Pacific Rim (2013) Poster


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A mindless must-see.
planktonrules16 January 2015
I usually don't watch action films. They just aren't my sort of thing. However, my daughter insisted that I watch "Pacific Rim" and I was feeling absolutely horrible when I watched the film, as I had just gone through some painful surgery that morning. So, to take my mind off my aches, I gave it a try. And, thankfully, it turned out to be exactly the sort of tonic I needed--entertaining and crazy fun. While I didn't see it in the theater (the best way to see this type of movie), I did see it on a very large screen at home and watching it on a small screen is practically a waste of time. For once, I loved that a film has eye- popping visuals, explosions and action--and it manages to deliver an entertaining experience without leaving you feeling dumb for having enjoyed it--a problem too often associated with movie of this style. Well worth your time.
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Cliché'd, but entertaining
alr12627 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
While watching this movie, I was reminded of a couple of films and TV shows from my youth, first was any of the original Godzilla films, the second, a TV show Ultra Man. The FX were way better here, but, it just made me think of them. I found the film entertaining, no Oscar winner, but, it was good. Some parts kept you on the edge of your seat, of course, rooting for the good guys.

I also had to think that mankind would have or could have thought of a better defense/offense weapon than giant robots. To bring a fight into the city would have cost trillions of dollars, perhaps Quadrillions of dollars. Okay, I'm reading way to much into it. Watch the movie, you will enjoy it.
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The drift is strong with this one
Darkside-Reviewer22 July 2020
Pacific Rim really surprised me when it was first released in 2013. My initial thought was that this was just gunna end up being another movie about Colossal sized monsters similar to Cloverfield or Godzilla only with a Hollywood big budget and while it shares some similarities to Godzilla it does stand out on it's own with it's unique monsters and awsome robots plus with the movie being directed by Guillermo del Toro it has a unique style to it that only Guillermo del Toro can bring to a movie.

Pacific Rims story isn't a particularly complicated one but it's certainly got some interesting ideas. When the world is invaded by Colossal sized creatures known as Kaijus mankind bands together creating a defence against the Kaiju in the form of Colossal sized battle robots known as Jaegers each unique in style and armed to the teeth which are each piloted by two pilots who control the robot via neural interfaces the only problem is both pilots must be drift compatible meaning they have to be to link minds and create a stable neural link to be able to control the Jaeger during this both pilots share each other's memorys, feelings and thoughts. The Kaiju begin appearing faster than Jaegers can be assembled so with time running out before there are more Kaijus than Jaegers to fight them the last few remaining pilots prepare for a final assault on the portal the Kaijus are coming from.

The movie is like a mix between Godzilla and Power Rangers only a lot more adult and with much better effects. The Jaeger robots look amazing especially when fighting against the Kaiju monsters. There's plenty of cool action scenes which show the Kaiju monsters being shot, blown up, punched by robot rocket fists and even decapitations.

The characters are likable and interesting my favourite characters personally are the two mad scientists who dissect and study the Kaijus while they are meant to be the kind of comic relief of the movie they are very funny and likable both arguing over scientific theories and trying to prove each over wrong.

I highly recommend watching this movie if your a fan of movies that feature Colossal sized monsters crashing through city's while fighting with Colosal sized robots with swords, guns and rocket fists. This isn't a movie intended for kids in case your wondering this movie is definitely for a more mature audience even though the synopsis for the movie sounds like it was made for kids who watch Transformers cartoons.
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It's certainly not clever, but it is fun.
drummer30310 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
To all the reviewers who gave this movie low ratings, I can only say this; What did you expect to see? Did you watch this expecting to see something deep and meaningful? The trailers and posters make it perfectly clear what kind of movie this is going to be. Heavy CGI, regular Hollywood 'save the planet' storyline re-run. Young eye candy super hot actors. You know the score. If you want to see something clever, this is not it and it was never going to be.

Question is, does it do the job it sets out to do? I think it does rather well, yeah OK, it's cheesy as hell and you know how it's going to end before it starts, ( the world will be saved right? ) considering it's being told in retrospect the clue to the inevitable ending is there in the first 10 seconds of the movie.

I liked the mind meld idea of the 2 pilots, and I thought they covered most bases explaining the technology behind the enormous robots (Jaegers) pretty well. It does have a few technical plot holes here and there, but the film does have a 'let's just get on with it' kind of feel. The alien creatures (Kaiju) are great and the robot v monster battles are superb. Towards the end the pace picks right up and the story starts to fall apart a bit, but by that point who cares? In general Pacific Rim is a fast paced, slick looking piece of techno-action that most Sci-Fi fans will enjoy. It's big, loud, dumb and very pretty, largely due to Guillermo Del Toro being at the helm.

It's Sunday afternoon on the sofa material I think. I know these kind of films are 'designed' for the big screen, but honestly I prefer them at home most of the time. Unless of course, you like feeling as though you are sitting the middle of a continuous explosion for and hour and half.
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Fun popcorn flick from a reliable director
Leofwine_draca29 July 2014
PACIFIC RIM is Guillermo del Toro's tribute to the kaiju and Japanese sci-fi movies of his youth; you know, the ones involving giant monsters trashing cities and huge robots sent out to protect mankind. I had an inkling he wanted to make this movie after the giant plant creature in HELLBOY 2; well, now he has.

