Air Force One Down (2024) Poster

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You've got to be kidding me!
syntory15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who is giving this trash such high ratings and reviews? This movie is so bad it's actually kind of funny, in a way.

The scene where they fall asleep in the cabin, wake up, walk outside and suddenly they're surrounded by bad guys that are literally 5 feet in front of them! LOL! It also makes no sense how they just knock Agent Miles out and take her with them instead of just killing her right then and there like any real bad guys would. Especially since they had already killed every other secret service agent. But no, let's keep her alive so we can leverage her to get the president to do what we want.........even though it didnt work the first time when they tried it with her uncle Sam when they were on the plane.

It's also pretty ridiculous how she is just manhandling guys 2 or 3 times her size. I mean...really?! Am I the only one that sees this woman's toothpick arms and chicken legs? Yet she's dropping every bad guy all by herself?! Pushing them around like they're cardboard cutouts!! Stop it. Just stop it already!

Another absurd aspect of the movie is that "the general" is somehow smart enough to coordinate an abduction of the president, but dumb enough to turn his back on the president when there are loaded guns lying all over the ground! OMG!

It's also unrealistic how after they kill the general they are just casually conversing in an open field, still in enemy territory!! LOL! And Allison Miles even said earlier in the movie that the terrorists must have had help from the inside. So did they just conveniently forget that fact after they killed the general? So you're in the middle of enemy territory and you've managed to free yourself from your captors. You know that someone in your camp aided the enemy.....and then your chief of staff is the first one to show up?! LOL!

This movie is totally unrealistic. Earlier today it had a rating over 7. When it comes to the rating being over 7, I believe the title of my review says it all, "You've got to be kidding me!"
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Great Actors but terrible script, director & score! It's a C grade movie at best.
dogfood45415 February 2024
There are so many terrible scenes in this movie it's like it is intentional. One bad scene after another. For example having 2 F - 35 Jets going slow enough to escort a Cessna plane. WHAT?

If you replaced Katherine McNamara (Love her, great actress) with Gina Carano the action scenes might make sense. But instead they have a 5 foot 50 pound woman throwing 200 pound military trained soldiers repeatedly for 5 minutes. WTF.

The action is great.... but the bad guys are on a conveyor belt one at a time & waiting there turn.

But the worst thing in this movie is the music score.

Very bad movie,.

Can't blame the actors, stuntmen or cameraman for this abomination. That is why it's a 3.

It's so bad but so many good actors!
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If Hallmark made an action movie, it be like this
gabs-5521014 February 2024
The premis is not new, the actors are not either,but they may as well be if they decided this film was a good career move. I must admit i knew none of the actors, but then i do not watch channels like Hallmark as its content does not appeal, but what i have seen of the Hallmark channel is enough to think that this film had to scrape bottom of barrel and borrow a producer from them to make this drivel as no one else wanted to. If bored and want to watch a rehash of a potential good ripoff of a film done better elsewhere then tbh it is not That bad (hence slightly above 5 stars given), but it is bad all the same. Dialogue is corny, premis has potential but script is boring, and the little or unknown to me actors altho do an ok job considering what they have to work with overall are not A list,and in some cases not even D listers,and their acting innability keeps shining thru more often than i would like-watch if very bored, but do not expecxt much and you will not be too dissapointed.
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Superpower: being a woman
sinsro16 February 2024
We get it. Empowering women and showing they can do all what men can and more is a trendy concept these last years, apparently educating people about this is more important than making a good story. Some great movies pull that off well, like like I Spit on your Grave, Kill Bill or Revenge. This one however comes off as so ridiculously unrealistic it just becomes annoying.

The heroines inability to lose reminds me of the cartoon Roadrunner, where the coyote keeps failing at getting his prey. At first it is amusing, then it just becomes annoying and finally you just hope he gets his meal, as he is the real underdog you end up rooting for.

With her toothpick arms she can throw huge top trained bodybuilders around with ease. Where is the thrill when she will ALWAYS win no matter the circumstances? The only way she could lose is if she fights a minority person or another woman, which makes everything it so predictable it almost hurts. And the plot holes are so dense there is basically no plot just holes.

