Hypnotic (2023) Poster


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Creative but clunky
benjaminskylerhill12 May 2023
Robert Rodriguez is an immensely gifted cinematographer and has quite a vivid imagination, and both of these great qualities are abundant in Hypnotic. It has a wonderfully clever concept that keeps the film watchable and subversive twists that keep the experience unique.

Sadly, what keeps this movie from being powerful and memorable is it's excessive reliance on exposition. So much of it is necessary to explain the overly complex plot and possibly over half of the dialogue is clumsily-written rapid-fire exposition. It just isn't fun.

And the script keeps us from forming any sort of emotional connection with this story because it's so concerned with explaining WHAT is happening that it forgets to let us in on the intimacies of WHY it's all happening-who these people are, really, and why we should care.

I find this to be a very frustrating film, because it had so much more potential than was tapped into by this extremely rough screenplay.
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Could have been so much better.
Sleepin_Dragon22 February 2024
Danny Rourke is determined to find his missing daughter, or at least learn what happened to her, he finds himself investigating some bizarre and inexplicable cases, where the crimes seem almost impossible.

I was almost quick to switch off, and simply dismiss it as a poor man's Inception, and whilst there are definitely some shades, that obscure surrealism, it's kind of worth sticking with.

I'm a big fan of Ben Affleck, and I'd watch him in anything, and boy has he been in some awful films, this one is far from awful, but it should have been so much better.

The narrative at times is non existent, you'll be sat wondering who, what, where, and on the other side, you have the psychic explaining bits of the plot, presumably to try and give the audience a clue as to what's going on, if you're not concentrating, you will lose it.

On the plus side, it looks great, and it does feel a little different to what's out there, Affleck and Braga are both good, though I feel their characters are both stuck in second gear, neither really offer up too much.

All in all, it's watchable, but it's a frustrating watch.

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Guess Nic Cage wasn't available?
Moovimn6714 May 2023
Had hopes, but this from Ben and the director Rodriguez is pretty bad. To the point of 80's clunkers where cheese was heavily spread throughout many films. As title of review suggests, this seems like a project that Nic Cage missed out on. With Nic amped up to 11, it may have proven to be a fun film. Unfortunately, those involved seemed to be seriously thinking the loose writing, poorly chosen film score and bad acting were what audiences were hoping for. Here's hoping Ben washes the grime off and gets back to delivering some decent entertainment. For now, this film certainly won't be added to my blu-ray collection.
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Interesting Concept, Poor Execution
DrNectarine12 May 2023
The general concept of battling hypnotics is certainly interesting, but what Hypnotic ultimately fails in is the execution of its concept.

Specifically, the movie uses hypnotic powers as a way to build plot twists, but these plot twists feel more like a half-hearted "oh, actually that didn't happen" than satisfying. It was equivalent to when you play a game with a child who keeps making up new rules as you go:

Adult: "I cut your arm off with my lightsaber."

Child: "No you didn't! I actually healed it!"

In Hypnotic, it's much of the same, answering dramatic moments with a quick retcon that's flimsily attached to a quick "it was hypnosis" explanation. And like playing that game with the child, those "plot twists" only serve to make the Hypnotic viewing experience frustrating rather than fun.
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Do not understand the bad reviews. Decent movie!!
frank-liesenborgs5 June 2023
Robert Rodriguez weaves a mesmerizing tale, shrouded in enigma, always keeping you on the edge of your seat. The truth dances just beyond your reach, as he deftly manipulates the story like a skilled magician. Admittedly, I've seen Ben Affleck deliver more captivating performances in other films. His innate charm remains partially hidden in this endeavor. Nonetheless, it remains an enthralling watch. Affleck portrays a cop haunted by the haunting disappearance of his daughter, a mystery that has plagued him for years. However, a string of daring bank heists propels him into a clandestine world of extraordinary individuals endowed with psionic powers, individuals who may hold the key to his daughter's fate. The film's convoluted twists and turns defy expectations, defying your attempts to unravel its secrets. Alice Braga mesmerizes with her portrayal, seamlessly embodying her character's essence. While I personally relish the challenge of deciphering the intricacies of a film's plot, Braga's character defies such expectations. She elucidates the intricate details, leaving little room for speculation. The veil of mystery is lifted, revealing the truth in stark clarity. Character development takes a backseat as the narrative unfurls, for we are explicitly informed of the events as they unfold. Nevertheless, JD Pardo, as Nicks, delivers a compelling performance, leaving us yearning to witness him take the lead in future endeavors. Affleck, in his portrayal of Danny Rourke, showcases unwavering strength, anchoring the film with his solid presence. The twists and turns of the story remain delightfully elusive, avoiding the trap of predictability that often plagues such tales. In comparison to its 2021 namesake, this film shines brightly, offering a far superior experience. I sincerely recommend embarking on this mysterious journey.
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B Movie trying to be Christopher Nolan
zack_gideon31 May 2023
This is a B movie all the way. It has Ben Affleck, but it's still a B movie. The budget was $70M but it's still a B movie. They really tried to create something creative, so I give them credit. That being said, it just didn't work. That's why the studio buried the investment.