And this is a lot of fun, a decent popcorn flick for a change and a film that's well made enough to erase memories of the disappointing TRANSFORMERS movies. It's a great Hollywood tribute to Japanese cinema, filled with all of the wonderful effects and super-sized action that you'd hope for. Del Toro is one of those directors who hasn't made a bad film yet; you can always rely on him for entertainment.

Sure, the stuff with the human characters isn't as interesting as the giant stuff. But at least we get plenty of British actors in the cast (Burn Gorman, Idris Elba, Rob Kazinsky, Charlie Hunnam) which keeps it fresh and interesting. The CGI effects are excellent, as you'd expect, and while the storyline is very predictable, that's not the point. The point is to deliver huge bouts of destructive action, and that's what del Toro does. And it's a lot of fun.
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You Have To Be In The Mood!
damianphelps28 February 2021
Sometimes when I sit down and watch a movie I just want to be swept away and be dazzled with both sight and sound. The movies don't have to be dramatically perfect just capable of blowing all my sensors.

Battleship and Pacific Rim are 2 of those movies.

Pacific Rim takes a cool concept for a story, Monsters vs Machines and entwines a human element (the pilots) to result in a really fun extravaganza. The movie is not deep but has enough story to piece together the fighting sequences.

Sit down, hit the lights, pump the volume, disengage brain and have a blast :)
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Do you remember what entertainment is?
matthewlintschinger19 August 2013
Entertainment is not just a story. It is not just drama or social commentary. It is not something that can be measured by terms like "latest and greatest" or "cutting edge". This movie is not Man of Steel or Star Trek into Darkness where there is a child-like obsession with being "taken seriously" by adding grotesque violence or depressing overtones. This is not Transformers 3 or the Hobbit where special effects and action scenes are a cluttered mess of ADD rave parties that try to up the excitement with jumpy editing. THIS IS A SINCERE MOVIE.

Sure it has lack luster actors, but they are mixed with some fine ones as well. Yes this has giant robots and that is the main reason to see the film, but they are not just jingling keys in front of us. These action scenes have atmosphere. The fights are exciting because of anticipation and build up. This movie (while very flawed) should be a model example of popcorn entertainment. I came in, saw some good fights, and got a happy ending without bullshit. This was the kind of fun I remember as a kid.

This is a movie (strangely enough like John Carter) that should just be enjoy. They may not have had the best plots or most original stories, but they had substance that can honestly be felt. Genuine love for what they are doing in the film and real effort in making us as the audience part of that fun. They can be dumb or dull, but it feels more like a circumstance of a rushed schedule or odd-ball casting. It feels like Hollywood at its best since they just want us to have a good time.

I not only hope for a sequel, I hope for loving imitators who don't aspire to pretentious greatness (Rise of the Guardians), don't have something to immaturely prove (Man of Steel), and actually have their own story to tell even if its derivative (Star Trek into Darkness is not only a Rip-off of Wrath of con, but it is practically a sequel that is DEPENDANT on it).

This is not the degradation of film, this is the much needed laxative in a world of fast edited adaptations, sequels, and reboots with emo endings.
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My all time favourite
kapurkimaya30 April 2020
This is one of my all time favourite movies. This is a must watch for all age groups. But only this first Pacific Rim, not the second one.
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Not bad, not great
land-840-86136627 November 2013
Unlike some, I had no problem with the high concept of the piece: Transformers vs Godzilla. It had a lot of potential. And when the movie concentrates on what we are all here to see (giant creatures and robots beating on each others with oil tankers and smashing through skyscrapers) it is very successful. But when things get quiet... less so. Too much time spent on "Top Gun" like fighter pilot shenanigans. Not enough nuance in the characterizations. An ultra linear plot with few attempts to confound expectations. The acting isn't bad - and isn't required to be great in this sort of film - but it is nothing special either. Sort of universally "meh". Good for a Blu Ray rental.
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Pacific Rim pays tribute to modern cinematic technology by proving to the world a blockbuster no longer requires decent actors and scripts
jihun-lee052616 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the theater expecting to see a cartoon for adults and that is exactly what I paid for.

Guillermo Del Toro is an extremely talented director, producer and above all an extraordinary artist. Pan's Labyrinth gave justice to his talents and "The Strain trilogy" exemplifies his talents as a creator and innovator of interesting mind-grabbing stories/plots.

However, Pacific Rim was a horrible movie not only because it lacked substance (a clear plot, climax, resolution), but because it proved to audiences everywhere that Hollywood no longer requires decent actors and plot-lines to create a blockbuster movie.

The only intricacies and attention to detail that could be found in this movie was in the CG design of the so called Jaegers (Robots). Yet, the movie served to ignore the basic human sense of sight when most of the movie took place in a dark setting. It was a metaphor of how the movie itself was a black hole of cash and talent with all the darkness sucking and robbing people of their investments and experiences.

An episode of Beast Wars that I watched as a young child had more substance and gave more satisfaction to its audience than this movie. Pacific Rim is a destruction to the art of cinematography in that its business model lies in providing the awe-factor, shocking the audience into believing the movie is great with bling. Expensive jewelry doesn't make a woman more beautiful, it just proves that she has the money to afford it, and that is exactly what Pacific Rim accomplished.

