My Christmas Family Tree (TV Movie 2021) Poster

(2021 TV Movie)

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A lovely movie with some endearing performances...
toddsgraham30 November 2021
This was such a lovely Christmas movie: a warm and engaging story with a beautiful holiday message, some wonderful and endearing performances, and just the right amount of Christmas spirit and festive cheer. Hands down, one of the best this year thus far. The story follows Vanessa (played by Aimee Teegarden) who, after receiving her family tree DNA test results, sets out to meet her biological father (Richard, played by James Tupper). She soon finds herself traveling to her new family's home for Christmas, meeting Kris (played by Andrew Walker), a friend of her new family, along the way. The DNA match storyline is the second, I believe, for Hallmark. The first was 'Love, Lights, Hanukkah!' which premiered last year (another good holiday movie). The script is well written. The writer does a great job of capturing this welcoming and lovely family as they meet and spend time with Vanessa. As a viewer, it was easy to connect and engage with the story, with the characters. I might have even shed a tear or two. Though the story has some minor flaws, as other reviewers have pointed out, this takes nothing away from the viewing experience, I felt, which was simply delightful. What makes this all work on screen, of course, is the acting. Overall, the performances were brilliant, especially Teegarden's. She had this warm and gentle vibe to her performance that was easy to connect with on-screen. Indeed, it made the family's welcoming nature much more believable and relatable. Tupper too had a very convincing performance as Vanessa's father. What about our Hallmark favorite, Walker? He too was impressive. His supporting nature seemed effortless. There was this natural eases between Kris and Vanessa, which made me immediately start rooting for them. Given the nature of the story, the chemistry between the two was just about right. The supporting cast is also noteworthy as they all brought something to the table in this one. All in all, it is a warm and heartfelt Christmas movie with some remarkable acting, a wonderful new addition to Hallmark's 2021 lineup. I highly recommend it.
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The cast pull it off, an enjoyable movie.
Avidviewer-0284728 November 2021
Starting with the script which is better than average and a very good cast starting with the mainstay James Tupper and adding in Kendall Cross, Aimee Teegarden and Andrew Walker, they made it work. James Tupper's performance was very natural and believable, which contributed to the believability of the story.

It could have been another "near miss" Hallmark movie, but this one worked. The child actors were also good. Kudos to the cast.
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One of the best hallmark Christmas movies
jakethesnake-4200720 November 2021
This year the hallmark Christmas movies are actually good and this one is one of the best. What I liked about it the most is it's not all about the romance that's more the secondary story and it actually has a story.
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A fascinating exploration of family.
david-thor15 November 2021
For someone so young, Aimee Teegarden has a lot of experience in television and film, so it didn't surprise me to see her succeed in this installment for Hallmark. She seems to specialize in characters that are placed in very unlikely situations that require a lot of emotions in need of reconciliation. The trailers pretty much give away the story, but it's an enjoyable ride, nevertheless, and one worth watching more than once. I think a successful Hallmark movie is one with characters worth caring about, and which makes the viewer feel better for having watched; everyone has an opinion that matters to them, but for me, this is a winner.
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Such a rich story
Jackbv12314 November 2021
The DNA match premise was done last year and that one was excellent also, but I can't think of other examples of this premise. This story could have unfolded in so many different ways. The foster-care backstory is delivered quickly and could have been milked for a lot more emotion, but there was so much else to tell that they had to move over it quickly.

I hate when previews on a network give too much away. Hallmark had been advertising this movie for at least a week revealing a twist that doesn't occur until a little over half way. There were clues that it was coming though. There was one telling clue very early on that is never explained in the conclusion. I'd rather not give away spoilers.

I first saw Aimee Teegarden in Once Upon a Christmas Miracle which I loved and again on Hallmark two years later after the Covid hiatus and I loved that too. Teegarden must have a good agent because this sweet girl-next-door-looking woman was perfect for this movie and those previous ones also. This might be her best role of the three. How could there not be chemistry, not only with Walker, but all of the cast playing her new family? Walker was excellent, but so were 5 family members. I'd like to pick one of the kids as a standout, but they were all so good.

The writing and direction were excellent especially in little things that added to the richness. I can't even recall all of them.

There is another twist which I started to suspect and kept telling myself that it wouldn't be, but it made so much sense for this kind of movie.