Nolan likes to create extremely complex plots, with wild ideas that can alter time, space, perception, reality, memory and in this case the ability to control others thoughts thorough ESP.

It's just way to complex given the cast, locations and the overall premise. It's similar to SCANNERS from 1981. The idea is, but it lacks that 80s vibe, practical special effects and it's just confusing and too short given all there is to unpack. 5.2/10 for the idea and some clever scenes.
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Don't look too closely
neil-47620 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Danny Rourke is a police detective whose daughter was abducted. A bank robbery has an unusual element: an individual is able to exert incredible hypnotic control over strangers. These people are known as hypnotics, and it turns out that there may be a connection with his daughter's disappearance.

This film, starring Ben Affleck and directed and co-written by Robert Rodriguez, poses mysteries right from the start and, throughout its length, answers them and raises more questions. In short, it's a decent sci-fi tinted thriller, with loads of twists and turns, many of them very satisfying. Affleck seems like he's having great fun and William Fichtner, as usual, is a great villain.

Or is he?

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The best hypnotic construct couldn't save this nonsense.
Top_Dawg_Critic31 May 2023
Wow this was really bad, I mean it's worse than the worst B film I've seen, yet it has an A-list actor, and was produced, directed and co-written by seasoned filmmaker Robert Rodriguez. Affleck's acting was so bad, it felt like this was his first acting gig. Clearly Rodriguez failed in cast directing him properly, although you'd think an A-list actor wouldn't need any cast direction.

But even more sad, is how a seasoned filmmaker created such a poorly written and directed film. The writing is very sloppy, convoluted, riddled with plot holes and such nonsense, it's worthy of eyerolls and cringes. All the twists that though were being smart, were infantile logic defying nonsense. The story is a hack job with a laughably absurd and derivative narrative, executed with uninspired dialogue and wooden acting. I just couldn't buy into the premise, when this has all been done before many times, and much better.

Rodriguez's directing lacks any dramatic tension, and Affleck and Braga have zero chemistry. Even the film's score was typical B-grade film quality - overbearing, loud and constant. A fifth grade drama class could come up with a more cohesive story and better directing. The normally comfortable 93 min runtime dragged on endlessly with the slow pacing, and I ran out of patience waiting for anything substantial and interesting to happen by the second act.
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My first Mystery Movie Monday experience
FeastMode2 May 2023
I watched an early screening of Hypnotic as part of Regal's Mystery Movie Monday. I did not know what movie I was going to watch. And I had never heard of Hypnotic or seen a trailer. This is as blind as I've ever gone into a movie.

Hypnotic is an interesting mystery with a cool premise. I enjoyed the story and the way it was told. I was mildly intrigued throughout. There are some really cool scenes with good visuals. And it has some compelling and creative ideas with how to use the premise.

At the same time, I wish I liked it more. Not everything works. A lot of it feels like it could have been done better. And I wasn't emotionally invested in the characters or the story. At times I felt like it should have been a streaming movie.