If you get a kick out of seeing skinny women predictably beat up large muscular men without any effort over and over, this might be for you. If you want a good movie that makes you root for the beat down hero who is clawing through pain and challenges against all odds and make you keep guessing what will happen next on the edge of your seat, then dont waste your time here. You have seen this movie too many times already.
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not enjoyable at all
catalinciubotariu-1318415 February 2024
I took the risk on the low score, and I've lost. When I clicked on director name, I saw some references to movies I enjoyed but actually I was ignorant. The references were for stunts, not directing.

This is not an enjoyable movie at all. I find it really insulting my tastes. I will not give names but even B movies are better than this one.

If you think you enjoy a beautiful blond woman kicking ass and killing a lot of military men, go for it. But be aware that the movie script has a lot of exaggerations, mistakes, and wrong ideas. If I take a small vacation, I can write a better script.

You should find something else to do with your time.
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Utter garbage
grahamathomas115 February 2024
How on earth did this get to be released?

This movie is complete snd utter garbage.

It makes the Secret Service out to be a bunch of pathetic morons. It makes the heroine look utterly stupid. Who goes into an armoury full of the most spectacular weaponry and comes out with just a pistol?

I think the 12 year olds who wrote and directed this movie should go to college before they think of writing and directing again. They did a P poor job on this one.

I honestly can't believe that someone sat in an office and actually thought it would be a good idea to release this trash. It rather makes me think there may have been a little nepotism going on or something similar.
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Absolutely awful
coachglove20 February 2024
The acting was terrible. The writing was terrible. There was not even an attempt to get right such details as military customs and courtesies. Anyone who worked on this as a military or technical advisor should be fired and never work on a movie or TV show again. I had to fast forward through large parts of the film to not fall asleep. Relative to any of the "White House Down"/"...Fallen" movies, this makes those look like the Godfather Part 2. How the hell did this get greenlit? Are you telling me there was no more deserving script available? This was like weak fan fic written by someone who hasn't even bothered to watch West Wing, much less understand the technologies and security mechanisms necessary to electronically control AF1. And a rag tag bunch of thugs from (insert Eastern European country here) a fake country with terrible accents can just smuggle guns on AF1 and overwhelm the home team which knows every inch of the craft in a matter of seconds? Do not waste your time. Seriously. Just awful. The amount of belief that had to be suspended in order for this script to be plausible was so large that you're more likely to win 5 Powerball jackpots in a row than for this garbage to happen. Booooo.
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Comically bad
carson-selby17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I want to preface this by saying I'm awarding this movie one star because Katherine Mcnamara is a pleasing screen presence, and the action scenes aren't filmed with unintelligible shaky cam like most action films. Anyways, that's literally all the good stuff I can say about this film, even factoring in the low expectations for this sort of direct-to-streaming with a C-list cast type of action film that gets released 78 times a year.

The plot and dialogue in this movie are among the worst I've ever seen. Its as if the screenwriters abandoned ship 1/4 through and just let the actors and film staff come up with their own script on the fly. Characters repeat themselves and/or contradict themselves within the same scene. For example, the main bad guy, Rodinov, on the phone with AF1 and the President informs them that they have taken over air traffic control and are manipulating what AF1 base can see about the flight path. Then, just MOMENTS later, he asks his tech/hacker lackey "can they see whats happening with AF1?" You literally JUST told our main characters that they can't. How on earth would you not know this already? This is just one small example but indicative of the type of effort put into this film.

None of anything that happens on screen make a lick of sense. These terrorists easily replace and infiltrate an AF1 flight without a single person noticing. Even with inside help from someone close to POTUS, the execution of this plan would be impossible.

Droves of bad guys appear out of nowhere, literally out of nowhere. The characters make a point not only with early foreshadowing (don't let your guard down even if you've won) and outwardly discussing that someone close to POTUS has been working with the bad guys, and then don't bat an eye when the chief of staff is the first to immediately respond once all the Astovian soldiers have been taken down. It takes her tricking one of the heavies into saying he knows a made-up soldier for her to confirm her suspicions. This script is so, so bad.

I don't want to harp too much on the fights because they are well choreographed, and McNamara does have an athletic physicality that makes her somewhat believable but...there is simply no way she's pulling this off. She mows down an entire military base-I'm talking easily 60-70 soliders- by herself, essentially like shes an expert level first person shooter being controlled by a gamer, picking up better weapons as bad guys conveniently appear one or two at a time and essentially wait to be gunned down or kicked in the head. It is ABSURD.

