Queer as Folk (TV Series 2022) Poster


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I Really Wanted To Like It But...
ladymidath22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, it's just not that great. It is so paint-by-the-numbers that it is not interesting. I was watching it, trying to work out what was missing and it's that it doesn't have the heart and soul of the original UK and US series. I hate the way it exploits the real shooting tragedy of Pulse and it puts nearly every character into a negative light. The original series characters had their flaws but they were still likable, these characters are not. The various situations are contrived and forced. It really doesn't have the heart of the originals. It's a shame because I did want to like it and I just can't.
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All over the place
lucaschriskowalski14 June 2022
The original US version was incredible, I remember watching it at 10pm when it was on. It was intense, the sex scenes were shocking for the time. There was passion. Having watched the first episode of this new adaptation I wish they hadn't. None of the grit and authenticity of the original US version. This "looks" like a MTV music video.
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Not as good, but not as bad
adansantos12 June 2022
This is neither 1/10, nor 10/10, like most of the ratings would want you to believe.

I really wanted to love it, but it is a bit messy, the acting is below par, Brodie is one of the least likeable characters ever, the stories are a bit ridiculous, and "that ending"...

Stop rating things 10/10, no one believes you would think this is PERFECT.
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I want to like it - but
danskinner-1589524 July 2022
I came to this series with a positive bias; I loved the earlier Brit and US versions. I just can't figure out what this series is trying to be. So far, it's a collections of stereotypes (promiscuity, flamboyance, emotional over-the-topness). As a gay man myself, I don't identify with any of these characters. What is the point of this show? To portray our LGBTQ+ community in the worst possible light?
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We're Not Perfect Angels
dktiger11 June 2022
I like this, it's like the original American version but diverse. Lgbt people are not all perfect angels who need safe spaces. We can be messy and vain and vulgar. Not everything needs to be like Heartstopper, Bring it on!
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Watched the whole season
diva300017 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good production and I like casting our community telling our stories. Some of the stories were a bit much. My biggest dislike was Brodie. His character was annoying for the lead. And just didn't buy Ruthie as a teacher or mother. As slutty as it was (and it pushed boundaries), I didn't find it sexy. Some of the sex scenes were obvious and too fake. Was surprised they did an HIV story, like it was required. The diversity was welcome, just needed some stronger more likable characters.
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Oh dear. Do they not use test audiences anymore?
chrisroberts-57 July 2022
So most of what I have to say has been said, but my rage and disappointment are so great that I'm going to express it regardless.

The original UK QAF was life-changing. We'd never seen anything remotely like it before. We looked at those characters and immediately knew who in our community they represented. It was gritty, real, honest, beautiful, sexy, shocking, incredibly acted, and legitimate. Quite possibly one of the most impactful TV shows of all time.

The 2000 American reboot did away with the grit, reduced the characters to mostly caricatures, and dumbed it all down a notch or two. But it was light-hearted, fun, funny, cute, struck a nerve in a good way a time or two, and had the remarkable Sharon Gless in it. It was easy to watch and hard not to enjoy.

This. This 2022 abomination. It is absolute unforgivable dreck. You start with a cast that represents every fringe group imaginable, not because it makes sense in the story or because any community on Earth is represented in those proportions, but purely because in 2022 if you don't then somebody will claim oppression and cancel you. The bigger problem: when you pick actors for a TV show, it's probably a little important that they can act. Not a consideration for putting this mess together. Then you reinforce everything that's wrong with the world by basing the show on the thought that everyone in the LGBTQ community is a victim (and boy does everyone in this show truly believe they are a victim). And a hard drug addict. And an idiot. And sleeps with their mother-in-laws and boyfriend's brothers. It mirrors my feelings about pride parades that display floats of men in leather beating and degrading themselves while saying, "here's the gay community" to the world. To whoever created this: the community does not look or act like this anywhere on the planet and this nonsense does not represent any self-respecting gay, lesbian, trans, or queer person.

The entire, completely unrealistic plot of this incarnation seems only to say that everyone in the world who isn't straight is a complete train wreck: incapable of a meaningful career, stupid, unworthy of friendship, liars, addicts, cheaters, sex fiends, miserably unhappy, hateful, victimized, and dying of AIDS. My god, did nobody watch this while it was being made and point out that it's actually a vicious attack on the community that reinforces the worst tropes, stereotypes, and lies in the world?!

There's sex sprinkled throughout, but it serves no purpose in the story and is utterly the most boring, disinteresting sex ever recorded. The characters are so repulsive you don't even want to look at them. QAF 2022 made sex a turn-off. How's that for an accomplishment?

The only character who showed even a glimmer of being able to display a human characteristic was Julian, but sadly Julian was played by the worst actor in the show. Unwatchable-bad. There is not a single good line of dialogue in any of the eight episodes written. The sets are drab and boring. They did nothing right.