The movie is just a failure of epic proportions and the fact that it rates a 7.9 on IMDb just proves that we, the collective audience, have just stopped caring. Movies no longer provide us with mind-blowing catharsis, they are now just a means of blowing off steam.
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Beats from beginning to end
sebasmendozacr8 August 2013
Lately movies that claim to be monsters and action have proved a complete failure, and, to be honest I thought this was not going to be the exception.

Any change to see a real action movie with almost unstoppable battles monsters, and a dose of special effects so amazing you just leave you with your mouth open.

Of course, not everything is good, but entertaining plot is somewhat similar to that of other films: The hero gets a big pain that leaves the battle, then when the world needs the triumphant return finds the love of his life between the two due to the bad, the nearly died, and finally live happily ever after (like a soap opera).

We must clarify that thanks to special effects, battles, and good performances, the plot is not uncomfortable. I really think it's worth watching.
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Epic in every proportion
thekarmicnomad24 November 2013
This film starts of with a monologue that explains in twenty seconds how big monsters start appearing from the sea and destroying everything. The only defence against them is to kick their heads in with massive robots. Cool! Starting so quickly out the blocks I expected this to be a fast paced action movie.

It really isn't. About every film element ever used, runs its course before the inevitable big battle. You get a fall from grace, a rivalry, a training period, a love story, forgiveness, reconciliation, etc. etc.

The battle sequences are epic, the monsters and robots are amazing, Kids especially will love them, and the action goes on and on.

The dialogue is cheesier and hammier than a 60 foot pizza monsters, and coupled with the extended scope of this film can make watching it gruelling if you are not instantly gripped.

This will keep any kids gripped for hours (nearly three of them) but if sci-fi isn't your thing get comfy and bring a pillow.
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Every bit as jaw-droppingly awesome as this clash of the titan robots versus monsters promises to be, but clunky in every other aspect that's not about spectacle
moviexclusive10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As far as summer blockbusters go, 'Pacific Rim' has probably the most unabashedly uncomplicated premise - giant robots versus giant monsters. How much you enjoy Guillermo del Toro's robot-monster smackdown ultimately depends on whether you expect the movie to be any more than that. If you did, then you're probably going to walk away disappointed at how simplistic this apocalyptic spectacle will turn out to be; but if you're satisfied simply with watching huge-ass monsters and robots go up against each other, then you will enjoy every bit of this epic (and yes we do mean it literally).

Indeed, the draw of del Toro's monster of a movie has always been to witness the monumental series of battles between massive lizard-like monsters (referred to in the movie by the Japanese word 'Kaiju' as a tribute to the science fiction films from the country which featured such giant beasts, e.g. Godzilla) and 25-story high robots (known as Jaegers, or 'hunters' in German) operated by humans. And in this regard, let us assure you that nothing in your expectation will prepare you for what del Toro has managed to accomplish on screen - not even comparing it to a 'Godzilla' meets 'Transformers' movie does it any justice.

Let's start with the basics. First and foremost, the action is shot cleanly, meaning none of them shaky-cams nor extreme close-ups that diminish the scale on which it is unfolding. It is also coherent - thanks to some impressive work from del Toro regular Guillermo Navarro as cinematographer and John Gilroy and Peter Amundson as editors - rather than just a mashup of scenes that don't flow well into one another. We'll add one more before we start gushing - it is also beautifully choreographed, with just the right mix of medium and wide shots to place you right into the heart of the action.

If that description above seems too clinical, then how about this - these setpieces are superb; in fact, they are worthy of every superlative that you can think of. Working on a gargantuan scale, del Toro executes the action with magnificence, whether the fleeting shots of the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge at the beginning or the more detailed sequences in the middle and at the end - in particular, a simply jaw-dropping one begins at sea just off the waters of Hong Kong and then continues seamlessly inland where both the port and the very city centre gets decimated by two Jaegers battling two Category 4 Kaijus.

It isn't just about how colossal it gets; it is also the sheer mesmerising quality of the images, starting from the amazing level of detail of the Jaegers and the Kaijus. Even though it seems to be raining a little too conveniently every time one of these battles happens out at sea, there's no denying just how real and majestic each of them feels. On the other hand, the cityscapes are arresting in their neon hues, and the combination of the futuristic look with which del Toro paints these familiar cities with the bioluminescent appendages and venom of the Kaijus make for a particularly appealing visual palette.

Now that we've finished with the savoury bits, it is only fair that we get to the (ahem) less than wieldy parts, which is in actual fact just about everything else we have yet to talk about. At first, the science- fiction mythology sounds rather intriguing - instead of coming from the skies, the threat to our planet came from a rift deep within the Pacific Ocean, a portal through which the Kaijus emerged and necessitated an equally massive response in the form of the Jaegers. Ditto the functioning of the Jaegers, which given their size, have to be operated by two pilots who sync up their minds via the neural handshake, otherwise known as the "drift".

