Ultimate Spider-Man (TV Series 2012–2017) Poster


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Does not deserve all the hate
juanjomendoza21 July 2017
As a true spider-man fan i can tell you this TV series has everything a spider- man TV show deserves it has the humor maybe a little childish but it does it has the action and drama episodes are connected which makes you want to see what happens next but to start you need to see episodes 1 to 15 because the first episodes don't clip you into watching it but after a while it gets better and better especially as different heroes come up such as iron man hulk etc so if you are looking for a spiderman show that has it all this one does although is not as great as the spectacular spiderman it doesn't deserve all the hate
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A Good Show, But It Can Be Better
nurendra-510577 April 2021
I love Spider-Man, he's literally my favorite characters from Marvel Comics. And this show is one of my childhood so while quarantine I decided to rewatch it. I think it's amazing having Spider-Man work together with other heroes in a team.

Spider-Man can also interact with other popular heroes from Marvel. It's also very funny and comedic. But some stuff like Spider-Man using Spider-Bike (I don't remember the actual name) on some mission is bothering me. That thing is cool but too overused. Beside that I really thank this show for fill my childhood.
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ultimate spider man kicks ass! anyone who says otherwise is a whiner who wants their 'spectaculer' spidey back.
d-sketch17 November 2015
I am so goddamn sick of people crapping all over this show and screaming how much 'spectacular spider-man was so much better'

... it wasn't. it really, really wasn't. I watched a good amount of the episodes when it premiered And there's nothing different. Why would I watch that when I could see the original 90's Spidey that adapted so many of the great stories from the comics, Spider-man unlimited with it's own unique storyline or even the cg Spider-man which used the movie as a jumping off point.

Ultimate spider-man uses elements from the original amazing spider-man comics and ultimate line story element to craft a story all its own of spidey's advancement to a new level. People constantly complain about the jokes, but that's spidey's thing. And even I can admit it gets grating at times, but trust me - it mellows out after the 1st season.

The story is completely serious when a two part event occurs with little to no joking. The spider-man character while seeming childish is probably the most mature peter parker I've ever seen. Watch the episode "Strange" and you'll know what I mean. It doesn't waste time on the bullshit Maryjane relationship, or really any teen drama whatsoever. It focuses on action and the comic book styled storytelling

... oh and the "great power and great responsibility" bit is said the least I have ever, Ever! Heard in any spidey series I have seen. You know why, cause this peter doesn't need to constantly telling himself that overused as hell line!

I love it. Even if it does have flaws, I still suggest checking it out. It's really great series just to watch spidey crack jokes and kick ass!!!
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the BEST spider-man show
raniyaandproud27 June 2018
Okay so, here i go. this show,, is absolutely amazing. it's incredible. it's always been written off as terrible, lame, or childish. i'm here to tell you that's completely false.

what so many negative reviewers refer to when saying this cartoon sucks is the fourth wall breaking or the stops that spidey does during the show. i think it's absolutely brilliant. someone of these breaks are actually funny, if you loosen up instead of being super critical.

these breaks are so important because they explain why spidey can or can't do something, they explain certain situations, and are good recaps. and even being older, they can be super funny. sure some of them are childish, but keep in mind it's still a children's show.

in terms of peter parker's characterization itself, it's perfect. we see a TRUE heart of gold character. he's exactly how stan envisioned him. awkward, funny, and cares so deeply for the safety of others. going through the series, you'll understand what i mean.

other characters are also great. a lot of people love nova, and for good reason. each character has, well, character. they're all amazing in their own ways.

in regards to plot, it's spectacular. you really have to get past the buff of the first 6-7 episodes but by episode 25 of the first season, i was crying from how emotional i was. episode 8 really got into the "woah" type of plot. it gets darker than you'd expect this show to get when you first take a look at it. season 4 is especially heartbreaking. you have been warned.

overall, this show is heartwarming and full of amazing plots and characters. i recommend this for people who like animated shows such as young justice or voltron, as well as people who like funny and emotional shows. it's amazing. it's the ultimate show.
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Not the Spiderman we need, deserve or want.
alanrayford8 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching the two part series premiere of the Spectacular Spiderman in 2008. Despite reservations over the art style, I could tell the show had the goods halfway through the first episode. By the end of the second episode, I couldn't wait to see the third the following weekend.

