/11 terrorist attacks were like...and that's pretty much the movie's entire goal, is to educate it's viewers on what happened after 9/11. It was also a very heartwarming movie. Seeing all of the character's saying goodbye to their families was pretty sad to watch, but then you see characters like Mitch Nelson (played by Chris Hemsworth) smiling when they come back home seeing their families joyful reactions, you feel your heart sitting next to a fire (well...unless you care WAY too much about the films depth...). And that is what makes this a good "War" movie, that it's not just violence, it also explores the lives of the characters that are fighting in it. Seeing all of the main protagonists bond and joke with each other could also be really satisfying to people who don't like the "overly-serious" type films (I, however, am not one of those people). I just like how the writers put some humor into their script for this movie, and that's something you have to appreciate for films like this. If you're into these kinds of movies, I definitely suggest you watch it, and if you don't know, give it a watch, and if you're not, then you probably shouldn't watch it. Just focus on the movie's storyline and not on ENTIRELY on the depth, this movie has a lot of meaning to it and it's not aiming to become a perfect movie (not many films do), it just wants to educate it's viewers, which is what a lot of "History" films do, try to educate the viewer. I enjoyed it.

Also, I was really satisfied about Michael Pena, Michael Shannon and Rob Riggle's roles in this flick.
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Amazing story, but...
mac090424 May 2018
The basis of the movie is great. Assuming there was a "little" artistic freedom exercised to make it better for Hollywood, some of it was a little over the top. Classic "video game" action scenes where the hero is being shot at by hundreds of enemies and he never gets hit, and the infinite ammo syndrome (drives me crazy). I think I only saw him reload once throughout the move.

I'd watch it again sometime when my wife isn't going to fall asleep.
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Not as Bad as It's Made Out to Be
ashlyc3 October 2021
Reading some reviews on here, I'd expect this to be truly horrible, but it wasn't. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but held its own. Worth a watch if you like action and/or based on a true story. I hadn't heard of this group (ODA 595) before, so I liked seeing this story.
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Another one of the same
ayaz-s20 February 2018
At best it is an ok movie. While the events may have been true we certainly do not know for a fact how it really went down. I know for a lot of people from the other side of the pond, anything that their govt and army says is the gospel. However I am really weary of seeing Captain America type of movies where only the Americans know how to shoot, kill, jump, ride and have emotions. Did I fail to mention are invincible as well. On that accord this movie excelled. The Afghans who incidentally historically have fought and mind you defeated many empires were once again portrayed and fumbling buffoons. If you wish to see how great and good the Americans are you will also not be disappointed.
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I enjoyed this movie
0U23 February 2020
The film could have been better if there is a stronger cast and more balance between the action sequences and drama.
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Good action movie
dizt_9024 July 2018
Let me begin by saying, as a European I didn't really feel like this movie was aimed at me even though 9/11 (11/9) effected us all. I was only 11 years old at that time but I still remember seeing those towers fall in horror on the news even though I was living half way around the world.

That being said, I don't really understand why there are so many harsh reviews of this movie out there. I kind of feel like ther are too man PC euro trash like myself downvoting this just because this is clearly aimed at the US market. Sure this movie is a bit of a "hurrah USA" movie, but so what? I found the movie quite entertaining and definitely worth watching, however If you're expecting something like Saving Private Ryan or Black Hawk Down you have too high expectations. I kind of like to think of this as a 80's action movie but for the 21st century.
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True story... yeah right!
reddice2623 May 2020
This story presents itself as a true story, but rest assured, it is not. Imagine a PG-13 Rambo riding on a horse and destroying rocket launchers, tanks and an army of 15.000 soldiers and you've got this movie basically. The Afghani are all cannon fodder, equal to the Rambo series.