Another reviewer here used the word "vacuous." That is an excellent word. It should not be watched because it serves only to lessen us as humans by portraying us as animals. If this gets a second season, there is no justice in the universe. I had to click 1 out of 10, but QAF 2022 is truly the most zero program ever aired.

I saw an "if you liked this, you may be interested in..." recommendation while watching QAF and started watching Heartstopper. The production team for QAF should really have a look at it to see what LGBTQ television should be in this day and age. Heartstopper was sweet, real, beautiful, kind, good, touched my heart, made me happy-cry, and gave me hope for the world. It was everything QAF should have been but failed completely at.

Irredeemable dreck. That's what this QAF is. Stay far away!

I'm ashamed for everyone involved in this.
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Give it a chance
jordanrobinson-2605111 June 2022
I'm loving this new version of QAF! I went into it without preconceived notions and not comparing it to the previous versions. I love the modern feel, the characters, the acting, the story, all of it! I'll be watching the season finale tonight & looking forward to it. Give the show a chance & go into it with an open heart & mind. If it's not for you, it's not. I do think there are all a lot of people who would enjoy this & really connect with it. 💕
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A little different from the original US version, but not bad at all
wisdommysoul10 June 2022
Johnny Sibilly caught my eye instantly, as one of my favorites from Pose. I did not expect to see Kim Cattrall in this project, but I love her and she still looks incredible. This first episode gave me an instant flashback to Season 5 of the original, when there was an explosion at the Benefit. Seeing that kind of thing can be very difficult to watch. It'll take time to get familiar with the characters, but I think there's promise and potential. So I will be binge-watching this to see how this 1st season plays out. I was hoping that with a revival, there could've been guest appearances from the original cast. That would've been so awesome. I'm looking forward to the rest of Season 1 and will update once I'm finished with all the episodes.
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dont expect the unexpected
rick-09019-0180510 June 2022
Absolutely brilliant... don't compare previous versions its anything like, though based on Russell's Davis story is different .Great.casting acting .Peeaccock well done.. I hope to see this get good reviews. And I really would like this or something similar to go on as a soap for a few seasons and not just one.
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Good try, no cigar!
ejhorne10 June 2022
My 9th grade algebra teacher used to admonish a wrong answer with, "good try, no cigar". Thus, having watched the prior British and American versions, I feel this remake tried but just didn't quite cut it. It was ok. The main characters, Ruthie, Mingus and Brodie were nothing more than exaggerated narcissistic, hedonistic, and not so varied character types ubiquitous in LGBT productions. Interestingly, some of the sub-characters were much more developed, nuanced and credible. Noah, Julian, Shar, Ali and Marvin so much better developed roles. While I appreciated the effort towards a more diverse LGBT universe, I'm not sure whether it hurt or helped when the setting was NOLA, a city with a significant black LGBT community. Yet, I'm not suggesting that it needed to be predominantly black. What I do want to be clear about is that a reboot of a known work needs to have it's own spark, which I just didn't get. I felt like I'd just seen this movie before. Was I watching "Queer as Folk", "Generations", "It's a Sin", "EastSiders" "Noah's Arc"?
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paul-125666 July 2022
Oh my god!! I'm gay and 20 minutes in. This is not in any way representation. I hate them all already. I know I'm in UK and this is America, but I've been to NY and SF and their lives are like mine pretty much. This is just weird. It's like it's made by a straight guy who read 1 gay porno novel.
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partypest20 July 2022
RUBBISH! I am a huge fan of the original UK & the Canadian versions. I was really looking forward to this! I am soooooooooooo disappointed. Not one likeable character. Sickening stereotypes. Bad acting. Watch something, ANYTHING else!
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Loved it!
joshuaschulz-0855013 June 2022
I loved it so much, have told all of my friends about it and would recommend!

It's definitely a drama and is filled with a lot of highs and lows! It's exactly what I wanted it to be and I'd recommend watching.
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Good looking actors
chenkaifa12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story is too messy, and every time you want a break it gets messier and confusing. Brodie is cute as hell, but I do not get why they write him like he's always lost or something. Queer ppl and relationships don't have to be this complicated. After watching this show, I get a feeling if you don't f with your best friend, your ex's brother or best friend, parents, you are probably ineligible to be queer... (a big exaggerated but that's the show...) Last the ending, the twist that Brodie fell back in love with Ruthie was confusing because I thought he was clearly gay as hell and there was no bisexuality, maybe a tiny bit transsexuality?! Don't think a gay guy will suddenly loves a woman/ trans woman even they were ex lovers when she was he... 6 mainly for the actors, so cute. Pls do better work for the stories if there will be season 2.
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Tragic representation of the community
yannisavgerinos22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I Wonder who decided to make all guys only doing orgies,sex and drugs all day

Oh and so much gender misalignment and stuff and politically correct

This is an insult to actual gay people.
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Great to see it back
ashshields-7890212 June 2022
Don't expect it to be either of the others even though it has similarities. Very diverse cast which is great. Not sure about the end of the series though, odd ending.
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MrSjoerd16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed it. As a fan of the originals - both the UK and the US version - I was really excited about the reboot.