Fast forward to 2012 and I find myself watching the two part series premiere for Ultimate Spiderman. By the end of the second episode, I was feeling on the verge of being physically ill. However, to be fair, I decided to watch the third episode to make sure my hunches were correct. They were. This show is rubbish.

USM is nowhere near being in the same league as SSM. To be blunt, it comes up short against every animated series to feature the character. Yes, this includes Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. While Spidey had to share the spotlight with Firestar and Iceman, in that series, here he is all but crowded out of frame by the likes of Power Man, Iron Fist, White Tiger and Nova. Oh Yeah, there's also Nick Fury, Agent Coulson (from the movies) and the rest of shield. Oh yeah, there's also the ever ubiquitous villain of the week. Not one of the good or bad guys really fit in with the Spiderman mythos, and it shows. Thankfully, there are the good old standbys.

For instance, Mary Jane Watson is now a burgeoning, high school reporter and only feels vaguely reminiscent of a teenage Lois Lane because this characterization blatantly rips that property off. Aunt May is shown as being a bit younger and livelier here than ever before. Were it not for her gray hair, one could imagine May blowing off her nephew to go clubbing with college kids. J. Jonah Jameson has apparently gotten out of printed news and is now a television news personality, because seeing him scream out from a television screen is cooler than seeing him run roughshod over a bullpen. Right? Then, there's Harry. Why should Harry Osborn be a geeky outsider, when he can be a cool kid who sticks up for Parker? Well now we find out why.

But, the belle of the ball, the icing on the cake, the cherry on the top and the recipient of more clichés than I have fingers is USM's lead. One has to wonder if Otto Octavius was charged with developing this series because the Wallcrawler really gets the short end of the stick. Here, Parker is prone to flights of fancy where he'll see himself as a toaster or using a jetpack. When not envisioning painfully out of character scenarios, he's breaking the fourth wall with an alarming regularity. Every time he freezes the action to talk to me, an esteemed member of the viewing audience, I find myself wishing he'd have the common decency to shut up. Some of this is due to the context of the situation he's in. It makes no sense for him to "timeout" in the middle of a fight to fill us in on what's happening. But the majority of the pain this narrative device provides, however, is due to Drake Bell's performance as Peter Parker.

Over three decades of reading the comics, watching the movies, watching the cartoons and playing the games, I've come to expect Spiderman's voice to be cerebral and quite sardonic. In short the character's always been a blast to listen to. In USM, instead of an intelligent smart aleck, we get a pipsqueaky delivery that confuses crass for wit. Spidey, the thinking man's superhero, sounds about as witty as a high school kid bragging about his first beer.

There's only one aspect of USM that compares favorably to previous series. This would be the animation and overall character designs. Visually, Parker veers extremely close to his depiction in the USM comics. The character model is quite detailed. Surprisingly, despite the bump up in detail, everything animates very smoothly. To be honest, the animation here actually seems to do a better job of conveying momentum and impact than even SSM. Regardless, when the writing, acting and action scenes are so jarringly bad, what does it matter? A lemon's a lemon, regardless of how shiny its paint job is.

I honestly have no idea what the creators of this series were thinking. Most of them are former or current comic scribes who honestly should have a better handle on things. It's as though there is a deliberate effort on their part to sabotage this series. Either that or these guys are working past their expiration date. I'm going with the latter. Even so, this would still be an interesting experiment in failure; were it not for the fact a MUCH better series was cancelled for this pile to exist.