Lastly, the dialogue hardly even registers as dialogue. All the "Sir yes sir, won't let you down sir, promise you sir" is so forced and contrived and unnatural. Characters only speak in sweeping platitudes or exposition.

The movie is short enough - approximately 84 minutes if you remove credits-to possibly fall into so-bad-it's good territory, but there is no way this can be recommended overall.
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haroot_azarian15 February 2024
This could have been a much better movie if a tiny bit of realism had been applied. There is no way on earth that the pilot of Air Force one would not have a Secret Service detail posted at his house and himself.

There is no way on earth that with just one phone call (calling in sick) a replacement pilot would be put on the flight without rigorous Secret Service checks and double and triple checks before clearance.

There is no way on earth so many weapons could be smuggled onto Air Force One, even if the terrorists had someone very close to the POTUS.

Other than that, the movie was ok I suppose. I generally like movies with female butt-kicking leads.
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An antidote for the dreariness of our times
nkaronis116 February 2024
An idealized president that all Americans would be proud of?

A super hot secret agent that knows her history and is total badass?

Sacrifice and heroism from extremely capable public servants?

I mean, what's not to like here?

Given the daily spectacle provided by US politics, such movies should be prescribed by the doctor.

If some form of suspension of disbelief isn't your thing than definitely you shouldn't watch this.

Also, the music is good and photography -given a probably limited budget- is pretty pleasant.

Lastly, the duration is under 90 minutes, like back in the old days when directors didn't indulge into 3h yawns.
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erikjluna16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At a certain point, you'd think that technical advisors would just quit. Look, I really like the cast. Some have been in some of favorite shows and movies. But come ooooooon. You don't salute at parade rest. Put your rank on properly. Security around the real AF1 is so tight, you could stop a gnat from getting in board.

Making a movie should REQUIRE that you don't make absolutely glaring mistakes. The writing needed work. The story, while I know it's a movie, is absurdly unbelievable. Regardless of prior experience, a Secret Service agent must go through extensive training before being put on to ANY protective detail. Not to mention, be assigned to the White House. To go from sharing a beer, to being on AF1 without so much as an "A year later" cut, is moronic.

This could've been done better had attention been paid to details.
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This is a great throwback to action movies !
destroyerwod16 February 2024
If you start to analyze every little details in the script and try to find stuff that is not realistic or that is questionable when it comes to American secret services, yes you will... Its not the point of it. This is a love letter to action movies of the 80s and 90s. Its not meant to be extra cleaver.

We keep begging for female characters that are badass and not woke and this is exactly it. Miles does not have to put any men down (well in a woke way with crappy dialogue i mean) to be a badass action heroine and do ass kicking. She just do her job as a new secret service agent and you even get some nice character developement between her and the President without falling in the bad tropes. And the President is never meant to look like a weak idiot just to boost Miles character.

There is plenty of action in the movie and its very well filmed. Yes Katherine Mcnamara is not the biggest or bulkiest woman but she still look very credible in every action scenes and if/when she was replace by a body double i didn't notice it like its often the case in bad VOD movies.

This was in select theatres from what i heard but its mostly a VOD release and yet it look pretty good production wise. The characters and their interactions were good, the story is simple but serviceable, the action is top notch and brutal, this is a perfect throwback to the action style of the 80s with a huge body count and the protagonist being a woman never felt forced or out of place.

Kat McNamara is establishing herself as a cool badass protagonist after her role as Mia Smoak in Arrow and now this. Im down to see more of her in action for sure.

Some may say my note is high but i had legitly a ton of fun with the movie, more than the movies i rate a 7, so its worth an 8 to me and that is just it ! Not gonna lie, i was eager to watch it mostly because i enjoy Katherine McNamara as an actress but i was not expecting much, and if the movie had been mediocre, i wouldn't had hesitated to rate it as such. But, especially for a VOD release, it exceeded said expectations by far and i think its definately fair to congrat the team on a cool movie and rate accordingly.
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rsridhar200515 February 2024
We just can't forget that good entertainer, AIR FORCE ONE, released in.1997. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen, that enjoyable movie has Harrison Ford as President. James Marshall, with. Glenn Close, playing the VP, Kathryn and. The eminently talented Gary Oldman, as. Ivan Korshunov, the main antagonist.

Even after 27 years of it's release, that movie can be enjoyed over a weekend, with a steaming coffee mug in one hand and a bowl of popcorn (with peri-peri seasoning) on the other hand.