Now why the 7 stars? Because of the action. Just sit back, relax and enjoy this total piece of fiction that has been marketed as a true story to draw in hordes of Americans. The action is pretty good, despite its silliness.
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Watchable but not that original! 6/10
leonblackwood13 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Review: This is one of those typical, heroic American war movies, were the Americans fight for pride and glory, for the good of there country. I liked the character building throughout the film, which gave the movie a meaning, and I liked the fact that you saw some of the soldiers at home with there families before they went into battle. The fact that it is based on a true story, also made the film enjoyable but it isn't anything that we haven't seen before. The movie is based around 9/11 when the terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre in 2001. While the attacks are happening in New York, Mitch Nelson (Chris Hemsworth) is moving into a new home with his family but he receives an assignment to staff duty under Lt. Col. Bowers (Rob Biggle). Mitch wants to gather his old unit to fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan but Bowers turns him down, even though his unit is fired up for the task. Veteran Soldier, Hal Spencer (Michael Shannon) manages to convince Bowers for Mitch to command the 595 unit to go into battle, so he is briefed about the mission from 5th Special Forces Group Commander, Col. Mulholland (William Fichtner). After leaving their families, the unit head towards Uzbekistan to fight against the Taliban, alongside a Northern Alliance leader Abdul Rashid Dostum (Navid Negahban). It takes some time for Abdul to trust Mitch and his team but once they work out there differences, they get on with the mission to capture Mazar-i Sharif, a critical city in Northern Afghanistan, from the Taliban. They also want to take down the Taliban leader Mullah Razzan (Numan Acar), who rules local communities brutally under strict Sharia law and has murdered several of his own people, including Dostum's family. Before they leave for battle, Dostum tells Mitch that he only has 6 horses spare, which means that he has to leave 6 of his unit behind, under Spencer's command. Using American AirPower, and Dostum's knowledge of the Taliban methods, they manage to destroy many of the Taliban's compounds, on the way Mazar-i Sharif. Spencer and his team join the unit but he is badly damaged by a suicide bomber and is forced to make his way back to safety. With the use of heavy attacks from the Air Force, and the Northern Alliance, they manage to destroy the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, and Dostum comes face to face with his enemy, Mullah Razzan, who he doesn't hesitate to kill on the spot. It's extremely intense throughout, and the performances from the whole cast made the film seem real but the outcome wasn't surprising. When you see the real soldiers towards the end, I did feel quite emotional, especially after watching their amazing journey on horses and the fact that they were only the second unit to fight against the Taliban after the attacks, which means that they were going into the unknown. They were also fighting against the weather because it would have been impossible for them to fight against the enemy during winter, so time wasn't on their side. Anyway, I found the movie entertaining, mainly because of the performances but I have seen this type of movie many times before. It's still worth a watch, if you want to see Chris Hemsworth out of his Thor suit but don't expect an original masterpiece. Watchable!

Round-Up: This movie was directed by Nicolai Fuglsig. Who also brought you Exfil in 2017. As I haven't watched any projects before, I can't really compare his work but from a stand-alone point, he did a good job in terms of authenticity and reality. Being from Denmark, he took on a big task to take on an American, true war story but with Chris Hemsworth being very much in the public eye at the moment, he must have known that this movie was going to get a big audience. For his second film, it didn't do to bad at the box office, and I'm surprised that he was able to make a war movie with such a low budget. Anyway, it didn't do Michael Shannon, or Chris Hemworth's career any harm, mainly because he stayed true to the original story, and he made the American's look like true heroes, once again.

Budget: $35million Worldwide Gross: $70.5million

Genre: Action, Drama, History Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Michael Pena, Rob Riggle, William Fichtner, Navid Negahban, Trevante Rhodes, Geoff Stults, Thad Luckinbill, Austin Stowell and Elsa Pataky. 6/10
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Why all the hate?
vermuntgijs18 August 2020
Ofcourse, its a typical American movie. The Americans are perfect and the rest not. But its a decent movie with some good action scenes. In my opinion it isnt as bad as everyone says.
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A hero's Story
Civillit29 May 2018
Perhaps not the best war movie ever made and a bit predictable, but a truly well done and well acted insight into the first response to 9/11. Yes we win. Guess what? We won in real life too. It's about the journey not the well known destination. It's a ride, on horseback. Enjoy it for what it is. The one star reviews are simply ridiculous. Somewhere between a 6-8 is reasonable and rationale.
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Perhaps just not quite strong enough
Grumphy18 January 2018
12 Strong

Story was ordinary. Nothing you haven't seen thousand times before. Pretty straightforward from the beginning till the end, but it worked. Dialogue was mostly sharp and clever, with a few missteps here and there. As it was yet another "based on a true story" there were moments, quite a few, that felt way overly glorified. Artificial even. But perhaps that was a necessary evil to create more meaning for characters. Which, speaking about the devil, brings me to the compulsory over the top villain, because bad guys have to be maxed out on all aspects of vile behaviour.

Acting was solid for the most part. Great cast all around. Hemsworth pulls his weight and the team follows. At times even blindly, which is fine, because the enemy (because they're bad) shoot like stormtroopers. However, the next time I'd recommend taking more cover, and wearing a helmet couldn't hurt either. Perhaps they're too pretty and wanted to show it off?

Which brings me to visuals. Action was engaging and tense, nothing bad to say about that. Some key explosions felt a little flat though. Camerawork was enjoyable. Nothing too fancy and therefore unnecessary. No crazy "shaky cam" during the chaotic battle scenes, but a mandatory shell-shock sequence, which seemed a tad too familar.