In defense of USM's creators, this probably was written for a much younger audience to sell toys. After all, exploiting rugrats to attack their parent's wallets is such a noble endeavor. Regardless, if you're in the target demo and are old enough to sleep on your stomach without dying, don't watch USM. It'll only make you want to swear, and that's a bad habit to get into.
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The Ultimate Spider-Man
ITALUKE25 February 2022
Such an underrated series. Liked it more than the 2017 Spider-Man Tv Series. This show introduced me to characters like Nova and White Tiger. Well at least the serie got a finale.
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Best Spiderman series ever
WeAreLive5 October 2017
This show was just awesome I would recommend it to someone who likes Spiderman teaming up with different Marvel characters like Blade, The Avengers, moon knight and much more. Only if the Fantastic Four and the rest of the X-Men would have made an appearance then I would have been even happier.

This show is probably the longest spiderman show ever. The animation was great we even saw great voice actors and even celebrities like Clarke Gregg, Dove Cameron, Payton List and much more.

Don't listen to the criticism and bad reviews this show is getting the point is if a kid would like it then that's all that matters. Maybe you might even like it.
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The Haters are Morons, The show is Fantastic!
dsxultimate8 June 2012
As a true believer for years I can honestly say this show may be not as great as spectacular spider-man but it certainly adds what spectacular failed to do. Ultimate Spider-Man is more of a comedic take and more true to his personality. There are tons of fourth wall jokes and bad scripting here and there but you learn about some new heroes and villains such as: Whiter tiger, nova, iron fist, power man, task master, the frightful four, Zzzax, etc. The animation is better and features more marvel heroes which is more true to the comics since marvel comics usually have other hero appearances at least once every 3 issues. If you can get past the silly jokes and cutaways, It makes an incredibly entertaining marvel super hero cartoon.
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What can I say about this show? It's perfect.
prettycinom2 June 2016
Believe it or not, I consider my age as "too old to watch cartoons", but because of Ultimate Spiderman, yep, I'm still watching cartoons. I was introduced to this show when I'm changing channels to look for some good show to watch and then Disney XD appeared on the screen. I watch it for a while because I saw that the next show is Ultimate Spiderman. Well, I'm a marvelite, everything about marvel gets my attention. So after watching it I was kinda intrigued about this series because it's good and it's full of humor. It's spiderman! What to expect.

I download all episodes from season 1-3 and all I can say is it's so good! I mean yes some episodes are kind of boring and same villains as always, but hey it's fun. I may not be a kid but this show is fantastic. It keeps me awake until 5 am just to finish every season! It keeps me laughing, every damn time. Peter's personality is lovely. I love his attitude even at his worst situation. His attitude in facing his problems could help every kid and even inspire them. Special mention to his SHIELD teammates: Nova, White Tiger, Powerman, and Ironfist. I love the voice casting, the character development, the characters, the plots, the lines of every character, and everything about it. I also like how Flash Thompson developed his personality. From bully to a hero. Thanks to spiderman who helped him! Kids will be inspired to be a good person like peter.

I don't know why some of you doesn't like it, some even made a petition to cancel the show. Like wtf? If you don't like it then don't watch it. If you don't appreciate the show then look for the show that you might like. There's no need to hate. It was not made for you.The producers not asking you or forcing you to watch it and even like it. The show was created for those spiderman/marvel fans who knows how to appreaciate. ;) and I'm one of those. I appreciate this show so much. It may sounds weird but sometimes I'm loving this show more than Agents of Shield. It's my opinion so yes. Well hopefully there's more season to come! I don't know what to do if this show was cancelled. This one change my perspective about cartoons so I owe this show a big one. Ultimate Spiderman is included on my top 10 fav shows.
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Not as bad as people say
senseishley6 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ultimate Spider-man isn't that bad. Controversial opinion but I know but hear me out.

I was a huge fan of Spectacular Spider-man and still sad that it was cancelled which is probably a big reason this show got so much of a bad rep, SSM was a tough act to follow just like Avengers Assembled is after Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

I think with this show you have to approach it differently especially since the target audience is a bit younger than the previous one. I see this show as a great way to expose newer fans to characters from all over the Marvel universe which improves the chances of new shows for these characters. It changes up the formula and tries new things which is good since we're all very familiar with the usual Spider-man stories it's good to mix things up a bit. The 4th wall stuff does get toned down a bit as the show progresses with the exception of the Deadpool and Spider-Verse episodes and I think the show does a pretty good job of restraining it's humour when it has to like the confrontation with Goblin and Venom or Parent Trap. There is some measure of character growth especially going into the 3rd season with Spidey joining the Avengers and his team ironing out the kinks. He matures quite a bit and becomes a better leader and strategist.