But del Toro and his fellow screenwriter Travis Beacham (who is also credited with this original story) uses these elements too mechanically. The rift is no more than an excuse for an underwater climax where the Jaegers aim to close the portal from which the Kaijus emerged, a resolution not quite different from that in 'The Avengers'. More significantly, the melding of minds isn't quite exploited for enough dramatic possibility, particularly given its significance in enabling our two lead pilots, Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) and Mori (Rinko Kikuchi) to bond so seamlessly with each other.

Equally clunky is the characterisation, which has as much poignancy as a piece of metal. Raleigh's scarred Jaeger pilot, still reeling at first from the death of his brother Yancy (Diego Klattenhoff), heals too quickly for us to make much of an emotional connection. Mori's own traumatic near-death experience as a child that continues to haunt her also rings hollow and is equally quickly forgotten. Idris Elba plays his Jaeger commander Stacker Pentecost in suitably macho fashion, but is largely one-note and engineered simply to deliver the rallying cries at suitable intervals - like the oft-heard "Today, we are cancelling the apocalypse" in the trailers.

No thanks to the plotting and character issues, the pacing of the movie sags considerably after a prolonged prologue establishing the necessary backstory of the robots-versus-monsters war and Raleigh's own past. It only picks up at the halfway mark when the deep-sea monsters finally clash again with their mechanical counterparts, which will either be stimulating enough (if you're an adolescent fanboy) to make you wet your pants or leave you numb. Our opinion? It is del Toro's most ambitious, most imaginative and probably most groundbreaking movie ever, but we wish there were more of the warmth and character that have defined some of his best work.
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Just terrible
sdgnz27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I have seen in a long time. Sure it has crazy creatures battling it out in the oceans which is just fine with me but so many elements just let the movie down. It could have been so much more.

Why did the drivers of the Jaegers need to actually be in the Jaeger at all? and why are the controls linked to massive mechanical devices, surely this would be electronic. And the head is fired onto the Jaeger via some massively complicated lift type procedure? Yet they can clearly just get out the head when needed?

It took 8 days of tanks and planes to take down a Kaiji but one shot into the eye from an auzi clearly causes it some distress? ONE SHOT?

The oceans are about 4 stories deep, which seems to change or the size of the Jaegers adjusts during the movie.

What's with every bit of steel needing to be rusty except for Ron Perlman's shoes? and massive bulkhead doors being used for the living compartments.

The acting, sooooo bad.

Let's send the helicopters to go and pick-up the two survivors, but lets send 20 helicopters, that makes much more sense, especially since this is a military program that has been shut down so ready access to dozens of helicopters becomes easier.

They can build Jaegers with some sort of amazing sword device that comes out of nowhere but forget to tell the drivers?

Charlie and the professor, just random cast choices there!

It's set in the future, some things are hi-tech others are retro rusty junk, it doesn't make any sense.

There's just so much more. How this movie gets a 7.8 is beyond me. Don't waste you life and avoid at all costs.
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A Kaiju flick to end all Kaiju flicks
JPfanatic9323 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Guillermo Del Toro's epic homage to the Japanese 'Kaiĵu' movies, produced on a bigger budget than all such giant monster movies of the last fifty years combined. Del Toro obviously has a great love and respect for the genre, resulting in a very catchy action flick, undoubtedly the best American counterpart to its Japanese predecessors. One might almost say Hollywood has redeemed itself for the 1998 version of Godzilla, but such a statement had better be held back for another year, until the next American reboot of Godzilla hits theatres in 2014. In the meantime, Pacific Rim works well as an appetizer to the big G's resurrection. An extra-dimensional rift opens on the bottom of the Pacific and huge beasts come pouring out, wreaking havoc on mankind as they lay waste to cities and obliterate our armed forces. Humanity quickly sets aside its internal differences and joins forces in creating big robots to fight the creatures on their own terms. Piloted by a pair of human Avatars, these so-called 'Jaëgers' effectively combat the beasts, but the life of a Jaëger pilot as Del Toro reveals is filled with personal loss. When the monsters emerge ever more rapidly from the Breach, as it is named, Jaëger command develops an intricate and dangerous plan to halt the Kaiĵu threat once and for all. Del Toro briefly explores the history of the first Kaiĵu assaults and the development of their robotic antagonists and afterwards spends more time getting us invested in the human characters than is usual for this type of film. It does make the movie feel like its dragging its feet for a while, until he unleashes the action the audience craves with a vengeance, resulting in over an hour of nigh endless monster bashing. Unfortunately he cannot help but inserting a few characters that are supposed to deliver some much needed comic relief to make sure we don't take it all too seriously, but sadly these characters – stereotypical geeky scientists as ever we've seen them – are so mind-boggingly annoying (Charlie Day particularly) they make you wish for a Kaiĵu to step on them to end their endless whining. Del Toro's talents are better suited in delving deeper into a world where Kaiĵus are not only a threat to world peace but also big business: toy companies produce action figures of them, creepy cults worship them and in Hong Kong, a 'Bone Town' is established, a black market for Kaiĵu products for shady purposes, similar to the disgusting existing South-East Asian trade in animal parts. Run by Ron Perlman (always a joy when paired with Del Toro), some of the funniest, wittiest and anatomically most unsettling scenes take place here. Though the dealings and the history of the Jaëgers are fleshed out to the fullest, their enormous alien adversaries, ever the most important ingredient in a Kaiĵu film, do remain somewhat underexposed by comparison. Unfortunately their motivations – they're really foot soldiers out to cause as much damage to mankind as possible, in order to pave the way for an invasion from their (smaller) intelligent overlords – remind us of the recent Shyamalan flop After Earth, a movie we'd rather forget entirely. Usually, Kaiĵu are more antiheroes than full-out villains, but Del Toro opts to keep them a simple threat to be wiped out instead of imbuing them with a more sympathetic character like their forebears Gojira, Gorgo and Rodan, who were always the victim of human (nuclear) folly, transforming them into avenging gods to remind us of our place in the world. The movie is dedicated to Ray Harryhausen and Ishiro Honda, two people who only too well understood the need to layer their creatures and make them charm you so you feel more for them, but in this instance, Del Toro decided not to go with such wisdom. As a result, Pacific Rim at best is a highly likable action flick, but not necessarily an apt lesson for western audiences into the true nature of the Kaiĵu genre. Then again, there's only so much you can do with the notion of giant robots bashing giant monsters. Let's say Guillermo gets as much out of that premise as we could hope for.
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Oh, what it could have been !!!
jackdice13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that could have been great if not for the obvious flaws that drag it down. Let me break it down by sections:

