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While you were sleeping... examining the dark sides of the seemingly harmless.
nitzanhavoc6 December 2012
As a Horror fan, I like watching at least one Horror film every day (when I get the chance), and recently I've noticed a certain pattern in Thriller Horror films: they're mostly Thrillers with some touch of Horror and not basic Horror. Mientras Duermes (Sleep Tight) is a perfect example.

The real horrifying part of this film is that it plays on the small fears that regular people have, even if only at the back of their minds subconsciously. Having someone bluntly invade your privacy without you knowing it, being blackmailed for something you've done, getting old alone and becoming the gray figure neighbours pretend to be nice to - these are only some of the examples.

The story is original and clever, and unfolds only towards the middle. The acting is right on the spot. Everything is done just the way it should. This film takes the audience to the darker places of their emotions and thoughts, but not in an obvious blunt way like most Horror films, but in a deceptive and clever way. Very artistic.

There's an old saying - "there are no bad people, only people who have it bad". This film truly examines that statement, both philosophically and physically. I don't know if I could truly say I enjoyed watching it, but I'm glad I did, and I think so would you!
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Good and unsettling Spanish thriller by expert filmmaker Jaume Balaguero
ma-cortes9 June 2012
¨Sleep Tight¨ is both an intense , intriguing and an exciting portrait of subdued madness . ¨Mientras Duermes¨ (the official English title is Sleep tight , but the correct translation is "while you sleep", which to me is far more creepy) lives up to Jaume Balaguero's reputation . This interesting film deals with Cesar (Luis Tosar) , a lone man being incapable of happiness . The residents of the building where Cesar works as a concierge are not aware of the overtime he has been putting in . Apparently, he is at their service both day and night . Before the sun even has a chance to get its morning coffee , César is climbing out of bed , the sympathetic Clara (Marta Etura) still sleeping deeply beside him . When we meet César, he is lying in bed next to the gorgeous girl . He says as much in Sleep's opening voice-over as he stands at a rooftop's edge . He's a sad doorman at an upper crust apartment complex , but , despite he cannot be happy , Cesar goes about his work with dignified class . The adorable Clara is César's polar opposite , she is full of happiness . She is a likable tenant in the apartment building and her gladness is insistent and contagious . But when her boyfriend (Alberto San Juan) arrives in the building the events go wrong .

While Balaguero earlier films focused more on family , social situations , religion and weird creatures , his latest introduces the audience to the worst monster : the human being . This suspenseful movie was produced by the successful Catalan producers Julio and Carlos Fernandez from Fantastic factory ; it displays relentless thriller , intrigue , shocks , hard-edged drama , plot twists , creepy images and some gore when crime takes place . Director Jaume Balagueró (Rec, Rec 2, Fragiles , Darkness , The nameless) uses that uneasy non-knowledge for both horror and introducing brief touches of black humor . ¨Sleep Tight¨ is a motion picture that balances precariously over the dark comedy , ¨Psycho¨' Hitchockian intrigue , Michael Haneke's ¨Funny games¨ invasion genre bins and Michael Powell's ¨Peeping Tom¨ style . The overall result is chilling proof that Balagueró can take us back into an apartment building while delivering a completely different scare . Extraordinary performance by Luis Tosar , he plays a real tour-de-force in one of his best acting of his important career as a solitary and unhappy psychopath and an attractive , enjoyable Marta Etura , both of whom are a happy couple in real life . The picture packs a thrilling and intriguing musical score by Lucas Vidal . Furthermore , a colorful and appropriate cinematography by Pablo Rosso , Balaguero's usual .

'Sleep Tight' demonstrates director Balagueró's versatility , resulting to be a sublime thriller that every genre buff should be excited for . Rating : Good , better than average . The movie will appeal to thriller and suspense fans .
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Expertly crafted and genuinely unsettling
MoodyB8422 March 2013
Firstly, I feel it is important to state that though the marketing says everywhere 'from the director of Rec', and I understand why, this is nothing like Rec. I personally thought that Rec was an excellent film, and despite being an addition to an over exhausted genre, at the time it brought something new to it. Sleep Tight is however, though a 'horror' by genre, much more subtle and psychological. For me, this it to its credit and what is produced is a master class in psychological horror. It is very hard to describe the plot to Sleep Tight without giving too much away about the developments in the plot, as it are these constant developments that are central to the psychological and emotional impact of the narrative. I also feel it is important to say that from what I described in the plot that it is not a film that is brutal or horrific just for the sake of it, or is torture porn. Sleep Tight is a far more intelligent film that in fact has very little blood or gore, and the horror lies simply in the atmosphere, psychology and emotional impact of described plot developments.