I'm curious to see where this show goes and to watch the missing episodes.

In short it's not Spectacular but it's still pretty good.
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Wait... did I just watch Spider-Man or Deadpool?
steve_egei11 April 2012
I recently watched the first 2 episodes of Ultimate Spider-Man and I can honestly say that I have never wanted to STOP watching a Spider-Man cartoon before in my life... until now.

I have been a big fan of the Spider-Man comic series for many years and have liked almost all of the cartoon iterations of him, but this one just hurts to watch. I understand that Spider-Man is supposed to be a smart-mouthed teen who likes to make jokes while fighting crime, which is my favorite part about the character, but this show just takes it to an extreme. The show feels like a very awkward mix of Family Guy, Teen Titans and The Emperors New Groove... NONE of them in a good way.

I think one of the biggest problems for me was how much the story was broken up by all of the "cut away" scenes. There would be an action scene going on, or a scene with meaningful dialog and it felt like every 5 seconds, they were shoe-horning a stupid "this is almost as bad as the time I..." joke, much like in Family Guy; The problem with this is that it broke up EVERYTHING that was happening in the show. The reason that Family Guy is able to get away with doing "cut away" scenes every few seconds is because that is what the show is all about. You don't watch Family Guy for the story or the action, you watch it to laugh at the jokes, which can actually be funny because they aren't being aimed at children. I understand that Spider-Man is a show made for children and I get that the characters aren't going to be nearly as serious as they are in the comics, but I feel like this was just too far from the source material for me to enjoy it.

Another thing that bothered me was how just a few years ago we had, in my opinion, one of the best Spider-Man shows to date, Spectacular Spider-Man, and it was canceled in only it's second season. I had really high hopes for Ultimate Spider-Man to fill the void that Spectacular Spider-Man left, but it just didn't deliver at all.

I guess I should address the animation for the show as well, while it looks good in still shots, much of the action gets... fuzzy? A lot of the time it looks like they got lazy while animating the action sequences and just decided to make everything blurry so it looked like he was doing something really cool, but all that it did was give me a headache. The character designs are good and they COULD look great, but it just seems like they got lazy with animating them; Yet another reason why I think that Spectacular Spider-Man did it better, the animation was much smoother.

As far as the voice acting on the show goes, they all seem to have done a really good job... with what they were given to read. So much of the writing in this show just seems so forced; It seems like they thought that the more jokes that the shoved in and the more that they made it like Family Guy, the better that it would be... because, hey, people like Family Guy, right? Now, You may be asking "why was Spectacular Spider-Man so much better" and the most honest answer that I can give you is that it seems as though Marvel actually put a lot of work into Spectacular Spider-Man. I'm not saying that they didn't put a lot of work into Ultimate Spider-Man, but it's much harder to see in this one. The character designs in Spectacular Spider-Man may not have hit all of the right points for some people, but I really enjoyed it. The action in the show looked really good and it was easy to follow exactly what was happening, because you didn't have a bunch of blur that you had to try and see everything through. The story for Spectacular Spider-Man was your standard Spider-Man fare, but while it was a show essentially for kids, it also appealed to many adults as well. The show had its serious moments along with its really funny ones, which is what I think Spider-Man is all about. It took all of the things that were great from the 90's Spider-Man show, like the stories and the great scripts and coupled them with great animation and some really talented voice actors to give life to the characters.