I still had a good time with Hypnotic and am glad I watched it. It's good for a one-time viewing. And it was cool to see Affleck and Fichtner in a movie together for the first time since Armageddon and Pearl Harbor.

(1 viewing, early screening Mystery Movie Monday 5/1/2023)

Mini review of Regal Cinema's Mystery Movie Monday:

I generally don't watch trailers and try to avoid every detail about any movie I plan on watching. I would even prefer not to know the actors and director. So when I heard about this, I was immediately interested. To watch a movie without knowing the genre or even the title?!?! I had to try it. Plus it's only $5.

Of course there is a risk of it being a movie I have no interest in. I don't mind if the movie ends up being bad, as long as it's something in the general range of what I go for. I got lucky with this one. I imagine I will not be pleased if it ends up being a chick flick.

My only problem with this experience is that, right before the movie started, the director has a voice over telling us the title, director and actors. He doesn't say what it's about, but he says something like, "get ready for the ##### and #####," which told me what I was in for.

I tried plugging my ears but I heard most of it. I wish the movie just started and let me find out who's in it and what I was in for.
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Was this script written by ChatGPT?
therealjaysmoke31 May 2023
Oh my goodness, how in the world did Ben sign up for this lazy writing? If this is all it takes to write movies these days then anyone can write any crazy unexplainable story and not care of it makes sense or not. Sure it's fiction and we know fiction isn't real but it ought to make some sense, unless it's cartoon.

I am very much disappointed in the whole premise. So many loopholes and when the great reveal happened, it just confused the movie even further. It was like you suddenly were watching a different movie.

The continuity didn't make sense. One minute someone is here, the next minute they aren't the one but someone else. I couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening. The acting was bad and bland.

It could have been so much better. It had the Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange and Professor X vibes but I guess they didn't have the budget to make it that huge.
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Not quite Memento or Matrix, but it will entertain for summertime.
JohnDeSando12 May 2023
Hypnotic is a solid B movie aspiring to be Christopher Nolan's A-movie Memento or Inception with a whiff of Matrix. While it may play on notions of memory and hypnosis (see the title), it doesn't reach the nuances of Nolan's work. Yet it amuses and hints at the dangers lack of memory can cause.

For early summer and Ben Affleck in his prime (see Air), it's a safe bet for an evening that may cause you and your companions to philosophically speculate on its allegorical properties (social media mind bending, anyone?).

Danny Rourke (a perpetually glum Affleck) grieves to find his abducted daughter, Minnie (Hala Finley and Ionie Olivia Nieves), but has been searching for her for 4 years, even after arresting the kidnapper. You see, kidnapper doesn't remember a damn thing, and lo and behold more characters don't remember things either. It begins to sound like Hitchcock's Vertigo, whose re-release director Robert Rodriguez claims inspired him.

Something has a hold on their minds, a weapon far worse than guns and bombs. With the help of Detective Diana Cruz (Alice Braga), Rourke tracks from the heist to the master mind to get at the hypnosis generator. Along the way, a Hitchcock MacGuffin called Domino fades while our hero experiences a surprising facet of the titular weapon.

Although this is in no way a superhero film, it resembles one thematically with the emphasis on finding a daughter and making family whole again. That theme is more satisfactory than gaining riches or beating the hell out of bad guys.

The ending is sentimental to a fault, and the mid-credits sequence promises more of the same with a possible sequel. Summer fare could be worse, so relax in a comfy modern theater with your best bud and howl at the screen.

