
76 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Former FBI Agent persoective: one of the most important films in history
13 April 2024
Everybody should see this film. No spoilers, but it is a glimpse into what life could be like in a modern American civil war. Indeed, there is nothing civil about war. It is a terrifying film to me, primarily since it is a future that is possible. Not probable, but not a giant leap either. Collapse of government happens quickly. Just ask a former Soviet citizen.

The film is captivating and intense. The couple next to me in the theater walked out 20 minutes in due to the violence. Guess what: that is what war is. The film does not glorify war; indeed, it is quite anti-war. There are times where war unfortunately is necessary. Please let's not make it necessary within this great country of ours.

See the film. Please.
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Red Rocket (2021)
Outstanding. As a Texan, I approve this movie.
3 January 2024
Somehow I was not familiar with this film until I was browsing through some TV listings. I saw the premise, and thought: sure, I'm down for a nice Texas-style tale. And by the guy who did "The Florida Project", seemed like it could be a good one.

And it absolutely delivers. Simon Rex deserves an Academy Award for this performance. The rest of the cast is also COMPLETELY believable and nailed their roles. The on-location style feels like the independent film with heart that it is ... pretty much the opposite of the ridiculous "blockbusters" we are seeing come out of Hollywood for the last decade.

I live in Texas and visit Galveston every summer. The characters and locations in this movie indeed feel authentic, and some cases ARE authentic. The film does not try to paint people as "good or bad", but just humans that have come from a depressing part of Texas and really have little chance at true "conventional" success.

And while the film has some serious dramatic content, it also indeed is funny. I love that it doesn't try to be anything, it just is what it is, which is life in general.

VERY impressed with this film - well done!
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Awake (III) (2021)
Absolutely worth watching, best movie with a "sub 5" rating on IMDB
30 October 2023
I felt compelled to write a review as I am astounded by the low rating. I just don't get it. This film has a clever premise, is well acted, has a great on-location feel, and pulls everything together with a satisfying conclusion that doesn't try to "force" a sequel (although I would be very happy to see another one in this series).

Perhaps people are disappointed in the comparison with the excellent Bird Box film. Sure, there are absolutely some fair comparisons, and I would rate Bird Box as a little bit more polished with some of the editing. But again, this one is absolutely worth watching. I am glad I didn't see the rating of below 5 stars (as of writing this review), because I would have skipped it. But this is the rare gem that I proclaim as a solid 8, and absolutely criminally underrated by the masses.
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Sprung (2022– )
Lives up to the hype - and no spoilers but very satisfying conclusion
30 October 2023
This is an excellent little show with heart. Probably is the best comedy show that I have never heard mentioned by friends or family. Brilliant casting, brilliant writing, on-location authentic sets, and just LOL funny makes for a great recipe. It very much feels like something that would have been created by Danny McBride and Adam McKay (Eastbound and Down, Vice-Principals, etc.).

Without giving anything away, I can state that the full first season wraps things up perfectly and is a satisfying conclusion. Who knows if this will get a second season, but if not then it is perfectly written as a one-and-done series without leaving cliffhangers or questions to set up the next season. I absolutely DO pray to the TV gods that we'll get more seasons, but if not, the first season is perfect on its own.

In summary: best comedy I have seen in years, watch it!
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Influencer (II) (2022)
one of the best thriller style movies in the last decade
7 August 2023
I feel compelled to write a review as I feel this is a drastically underrated film (as of writing about a 6 out of 10 rating). It is well shot, well edited, has beautiful on-location scenery, the acting is spot-on, and the story is a really clever one that fits the times perfectly. I am unsure why so many people react so strongly to the ending; no spoilers, but I had zero issue with the ending and thought it was an excellent finale to a solid film. This was one that kept my attention the entire time and had scenes where I was squirming in my seat wondering what would happen next. THAT is a movie worth seeing - a fun ride that is satisfying throughout. It wouldn't surprise me to see this get a cult following and rebirth in a decade. Well done!
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The Exorcist (1973)
I am older than this movie and a horror fun, but it never connected with me
7 August 2023
I see gobs of 10 star reviews out there, but honestly this one gets a 6 out of 10 from me. I am older than this film, which gives me the right to judge it harshly.

It absolutely is worth one watch as a classic and has some positives going for it. A great cast, and a story that is least out of the ordinary. The mood, special effects, and overall production values are very high for the time (and even now I prefer the practical effects over the silly digital craziness we often see in film).

