The Visitor (2022) Poster


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Started out good, ended not so good...
MrAnte0612 October 2022
I mean... It's absolutely watchable, but first of all, there isn't much happening. The movie is very quiet and personally I don't think there is much suspense either.

The start of the movie was much better than the other half of the movie turned out to be.

I would say that the whole movie is meh. The movie wants to be more than it is, it tries to be deep and be different... but instead it turns out slow and hard to understand the plot.

The ending kinda ruined the whole movie. I don't usually think that the ending can ruin the whole movie, but this time I did.

I did understand the movies plot better because of the ending... but that doesn't mean that the movie or the plot was good.

I am actually kinda disappointed, I thought Blumhouse would deliver a better movie than this... but I guess that doesn't work out every time.

Soooo... in conclusion, this movie has good acting, the story is somewhat "scary" and creepy. But the slow pacing and weird ending didn't save this movie. So if you're tired, don't watch this movie, but if you're not... then maybe watch it, but don't have high expectations. Personally, this movie was NOT worth the wait for the digital release!!
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Not original
mistela6724 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These sorts of movies about the birth/rebirth of Satan or some demon are numerous in the horror genre, as is the small town religious freaks that seem to always appear in them.

There was nothing distinctly unique about The Visitor, and unfortunately, nothing really stood about about it either. It's not a bad movie, per se, but it's not a good movie, either. It's just sort of there, sitting mindlessly in a crowded pack of other like-minded movies that tend do the same things.

I can knit pick; there were inconsistencies and plot holes, pacing was very slow, if not boring. A couple of paper-thin jump scares, typically with a mirror involved. Characters were tired cookie-cutter stereotypes. But that stuff isn't what made this movie fail for me. The main gripe about The Visitor is that other movies like it have done the same sort of things The Visitor set out to do, just a whole lot better.

4/10- not moving the needle either way.
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Rushed ending
okpilak17 May 2023
The movie unfolds very slowly, laying the groundwork for what is happening. Robert and Maia, who met in London and married, are back in the US at her father's home, after he died, which he left to her. She had a miscarriage, but still wants children. It turns out her family has very long roots in the town. Robert sees things, but are they dreams or visions of the future, or omens? He notices an old painting, which looks a lot like him. He goes to an antique store, and sees another old photograph, and one man looks like him. There is a lot of evil present, and the movie slowly doles it out. And then rushes the ending, which is not satisfying.
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What the hell happened at the end?
Ameliex7 October 2022
The movie began actually very good and interesting. You get invested in the movie when it starts. Great beginning and you are all into the movie then comes then ending.

The ending completely RUIN the movie. The ending makes you feel that you wasted your time seeing this movie to begin with.

I hate seeing a movie when you are invested in the movie and think it is amazing, then the ending completely crash and burn the movie.

I feel the beginning and the end are like two complete different movies.

If the ending was different then this movie would have gotten a 7 stars or something similar.

But the ending bring this movie to zero.

What the hell happened at the end? This is what you think about when the movie finish.

This movie could have a much better ending and you would feel totally satisfied.

This is all I am going to say...
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Actually Awful
jaubert-436888 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit it was intriguing at the beginning. But apparently, this was just another weird Satanic story. Don't get me wrong, I love demonic horror movies. But if that's what you're looking for, just go watch Hereditary, same idea as this movie, but probably about 1000x better than this garbage. I have no idea what they were thinking for the last act. Completely changes tone and everything, even the general direction of the film. They also interpreted Paradise Lost wrong somehow. Why even bother inserting that in if you're gonna ignore the whole point of the book. They should've just went with a simple doppelganger. That was so bad.
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haskel-729511 March 2023
I have to write six hundred characters about this? I am not sure that is possible. The Blumhouse TV films have always been hit or miss - the ones on Hulu were about 50/50, the Amazon Prime ones were similar. Now we have Epix, and the first, Torn Hearts was OK at best. Well, compared to this dreck it was a masterpiece. I don't know where to start with an actual review. The writing is lazy, derivative (to be kind), and just plain bad. It's directed competently but what does it matter when the material is just plain garbage? There's nothing here that hasn't been done before and done better. Not even worth a rainy afternoon watch.
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bit of a predictable mess
sjarja7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a nonsensical plot. A ridiculous story turned up eleven with a ... twist? Is it a twist when already utmost silliness drifts beyond the madness horizon accelerating?