Air Force One Down (2024) directed by. Steven Paul., who is more popular for his cameo roles than for some of his not so popular movies he directed.

Here he did a right job of mixing American National spirit with some good stunts. Katherine McNamara, as Secret Service Agent, Allison Miles, does a neat job, ably assisted by. Ian Bohen as President. Dallas Edwards,

Overall, an enjoyable weekend thriller.
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Best high school video project ever!
Luv2Spooge19 February 2024
Gotta give credit to the kids who made this film with the budget they had, which was probably equivalent to a summer long work of mowing lawns. I mean with just an iPhone they were able to make a quite a convincing film.

If they had a bit more budget, this might've made the blockbusters. But with what they had, it is quite a decent job. A few pointers for improvement:

  • fight scenes are well choreographed but way too slow. It looks like they were playing patty cake.

  • might want to add airplane sounds when you are on Airforce One, else it just looks like it is filmed in a building.

  • Best actor is definitely the general, give him a bonus.

  • Plot needs work. Why did the bad guys kill all the secret service on sight except for those which fit the plot? Why did they keep the main character alive all this time for?

Anyways, good job. You did the best with what you've got.

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What a waste of talent !
WannabeaDirector22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Katherine is a good actress with great fighting skills (ShadowHunters). Horrible script, plot, direction and lack of common sense lead to the failure of this movie.

Nobody told Katherine not to salute the President while standing at ease or to fix her hair and look professional. Secret Service brags about their high standards and director ruined it.

Unnecessary nudity with zero context of seeing someone on the top floor by someone on ground floor. WHY ?!?!? Even this couldn't save the movie from a disastrous outcome. Ian is a good actor and loved his performance in Teen Wolf. Fight scenes were typical where the lead can take all the damage but bad guys die after being shot once even when they are wearing Kevlar.

Rather than the cliched "air force one" theme, the name of the movie could have been - Rookie Move.
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Stupid movie
moviewiz-421 February 2024
Action is fine. The enemies are suitable to be in futuristic film. Wrong script and bad story. Air Force one is so easy to be hijacked? Suggestions for this film maker: 1. Get normal enemies, not the ones that looked like Terminator.

2. Only 1 secret service? Laugh out loud. Make it at least 2 3. How can the technology owned by the villains better than America? You can make iphone but this simple logic can't go through the film.

4. You are showing to the world that to hijack a plane is extremely easy, make it difficult. The agents only can use gun? No martial art or self defense abilities?

Good luck in your next film.
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The Message AGAIN
tony-2534117 February 2024
Yet another GIRL BOSS.. Taking out guys with more experience, twice her size, triple her weight!!

You expect this to be believable? Just garbage, a copy of Olympus has fallen with the usual Women are better then men, look at the beating she gets and not 1 single bruise! Belongs as a B movie.. The character has about as much charisma as a carboard box, What is going on with movies now? Just replacing men with women making a flop of a film, yet we are all supposed to accept this? The story is all that matter yet the MESSAGE has taken over in every area, I enjoy the story, the action and the simple fact that its believable, a 50kg woman taking down well trained 120kg men is just a joke!
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Jane Wick
SnoopyStyle25 February 2024
Secret Service Agent Allison Miles (Katherine McNamara) is joining her uncle Sam Waitman (Anthony Michael Hall) as the team protecting President Edwards (Ian Bohen). She does not like the guy. They are boarding Air Force One. Terrorists are planning to hijack the plane.

This has some good actors and the production is not the worst for a B-movie. Superficially, I hate her hair flopping around. How does she fight when her hair keeps getting into her eyes? At least, tie it into a ponytail. A lot of the big action comes off looking silly. Also, I can't buy that they don't keep closer track of the President. The premise is far-fetched. On the plus side, I do like that the villains not hesitating to kill all the hostages. There is no need being nice about it. This is an action B-movie and it's kinda bad.
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Soaring Ambitions, Rocky Landing: A Review of 'Air Force One Down
MichaelThomasWrites10 March 2024
"Air Force One Down" (2024) marks an adventurous, albeit turbulent, foray into the action-thriller genre, aiming to join the ranks of its high-altitude predecessors with a mix of high stakes and high-flying heroics. The film introduces us to Allison Miles, portrayed with resilience and tenacity by Katherine McNamara, a newly minted member of the Secret Service thrust into the deep end on her very first day. Her assignment? Protect the President, played with suitable gravitas by Ian Bohen, aboard the most famous aircraft in the world, Air Force One. However, the mission spirals into chaos when the plane is hijacked by a rogue general with grandiose plans to disrupt international peace.