I really wanted to like Ultimate Spider-Man, but I just didn't. I feel like if this show was about just another teen superhero other than Spider-Man it would have been much more forgivable, but for it to take such a dump on such a beloved character, it is just really sad to see. Now all that I can do is hope that the new Spider-Man movie can really bring something good to the table.
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Awesome Show
jideno12 July 2016
This show keeps getting better and better. It's true that it may not have the most elaborated plots or dialogues, but it does not lack anything. The animation is good. The characters are well enough developed. The plot is simple enough for kids to understand (it is a show for kids), but intriguing enough to get you hooked. Spidey's humor is the best. It is just how I think the character should be. His jokes are for everyone to enjoy. They have no double meanings or offensive content. Children can laugh with all of them, and adults can too (if they have a kid's heart). I really hope they can keep this show running for a while, because there are a lot of things to explore in the world of Spider-Man.
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Decent, Spidey Done In Sarcastic Glory
QuinnFreak14 February 2014
Enough People don't like the ultimate comic as it is, but I was really shocked at peoples reactions to this. Think of it as Marvels Response to Teen Titans. (Sure the jokes don't land as well, and it isn't as cool, but still.) With decent animation, and okay voice acting, this is probably truest to Spidey I've seen in a while. I honestly don't get the hate. It's funny. (for the most part.) and action packed. My only real gripe is the character design. Goblin is a brute, venom isn't big enough, and Electro is stuck with the same old look. I do give props to villain variation. White Tiger. Green Goblin. Venom. Nova. Groot. Gamora. Rocket. Drax. Star Lord.Rhino. Wolvie. Cap. Iron-Man. Hulk etc. STRONG Recommendations ALL AROUND. Drake Bell is the perfect Peter Parker
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They should NOT have cancelled Spectacular Spider-Man for this
TwoCrude14 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers have covered the show's shortcomings rather well. I only would like to add my agreement that this show does not need to be "Family Guy" with superpowers.

Never mind the ridiculous cycle and jet pack, and the incredibly moronic rivalry with Nova. Never mind Nick Fury behaving like teenager. Never mind the way Peter has regressed into a kid who is no smarter, no more responsible and no better than Flash Thompson. I barely recognize the character from the comic books when I watched this poor excuse for a show.

Last... the first few reviewers whose posts were added before June of this year: try not to make it so obvious that you work for Marvel and/or its affiliates. Your spamming speaks for itself.
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Amazing show! Though I guess i should Ultimate show!
brystr798129 April 2015
This show is one of the best marvel cartoons I've seen to date. It gives a true glimpse into the mind of the Peter Parker that we love. While I wish they would show off his science guy side a little more, the team and aspects of the Marvel Universe introduced in this show have been very well done. Just finished season 2 on Netflix and cannot wait for 3. I've really enjoyed Coulson's role in this series and the humor that surrounds his character. As well as the random team-ups we've seen spidey have with various marvel characters. The only other thing I'd like to see is more consistency and crossover with the other two animated series that are on the air right now, Avengers Assemble and Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. But as I said otherwise, excellent show, best Marvel has on the air in the animation department right now
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This show sucks
samerbayoumi4 November 2013
This show really sucks they should bring back spectacular Spider man that show was getting better and better and was staying true to what spider man represented. This show is a joke that Disney created for kids and is killing the hero.

Spider man is one of the most realistic heroes out there in the sense that he still struggles everyday with life problems just like real people in the real world which is why the comics did so damn well. Curse you Disney and bring back the people who were making spectacular Spiderman and kill the people who are making ultimate spiderman please and thank you
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It Was Made to Sell Toys
ikrani10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not that that's a BAD thing. A lot of beloved franchises started out as transparent marketing tools for a line of tie-in merchandise: Transformers, G.I. Joe, My Little Pony (Friendship is Magic IS a good show, by the way), etc.

Now, this show lacks the gravitas of the '90s cartoon (which is still my favorite rendition of Spidey to date) or the darker story lines of Spectacular Spider-Man. No, this show is not very plot-driven. This show is very much an action-comedy, to the point where the four walls can't contain its shenanigans. However, it does have some very dramatic instances that don't last long enough to detract from the show's comedic tone but still deliver. The Season 2 finale very much follows this formula: it wasn't comedic enough to be light-hearted nor dramatic enough to be dark. It was just... Satisfying.