But for me the sum is not as great as the parts. It simply does not come together as a really compelling movie. It is not at all scary to me (and wasn't as a kid). It just falls a bit flat. It is fine as a sentimental favorite to pop on in October if I can stream it for no extra cost, but it certainly is not one I would have in my collection.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
As a guy I felt some discomfort, and that's ok.
31 July 2023
As much as it pains me to give a movie called "Barbie" a 10 out of 10, I have to do so. It is so brilliantly handled and finely crafted, I have to give the filmakers credit. Yes, I am somewhat conservative person and former law enforcement officer. I'm a guy. I like guy things. Hell I even enjoyed the Battleship movie a few years ago (an absolutely ridiculous but fun romp of an action film). But I also like to experience other perspectives. And man oh man does this movie deliver that in spades - pretty much encapsulated everything my wife has tried to convey about her entire career and life experience wrapped up into two hours! The humor, the sets, the acting, and the ability to weave the current narrative into the story was just perfect. I don't agree with some of the points of the movie, but again, that's ok. This movie wasn't designed to give a balanced perspective of men versus women; it is a no-holds-barred unapologetic crazy ride of a rant about the real issues that women have faced since they were "allowed" to have "real jobs" and do the same things as men. Give me a well done film that is a blast to watch, that makes you think, and that was done from a place of creativity, passion, and attention to detail, and I'll call it what it is: a 10 out of 10 masterpiece.
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Joe Pickett (2021–2023)
Excellent television - stick with it and it has a fantastic story arc
14 July 2023
This is a review of the first season of Joe Pickett, but note I am in the middle of season two and loving it.

I was hesitant to try Joe Pickett as I feared it would be a 2nd-rate knockoff of Yellowstone. I was totally wrong. It is a well-written and acted show that has a very satisfying story-arc, and the first season could stand alone just fine if there hadn't been a second one (sometimes I think shows would be BETTER if they truly were a limited series, but I'm glad that there will be more Joe Pickett to watch).

Some reviewers criticized elements of the first episode, and I agree with some of the complaints about the tone and not knowing if it is a serious show or one with light-hearted humor. While it does have some funny and light moments, make no mistake: Joe Pickett is a dark drama in a modern Western setting.

Comparisons to Yellowstone are of course made, but to me it shares much more DNA with Justified. And while I really enjoyed Justified, I would give the nod to Joe Pickett as the main character is more flawed and vulnerable. For example (and I do not consider this a spoiler), there is a scene in season two where Joe has some hot coffee in his truck. He decides to stick his finger in the coffee as a reflection of his state of mind and mental anguish he is suffering. I like those touches, and while I am fairly confident they won't just suddenly kill the main character, there is satisfaction and mystery watching a more "normal" guy navigate the complexities of his law enforcement job versus characters in Justified or Yellowstone who are badasses and nobody can possibly stand in their way. I like all of these shows, but Joe Pickett certainly has earned a place at the table of great Western dramas.