To start: it is true what most reviews say; they are trying to be all inclusive or 'ticking all the boxes' as the haters say. But I don't see the bad in that. It's a show about the lives of LGBTQIA+ people, of course they're going to want as much representation as possible. And they should. And in my opinion, it doesn't hurt the plot. The acting is ok. Ryan O'Connell is hilarious and definitely a scene stealer. Same with Kim Cattrall. Johnny Sibilly is great too. But the main character, Brodie, his acting is not for me. Maybe that's because he is very much unlikeable; he's arrogant, pushy, self-centered and annoying (but maybe that's the point, I don't know). All the other characters I like.

I'm torn about the plot. It's all wrapped around the shooting in the first episode. The trauma that follows is heartbreaking to see and is well acted. However, in my personal opinion, I would have liked it to be a little bit more light.
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Politically correct and stereotypes took over
SammyGold19 September 2022
This version is is too politically correct, too stereotyped. As gay, I can not relate to any character, everything is too much. Where are normal gays, the inbetweeners (which majority of all of us in LGBTQ are). I just get mad when I watch this. Is it really the main goal for a 17 years old guy to get in a drag high school? Are all parents so open minded? Is everything rainbow and everyone is so nice to each other? The reality check please! The QAF with Brian etc is the best one this is not good! Bring the "normal" in it, something a gay kid in a small town can relate to! Every gay series doesn't need to be politically correct!
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Why do you have to compare it
teenydutton11 June 2022
Seriously it is a reboot but that doesn't mean it has to be completely the same people. It is an amazing show and the perfect time for it. The originals along with the L word were ahead of the times as it was. The characters are relatable and loveable. The storyline is heartfelt and touching. Don't judge by the haters here on imdb bc that is all they are... haters!
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Get rid of Mingus, and i will be happy
frankperkins-7622513 June 2022
The first show defined a generation. Although it was not perfect, it was still a great show. The characters meshed well together. I am happy it came out when it did as the first one would have been cancelled after the first season. It was namely due to its political incorrectness, and its depiction of the gay lifestyle in the early 2000s.

This new one is okay, but it makes avatars of homosexuality. You have the hunk that hooks up with everyone, the nerd, and the conservative one that uses his career to hide who he really is. What I enjoy about this show, is the physical makeup of gay people in society. The first one had six pack abs walking around Babylon. This one has people of all different shapes and sizes. As a bear, I was upset how the first one did not do show us.

The performances in this reboot are a little soap operatic. The characters are great and will develop with time. I love Juliette Lewis because she is fabulous in everything she is in. However, her son needs to be written out. He brings nothing to the show other than unnecessary drama and whining. He is supposed to be the Randy of the group. The difference is: Randy was likeable. If they wrote him out, the show would be perfect.
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Skip this and watch the old 90's versions
kandelai22 August 2022
This whole series is confusing on what they were actually trying to accomplish. It has some of the worst character development and story writing, giving zero justice to its predecessors. You don't build up a character and expect the audience to care about them when along their arc, you make them out to be complete d*cks, which occurred more often than none. I didn't care what happened to these people in the end, especially the main character.

Shallow, vapid, pointless, juvenile. I hope the new generation of gays don't behave like whatever this is. Please don't give us a second season, please. Invest the dollars elsewhere, or in the least, hire real writers.
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emmascott-6319514 June 2022
Brian Kinney was a once in a lifetime tv character. I would 100 percent prefer to watch him navigating him being in his early 50s than watch these one dimensional characters do anything. It's just like the new SATC reboot. You sometimes just can't recreate the original magic. Unfortunately keeping the Queer as Folk namesake was a bad decision because the comparisons will naturally happen and that's not a good thing in this case.
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Absolutely a must watch!
queenbee3636010 June 2022
Long time fan of showtime's QAF I was curious to see if this re- do could live up to them. I will say the first episode grabbed my attention and pulled me in. I am thrilled with the casting, the acting, and the plot line.

Very good show!
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Could have been soo much more.
mpitches12 June 2022
Bouncing off the back of an epic show like QaF both UK and US this version needed to improve on how far queer life has come. Inclusion is always important and should promote the changing dynamics of queer life. But really, can anyone relate to what happens in this version? Maybe it should have been titled Queer as New Orleans to hi-light the diversity and then created a season cross over between states, eg: Queer as California. Peacock missed a golden opportunity here for a multi season / state queer inclusive home run. Also, for all the representation in this show, where are the queers that don't have six packs or chisled faces?
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