I hear that people feel this show is closer to Deadpool than Spider-Man and... Yeah, it is. Spidey often breaks the fourth wall during the action to deliver some comedy that varies in quality but none of which is particularly painful. It also has a few throwbacks to the chibi scenes from Teen Titans (the REAL Teen Titans, not that new pile of bullstrunz that shall not be named) that don't always hit but, again, are never really painful.

Now, do I have a problem with Spidey's partial self-awareness? HELL NO. In fact, there's a Deadpool episode which deals with the morality of good guys killing (even though Deadpool gets a bit unlikable towards the end) and the writers seized the opportunity to have an all-out 4th-wall knockdown both inside of reality and out.

All in all, this show was made not for adult fans like you and I, but for younger audiences who may not be quite ready for the heavy-hitting '90s cartoon or Spectacular. It doesn't take itself that seriously but, unlike that OTHER show that I mentioned, it knows that its audience has a mind of its own. And I still enjoy it. If you don't like its over-the-top tone, I recommend watching those other two shows about Spidey or Sam Raimi's movies. But, if you're someone like me who can accept a more comical Spider-Man in place of a more mature one, then you'll probably like this show.

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This Show? "Marvel"lous!
emrahkoyunsev11 January 2015
As everyone writing in here, I grew up with spider-man comics, cartoons, movies; I've tried to catch everything about this hero cause he is the greatest for me.

When I saw this show, I got very happy and beginning from first episode there are a lot of scenes I laughed out loudly... really loudly. The sense of humour of the show is great and I really like the drawings, they are more funny so they're supporting with that.

They're touching all the heroes you can imagine and of course their untrained versions, they're learning their duties in life and watching such things is amazing.

Hope the show never ends.
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Guilty TV Pleasure
fortiercoe18 May 2015
Alright disclaimer, I am a general Marvel fan, but I haven't read any specifically Spider- Man comics. As much as I would like to, I just don't have time. That said, I do have a decent grip on Spider-Man's character due to media like movies and other comics with him in them. I don't know if reading his wiki entry before writing this just to fact check counts too but what the heck, why not? I started watching this show purely out of boredom and the fact I have easy access to it on Netflix. Obviously this show isn't meant to be faithful to the comics. With the major involvement of S.H.I.E.L.D., especially Coulson and Samuel L. Jackson-esque Nick Fury, that much is obvious. So they made some of the greatest Marvel heroes teenagers, who cares? This isn't in comic canon. This is why I don't think it deserves all of the hate it gets. It's a cash-in on the success of the MCU, and a way to introduce kids to characters in upcoming movies. That said, it's also not a horrible show. Sure the comedy is slapstick and silly. Sure this isn't the next Young Justice or Teen Titans (both awesome superhero shows even though those are DC). Sure Mary Jane makes you want to claw your eardrums out from time to time. But this is marketed towards a different audience. I know the fact that it's a kids show isn't an excuse to be terrible, but most of the people offended are older comic book fans. Another disclaimer, I'm just a kid in my teens, my perspective may be way different than those older than me, what do I know, but that's okay. Again, this isn't meant for that older audience. I admit some of the episodes are pretty cringeworthy (i.e. the crossover episode with the Disney Channel show Jessie, good lord) but it's harmless, mindless fun. It's the kind of thing I put on as background noise when I do my homework. So if you need something to entertain those kids you're babysitting, or are bored and have a very, very open mind, try this show out. If you're a stickler about comic accuracy, this probably isn't the show for you. Just chill out, drink a chamomile tea, and stick to the comics.
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Something tells me that USM is getting more mature, and it was true.
lawrencemancha24 June 2017
I have watched Ultimate Spider-Man from season 1 to the final one, it was the best Marvel series I have seen so far. Season 1 & 2 was the crappiest, and super child-ish, with the worst jokes I have ever heard, but things just got a whole lot better, with no more "chibi" Spidey, and stupid jokes, USM has grown up, especially in season 4. It was nice to see this series has getting more mature by episode. "With great power, comes great responsibility", that is what Peter and Spidey are.