I personally found that one of the shocking aspects of this film was the personal revelations that our revealed about our own sub conscience. César commits some quite despicable acts that any moral human being would never consider doing; however we do feel sympathy and understanding towards the protagonist. We almost feel a part of his actions due to how the story is told from his point of view and when there is a risk of him getting caught I genuinely felt nervous, despite the fact he should obviously be in prison for what he is doing. I am of course only speaking for myself here, and the viewing experience of this film and emotional reaction to what goes on within the narrative may differ between viewers. I was however relieved to read that other reviewers have said similar things. Our emotional sympathy for the protagonist is most definitely partly down to Luis Tosar's magnetic performance as César. He strikes up feelings of fear and disgust, yet also evokes sympathy, in a similar way to his stunning performance in the excellent Cell 211 (Daniel Monzón, 2009).

Sleep Tight is a film consisting of some deeply unforgettable moments that stay with us for a while. The feelings we often get from these moments may not be good ones, but it is due to the expertly crafted psychological horror with images that are often only described that lies in what makes Sleep Tight such a deeply effecting experience. Many horror films tend to have far-fetched concepts which take away some of the effectiveness, however what happens within the narrative of Sleep Tight is perfectly believable and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this can happen to anyone, possibly without us even knowing. The shocks never get boring, leaving to an extremely compelling experience, leading all the way up to unforgettable ending that will haunt for days. Also adding to the horror is the extremely effective juxtaposition of there always being bright sunshine outside and having an up-tempo swing soundtrack, despite what is happening within the narrative leaving an extremely disconcerting feeling even during the day when everyone is supposed to be safe.

One criticism is that some of the few things that César does without getting noticed are perhaps a little unbelievable. However, maybe I thought this because I know he is there. If you are not aware of his presence then maybe you indeed would be less likely to notice. Proving that less can indeed be more; Sleep Tight is vastly more effective and genuinely haunting than any big budget horror film that Hollywood tends to produce these days. With some unforgettable moments, Sleep Tight is genuinely guaranteed to haunt your sub conscience for days.
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Creepy and Original-Powerful thriller
ajit210619 March 2012
Spanish thrillers are always original and different, I have been waiting for this movie after Rec(2007)& REC 2(2009).

It is an original thriller which has its values intact and will haunt your inner-self upside down. The story is about a person who is calamitous and he strives for a transcendental happiness through other people related to him.

It is an enigmatic movie with bleak intentions (being Ironic here) culminating a character, which has cruel intentions for his ecstasies.

An impeccable performance by Luis Tosar, story is first rate and screenplay is amazing.

Recommended for everyone who like thrillers

My 8/10
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Wow! This film will creep the hell out of you
williamarfondavies8 May 2012
I had no idea what this film was about before I saw it, and boy was I pleasantly surprised. From the same director as REC and also set in an apartment block. This Spanish gem has a great cast, especially the lead 'Luis Tosar' who plays his part superbly, filling you with an ever increasing sense of unease and shock at what you're witnessing. It's very beautifully shot too, making the most of it's apartment block setting. By the end of the film I was left thinking "this could actually happen".

It's by far one of the creepiest, most twisted tales I've had the pleasure of watching in a long time.

Highly recommended!
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A masterpiece of Spanish cinema...
Rabbit-Reviews22 October 2012
After big summer blockbusters, I think it's time to turn to a more thought-provoking European movies, and Mientras Duermes is a perfect choice. We have seen a multitude of Spanish movies that are excellent but somehow they don't reach any of the viewers and instead rot in the video stores (I guess they still exist...). What is fascinating (fascinating, this movie form is alive) about them are the plots and general ideas that are so whacked out and original that it's mind boggling. And lets be perfectly clear, these are not some straight-to-DVD movies with small budget and amateur actors, but a full-bloodied cinema masterpieces, with phenomenal actors and immaculate scripts. Immediately after watching Mientras Duermes I checked out what other movies did this talented crew created and Celda 211 was my first choice. I haven't watched it yet, but it seems like a damn fine movie.