Story, Screenplay & Dialogues: A very promising premise that promises much more than if actually offers on screen. A razor straight story line that does not deviate from the obvious and every scene follows a predictable path. Offers no surprises, thrills, twists or turns. A scrappy screenplay only serves to drag the pace, especially in action sequences...where you are itching for the mega fights only to be let down. The director tries Chris Nolan / Inception'esque trip down memory lanes, only to falter without generating any emotion from the audience. Absolutely horrendous dialogue. Completely uninspiring. Scenes where a single look should have conveyed the emotion powerfully has been diluted with meaningless words. More worse as the viewer can even predict what is going to be said!

Action & Animation: Very good, but could have been much much better. More slo-mo sequences wherein you can have a classic view of the behemoths colliding are missing trying to generate pace, but does not reach its mark. Most sequences happen in night/underwater adding to a jumbled rumble feel.

Characters: Tame and insipid. lack of character development leaves the viewers emotionally detached and not able to 'connect' with any of the characters. Notable exceptions are Elba and Pellman. Both the lead characters are eminently forgettable and do not make a impact. Director should have watched Independence day or MiB to understand the importance of character development. A leaf out of Real Steel would have lifted this to greatness.

Overall: Still a good movie. Watchable once with minimal repeat value. The Jaegers are awesome and just for that I rate this 7/10.
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Loved this movie
mthessian16 November 2013
For the first time in many, many years with this movie I was taken away from the problems in my life and went to a place where those things didn't register anymore. It was almost magical. I had to keep reminding myself about the bad things in real life, but then a new robot vs monster battle happened and all the sudden that didn't matter any more. Total escapism done with excellent design attention and detail. Thank you GDT. You have to be an artist and a science fiction geek to appreciate this. I came out of the movie and realized all my problems were still there but I was also hearing the theme music in my head. Got the DVD now and I escape that way. Channel your inner six year old, lean back and enjoy.
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Enjoyable monster movie that doesn't pretend to be anything else
bob the moo3 November 2013
Part of the reason I have started completely sitting out the summer blockbuster season is that I just got fed up going to crowded noisy cinemas to be disappointed by films that promised much but deliver just basic effects and little else. With Pacific Rim though, it is hard to feel this way because it is a film that has never pretended to be anything other than a Japanese inspired monster movie where big robots hit big aliens in a way that pretty much never makes much sense when you think about it. The plot is explained very quickly at the start of the film and we then jump into the future where the war we just learned about is reaching a peak. From here we have some doubt, some lessons to learn, barriers to overcome but really what we have are big special effects punching each other. And it works.

It is easy to wring one's hands and say that blockbusters are the death of film, but all things have a place as long as they are done well and this is at least an honest and fun film. I say honest because it has no pretension to it – it is plain and simple a monster movie with a very big budget behind it. The effects are good, with good monster design and generally a sense of fun and energy to the deliver. Of course it is just effects hitting other effects but it works for what it is and at least does this well – unlike other films that would aspire to more but yet can't even do this with any skill. The action sequences are large and fun throughout and the soapy drama doesn't get in the way at all. The film is loaded with references which I mostly got – the voice of GLaDOS being my favorite one.

The cast are not particularly famous but it doesn't matter since the effects are the stars here. That said I thought they did a good job, in particular I enjoyed seeing Elba, Day, Collins, Kikuchi and others in their various roles. Del Toro continues his love of all things geeky with this film and in terms of direction it looks good, with plenty going on but never not being clear and engaging.

It isn't a brilliant film by any means but it is a straightforward one that is honest with the viewer. Robots punching monsters – that is all that is promised and on that it very much delivers. If this sounds like your thing then this will hit the spot no problem.
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nogodnomasters29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a narration. It explains that a portal has opened connecting us to another universe in the Pacific Rim. Through this hole emerges destructive creatures from 60's Japanese films, updated of course. In a missed plot point, conventional means of fighting them seem to be useless, so we construct 100-150 foot tall robots called Jaegers to combat them. Missiles fired from Jaegers are effective, but...okay I tried not to think too hard about it.