I know this show has come from a very long way, and I'm happy to see this show being matured. Great job, Marvel, you've outdone yourselves. Just hate that this show has ended.
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Ultimate Spider-Man, Series Review, as of Episode 14-16 S01- A light of heart set of films with an ambiguous agenda
bjjsucks24 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As most fans know well, Disney has had Marvel in its repertoire for years. And as a hardcore fan I was highly skeptical of this transaction and soon the heat in most cooled down, yet do not be so gullible to think that Disney has had no influence in Marvels direction. Ultimate Spider-Man is a loosely adapted series of The Ultimate Comics Spider-Man run. And is partially supposed to give us an Ultimate Peter Parker in his comic absence due to his death in The Death of Spider-Man arc. So now we have a comic Ultimate Universe with Miles Morales, the normal 616 Marvel Peter Parker and this animated variation. The basic plot is that Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for over a year now.With the intervention of Nick Fury in his life he is asked to take on the apparently irate task of leading a group of slightly less experienced young Super Heroes, through this Fury claims he can make Spider-Man more then amazing, he can train him to be one of the greats "The Ultimate Spider-Man" and so the story begins. Drake Bell is cast wrong and performs only well on a base level and the rest of the cast perform well too, yet not exceptionally. The team consists of Nova, Luke Cage, White Tiger and Iron Fist. The show differs in continuity then the comics with (SPOILER) Harry Osborn as Venom and Mary Jane as a relatively go lucky reporter (SPOILER END) and other variation. The script is a quip-full affair and while it falls-flat on occasion the series hold strong with high-quality of graphic, a slightly tired art style and average animation. The story has potential however and Drake tries as Spider-Man. A good, entertaining take, which cannot yet escape from a feeling of product placement along the films, with stupid gimmicks like a Spider-Motorcycle and some kind of Techno-Web Shooter upgrade which are shamefully implemented as an obvious excuse to produce and sell toys. An entertaining ride, yet one that sometimes feels like a mere happy-hour advert. Good, well quipped show appealing to kids, maybe too much.
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Stick with the Avengers show
tompettyfan-827-38185029 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this you can tell its a remake of spider-man and his amazing friends. Yet that had some heart to it and Firestar who was created for the show was latter written into the comics. None of the characters that are on Spidey's team is likable or has any personality. Iron Fist is a surfer dude, white tiger a sassy Latina. Seems to play up on stereotypes. The avengers today just introduce Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Now that's how they should be played. Smart, witty and shown not to be pushed around.

Second it's obliviously focus on the 5 to 10 year olds. The episodes pretty much give that away. The spidercycle, the iron spider suit costume. The Doctor Doom episode with the shield aircraft that breaks away into 4 other aircrafts. Might as well just said now available at your local Toys R Us store.

For the last and its a big one. Spider-man has always been about power and responsibility. Why are we seeing Spider-man as a irresponsible jerk? He seems more focus on upstaging Nova and playing with his Spidercycle or Ironspider costume being a mature responsible superhero that comics and past TV shows portrayed him. They need to change the name to the ultimate spider jerk. His wit is not there, his so called jokes are just bad. Also breaking the 4th wall just needs to stop.

As a Spider-man fan I say watch Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes instead along with cartoon networks DC block. Those shows are far superior than this travesty.
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Watch with low expectations. It's not as bad as everyone says.
jogre1720 May 2013
I wasn't so sure about this show at first. When I first heard about it I thought, "Why do they keep trying? They are just going to fail again." When I read the other reviews on here, I assumed it would be pretty bad, but it really isn't.

First, I'm going to talk about the weak parts. Don't expect me to know everything because I only saw the first 2 episodes so far, but do realize that this show is made for children. It's on Disney XD, so you can't watch it as an adult and expect it to be awesome. You have to bring out your inner child and watch the show as if you are that child you once were. I mention this because Spidey has many corny jokes that are childish. Even though they are, I still laughed at some and I am 20 years old. Also, it doesn't follow perfectly with the comics, so for you Spidey comic fans, don't be too upset with it. They are just trying to bring more children viewers.