I said last nights Hallmark movie was the best of the season, but now they have two real gems back to back.
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Would Watch Again
pattersonjamie-1207920 November 2021
Loved this movie. Loved the story, loved the acting, and loved the lack of unreal drama. The story was was pretty realistic. One unrealistic thing was that DNA sites don't give you the full name of a match, but still overall good movie.
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Too Many Questions
rebekahrox16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, this was a very good Hallmark. The performances were excellent and the plot was compelling. There were several aspects, however, which took it down a notch or two for me. First of all, there was no Hallmark Christmas set piece that was left by the wayside. I know some people enjoy the obligatory clumsy ice-skating scene and the gingerbread house making, etc. But I find them to be just filler, most of the time: tedious and lazy. I've learned to live with them though.

The other two aspects are harder to ignore. The idea that a DNA matching company would mix-up the DNA results just because the two clients had the same name is way over the line. Did they also have the same birthdate? Same place of birth? Same social security number? And then according to the story the desperate phone call was just a big oopsie, they were right after the first time, and Vanessa really is Richard's daughter? Not because of another phone call from the DNA company, but just because he finally found a picture of her mother and she bore a strong resemblance to Vanessa? OH, and the revelation that both "Patty" and "Trisha" are both nicknames for "Patricia."

And what about that? So Richard had completely forgot what his girlfriend looked like until he found her picture? A girl whom he was in love with, had meaningful sex with, and whom he had tried to find after he got back from his tour of duty? Whose picture he had kept in a box for 30 years? Seeing the resemblance between the photo and Vanessa, wouldn't the phrase, "you look just like your mother?" been uttered as soon as they met? What about the other Vanessa? Is she going to show up at some point? As another reviewer pointed out, Didn't Richard and the other Vanessa get the same phone call from the DNA folks that Vanessa got?

And how cruel to reveal that she wasn't Richard's daughter in front of the whole extended family. If she just couldn't take it any more, leave the room and ask to see Richard and Mrs. Richard privately so he could maintain some dignity. And so he could break the news gently to his young children.

They should have had a "1 month later" where all these dangling loose ends were made palatable.
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Christmas spirit finds its way back at Hallmark.
gfrasmd14 November 2021
A fresh story and a loving family are the canvas for a charming Christmas picture. There may be some minor inconsistencies , sure, but the characters feel real, effortlessly nice and loving. Andrew Walker seems relaxed and warm , as in his best roles. The real magic, though, comes from Aimee Teegarden. The script is mostly about her character and she delivers. Like a previous reviewer, I loved her in "Once upon a Christmas miracle" of a few years back. She is again wonderfully convincing in portraying a sweet vulnerable young woman and provides the rich emotions a good Christmas story intends to offer. It is great to watch a movie that leaves you feeling good inside.
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My Christmas Family Plot Hole
cammietime28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My Christmas Family Tree is well acted, edited, and written. The trouble arises in the myriad of plot holes that keep compiling on top of one another until the entire film implodes under its own implausibility.

We start off meeting Vanessa (Aimee Teegarden playing the girl next door) living in a luxury New York City apartment on a social worker's salary. The only important person in her life is her best friend DeeDee who does not come across as a believable friend for our female lead. With her mom dead and her BFF spending the holidays elsewhere, Vanessa has nothing to do but watch TV with her yippy dog Mickey.

Before the Netflix binge, Vanessa is egged on by DeeDee to view her Ancestry DNA results. She is surprised to learn that she has a paternal match in the database to the father she never met. I was more surprised to learn that her results showed her being 1.5% West African? Even though this is completely forced and out of place, I think we would all rather watch Vanessa discover her maternal African roots than reconnect with her white American dad.

Vanessa contacts her DNA match dad Richard (a dorky James Tupper), and it turns out he too was notified of the match by the DNA company. Richard thus goes all in and invites Vanessa to his perfect family Christmas with his perfect wife and perfect kids and perfect extended family in his perfect upper middle class house doing perfect Christmas traditions perfectly. Oh and I forgot, he also conveniently has Kris, a perfect single young man loafing around with nothing to do but ogle Vanessa (Andrew Walker in his best high school jock impersonation).

The drama sets in when ONLY Vanessa is notified by the DNA match company that there was a mix-up in her results and to call them back to discuss. Since the DNA company failed to notify Richard of this rather serious error Vanessa holds all the cards. She actually never calls them back and makes massive life altering decisions based on assumptions from the voicemail left by the DNA company. I was thinking that maybe they mixed up her heritage (she's not African after all?) while the paternal match to Richard was still valid. We never get to find out because she never calls them back.