The Jaegesr are controlled by 2 people, dressed in "Star Wars" storm trooper gear, that are in a mind meld that would make Spock green with envy. They are called pilots because Jaeger masters might be a copyright infringement.

The film combines elements of "Independence Day," "Starship Troopes," "Transformers" and "Ironman" and sets them into a stolen Japanese plot. Of course the rule is if you steal a plot from Japan you have to hire someone from Japan to be in the film, hence we have Rinko Kikuchi as Mako Mori. She will eventually team up with John Rico, eh ah Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam because Casper Van Dien is too old) to fight against the monsters coming at an increasing rate. There is a subplot that includes Ron Perlman and Charlie Day.

There are two schools of thought. One is to use the Jaegers to kill the creatures, the other is to build a war to keep out the illegal aliens. When the wall fails to keep out the illegal aliens, the Jaegers can defend the world thanks to "stand your ground" principles. Pardon my attempt at political humor.

The supporting characters were better written than the main ones.

This is an over dramatic, action packed popcorn film. The language is designed to appeal to a teen/young adult audience. Looks good on the big screen.

Parental Guide: 1 F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Pacific Rim goes berserk with a great sense of wonder, camp and old-school action.
swp_198810 July 2013
We all carry a great sense of wonder. It seems to hide away as we get older, but was always strong and persistent when we were children. We could sit down and really make something out of nothing physical, or tip our toy-box all over the floor and just go mad. Pacific Rim is Guillermo Del Toro at his most unleashed. He's been given the toys for his sandpit and has gone completely bonkers, but he has also created a sense of wonder from completely nothing.

The plot is simple. Kaiju (monsters) from another dimension break through to ours and wage war on the planet and us humans must do what we can to stop them. So we build giant machines called Jaegers. General audiences are doing the worst thing by comparing this to Transformers or Battleship simply because of some simple image traits. Well I'm here to tell you that you're way off and also working comparisons in the wrong league. Del Toro has crafted an insane amalgamation of Sci-Fi, old-school thrills, special effects and brilliantly entertaining set pieces that all meld together in beautiful harmony, with just enough satisfying human moments and arcs that carry a nice balance of emotion and camp. It all blends well with the loopiness of it all. Its Guillermo Del Toro's trademarks turned up to 11, all while going nuts and having fun with his toys.

There's just so much to love, that not even some minor pacing problems or a couple of sub-par performances can destroy the experience. Mainly its in the lesser background characters, but for me I'd say that Charlie Hunnam doesn't quite shine in the lead. He's certainly more than commendable, but he just doesn't break out here. Idris Elba steals the spotlight with a look and a bellowed delivery and its amusing to watch and Rinko Kikuchi has such an incredible skill with her mannerism and in her eyes, that's its a shock that she isn't in more films. Ron Perlman comes and goes and works his usual incredible moments.

Pacific Rim is triumphant above the rest of the blockbuster herd. It knows what is missing from the norm and just goes crazy with it. Its a big, giant load of awesome fun. Prepare your jaw muscles, because you'll be smiling throughout.

(Hint: Stay a couple of minutes into the end credits for an awesome additional scene)
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Hilarious and Visually Stunning
valiantvu14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The overly dramatic acting and dialogue hits you right off the bat in Pacific Rim, but if you can laugh through this then you can enjoy the incredible CG that comprises the bulk of the film. Pure-action-crappy-everything-else films rarely entertain me all the way through, but my eyes couldn't help feasting on the fight scenes between the incredibly detailed Kaiju and the shiny, badass Jaegers.

Each fight takes it up a notch, progressing from the first "fist" fight intro to fights with a frickin awesome sword, cargo ships, flying Kaiju, and so on. One of my favorite scenes was when the Kaiju baby bursts out of its dead mother and then chokes itself on its umbilical cord. I really loved the design of all the Kaijus and how they were each very different. Serious kudos to the CG artists and animators - I especially liked the bioluminescence element they added.

As for the plot and characters, they were totally absurd. The one working defense system that the international community has pooled their resources into has two scientists - TWO - that no provides resources or listens to. Stacker, the commanding officer, only pauses once in a while to yell "SHUT UP!" at them. There was some pretty crappy acting by the two leads, but watching it in conjunction with the absurdity of all of the other characters, dialogue, and plot, just made everything funnier.

If I had watched this in theaters, I probably would've been groaning to myself through the whole film, but being able to joke and laugh through a lot of the scenes, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it and appreciating the aspects that were truly well done.
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"Pacific Rim" looks great but lacks everything else a movie needs to be good
ersinkdotcom17 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Pacific Rim" is going to be a hit with fanboys all over the planet. It's the type of movie that they feel obligated to love because of what it's about and who made it. In this case we have a movie about alien dinosaurs (Kaijus) fighting giant robots (Jaegers) directed by Guillermo del Toro (filmmaker who most Comi-Con attendees think can do no wrong). Sounds like it should work on every level doesn't it? Yeah, well it doesn't!