Also - what is it with people yelling into other peoples faces? The old lady, the doppelganger .. is that supposed to be scary?

Imagining that in real life seems just very awkward and somewhat rude.

Soo - lets get into spoilers or sorts.

I couldnt help but sense "Hereditary" vibes of sorts .. a secret cult of half naked people, an heir - a family heritage.

Well, i say Hereditary .. if it was a Dollar-Store version of it.

It was not scary - lacked any suspense and lacked characters that could have been able to carry this mess.

The idea that he would see himself in images of the past .. was plain stupid - because most painted images showed either a very generic man (who really looked nothing like him) .. or were poorly photo-shopped ... like really poorly.

Still 2 stars out of 10 .. because i have seen worse.
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What did I just watch?
mbahl7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OMG, I need a Silkwood shower after this. Creepy and icky. 2 stars for the slow burn beginning which actually held my interest where the hubby sees himself in old paintings as "The Visitor." In short, the hubby gets married and moves to his wife's childhood home from London after they lose a baby to start over. Biblical, plague like stuff starts to happen and people die. The town worships the hubby, and eventually he finds out he married his sister and she birthed their devil child so their bloodline could continue. Why? So the town could control the destiny (or demise) of the world. Incest and old people nearly naked in togas worshipping the devil? Nah, I'm good. This is a rare Blumhouse misfire. The first half is one movie (suspense) and the second is Rosemary's Baby done by an imitation of Ari Aster. Ewww.

Random thoughts: The female lead looked so much like Rachel McAdams it was distracting. And the male lead (from GoT) lacked the ooomph! Factor to pull off the role of an evil world leader. I liked him more as the put upon hubby in the first half of the film.
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I've seen worse in this genre.
deloudelouvain15 November 2022
The ratings this movie gets on here are a bit low in my opinion. Not that The Visitor is a movie that I will forever remember, on the contrary, I will probably forget everything about it by next week, but it's good enough to watch once. The acting from the completely unknown cast to me wasn't bad, which shows you don't necessary need big names to make a movie interesting. The story has a mysterious vibe to it, even though it's a bit predictable at one point, but overall they keep you guessing for a good while. The story isn't something we've never seen before, not very original but it's okay, I've certainly seen worse in this genre. It could have used a bit more horror scenes to make it creepier. I won't watch this movie again in the future but I also don't regret watching it.
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Stranger in a Strange Town...
Xstal7 October 2022
Robert and his wife have had some strife, so they're moving somewhere else for a new life, to the home his wife was raised, where she started all her days, hoping joy and happiness will all be rife. It's a strain for Robert moving to this place, when under covers he discovers another face, a painted lookalike, the resemblance is a strike, not the last he'll find that occupies a space. Soon alarm bells start to sound and ring out loud, at the church there is a weird and eerie crowd, then his wife gets fertilised, things settle down, anxiousness dies, thoughts turn to names, a baby boy to get baptised.

It's not the most original variation on a theme but it has one or two tangents that may (or may not) raise an eyebrow or two, but ultimately a recycling of things you've encountered many times before.
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I don't get the hate
zotovictash29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No idea why this little gem gets such a low score! Personaly, I thought it was intriguing and creepy. And while I do agree that the end could have been way better, I don't hate it.

This is where the spoiler alert goes into effect - this movie's ending tried to match the atmosphere (and bottom line) from classics like The Omen and Rosemary's baby. And while the idea wasn't bad at all, it could + should have been executed in a more appropriate way. And, in this scenario, appropriate = more devastating.

Still, the first 90% of the film deserve an applause. It's engaging, tense, and leaves you with a subtle sense of dread.
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40 minute movie stretched to 90 minutes of watching grass grow.
lojitsu11 April 2023
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "The Visitor" (NR - 2022 - Prime) Genre: Thriller/Psycho

My Score: 5.6 Cast=2 Acting=7 Plot=7 Ending=5 Story=6 Intense=6 Pace=4 Suspense=5 Psycho=8 Twist=6

After a series of tragedies, A couple moves back to the wife's childhood home. After he discovers an old portrait of a man who looks like him, he goes down a rabbit hole to discover his identity.