Hypnotic is an energetic B movie with a fleeting moment when Ben smiles. Now, that's entertainment!
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People are being way too harsh.
If this movie had been made when Rodriguez first thought of it, Nobody would be crapping on it. It is a very good movie, it's just not wholly original. Despite that, I thought it was executed very well. I didn't see the ending coming and was very shocked/impressed. I liked that it's an amalgamation of movies that have come before it. I also think affleck and Braga played their roles well of playing innocent before the twist comes. I have a learning disorder so I appreciated the exposition but I can see how others felt dumbed down. I think people under appreciate affleck's subtle acting but I'm also one that prefers scarecrow as a Batman villain to joker.
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It's better than most people are saying.
cscott23312 September 2023
I'm not really sure why everybody hates this so much. I read a few reviews that said there were huge plot holes, I didn't find that at all. There was only unanswered question for me and that is simply...were they born with it or are lots of people and it just an untapped brain function, that under the right circumstances can be honed? But everything from the opening scene after was answered! And it was answered very clearly. So either they didn't finish it or they weren't really watching, as they were watching. As far as the acting goes, I mean I've seen worse and I've seen better. But it was it wasn't such pitiful acting that I'd give a one star review for it. It really just centers around a several main characters and they all do a decent job. It's not an Emmy winner by any means but it's still a watchable movie. And if you are among the groups who believe the "government" tells us what they are doing, through channeling entertainment to program us, then I would say you'd like it even more. Because who's to say things like this aren't happening right now. Programming subjects for mass shootings comes to mind haha.
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Where did the 70,000,000 Budget Go?
OzoneParkSteve31 May 2023
I kept waiting to see some spectacular special effects or a few really intense action scenes but neither one ever materialized. I would even say that it has the look of a low budget film,

So where did the huge 70 million dollar budget go to is the question, my guess is that most of it went to Ben Affleck and the rest to Robert Rodriguez because it sure does not show on the screen.

This is a huge disappointment from Rodriguez who has made some great movies in the past. And as far as Affleck goes, he has had a few good movies and a few clunkers so it's always hit or miss with him.

If you really want to see the film wait for it to stream for free, i cannot recommend paying to watch it.
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A Few Too Many Plot Twists
gab4714 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers

I've never been a big Affleck fan. However, his performance in, "The Tender Bar," impressed me enough to give him another chance. So without reading a synopsis or review or even watching a trailer, off I went, to see "Hypnotic." No more than 15 mins in, I was wriggling in my seat. Affleck had returned to the stilted, one-dimensional and boring actor that I remembered all too well. His 1 1/2 kinds of facial expressions got old, fast. His partner had way more energy thank God.

I guess about an hour in, I realized that I was watching a poorly stitched together amalgam of "Inception," "Shutter Island," "The Truman Show," "Memento" and another film whose name now escapes me. Even with borrowing material and concepts from these other better movies, "Hypnotic" still couldn't find its footing as a credible or serious film. Note, I like Alice Braga a lot. She definitely injected some life but not enough to counter Affleck's smug, lifeless performance.

I was not alone. The audience around me was laughing in disbelief right along with me. I could hear sighs and audible comments like, "Oh c'mon" and "This is so stupid." I could not disagree.

Hoping for the end, it came eventually. Even that was long and drawn out. What were they doing?

I got outta there as soon as the word "Hypnotic" appeared on the screen, signaling the END.

I couldn't help but think of Affleck's best friend Matt Damon, seen in the "Oppenheimer" trailer preceding this film. He is so far ahead of Ben as a performer. That's why he's starring in what will surely be one of the biggest summer movies that actually has substance and grit, to come along in quite awhile. Even in "Air," Affleck is once again playing a smug character. No stretch there. And Damon is well, so much better.
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Pretty good not as bad as some said
UniqueParticle18 May 2023
Robert Rodriquez has been making a mix of films since From Dusk Till Dawn some are gold like The Faculty, Sin City is a dark masterpiece, Planet Terror is another awesome one, I even grew up loving Spy Kids trilogy even though those might not be appreciated and Alita:Battle Angel is great. I might be a big fan of his films and enjoyed Hypnotic a fair bit sure it's got some bits that can be hated easily but the mind-bending nature and Illusions are enough to me enjoy quite a lot! Ben Affleck is solid, I would say he's done better like his recent film Air is a gem. I was surprised a couple teenagers saw this and they hated the movie maybe it's to complex for some or something else it's defiantly great entertainment!
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This is corny
amyrach-3271812 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I hope this isn't the beginning of another all time great actor ruining his career and reputation signing up for incredibly bad scripts. Nic Cage, Bruce Willis... Ben Affleck? I don't know what would possess him to read this script and think this is anything but corny. Everybody .......talks.....so......slow...... with so many slow dramatic monolgues over-explaing it's concept on everything. It's just bad. People are 'hypnotized' into becoming killers. It's like a zombie movie without the ugly. Or the zombie appeal.