Alien monsters named Kaijus come up through a rift in the Pacific Ocean (Get it, "PACIFIC Rim"). Giant robots steered by military officers are used to battle these ferocious extraterrestrials. Our military must join forces with the world's most annoying scientists to find a way to seal off the portal between our world and the dimension they come from.

Let's start out my review on a positive note. The CGI in "Pacific Rim" looks great. The aliens and robots blend very well with all their surroundings.

And that's the only thing I can come up with positive about "Pacific Rim." As a whole, the movie is absolutely unbearable to sit through. It escapes me how sequences of robots and aliens fighting each other could be so uninspiring that I literally dozed off at points.

The design of the Kaijus are completely unoriginal and nothing we haven't seen before in a dozen other sci-fi movies. The Jaegers are basically souped-up giant robots that resemble what we've seen in "Power Rangers" dressed in "Halo" armor. Booooring.

Now we move into character development. The entire middle of the movie is one big, long, drawn-out attempt at developing characters we will feel emotionally tied to. I completely understand the writer's motivation for doing this.

The problem is that every character in "Pacific Rim" is so annoying you actually want them to die or exit the screen as quickly as possible. Add to this the fact that not a single one of the actors seem to give a crap about their stereotypical role in the film and you have a serious problem. In a nutshell, the acting is absolutely horrid.

"Pacific Rim" is a tired conglomeration of clichés we've already seen in way better movies in the past. There are so many recycled ideas mashed up in it that you could almost put them down on a call sheet as bullet points. Character who lost his brother in a past battle and retired? Check. He's being called back into duty by his old military leader? Check. Military leader gets a chance to be the hero and sacrifice himself in one last battle? Check. Military leader gets to give long rousing inspirational speech just like the one the President gives in "Independence Day?" Check. They're all here for your predictable enjoyment.

Let's just call "Pacific Rim" what it really is. It's Guillermo del Toro's failed attempt at making what he wished was his essential "Ultraman vs. Godzilla" homage. As I was running out of words to use in place of "unoriginal," I came across several synonyms that describe this movie to a tee: dull, unoriginal, corny, heavy-handed, humdrum, ordinary, phoned in, stale, uncreative, unexciting, unimaginative, unimpressive, uninspiring, uninteresting, and uninventive.

I'm giving parents a warning in closing. There's no way any child under the age of 12 will sit through "Pacific Rim." Absolutely nothing exciting happens for 45 minutes in the middle, at which time they will get uncontrollably antsy and beg you to leave. This won't bother you because you'll be ready to run out of the theater screaming by then anyway.
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A Darn Good Time at the Movies
BlairMcLovin11 July 2013
Within the opening 15 or so minutes Charlie Hunnam's voice-over establishes the reality of a future where monsters (the Kaiju) repeatedly invade earth, to stem this humans have created giant robots (Jaegers) to combat them in increasingly badass iterations. This opening does a great job in conveying the scope of a film which is big, not just regular big, but like, Jason Biggs in 1999 bigg. entering the cinema from a world where these events rarely occur is initially a lot to throw at the audience, but it's handled so effectively and without tongue in cheek that it quickly becomes a world I had a blast experiencing. Maybe it was the incredible effects shots of robot related destruction used as a throwaway shots, but what I think really sold the opening sequence and the film as a whole is the enthusiasm Del Toro clearly has for the story he's telling.

The cast is essentially a rogues gallery of TV's better dramas playing variations on roles they've nailed in the past (see: Elba, Hunnam and Klattenhoff) and some inspired casting of It's Always Sunny's Charlie Day who, as should be expected provides some effective comedic relief. Added onto this the score comes courtesy of Ramin Djawadi who's masterful use of themes on Game of Thrones is carried over to this film for some great emotional cues and many a rad motif courtesy of Tom Morello on guitar.

It's appropriate Del Toro has a Frankenstein adaptation lined up as a follow up project as Pacific Rim can at times can feel stitched together from all the sources of inspiration the film has. This comes from many areas such as Japanese manga, the personalities of the actors from previous films and the imagery of robots destroying buildings which transformers ran into the ground. But Del Toro succeeds time and time again at allowing these disparate elements to fit together believably by way of some very confident filmmaking. I could easily take issue with the oft hammy dialogue and macho relationships but where the film succeeds in other areas and revels in creativity trumps the dissatisfaction one could take from these scenes. I also found Hunnams character a tad lacking in charisma and internal conflict but whatever, it's not the end of the world. Oh wait, yes it is hahahaha…

The films successes go beyond its imagery and continued invention within battle scenes as the script is very economical when it comes to pacing. The films battle scenes are so engaging and exciting due to clearly established stakes present which left me devoid of the "action fatigue" transformers loves to throw my way. And although the Kaiju battles seem to never be in short supply, the film essentially follows the rule of three when it comes to battle sequences and left me oh so satisfied.

In conclusion, I give it points for being one of the funner summer blockbusters in recent memory, for being an original property and for its sheer tenacity to exist which all amount to what is just a darn good time at the movies.
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Tarantino, take note: I you're going to pay homage to old film genres, do it right.
Theodor-turner25 July 2013
Pacific Rim is largely an action epic, and a good one at that. The narrative itself is based on Japanese monster (kaiju) films, and - while paying homage to the classic 'style' - manages to be very modern and fairly grounded in reality. Pacing is good and the story has a set of well-placed twists, accompanied by some interesting character development. The casting, on the other hand, is not great, but does not detract from the experience.