The narrative ambition of "Air Force One Down" is clear, stitching together elements familiar to fans of the genre: a confined yet iconic setting, a clear and present danger, and a protagonist with everything to prove. McNamara's Miles is engineered to be the archetype of the modern action hero - skilled, determined, and morally unassailable. She navigates through the script's gymnastics with a performance that somewhat alleviates the burden of its more incredulous leaps in logic and physics. Her ability to dispatch adversaries twice her size, while commendable, occasionally ventures into the realm of the improbable, especially when considering the film's inconsistent adherence to the laws of reality.

The film's dialogue and plot developments occasionally stumble, veering into territories that could charitably be described as cheesy. At times, the screenplay seems more focused on cementing McNamara's hero status than on fostering any semblance of realism or character depth. This approach is emblematic of a broader issue within the film - a tendency to prioritize spectacle over substance, a decision that undermines the stakes by making outcomes feel preordained rather than hard-won.

Yet, "Air Force One Down" does manage to deliver a handful of well-crafted action sequences. The choreography and execution of these moments are commendable, showcasing McNamara's physicality and the stunt team's creativity. However, these scenes are sometimes marred by cinematographic choices that detract from their impact, including shaky camera work and an overreliance on visual effects that strain credulity.

The film's controversial moments, including a gratuitous scene that reduces McNamara to an object of gaze rather than a competent agent, point to a missed opportunity to elevate the narrative beyond the trappings of genre clichés. Such choices not only date the film but also detract from its efforts to present a strong, independent female lead.

In conclusion, "Air Force One Down" navigates a precarious flight path, buoyed by McNamara's performance but weighed down by a script that often feels disconnected from the grounded, gritty realism that defines the best entries in the action-thriller category. While it may offer a diverting experience for genre aficionados, the film struggles to reach the heights of its ambitious premise. In the ledger of airborne action films, it registers more as a missed opportunity than a new classic. Reflecting on its overall execution and impact, I would rate "Air Force One Down" a 5 out of 10, aligning with a perspective that recognizes its strengths but remains acutely aware of its turbulence.
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Unrealistic, baseless script making no sense
mlkahsan22 March 2024
This is the first movie that made me wish for a zero star rating option here at imdb.

Totally unrealistic script, baseless characters and the plot makes no sense at all. That skinny girl throwing muscular dudes north to south, I mean how did this movie got released in first place.

Modern day movie makers have got a trendy concept of portraying female chaacters as dominant and everyone's making a cheap copy of their own as if thinking the audience is just a bunch of bonkers. At least work on setting the plot, duffers.

Left watching after "suffering" for straight 25 minutes.

If you are a thrill, action lover please don't waste your time here. Utter garbage this is.
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[6.4] Tons of gun powder residue on long blond hairs
cjonesas17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An enjoyable movie bearing lots of cliched plots, exaggeration, micro parodies disguised as force, skill and strength, nevertheless well-done as a whole ensemble.

It bears dedication, patriotism, serious acting and lots of good photography and visual-special effects.

It is not to be taken seriously, has a tight runtime, too few on A. F. One actually and with all that in hand it does an acceptable job.

Please rate intelligently!

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 5.5
  • Development: 7
  • Realism: 5.5
  • Entertainment: 6.5
  • Acting: 7
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 8
  • VFX: 8
  • Music/score/sound: 6.5
  • Depth: 6.5
  • Logic: 2
  • Flow: 7.5
  • Action/thriller: 6.5
  • Ending: 7.
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A C-movie that looks like another Die Hard clone.
johanlebbing15 February 2024
Oh come on. Yes, it's a nice B or C movie but, it's always the same. McNamara is beautiful and can kick some butt, but she can't act. Just like A. M. Hall. I can't forget his iconic role in Weird Science, but in this movie and the older Halloween vehicle....... No, with a capital N. I have nothing else to write about this flop, but if you want to see this only for Katherine McNamara....go ahead. But don't let me say "I told you so". Serbedzija is not even convincing for a badguy, so i'm not going to see this 'movie' again in my life. I rather see an episode of Arrow or Shadowhunters then sit for almost an hour and a half to see this vehicle again. Maybe better next time. There are B movies wich are 5 times better then this. Only at the end there was a bit of a surprise with cameramoves and almost a good fight. But then again, it's just like Rambo........she'll never gets hurt. Only a little bit.