The movie jumps from one inconsistent plot twist after another that are inane and predictable. The ending is nonsensical, he hides his daughter away so that she can't be trained to be a hypnotic, yet she turns out to still be the most powerful hypnotic with no training, forcing all the bad guys to have the ultimate show down and gun each other down. And she's only about 11 years old. Yay good wins! Wait nope- then there's a completely different ending AFTER the credits roll (I only know this because I was preoccupied during the entire movie so when the movie was over I didn't turn it off right away). Evil wins! Did I just watch 2 movies in 1? Even the music is hackneyed and annoying.

I watched the movie through because I like Ben Affleck and William Fichter. But I didn't like it. At all. 1 star for Ben. 1 for William= 2 stars.

Don't fall in the trap Ben!
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Worth a watch
kccqjdj2 May 2023
The films twists and turns aren't as predictable as you'd expect.

Alice Braga is great in her role. Personally, I like watching a movie and figuring out what's going on, whereas Alice's character basically explains in detail who/what/why. There's not much to figure out because in several scenes she breaks it down. Not a lot of character development because we are told what's going on.

Nicks played by JD Pardo is always great to watch. I would love to see him in a leading role.

The plot starts pretty early and moves along quickly. Not a whole lot of BS dragging filler scenes. Twists are not overly predictable.

It was a good length at just over 1.5 hours.

I'd probably skip it when it comes out on Streaming but will for sure recommend to my friends to check it out.
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Quite possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
harrybickings2 May 2023
I don't ever write reviews, but goodness.

I went to see this as one of the Regal Monday Mystery Movie promotions so I had no idea I was going to see this, and when I say it was bad believe me. It was bad.

The writing is so lackluster, acting is awful, you can tell Ben Affleck is zoned out the entire movie due to poor script, and the frequent "plot twists" had every viewer in that theater confused because none of them made any sense to the story or would just retcon the previous one which made no sense to anyone.

Almost every viewer was laughing about thirty minutes in due to how bad it was.
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Better than a damn 5
eoinpgeary26 June 2023
So again I put this off a while but I found myself guessing so I fired it on and I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it especially after seeing the SHOCKING reviews.

So it's about a detective who wants to find his daughter, he encounters a man who can do hypnosis and seems to have information on her whereabouts, he must follow this thread which leads him down a spiral of mystery.

The movie is grand, nothing amazing but it's a decent and easy watch, there were times when it lost me a little and I found parts a bit cheesy but that's okay, it's not a bad movie, don't be expecting Prisoners level of story and drama.

It is around a 6.5 for me as it was pretty good, I probably wouldn't watch again but it's an enjoyable 1 watch for something to throw on. 6.5/10.
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henry8-34 February 2024
After telling his therapist of his horror at the apparent snatching of his daughter, cop Ben Affleck returns to duty. Picked up by his partner he attends a bank robbery which seems to involve a man instructing many innocent people to carry out actions in support of the robbery.

Frankly, if you've seen Inception and Total Recall you'll have enough experience to understand roughly where this might be going. As with similar films it starts out shrouded in mystery and I guess in many respects, this element is the most fun. However at a 90 minute running time very quickly the mind bending type mystery clears up and the climax is largely as expected. Fun enough, but unremarkable.
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The Acting Was So... Off...
Mehki_Girl12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We find out why later, but it did the movie no favors and the movie never recovers.

Mr. Rodriquez is no Christopher Nolan. I really wanted to like this movie, but what appeared, rightly or wrongly, to be weird direction and/or acting at the beginning set the tone for the audience's perception, so when the movie picks up some it never really picks up completely or feels realistic...

Other realism problems - Everyone gets blasted away. But no blood or blood splatter? Oh come on! The mixmatched agents in their red jackets making no effort to get cover? Oh come on! That's supposed to be the realistic part!

Ben Affleck couldn't decide to play it straight or like a superhero. They left it open for part 2, but that ain't gonna happen. Too bad, because it really could have been good. I get it now as to why the acting seemed so...off, but then it really didn't get any better. A 1.5 half movie that felt like 3 hours.