"Just take it as a are where you were meant to be." I liked the trailer for this and the first 20 minutes were very interesting...playing way better as a psychopathic thriller than anything else. But then they seemed to run out of script, as they took the last 20 minutes of movie time and stretched it out into 70 minutes in the vein of watching grass grow. This would have been better as a short it is I don't think it it was worth a watch.
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Bring your laundry
Amy27104 April 2023
There are some movies you watch with friends and family as an evening event. There are others you watch when you're folding laundry. This was a laundry folder. Not a bad movie. It kept my interest. There is nothing I can say that was truly awful about it. I just wanted there to be something more. Maybe a different ending that would have surprised me. Maybe a different telling of this familiar story. The acting was fine. The pacing was good. The music was fine. The climax didn't seem to match the story that was presented up to that point, so the ending seemed out of place, as if it was an idea tacked on from a different story. Still, it was a serviceable close to the movie. I'm glad I didn't pay to see it in a theatre but it was perfectly fine streaming in the background while I was doing housework. Watch, but don't expect too much.
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Three stars because I'm generous
rjcbm-740669 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok,so it's stupid. There's so many stupid "creepy" things thrown in that don't make sense. What were the toads about? What about the random snake skin in the leaves? That's not scary. It's normal. And the dumb doll in the floor? Senseless. How did the sister/wife even manage to track him down? What exactly does the Visitor do that protects the town? The ending was stupid and pointless. I was hoping they'd give him scissors to cut the umbilical cord with , but instead he killed the baby and then himself. That would have been a far better ending. Oh yeah,why did mom bite the cord like she did? Gross and,you guessed it,stupid.
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1'st bad movie i've seen from blumhouse
bluetzin9 December 2022
Well you never know if a movie would be good or not. There are trailers that mislead you.. there are friends that love a movie but when you watch it you turn off... The only safe sign for a good horror movie is when you see lionsgate or blumhouse logo at the beginning... and for many years i 've never got disappointed...'till now... The main actor was good and he tried hard.. also the mystery at first with the paintings kind of drag you down... but everything else is so bad.. the other actors seems like were bored.. the hole movie builds something that escalates to nothing...completely slow with a twist that nobody cares about it anymore.. I am twice dissapointed cause i usually love films with mental unstable characters or religious-demonic stuff.. Hereditary and Eli are way better choices, do not waste your time on this...
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Starts interesting, turns aggravating, ends insultingly
ryandetty30 March 2023
In the beginning it seems like a solid little horror/mystery movie. Then people disappear and you start analyzing to see who you think is behind things. Then in the end, it takes a total 180 and comes crashing down. I'd think the intention here was more about creating a series than a single good movie but I don't see why anybody would come back for more. Since this is spoiler-free, the 'twist' is okay but I got most of it correct just from the experience of watching similar films.

I think the performances here were fairly solid, but the substance just lacks. It SHOULD be engaging but it just isn't and I think it is because of the similarities to other better movies.
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Even evil has seen better times.
Vanessydelg12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is pretty much what you have read written by other reviewers so I won't waste my time talking about it here. What I will talk about are a few details that left me either annoyed or laughing.

Let's start with the annoying side of it all. The acting, filming, scenery and premise were pretty decent, but, unfortunately, the plot goes straight to hell at the end and not in a satanic way. It felt as if the writers had had too much to drink and just opted to jump from the beginning of the development of the plot till the very end, choosing the easiest way out. He was sleepwalking and he was the main evil in town. This made the time invested in watching this a step closer to death without any sort of positive benefit.

The cracking side: from having been alongside the most evil characters in history, such as Hitler, to ending up in a God-forsaken (literally?) town with no incidence in humanity that we can think of.

So, not only the plot is second hand but also the evil in the movie has seen better times.

All in all we get a degraded evil, that no one cares of, as part as an underdeveloped plot that doesn't show much other than a laughable plan to control (or end) humanity, just because, through generations.

I suggest the movie industry get their ideas elsewhere than acid trips.
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Potential knocking at the door
There was something about this one that I really liked. I think it was the potential and originality I saw within the plot. The execution of this movie was not spot on by any means but I think there is conceptually a foundation for something special.

As a whole this felt a little under developed and lost steam towards the end. A lot of the plot points felt a bit formulaic as far as horror goes, yet there was a spark of originality in there. With some reworking I think this concept could be really cool.