I was talking about the originality and the pureness of the ideas in European cinema, and if you remember a couple months earlier I reviewed El Habitante Incierto, another phenomenal Spanish movie with a great script. Sleep Tight or Mientras Duermes, is a Spanish movie and I implore you to see the original version in Spanish as with any other movie that has a dubbed version, no matter how good the dubbing is, it's still not the real thing. One more thing about this movie is very disturbing and that is the sympathy for Cesar that I felt throughout the movie, although I maybe shouldn't. The suspense, the twists, the acting... I could go on and on telling you how good this movie is and how the atmosphere has that special vibe, that space-time continuum thingy captured, so every time you decide to watch it, you will relive it...

You probably noticed that the half of the review space has gone in some gibberish and not a word was said about the actual movie, and the reason for this is that I am afraid to say almost anything because it might ruin your viewing experience. I dived into this, now already cult, movie without any informations and was amazed, and so far everyone that have seen it had the same reaction. Some scenes where Cesar is trying to avoid detection are nerve-wrecking and so intense that I felt like I was going through it all. But still, here's something to keep you going: César works as a janitor in a building and is pretty much disappointed in life. He has no friends nor a girlfriend, no interests and nothing to make him happy, just his menial work and the smiling faces of other people who seem to be doing just fine. One of them is Clara, a beautiful girl living in the same building. Soon she becomes a subject of obsession for Cesar and to what degree this goes is up to you to find out...

Movie recommendations - Only movies worth watching
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Sleep Tight will have you checking under your bed
rgblakey3 January 2013
There are movies that come along that really leave you in a state of intrigue and a bit at a loss for words. Most of these kinds of movies come from the foreign film market and usually are a bit confusing and make little to no sense. The latest film comes from the Spanish market called Sleep Tight and takes the viewer down a strange dark path of some worst fears.

Sleep Tight follows the superintendent of an apartment building who on the surface seems like the perfect employee and all the tenants love him, but he secretly enjoys inflicting pain on others. This movie starts off a bit slow and seemingly average, but then it takes a dark twist letting the viewer know that something sinister is going on. The story is simple, but heads down some pretty dark and disturbing directions adding a bit of terror that is even more scary due to the real life nature of it. The performances are pretty subtle overall, but as the truth begins to be revealed there is just enough a change to make it work, but still maintain the creepy simple aspect of it. This is one of the more disturbing movies to come along in some time. Not because of the gore or the scary nature, but because it plays to the simple fears people have and knowing how easy some of this could actually happen.

This is a slow paced film that manages to build to a terrifying reality that affects everyone in the bigger picture. The twists and direction this character goes through to accomplish his goal is disturbing on numerous levels. This is not a scary movie in the traditional sense, but more thanks to the realism. If you weren't afraid of what's under your bed already, this film could change your mind. Be warned this movie is in Spanish, so if you do not speak it, then you will have to read the subtitles, but it is worth every word.
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A must watch for fans of psychological thrillers
invisible_00718 May 2012
Without the use of gratuitous violence and gore, this movie manages to find it's place at the top of it's genre.

It is incredibly uncomfortable to watch, and part of me wanted to stop watching at several points. It is truly amazing how the movie manages to evoke such a feeling of suspense and, well, awkwardness from the audience.

Movies like 'Funny Games' and 'The Strangers' attempt to provoke the audience in similar ways but fall short, while other films like 'Martyrs' use over-the-top gore to aid their attempts.

Despite the disturbing content of the film, the difficulty I had in viewing it, and many of the characters' actions being difficult to relate to, I recommend it highly and consider this movie a great success as it accomplished what it set out to do - impact the viewers psychologically.

This is a must-watch for any fan of psychological thrillers/horrors.
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Solid Thrillride
botlancelot18 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie a few days ago and decided to review it, because this little flick is worth noticing in my opinion.

Right away, it is not something groundbreaking or an upcoming classic ,but it is a solid thriller. The plot is a simple but a somewhat fresh idea. I don't know if there is a movie with the exact same theme. I personally cant remember seeing one.Of course there are a lot of films taking voyeurism and/or stalking as a main ingredient, but our "hero" dives a few levels deeper. Just read the summery, add a little own imagination and you get a good idea what to expect.Watching the first 5 minutes will reveal the main plot as well.