The good parts of this show is that it kept me interested. The flashback/describing moments that Peter/Spidey has are well done and it is neat how they do it. You will know what I am talking about when you watch the show, which I suggest you do. It is a nice fast paced show and it has plenty of villains that make it very interesting. I know already that I am going to continue watching this series. I don't want to reveal anything about the show since I don't want to ruin anything, but I think Spider-Man could possibly be ultimate, as stated in the title.

In conclusion, the show has its moments and its weak parts, but all shows are like that. You can't create a perfect television show, especially a cartoon based off of a superhero. So, why not give it a try. I did with low expectations and I enjoyed it, so I hope you do also.
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Good show
Mysterygeneration19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there's a lot to love about the show, and the third season gave fans a fantastic storyline involving Donald Glover. This alone guarantees the show's inclusion, even if it has its flaws. The two parts, broadcast this Sunday, begin season 3. "The Avenging SpiderMan", unsurprisingly, guest star of the Avengers, while the team has just recruited Spidey. It's about a Peter Parker who is still in high school and not only already on a superhero team. Here he is given a lot of bright and shiny toys. The main problem with Ultimate SpiderMan is that it treats almost everything so comically that it doesn't carry any weight.

The show served as the basis for an entire Marvel Animated Universe, and in doing so, made things very, very silly. For example, I enjoyed The Super Hero Squad Show, but that show was set in its wacky world. There's a great sense of humor in the Marvel movies, but they don't involve the Hulk grabbing Spider-Man and giving him a noogie, which is what happens here. Even though there are more serious moments, it's hard to invest in them, given what's going on around them. The Avengers look pretty dense here. There are several scenes where the Avengers don't stop for two seconds to figure out what's going on.
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'Just Below Average' Spider-Man
thomasspencer29 June 2012
With the cancellation of fan-favourite animated series The Spectacular Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man was seemingly doomed from the beginning. Fresh from the Disney buy-out from Marvel, this interpretation of the Web-Slingers story see's Peter Parker still at high school, dealing with the woes of teenage life and responsibility of being a hero. Meanwhile, his superhero antics catches the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D who offer up an extensive membership under supervised training.

Any fan of Spider-Man will tell already that this storyline seems directly from the storyline 'The Death of Spider-Man', a controversial story-arc run in Marvel's Ultimate series. These same fans will be disappointed, however, that the series fails to bring forward the adult story-telling from said comics. And this is where the series falls flat.

The main problem watching this series is that it trades any sort of character development or deep storytelling, for cheap slap-stick jokes and unnecessary team-ups. During a scene, Parker will turn to the camera, set-up a joke and cut-away to a quick 'Looney Tunes' esque sketch. Whilst humorous, it does feel unneeded and, for lack of a better word, dumb. In regards to the Team-Ups, I find this show concentrates too much on having Spidey meet up with some Marvel B-Lister (Who is White Tiger?!?!?) when they could be giving us great villains from Spider-Man's rogue gallery.

Another problem with the show is the actual use of Spider-Man himself. Half the time, the guy is 'tripping over his own webs', screaming or simply annoying those around him, whilst other superheroes take care of whatever the threat happens to be. Spider-Man, the titular character, is literally pushed aside and out done by the previously mentioned B-Listers. It's pretty lame to watch.

I guess people wouldn't mind so much, if it wasn't such a classic character they were doing this to. Spider-Man is a superhero, witty, powerful and, most of all, responsible whilst Peter Parker is dorky, clumsy and awkward. Here, Spider-Man AND Parker are dorky, clumsy and awkward. It's far less entertaining to watch and the superhero just comes across as hapless and annoying.

It's not necessarily an unwatchable programme, it has its rare moments of chuckles and the animation is the best I've seen in a Spider-Man show so far. It just feels like a wasted opportunity in regards to Story-Arcs (the Ultimate Spider-Man comic was fantastic for these) and villain gallery (Come on! We wanna see SOME familiar faces!).

Whilst okay for kids, it's certainly not a great watch for Marvel fans. Unfaithful, annoying and occasionally ridiculous, Ultimate Spider-Man certainly doesn't live up to its name sake.
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