With that being said, this movie on its own was not unsuccessful. It was moderately entertaining even while having some hokey moments and also had some solid performances particularly by the husband.

All in all I thought this was decent, containing an adequate amount of intrigue and atmosphere. Would recommend.
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Good lead performance
justahunch-7054921 March 2023
I thought this was pretty interesting for a while. Actually, a long while, but it gets very messy in the later stages. The story of a British man who marries an American woman and they return to her childhood home, a big old thing. The poor guy sees a painting in the house that looks like him. Then he sees more when out and about. Some people in town seem to adore this stranger while others can't get away from him quick enough. The wife seems a bit off and things get very strange for him and he wants to return to London. He should have. This is all about the lead character who is played, I thought, rather well by Finn Jones. He's the best thing about this ultimately mixed bag of a film.
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Predictable but entertaining
HeyHay378 October 2022
This movie centers around a husband and wife who move to her childhood home from London - where the husband is from. He sees a painting in the attic that looks like him, among other paintings throughout the town. He becomes obsessed with their origin.

All in all this wasn't a bad film, nor a particularly good one. It was very very predictable-I basically knew exactly what was happening and what was going to happen in the first 20 minutes, yet it still held my interest throughout. Slow burn but I didn't get bored.

Part psychological part supernatural horror. Sprinkling of rosemary's baby, get out, hereditary It's a movie I'd only watch once, but still glad I did.
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Rosemary's Baby in reverse...
beejs-081299 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was well done. The end was a little weak, but, over all...I liked it better than Rosemary's Baby...The lead actor, Finn Jones....was amazing! I also thought it was well made with great photography. Also enjoyed the music, especially the song at the end. Well directed and good characters. It really took me back to the original idea with Mia Farrow, but in reverse...and as much hype as it always got....i preferred this version. Don't understand why it didn't get a better rating. I was expecting at least a 6 or 7, and was surprised it was so low. I also expect to see more from the lead actor, hopefully.
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Much better then the reviews are making out.
keirondarbyshire10 October 2022
I didn't expect good things from this film.

Some of the Blumhouse films have been, for want of a better word, Pants.

But this was a rather good Horror!

I give it a good solid seven out of ten.

He moves to his missus's childhood home & finds paintings of a person who looks like himself & the locals are a bit over familiar. All good eerie stuff!

It had a few jumps, good acting, good story.

And even though there seems to be a bit of hate regards the ending, I thought the ending was as it should be.

I'll definitely be watching this film again, & I would be looking for other films from the same director.
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Utmost bs
Jaggermaster5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once again we have a couple who moves into a new home in new town. Once again something very very unusual happens there. Once again everyone around them act very very mysteriously. Once again everyone talk some mambojambo and even they try to explain it, it still doesn't make a goddamn sense at all. This movie is so full of stupid scenes and "twists" I wonder what the hell those people were watching when giving this 8 or more out of 10?! Come on! ONCE AGAIN we are dealing with some devil worship with his offspring coming into a flesh. I couldn't even watch this but I knew what was gonna happen. Everytime movies like these follow the same formula. The SAME stupid, overused formula. Please, can someone finally come up with something original? No?! Then I guess I have to do it myself. Ignore at all cost!
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Couldn't finish watching
djdefoy11 April 2023
The movie started off okay, but then it just stalled and never picked up steam. It was just so boring, and not at all original. It's a storyline that I've seen in a hundred other movies. There was nothing unique or mysterious about it. There were no real plot twists that I didn't see coming from a mile away. The one thing that was good about it, was that despite not having any big name actors in it, the acting was actually not too bad, but the storyline was just lacking any substance at all. It was a nice premise, but again, not original. I was really hoping that it would be better than it actually was. There was so much potential for it to be creepier and have more of a horror feel to it, but it is what it is.
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Gawd what a disappointment
caronabhern19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, Ser Lorace Tyrell! Let's see how he does after GoT....... Blumhouse Production, should be good.....but, what started out as interesting only ending up as a big dud of an ending. Couple of decent scares, buy that was it. When he was being shown evidence of his lookalike being present at all the world's worst historical events, reminded me of Pennywise in IT. Also thought it would go the Rosemary's Baby route, with the satanic cult vibe. The creepiest part was the main characters being siblings. Didn't quite get the blind mama part. The final scene leaves you with "Is that it?" Yup, thank goodness for fast foward.
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