The movie is beautifully shot, the cast delivers a good job overall.Only one main building and some other mostly indoor places represent a set for the whole action.I felt it was enough and worked well, because this is the environment the movie tried to show. Just another house next door. Might be under your roof. The result is believable characters and nice atmosphere through the whole picture.I did not notice a single scene which was too long or unnecessary. Everything makes sense in some way. The movie entertains and gives the viewer something to think about. You got split feelings for our main protagonist, you hate him, feel sorry for him, are afraid of him and find him exiting at the same time. Great thing.

There are also some scenes with somewhat disturbing or at least uncomfortable images to watch, depending on what you use to see in movies it might have no effect on you at all. Another plus, the end is not that kind of "good beats the evil forces again standard happy ending" It is an effective closing i promise. Kind of sad , with a little black comedy right in the mix.Well i felt that way, you of course have to judge on your own.

I give this movie 7/10 points and advise you to see it. Doesn't really matter which kind of material you usually prefer.If you just like good cinema, give this one a chance.

P.S Sorry for my bad English
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Masterful Perversion
Lavrentish23 May 2013
I 've seen "REC" some months ago and I just wasn't sure... I mean, how can you tell if there is a visionary director or some random guy who just got lucky? "REC" wasn't so demanding by concept and it all worked out fine.

So I had to check another one and this time I was sure that Jaume Balagueró really is a visionary director plus ...I got lucky! Because Sleep Tight was a real treat for this messed up part of my mind (we all have this, aren't we?).

Yes, it is a thriller all right, but not the horror-jump scare kind of thriller. The horror element here is actually a poison more than just a scare. It will slowly get into you and when this film is done it will extract a portion of happiness out of your soul for the pleasure of César.

César is the main character and he is suffering from pathological unhappiness. He have an urge to kill himself every single day but his survival instinct driving him to find a reason not to. But what can you do to feel better in this absolute sadness especially since you realise that you are just not capable of happiness? Well, misery loves company. And the only way is to make the others unhappy too.

That's the whole story actually, but the way this story unfolds itself before our unsuspected eyes is masterful. I was watching the film alone and I was so into it in the first twenty minutes that at some point I was yelling to the TV. I was on the edge ever after and before the very end I was filled with sympathy AND repulsion for the same character, soaked into despair of what a man can do.
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Without a doubt a fine film, but it left a painful burn
adamscastlevania21 April 2015
(67%) During watching this tightly wound thriller I became hugely impressed by its fine performances, great writing, and hugely intriguing premise. But once this makes its way into its final few chapters the true extent of the main characters' evil makes this a very hard film to have anything other than respect, but not one shred of fondness toward. This in fact may be the most horrible plot to any film I've ever seen. Early on you can compare the seedy doorman (a very good Luis Tosar) to The Simpsons' Moe Szyslak, but once things begin to get very dark that comparison isn't very funny. This is well worth tracking down, but be warned, it really isn't a typical Hollywood light and easy sit.
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It's not the bed bugs
kosmasp2 June 2012
This movie is wicked. Really wicked in an awesome way. One of the guys responsible for REC is also responsible for this one. It's the one who also did Nameless and Darkness. And this is closer to those movies. In that it is more of a thriller than a straight horror movie that is. Awesome acting on hand, terrific story (literally) and overall a great movie to watch.

I won't tell you anything about the movie, because it works wonders when you watch it without any previous knowledge of the story. And while I knew where some scenes were heading (like the "wake-up" scene at the beginning), I had to guess quite a few things. Don't forget though: This is evil and will put you into a position you might not like. And that's the point of it all ... Brilliant!
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westsideschl8 June 2014
In terms of creative story telling, acting, cinematography, dialogue this rates 8 stars for me. Story, as viewers probably already have read, centers on a intelligent but highly disturbed condo complex doorman, fixer-upper, greeter, what ever task dwellers ask of him. He lives alone in the basement, has had problems keeping similar jobs in the past and has some serious anger self- esteem issues. Also has a semi-aware yet comatose hospitalized mom with whom he has mommy issues with and in whom he confides his evil intentions just to torment her and be the vehicle by which the audience learns his true nature. But, 6 stars for too many holes in the story such as his background with his mom; how he became so creepy; how he was able to pull so much off, so many times, without being caught, especially when the police fail with what little they know about forensics in solving a death in the building and other investigations; finally, the ending which was clever but not believable. Summation - 7 stars.
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Only the acting delivers, the rest fails
gurcanozdemir9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely write reviews but I think Sleep Tight deserves one.