In contrast, the direction is fantastic. Guillermo del Toro does a great job of making the large and scary feel huge and terrifying, without making a mess on-screen. Several great touches add to the 'epic' feel of the film, such as the detail on the hide of the kaiju and the fantastic sound effects. Coupled with a great musical score, this film would be one of the best this year. Sadly, there is a small problem that stops this film being fantastic, but great instead: the scientist sub-plot.

Two scientists are in the process of finding a new way to stop the kaiju, and they manage to be fairly useless and rather annoying. They have a fair number of cheesy lines, which left me wishing that their sub-plot had been left out of the film. Nevertheless, Pacific Rim is still very good, and definitely worth watching. I give it an 8 out of 10.
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One of the worst / most stupid movies I have ever seen
apophysisman6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you are not in a coma or if you are over the age of 8 don't go see this movie. It is terrible. On the other hand, if you are under the age of 8 I think you will like it! In short, this is a movie for kids, not for adults.

So what is wrong with it? Everything.

1. Acting is terrible.

Mostly poor acting. The relationships in the movie are hard to relate to. The characters are impossible to relate to. Actually, the acting of the two scientists is so bad it makes the others seem not so bad after all.

2. Most details of the plot are terrible.

Giant monsters come through the ocean floor from another dimension and kill millions of people. That seems like something that could be a fun science fiction action movie. But, how did they get there? How do they survive the pressure and heat? How do their skeletons handle the enormous weight of their bodies when they come out of the water? Well, apparently they did and they do all of that. Let's just accept it.

How do the smartest men on earth decide to defend against these monsters? By building giant robots called Jaegers that punch them. However, the monsters have skin and horns that are tougher than steel so nothing much happens when they are punched. So when you build your robot you make sure it's steel has the appropriate strength, right? Wrong. Let's make them really fragile so the hull can easily be breached. Yes!!

It turns out (somewhere in the later parts of the movie) that the monsters can be cut in half with knives and killed with fire. Wouldn't it then be a good idea to kill something like this with something that actually works, like an appropriately sized bomb instead? No, let's punch them with these fragile robots. Yes!!

During the debriefing after a fight, let's use the knowledge we have gained during the fight to prepare for the next fight. Wrong! Let's not learn anything. Yes!!

When the monsters are attacked by airplanes and helicopters they fly so close that the monsters can punch them. Who, with just the tiniest amount of survival instinct, would fly a plane like that?

Most of the fighting takes place in the ocean. Since the hulls of the robots are so easily breached let's protect the pilots with at least some sort of oxygen mask! Wrong! Let's not do that!! Let them instead drown. Yes!!

Some fighting takes place under water where vision is extremely poor. So let's equip the robots with state of the art systems to detect monsters, so pilots aren't surprised by monsters sneaking up on them. Wrong! Let them use their own eyes. The result is they don't see much and are constantly surprised by attacks they were unaware of. Yes!!

Since fighting can be tiring for the pilots, shouldn't we try to make the way they control the robots as effortless as possible? Wrong! Let's put them in heavy suits of metal and attach them to giant mechanical constructions. Yes!!

Why are the pilots inside the robots to begin with? Because wireless data transmission doesn't work in the future, right? Well it turns out it does work. But let's try and make a system where if the robot is destroyed the pilots are killed. Yes!!

Robots are controlled partially with the mind by something called "drifting". One person using all of his brain for drifting would put too much strain on him. This is just the way the robot "drifting" system works. Let's not rebuild that system. Let's instead rebuild the entire robot so that we need two pilots in each. Yes!!

To pilot a robot it seems you need to use "drifting". However, nowhere in the movie do you see any pilot controlling anything through the mind. But let's keep it because it is cool. Yes!!

Since we are equipping the robots with a few weapons shouldn't we try to make the launch mechanism fast? Wrong! Let's make sure there is enough time for the monsters to rip the weapons from the robot before it fires. Yes!!

Let's lift these 2000 tonne robots with 8 helicopters. Because 5 tonnes of lifting force x 8 helicopters = 2000 tonnes of lifting force and that will work, right? Yes!!

When fighting in a city let's walk over a few hundred cars and through a few buildings because that is a really funny thing to do and hopefully there are no people there anyway. Yes!!

Sometimes when they need to talk or reflect on life or whatever the monsters will wait for them to finish before they attack again. On the other hand, how else could the actors finish what they have to say? Yes!!

In the very beginning of the movie, the leaders of the world have realized how ineffective the robots are. So they instead decide to build walls to protect cities from the monsters. Because monsters can't climb, right? And people only live in cities, right? The construction is based on extensive analysis of the monsters bone and muscle structure to make sure the walls are strong enough, right? Wrong!

CGI effects in this movie are realistic and cool. The visual effects are extremely well done. However, since the plot and the story and some of the acting is so poor it really makes you wonder. If there are all these talented people doing CGI effects, why were there no other talented people involved in making this movie?

To summarize. Mankind is portrayed as extremely stupid. Good CGI effects. Poor directing. Poor acting. Poor story-line. Avoid.
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