For me this movie is just like another Die Hard clone.

Have a good one.
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Best president portrayed yet, great movie.
toonarly17 February 2024
Well though out hijack scenario of Air Force one and what could really happen in reality. Vicious terrorists take over the plane and attempt to force the president to do as they want, things go awry, lots of action, excellent fight sequences and choreography, story is sound and so are the characters. Sets are spot on and so are the villains. One thing is very well done is they portray a president as an honorable, honest, patriotic man and not the typical politician or corrupt opportunist that most movies portray. He is well played, compassionate and truly a good man. Probably one of the best portrayals of a president in this form of action film I've seen in a long while. Nothing questionable, some partial nudity, a bit of graphic violence and gore, some foul language but not a lot. May not be good for very young kids. Enjoy!
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It was a movie...
cdaniel-506553 March 2024
Not bad.

Good enough to watch all the way through, had good fight scenes and interesting plots. It did move fast in some scenes but not being a high budget movie they did a good job for what they had to work with. Of course , they had many plot holes, you can't get everything perfect, and yet they were able to make a decent movie to watch to the end, heck I would not be surprised if they filmed the whole thing with cell phones, lol. For me, it was good to see a movie and be able to watch it all the way without turning it off because I just lost interest, I would like to say thanks to those involved in this production.
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The time tested "rescue the president" action formula is trotted out by upward failing producer Steven Paul that's bad, but better than The Painter from earlier
IonicBreezeMachine8 March 2024
Alison Miles (Katherine McNamara) is young and untested Secret Service agent serving under her uncle and mentor Agent Sam "Uncle Sam" Waitman (Anthony Michael Hall). As President Dallas Edwards (Ian Bohen) prepares to depart for the Eastern European nation of Astovia broker an oil deal with the nation's President, disgraced Astovian General and former leader of Astovia Azem Rodninov (Rade Serbedzija) initiates a plan to seize control of Air Force One and kidnap President Edwards with Agent Miles now the only one who can save him.

Yet another film from producer Steven Paul and Paramount's revived Republic Pictures label, Air Force One Down sees Paul diving into the direct-to-video action well once again after gracing audiences with The Painter earlier this year. Air Force One Down is more enjoyable than the Painter thanks largely to being shorter and less plodding, but it's also a not all that competent retreat on action formula that despite Paul's promise of delivering a "new twist" is more or less of the standard you see in direct-to-video trash lining the bottom shelf of Blockbuster during the 90s and 2000s.

Watching Air Force One Down it's pretty clear from the opening that starts with Allison partaking in sparring matches to establishing shots of DC and text identifying names and positions of characters that Air Force One Down owes a massive debt to Millennium Media's Fallen series of films that star Gerard Butler. While I'll admit I enjoy the occasional Millennium film, even the most ardent defenders can't deny films like The Expendables or Olympus Has Fallen are basically supped up versions of direct-to-video action templates from the company's early days that are redressed with bigger star names and a slightly larger scale. While Steven Paul is clearly trying to capture that same aesthetic Millennium films have, he clearly doesn't have the means or resources to do so.

The feature directorial debut of veteran stunt coordinator James Bamford I'll say that at least Bamford knows how to keep things moving with a brisk pace, but the action is also quite clumsily staged at points and can veer into unintended humor such as how henchmen during gunfights seem to forget how their guns are supposed to work and instead rush Agent Miles while carrying their AK-47s rather than actually shooting them. Katherine McNamara lacks the hardened edge you'd expect of a character in this role (but she's agile and at least can move during the very silly action sequences) and her exchanges with Anthony Michael Hall's "Uncle Sam" did amuse me with how much they failed to be endearing, especially with how producer Steven Paul who serves as the writer must've felt so proud of that "Uncle Sam" play on words given that it's revisited more than once until Anthony Michael Hall exits the movie unceremoniously at the half-way point.

Going into a movie like this, you pretty much know it's going to be bad given all the warning signs involved, but at least unlike The Painter from earlier this year it moves quickly enough that you can have a cheap laugh at its expense if you're so inclined. Otherwise: Just stick with Air Force One, Olympus Has Fallen, or White House Down for your "save the President" fix.
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