I watched this movie because the plot sounded interesting and the average rating was cool. The plot is really interesting but the execution fails I must say. Plus, maybe except one scene there was absolutely nothing to be thrilled or feel suspense so if you're planning to watch for that purpose - like me - get ready to be heart broken.

I gave 3 starts because although the story lacks a lot, the acting of Cesar and Clara were top-of-the-notch.

From this point on there will be spoilers.

We are faced with a super-concierge who gets away with everything he does thanks to the ultra-stupidity of his neighbors and the police.

It is stated several times throughout the movie that he can not be happy. Fine, we understand that but the reason? I was expecting to discover that as the movie evolved but in the end we fail to get even a clue.

He has access to keys for all apartments but somehow he gets away from all situations with excuses that you'd believe only if you have a two digit IQ.

Clara's boyfriend faces the concierge instead of calling the police when he finds out his tools hidden in the bed. Really??

And when he gets caught in their apartment. He is inside but the door is locked and Calara & BF buy his bullshit??? He tries to go out without the bag taking only the keys???

Anyway..there are many points that could be written down which make the credibility of "his success" close to zero and that's my biggest problem with this movie.
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A Snore
YohjiArmstrong7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
SLEEP TIGHT is a non-supernatural horror film, about the concierge of a Spanish apartment block who - for reasons even he doesn't understand - can't be happy. As a result he hates the world and decides to rob the happiness of all the people who live in his building. To do so he uses his position to manipulate them and their lives, in an effort to mentally break them. He meets his match though in a happy young woman whose life is the polar opposite of his, which forces him to pull out all the stops. Then her boyfriend arrives to stay and things get even worse. It's an interesting concept and the film mines it for plenty of creepiness - all the scarier for its irrationality and plausibility - but it doesn't really have anywhere to go and as someone who doesn't like horror films I found little of interest to me. Those who do like the genre might feel differently.
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Well done and creepy
daniellenash8228 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A great thriller from Spain starring Luis Tosar who gives an exceptionally creepy performance. This is not a horror flick so for those who are longing for gore and jumps keep searching however if you're looking for an original story that is deeply disturbing on a psychological level than look no further.

The main character's motive, or lack of motive, in this movie is what gives it such a chilling effect. Being incapable of happiness himself he only feels content when he can secretly destroy the happiness of those around him while outwardly appearing concerned and helpful (all the better to watch their worlds crumble). He has no connection to his victims and is not seeking revenge or retribution. He's not interested in killing them either because physical destruction is not his goal. He seeks total mental and emotional destruction resulting in a broken life, prolonging the person's suffering and unhappiness.

Both the atmosphere and acting creates a feeling of total violation. The most private and secure parts of one's life, (the home, bedroom, bathroom, even one's own body) are all broken into and corrupted without the victim's knowledge creating an incredibly uncomfortable experience for the viewer who is placed in a voyeuristic role.

The ending will give no satisfaction to anyone looking for justice or even for a deeper explanation of motive. Basically there is no deeper explanation, he does what he does because he is a psychopath. For people with insect phobias there is one particular scene that will have you crawling out of your skin.

I highly recommend this movie to people who are looking for a well done, original, skin crawling thriller. You will think twice before brushing your teeth again.
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Sickening, but you just can't look away
JakeBrinkman21 October 2019
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the happiest person alive to despair, and Sleep Tight's dastardly villain is determined that anyone can be broken with a little patient planning. With all his plan's successes and failures, it manages to suck the viewer in, somehow forcing me to root for him and be disgusted by his vile deeds at the same time, even making my heart pound uncontrollably in sympathy with him as his plans start to go awry. Demanding sympathy for a monster is no easy feat, and full credit belongs with the screenwriter and the director's flawless execution. A few scenes seemed unrealistic, so it's not perfectly written, but it's certainly a thriller that I won't soon forget.
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The superman
FunchoExpress4 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
No one seems to be capable of seeing the full depth of the concierge's brilliant and twisted mind. Those who surface his dark mind are unable to deal with it. Those who ignore him are affected by his wickedness too.