In multiple discussions between Richard and Vanessa inconsistencies are pointed out to make us think she is not his real daughter - mothers name is wrong, mother lived in the wrong town, mother made no attempt to contact him about the birth of his child, etc. It builds up enough where we see Richard briefly second guess everything but then Kris talks him into believing the DNA results without verifying them. You'd think a simple paternity test at a clinic would solve the entire mystery here for all time...

When Vanessa does finally find out about the mix-up she freaks and calls DeeDee who gives her absolutely the worst advice possible of 'pretend you don't know and tell them after Christmas.' The rest of the movie is a collection of scenes where Vanessa tries to lie but feels bad so she attempts to blurt out the truth only to be interrupted with Richard distracted. Social workers tend to be very open and honest people so it's befuddling to see Vanessa keeping the ruse going. Finally she tells everyone...all at once at the wrong moment and then bails on them. Richard is dazed and confused.

Had Richard and his family asked Vanessa to stay and welcome her into their home despite not being related, like they did for Kris, the ending of the film would have been fabulous and meaningful. Instead we see Richard finally dig out an old photo of Vanessa's supposed mom and golly gee Vanessa is a spitting image of her and the name discrepancy is resolved - so poof - Vanessa is back to being Richard's daughter again. This creates even more head scratching plot holes...if Vanessa looks like her mom how did Richard not see this before, he seriously forgot what his special girlfriend (Vanessa's mom) looked like? And if Vanessa is indeed his daughter that means the DNA match company truly did not mix anything up which seems preposterous if they went through all the trouble to contact Vanessa about the error - this is never resolved or explained. This all doesn't make any sense and ruins the ending. It also undermines the love Richard and his family have for Vanessa because now they HAVE to love her since she is kin, instead of the more meaningful ending where they welcome her into their family because she is a wonderful nice person, even if she is not a blood relative.

As for Kris, his time with Vanessa is a meandering slow burn that never materializes. He's an afterthought here but at least he is a good middle man between Vanessa and Richard even if that is all there is for him to do, that, and ogle Vanessa of course.
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loved the story
twodiamonds16 November 2021
It was a fun and warming christmas tale. Aimee is a knock-out and the family opened up to her quickly. Who wouldn't. The story took a twist and am not sure i would want to do business with that dna company. You have got to root for the lead actress.
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Started Strong, Last 20 Minutes It Crashed and Burned
Kenkeller-98-62055315 November 2021
I wanted to like this movie more but the final part so was so poorly written and executed I was truly disappointed. There is an infection point in every Hallmark movie where conflict takes place and that is when this movie fell apart for me.
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Grab a box of Kleenex
texasfolk14 November 2021
Not once. Not once did I reach for the remote to push the fast forward button. I hate to say this but I have actually hit the delete button halfway through some Hallmark movies this year.

This was not one of those instances. This is a very well written, very well directed, and very well cast movie.

Every single actor and actress in this movie did an outstanding job portraying their role. I can't say enough about how well put together the entire project was done.

It's a Hallmark movie. We know how it ends. We know all the traits of a Hallmark movie. It didn't matter in this particular movie. You get sucked into it and would rather pee on the couch then hit the pause button for a bathroom break.

Thank you Hallmark. One of your better movies. I won't give anything away except have Kleenex at the ready.
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Good story covered in cheese
EPMD5711 December 2021
The underlying story in this movie is intriguing, but you have to stomach a lot of typical Hallmark corniness in order to watch it unfold.

The movie would have had more depth if the family wasn't so perfect. Each scene included at least a half-dozen smiles. Everything was the happiest, the best, the most wonderful moment ever! I wish the writers would have dialed it back a bit on the festive cheer. Even in a Hallmark Christmas movie, you can go overboard with it.