I give in a 7 although it really didn't deserve it.
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Oh com'on you fools. THIS MOVIE IS GREAT FUN!
pfantom13 June 2023
I had to give this a 10 to try and override all the idiots who gave it a subpar score. This is a seriously entertaining, well performed, engaging, curious, and thoroughly enjoyable film. And it does not deserve the dirt people are throwing out against it. Have none of you appreciated a Robert Rodriguez film before? This is one of his best. And I'll just bet most of you didn't even stay through the credits - so shame on you as you missed something for your impatience that deserved to be seen! Man what do you guys want?, there's just so much movie crap out there (Yeah sure let's churn out another Marvel) that you've forgotten what an original, thought provoking and visually striking movie is like. This well crafted cinema deserves more appreciation and I think once "real people" start reviewing it, it'll outweigh thr trolls low ratings.
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Cheesy and entertaining
darkreignn13 May 2023
While watching "Hypnotic," I couldn't help but notice that it lacks the essence and vision of a Robert Rodriguez film; at the same time, it also lacks the distinctive touch of any notable director. Instead, it falls into the realm of generic, direct-to-streaming movies that have flooded the market over the past decade. But all of that said, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy this movie, because I did.

I'm a die-hard Ben Affleck fan, so take this review with a grain of salt, because I am biased in that regard; it's always enjoyable to watch him on the big screen, and his performance in "Hypnotic" is no exception, even if he did look like he hated his life in the role. It's clear he's not giving it his all in this performance, but for me personally, it didn't detract from the viewing experience (and to give you another perspective, my mum, who is not a Ben Affleck fan, thought he was great in his role, so keep that in mind). Regardless, the point I am trying to make in this paragraph is that - for me - Affleck's presence immediately added entertainment value to the film; but, taking Affleck out of the equation, how does the movie stack up? Not half bad, but not all that good either - a guilty pleasure if you will.

You see, "Hypnotic" feels like any other straight-to-Netflix movie released during the pandemic era - the movie embraces its cheesiness with a washed-out visual style, a seemingly shoestring budget, and so called "action sequences" that lean more toward generic car crashes than intricately choreographed fist fights and thrilling shootouts. It's nothing particularly exciting or innovative, but all of it is wrapped around a story that did genuinely have me engaged. Being about a "detective who investigates a mystery involving his missing daughter and a secret government program," (shouts out IMDb for the synopsis), "Hypnotic" is - at first - like nothing that you haven't already seen. However, as the film progresses, I have to admit that the movie took me by surprise, going places that I genuinely didn't expect, leading to a second half and a final act that had me legitimately intrigued, if not riveted.

I'm finding this an increasingly hard movie to review, because while I wouldn't recommend it and wouldn't say that it's good, something about it struck some type of chord with me; "Hypnotic" doesn't work as an action movie, and it doesn't work as a drama, but it does work as a B-movie science-fiction mystery that has enough entertainment value through its twists and turns to keep you guessing. By no means a theatre experience, if you're going to watch this, watch it at home with some friends and a couple of beers - no doubt the ideal viewing method. This is a ridiculous one, but it's one that you can definitely have some fun with as long as you temper your expectations and realize that, while this isn't a good film, it is an entertaining one.
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A rushed project
moviemanmo97312 May 2023
The concept was interesting but it all seemed very rushed. The ideas were introduced but they were not explored very much. It seems the film maker was contempt with keeping this film very simple perhaps afraid of getting too complex. Personally I wanted to see more of these "Hypnotics" at work or know how they came to be. Before we could question what was going on we were given the answer and this took away from the mystery aspect of the film. This didn't feel like a mystery it felt more of a drama with a small mystery element.

This movie could have benefited from more special effects especially since it dealt with people's perception and mind control. Even a bit more action would have been nice.

The reveal and explanation for what was going on was just okay. It was cool but it didn't blow me away. Some of the acting could have been better. The characters and their relationships could have been stronger.

In the end this film felt rushed with its run time and overall end product.
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