This is a film about the impossibility of happiness, or at least happiness in a conventional way. It was a treat to the senses to see how the protagonist's mother suffers with what his son tells her, and to see the old neighbour being psychologically dissected, till there's no illusion on her pathetic solitary existence.

Raw and mean, accurate on life's complexities, this is a superior film in terms of acting, direction and superb script.

Luis Tosar is the superman, who never sleeps, and whose obsession feeds him and fills the emptiness of a life.
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For me, started great but couldn't quite stay there
runamokprods11 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This has a good black comedic/creepy idea – the story of a seemingly quiet concierge in an upscale apartment building who is actually an angry, rather insane depressive who loves to quietly screw with peoples lives and try to make them as miserable as he is. He meets his match in the seemingly always upbeat Mimi, a sexy young woman who lives in the building who literally dances alone around her apartment to peppy music every morning.

Cesar, the super, gets ever more complex and outlandish in his increasingly dangerous attempts at bringing some rain into Mimi's life. But more often than not his plots backfire on him, adding a sort of grown-up Roadrunner/Coyote humor to the very creepy creepiness.

Sadly, and I guess inevitably it grows more serious, more repetitive, more predictable, less logical, less thematic and less fun as it goes along, until I was finally just waiting for it to play out it's familiar horror/thriller tropes and end. However, a well handled last twist won me part way back. But not quite far enough to want to revisit this
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josephkrishagar20 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film provides an alternative kind of movie to those who are fans of the horror genre.

The main character, Cesar is a troubled concierge, dissatisfied with his own life and who in secret, attempts to sabotage the happiness of the residents of building. He particularly targets a vivacious young woman and employs extravagant methods to crush her happiness. As the movie progresses, the audience finds out how truly horrific and cruel Cesar can be.

The film provides extremely tense moments and unravels the extent of Cesar's cruelty gradually so that the film will hold your attention.

Special mention to Petra Martinez's (Veronica), who in one scene, provides a heartbreaking performance, without uttering a single word.
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mpeti088 February 2021
It was a bit predictable, and something was missing at the end, it could have been so much better. Pretty good movie tho.
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A Wonderful Spanish Thriller
deeno7122 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Cesar is the concierge in an apartment block in Barcelona , he is unhappy , he has an angry boss who seems to pick at him at every opportunity , a sick mother who he visits daily and also he is infatuated with Clara who lives in the block.

I won't go into too many details of the film as it would be laden with spoilers . But what I will say is this is a masterpiece of suspense.

Cesar is wonderfully played by Luis Tosar (Cell 211) , he is obsessed by Clara (Marta Etura also Cell 211) and the lengths he goes to to be close to her and in her life get more extreme and disturbing as the film progresses. Cesar is a modern day boogeyman , a human monster in plain view and Tosar plays this to absolute chilling effect.

Seeing the world through Cesar's eyes you start to almost like him even empathise with him and through Balaguero's great direction he turns a mentally unstable sociopath into almost an antihero and you then start to dislike the pleasant bouncy always happy demeanor of Clara who is the victim here and through no fault of her own . Her one crime is she just happens to live in a block where the superintendent who has access to every room is probably not in the correct line of work.

The tension builds slowly through the film and a feeling of claustrophobia increases towards a wonderful finale , the film runs at around 100 mins and it just flew by. It is not the easiest watch at times but then that is what a good horror/thriller can do, unnerve you unease you , I even felt dirty watching at times but a hugely fulfilling watch.

This is a real pleasure to watch and reminiscent of Hitchcock at his best , it also shows how Balaguero (REC) can direct in an apartment block with as different a film from REC as possible but with as good a film if not better . He really has shown here that he continues to grow and improve with each film he directs.

I think it is down to Balaguero and writer Alberto Marini that you can root for Cesar even though he is so ruthlessly psychotic.

Finally there is a lovely role of Ursula (Iris Almeida) who is a little spoilt girl who lives in the flat opposite Clara and is holding Cesar to ransom. She knows what he is up to and wants payment for her silence , which is a wonderful little subplot .