Aimee is really good at these movies, so I hope she features in a few more down the road. She was the only character who was given a moment to be anything but gleeful, so I appreciated that.
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Not believable
lhollan16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The response of a happily-married couple when a young woman shows up saying she is a long lost daughter of a prior relationship, you hardly believe a hardy welcome and complete envelopment into the Christmas festivities. Also, no one would believe the fumbling ice skating by Andrew W. Walker, a man who grew up in Canada. Hockey is almost a requirement! I just thought it was a weak story and was badly directed.
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Filled With Emotion!
coloradoan14 November 2021
I loved this movie, as it has everything I want. A good story, good acting, and the leads were very convincing. I thought Aimee Teegarden and Andrew Walker had great chemistry. Aimee made me feel what she was feeling. Becoming attached to a family that she felt comfortable with, and they felt that way in return. Some of the new holiday movies on the Hallmark channels don't do much for me, but this one I will watch over again. Such a tender, believable movie.
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Lovely, just lovely
msfire20 November 2021
I absolutely loved it! I was so happy that Hallmark separated from its usual "girl goes back to her small town and falls in love with her ex all over again" This story had everything for me, Christmas warmth, laughter, and a cute little twist. This is a Christmas story folks no need to have a questionnaire after watching it. The magic of this movie is that you can add on whatever other happy ending you want. For me it is perfect the way it was written and performed. Loved it! I teared up when they all showed up to her NY apt.
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Long In The Tooth
philsigler-6240121 November 2021
A reviewer, Luvhallmark, alluded to the age difference between the romantic leads. The 10 years is even more obvious because of Aimee Teegarden being a young looking 32. To my wife and me it confirms a larger problem for Hallmark. Their staple of stars is aging through their 40's and the current Hallmark formula puts the leads in the early 30's at the oldest. Best Wishes to Hallmark in their need to reconcile this dilemma.

Maybe they should consult Voltaire's satire, Candide.
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rwade-944-5645294 December 2021
Was there really no one on the set who could tell the actors singing "Angels We Have Heard On High" that the phrase is "in excelsis Deo," not "in ex-celsius Deo"?
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Well, hot darn, Hallmark. This one got me
txharrington6 December 2021
I often put on Hallmark Christmas movies to get away from stress and real angst in the world. However, this well-acted movie provided real feelings and I actually cried- not cool, Hallmark! 😂 Very likable characters and a good storyline!

AND I was so worried how it'll all was going to come out and thinking how much pressure was put on her and they made it a beautiful ending!!! Love!!!
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Plot was not as good as it should have been.
gmead-933-49307815 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Characters, actors, and chemistry was good. BUT:

Vanessa would have (should have) told the family of the error the moment she found out. She's a responsible person, and this was a warm, loving family, and would have, at a minimum, have invited her to share their Xmas dinner with them, especially given the obvious chemistry with Kris and the kids. It's very likely that they would have told her something like (especially considering this is a Hallmark movie), "you're a member of our family no matter what". They've done that in other movies, almost word for word. Even if she had run out right after that, they would have tracked her down, probably as they did. Which brings up a couple of other plot holes.

Showing that Vanessa was, after all, related, was in my opinion a big mistake. It was unnecessary, and made the family's love for her seem self-serving. Even though the family SAID that they cared for her after she left, Vanessa doesn't know that. When they turned up at her apt. And announced that she really was his daughter, to her it would have seemed as if they only cared because she was a relative, not because she was a good person.

The idea that the DNA company had made a mistake is barely within the bounds of willing suspension of belief for a movie. The idea that they would have INCORRECTLY thought that they had made a mistake, that there was ANOTHER person of the same name, and notified the customer of that incorrect conclusion, is beyond the bounds of credibility. It's absurd.

If the company had made a mistake and notified her, and she had IMMEDIATELY told the family, even if she had run out, it would have been a great Hallmark moment to find that the family cares about her enough to invite her into the family as they have with Kris. The absurdity of Vanessa's actions, the mistaken mistake, the finding of the photo, and the efforts of the family only after realizing that she really was related really detracted from this movie. I might have given a 10 without those.

One other thing. The trailers all made it seem like Kris was a member of the family. I was expecting that with the great reveal in the trailer (it was obvious that Vanessa's DNA match was mistaken), Kris and Vanessa would be greatly revealed that they weren't having incestuous feelings towards each other. That would actually have been fine, if a little weird. I'm glad Hallmark didn't go there.
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Christmas in the family
TheLittleSongbird16 December 2021
Really did like the premise for 'My Christmas Family Tree', no make that love. It sounded so moving and you know a film does something right when its premise immediately connects with you even before watching like it did with me (more so than most of the 2021 Hallmark Christmas films). It, meaning the premise and the film itself, also connected with some close friends who regularly watch Hallmark, a couple of whom having been in this situation so it hit home for them.