The score and sound is decent. Both serving their purpose, but don't really go that extra mile. In a film such as this there probably isn't any need to. Unless one likes to challenge themselves to find out exactly how many guns are firing all at once during a scene or a take. If that's even possible. No memorable song to listen to when riding into a battle either. Well. It really wouldn't be much of a covert operation, crawling between the rocks, "Valkyries" blasting from the boom-box.

Same goes for directing. It's a job done well. All in all. And despite some minor gripes, the film is enjoyable for the most part. But I cannot help but feel like it fell a tad short. It seemed a bit too clean and cut out. What was coloured in was kept exactly within the lines. I guess that's that "based on" aspect. Life itself is much more colourful, it doesn't care about borders. It's ragged, jagged and jaunty. Quite like the truth. And there are many true sides to any true story.
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The Only Prop Missing was a John Wayne Poster
bspete2218 October 2023
I was very eager to watch this movie, especially after watching The Covenant and Hyena Road, two excellent war movies about Afghanistan. This movie however turned out to be a dud in my opinion. The only prop missing in this film was a large picture of John Wayne hanging in the barracks! This movie is said to be based on a true story and may have been, but I doubt that everyone was as gung-ho to go into combat as these would be Rambo Wana-bes. It is good to have a little comic relief in a film such as this but this unit acted more like a bunch of high schoolers playing grab-ass with each other. My wife and I stopped watching when it got to be too much. Wasted time I'll never get back.
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Better than I thought.
areday12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a person who didn't know the background to the events of the 12 soldiers after 9/11 I really enjoyed the film. The story was typically set up with the film showing the soldiers family lives and the difficult situation of leaving to serve their country and it flowed on from there. I felt there wasn't the typical Hollywood style soldier being portrayed here, which was a good thing. The one aspect of the film that stood out for me were the battle scenes which were really well staged. One small criticism was the Taliban and their role in the movie, I wanted to see more of a backstory to show how brutal they actually are. The character development was pretty good and the dialogue wasn't that of a Tarantino or McDonagh film, there wasn't a lot the actors could delve into to show how good they are, especially Michael Shannon who I really enjoy seeing. All in all a pretty good way of spending 2 hours of your time.
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An adequate interpretation of events, but lacks depth
regula119 January 2018
The story of the Horse Soldiers, a group of twelve Special Forces soldiers who were sent into Afghanistan in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks to lay the groundwork for the Taliban's downfall, forced to ride horses against tanks and rockets, is an extraordinary tale of heroism against inconceivable odds and a proud moment in the history of our armed forces.

While this film tries, and mostly succeeds in retelling these events, there's just something off in the way the whole thing is packaged.

First off, there's the characters, mainly the three big names: Chris Hemsworth as Captain Mitch Nelson, Michael Shannon as Chief Warrant Officer Cal Spenser, and Michael Peña as Sergeant First Class Sam Diller. Their motivations and development is done only to the bare minimum, with Hemsworth being the only one with a true character arc. Of the other nine soldiers in the team, only three or four actually get their names spoken more than a couple of times throughout the film.

The main supporting character is Navid Negahban as Afghan General Dostum, who provides most of the character drive for Hemsworth's Nelson to change. He has a couple of powerful moments, but he is sopposed to be portraying one of three Afghan commanders who are fighting the Taliban, but also would fight each other if the chance arose. This conflict is only brought up in passing, though it is built up multiple times.

Then there's the main reason the story of the Horse Soldiers is so extraordinary: the fact that these twelve soldiers and a few hundred Afghan tribal warriors had to face fifty thousand Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, facing off tanks and artillery on horseback.

The battle scenes are well shot, with only a handful of scenes with excessive cuts. The final horse charge is especially well done and feels earned. However, they don't seem to convey these overwhelming odds as well as they could.

With all of this being said, this film leaves me with the same feeling that World Trade Center (2006) did. Both of these films portray events and people under extraordinary circumstances accurately, more or less, but it just feels like those involved in both films were just going through the motions, trying to replicate feelings around events that may never be able to be truly replicated.

All in all, 12 Strong is a thoroughly average depiction of extraordinary events, not bad but not great. You're probably better off reading the book on which this film is based.
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Too predictable 'good guy, bad guy' movie
marcus196810 February 2018
I was very disappointed, when I left the cinema. It's all 'good guy, bad guy'; The Americans are the saints, the heros; The Al Qaida the bastards.

A soldier is asked; 'Will you do this dangerous job?' Fearless he answers: 'We're here anyway. Let's finish the job'. Yawns...

I'm more into realistic war-movies, with depth-characters. So to me, watching this movie was a waste of my time (and money).
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