Sleep Tight is a great Spanish suspense thriller and deserves as wide an audience as possible . And watch this in the Spanish language with subtitles , don't ever fall for a dubbed version (which I hear may be out there) .

A wonderful tense drama that should be seen on a big screen 8.5/10 Taken from my blog
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Don't let the bed bugs bite.
morrison-dylan-fan18 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A fan of the first Rec flicks,I was disappointed to find the franchise go completely off the rails for the final two in the series. Greatly enjoying the non-Rec Fragiles,I was surprised to find the BBC showing one of director Jaume Balagueró;s non-Rec titles,which led to me getting into bed.

The plot:

Left on his own in an apartment block, concierge César passes the time by slyly tormenting all the tenants. Welcoming beautiful new tenant Clara in, César soon starts playing mind games with her. Finding Clara to just brush off any attempt he makes to get under her skin, César decides to take things to the next level.

View on the film:

Slithering round the building, Luis Tosar gives an excellent,creepy performance as César, who is given a skin-crawling, covered in slime seediness by Tosar,which makes everything César says be something that can't be taken at face value. Innocently laying in her bed, sexy Marta Etura gives a very good performance as Clara, whose sunny side up attitude is gradually dimmed in doubt by Etura.

Leaving the shock & awe of the Recs,director Jaume Balagueró & Rec actor/cinematographer Pablo Rosso go for a slow-burn,sinister atmosphere,as the apartment block is given a blank surface appearance. Sneaking César into Clara's life, Balagueró builds up the anxiety with stylish two-shots,where the viewer can see César,but Clara can't. Holding back from Psycho-Thriller shocks, the screenplay by Alberto Marini finds horror in the mundane,where everything appears normal, but Marini has César subtly chip away at Clara in the background. Whilst the ending unlocks a macabre apartment, it also sadly highlights the large plot holes (such as no CCTV or Clara feeling any different) jumped over for it to be delivered,as Clara sleeps tightly next to César.
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Absolutely horrid
cjs65478 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is no gratification for the viewer of this movie, no reward for sitting through 90 minutes of Caesar's bullshit. At least Clara had no consciousness of these moments, we had to live through awkward closeups of his ugly mug in the dark, his gross showering, and his being a black hole for the happiness of those around him.

It is absolutely horrid that the only depth given to the character of Caesar is that he was an 'unhappy' man, whose perversion seems to be to see those around him unhappy. More often than unhappy though, he comes off as angry. Hateful. Cowardly. I am appalled that the filmmakers would only associate 'unhappy' with him, when there are a bunch of fitting negative words more appropriate. Calling Caesar a man who is unhappy and who can't find motivation to start his day is like saying he is a man who likes to take regular showers. Completely irrelevant. Being unhappy has nothing to do with wanting to cause pain.

That being said, I started gawking when I realized that the ending was fast approaching and there was no retribution for Caesar in sight. What started off as a dark, serious movie ended on a note that cast doubt on whether it was taking itself seriously anymore. IT was one of those endings you expect from a cheesy gangster flick. Nobody anywhere at this point could be feeling any sympathy for Caesar so why did they frustratingly give him MORE pleasure? He was not an unhappy person, Miss Veronica was an unhappy person. He was just another one of the many bugs he set loose and should have met a metaphorically accurate demise.
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I feel like taking a shower after this
ruuddecember-4436324 November 2023
The perspective of the antagonist feels so real. The acting is absolutely amazing, which makes the cold heartedness of the concierge all the more vivid. Its a thriller and from the beginning you know how messed up things are going to get. However, with each minute the acts of the main character turn more evil than you could possibly imagine. I did not look away from the screen for the entire 1,5 hour.

Nonetheless, I really struggle giving this movie any higher than a 7/10. While everything is done beautifully and the story is an absolute thrill, it all seems a bit pointless at the end. I mean, the concept of the movie is to obtain the perspective of true sadism. While interesting in Schindlers list for example, it feels like this movie is overdoing it. It will just leave you empty and sad, while thinking: yep, thats true evil right there. Similar to the movie 'the devil all the times '.

All in all, its a thrilling and interesting watch. Just dont expect it to be enjoyable.
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