'My Christmas Family Tree' wholly lived up to its premise and the high expectations had (actually did have higher expectations for it than most Hallmark Christmas films). While not a flawless film, it was very well done. Out of a very hit and miss year for Hallmark, 'My Christmas Family Tree' to me is a strong contender for the best Hallmark Christmas film for that year and certainly one of the best acted. Also one of their best Christmas outings in quite some time, as well as one of their most emotional and personal.

Will agree with those that say that it loses its way at the conclusion, which is underdeveloped and not particularly plausible. Due to everything with the DNA not adding up, and also thought that one clue was left too vague.

Everything else though is very good to great. It is very professionally filmed and the locations are simply beautiful. A lot of Hallmark's Christmas films suffer from being over-scored, meaning being too constantly used and too loud. That isn't so big a problem here. The script is a lot less cheesy and schmaltzy than most Hallmark Christmas films and did find it very sincere, very affecting and that it never sounded awkward.

Furthermore, that the story departed from the usual Hallmark Christmas film formula and took on a more serious, a more personal and more true to life situation. There is nothing cheesy or over-sentimental in how this subject is handled either, it came over as truly poignant, lovingly gentle and well meaning and also with a good deal of warmth and charm. Really did connect with the story emotionally. The characters were ones that were easy to care for and relate to. Aimee Teegarden is very charming and moving here and Andrew Walker is a strong sympathetic partner. Their chemistry is gentle and genuine, without being too low key. James Tupper stands out in support.

Summarising, very well done. 8/10.
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Secretly Canadian
mczeeba4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The "New York City" and "Barrington, Connecticut" locations are all Vancouver, Canada. The director is Canadian, as are the two hunky (in a rather stiff/lumberjacky way) male leads.

So the scene in which Aimee Teegarden teaches Montréal-born Andrew Walker to skate is an inside joke.

Aimee Teegarden (who I'd never heard of before) is sparkling. Some of the dialogue is snappy and funny.

Otherwise, it's a heartwarming Hallmark Christmas movie, full of improbably well-behaved white people. With more interiors and family cheer than usual, less Main Street exteriors and explicit romantic frisson, and even less than the usual quotient of Nonwhite Friends with No Back Story.

So be grateful for the Canadian film industry that cranks out these Xmas TV movies. And for Canada - Santa couldn't make it to the U. S. without it.
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One of the Best Hallmark Christmas movies!
jmsfan27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of reviews knocking this movie mainly because of the believability of things, like the DNA-matching business messing up. Well look, this is Hallmark. They very rarely have a totally believable movie, especially at Christmas ones. It's all about Christmas magic, miracles, etc. Etc. Well, this particular one does a great job with the sentiment and ultimate joy.

My main focus on a movie is: do the actors sell the story, no matter how implausible? In this case, a resounding YES! All of the actors were well-chosen and fit their parts perfectly, particularly the actor who plays the father.. But as many have said, Aimee Teegarden is the best actor here and the fact that she is adorably beautiful helps a lot. But she also has a face that makes her look like she might bust out crying at any moment and that kept me really rooting for her, because her situation was shaky and those beautiful doe eyes and tentative smile had me really going.

As in all Hallmark movies, all's well that end's well and now I have new actress that I love, both for her acting ability and her awesome looks. Make more, Aimee, please!
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Watch out for anvils
caseybones14 November 2021
My Christmas Family Tree was OK, with a different storyline and the background of a (gasp!) unwed mother although she is never seen. They manage to throw every single one of their tiresome must-haves including skating, children singing in a Christmas pageant, seventeen milliion decorations, selecting and decorating the tree, family dinner, "hot" cocoa by the gallon, and falling in love in less than a week. The anvils raining down were enough to kill the viewer and the premise was just beyond credible. The "misunderstanding" was just plain silly. Tolerable although I wouldn't watch it again.
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Acting is good. Plot is awful.
elsieanneowings14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The actors were great, but even they could not rescue the tired storyline: girl finds out truth, girl does not reveal truth, drama ensues, real problems magically disappear.

The main character, Vanessa, works for a foster care placement organization. There is no way she would have concealed the truth. Furthermore, her father had been notified of the original match, so he certainly would have been notified of the error.

This could have been a complicated, dramatic, and heartwarming story without the formulaic deception and delays.

The great possibilities of this story went unrealized.
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