So watch a couple of episodes, and you likely will be hooked. They only get better and better as the season goes, and again the writers do a great job of tying things back together at the end in a masterful storytelling experience that was FAR better than I expected.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
They stuck the landing.
21 November 2022
TWD has been an up and down show. And for me it just has not been yhe same without Rick. It was definitely time to wrap the show up. I was a bit bored with some of the storylines this season, and I feared it wiuld be impossible to provide a satisying ending, But I was wrong. The finale was the best, most exciting, most emotional, and most satisfying episode in years. Seriously, there was not a wasted moment. Every scene was gripping. This is how great shows deserve to end, and the finale truky cements TWD into a show that will be worth watching for future generations to come. Thank you to all involved for this amazing finale.
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Monarch (2022)
They lost me when they took their helicopter from Austin to go ice fishing
14 September 2022
I hoped for a show that could top some of the flaws of the show Nashville. And as an Austin resident and kniwing that was the setting, how could this thing miss? In the first five minutes they take a guy ice fishing. To a glacier. On a helicopter. From Austin, TX. Airwolf was more realistic. I am shocked that a writer is too lazy or dumb to know anything about geography, but I guess I shouldn't be. Feels like it was written by a teenager with no real education that was told "you can do anything!" Aside from having value as a teaching item in the "here is what NOT to do as a writer" or maybe "Cliches 101", thus is truly worthless tv that probably will be cancelled after two episodes.
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Tales of the Walking Dead: Blair/Gina (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
A ridiculous concept that is not true to the Walking Dead universe
6 September 2022
This episode has great acting and is well produced. The problem is the story takes a ridiculous turn that is not at all consistent with the Walking Dead universe. No spoilers, but the premise of the narrative is as jarring to me as having a story in The Sopranos universe and suddenly a couple of characters have the ability to read minds. As much fun as that might be, that would be a seismic departure from The Sopranos universe. Sorry Gimple, this is an utter failure from a superfan. Please get your "creative" writers under control and make them understand what The Walking Dead universe is. Up to this point deslite some ridiculous scenes, at least there is always some logical explanation for everything that happens in any of the other shows. And then we got this.
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RRR (2022)
An exceptional movie: beautiful, fun, and moving
22 July 2022
I cannot believe what an amazing film has been created. I'm on old white American guy and am ashamed to admit that I at first was hesitant to try out the film. But it was absolutely an incredible experience from start to finish. American films seem dull and drab in comparison, especially the glut of comic superhero movies that have taken over the theaters. This movie does have superhero / comic elements in some regard, but in a way that appeals to me as an adult. I hope this movie gets the notice it deserves. Without question it should be an easy Academy nominee for cinematography. But for me I will put it on an even higher pedestal: it is the best film I have seen this year, period. Well done to everyone associated with the film; your passion and love for every detail really came through and connected with me. I thank you.
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A solid 6 of 10 ... worth the watch but not amazing
17 June 2022
For me, this is an amazing story. However, the production has lots of sizzle but somehow lacks the emotional substance I was hoping for. Lots of "major network" style shots, music, and flash. Feels like your typical ABC dramedy style production (not an edgy Netflix show ... this is no Ozark or Squid Game). Julia's accent is so over the top that it feels like I am watching an SNL skit. I love her as an actress in everything else I have seen her in, but somehow the serious moments just make me want to laugh. But overall the story is compelling enough that I still enjoyed it.
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DeepStar Six (1989)
The best 5.3 out of 10 movie ever!
6 May 2022
At the time of writing, IMBD users give this film a 5.3. I have generally found that most movies < than a 6 are not worth my time, but this is that rare exception.

The plot is far from perfect. But it is fine for what it is: an undersea adventure gone awry. Special effects still hold up pretty well in modern times, and the movie is just one of those flicks that is fun to watch.

Absolutely worth a watch on some late Saturday night.
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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
If you like Desperate Housewives, you will love it (EDIT - SEASON 1 ONLY)
4 February 2022
EDIT: My original review was for the full season 1. Loved it. My wife and I watched season 2 ... well, half of it anyway, and just could not keep going. For me personally the magic was completely gone. Hard to pinpoint why, but I missed the clever narrative devise of multiple timelines from the first one. It wasn't terrible, but with so much great content available these days it simply was not worth my time to continue watching. The critics have the opposite opinion of mine, so obviously some people may love season two, good for you, glad you enjoyed it :-)

My new rating of a 7 reflects a 9 for season one, and a 5 for season two.



I enjoyed Desperate Housewives (yes a guilty pleasure) when it was on, and nothing has quite filled that "dramedy" niche for me since. Well, the same creator rolled out Why Women Kill, and it feels completely the same (pacing, filming style, writing, humor). But it is freshened up a bit and has the multiple storylines across different eras, plus has been retooled as anthology style with independent seasons (I love this trend by the way). But if it had a woman narrating the beginning and end you would swear you had just watched Housewives! Anyway, that's it ... plain and simple, if you loved Housewives then this show is for you. And if you never saw Housewives and enjoy a fun and quirky comedy show (almost a comedy soap opera in way), then go watch that first!
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
A brilliant adult comedy / drama
29 October 2021
I suspect that to appreciate this show to the fullest you need to be of a certain age or at least have some life experiences under your belt. But for me (late 40s viewer) it absolutely nailed it. Funny, moving, witty ... just amazing and fun to watch. The cast is stellar, and each scene is interesting to where I could not stop watching. Probably the most fun and tuned into a show since Six Feet Under for me. It is very different, but the comic yet serious adult and social themes create a perfect show. Well done by the cast and entire crew (no I had nothing to do with the production, seriously I'm just an IT guy that works in government).
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Our Friend (2019)
Exceptional little film, this is why movies are still relevant
2 September 2021
Before all of the "best" content was in the form of streaming over a bunch of episodes, there were these things called "movies" that sometimes conveyed a great deal of storytelling and emotion in a 2 hour format. I am glad to see that the "movie" format is not dead (well, it lives to tell tall tales of meaningless violence, but I digress).

Seriously, this little film popped up on my Amazon suggestions, and I figured it would give it a shot. And wow was I blown away by the performances and excellent crafting of a complex narrative. It is a moving story, and this film delivers in telling the story in a two hour format. Absolutely worth viewing for anyone looking for actual storytelling and great acting.
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9/11 (2017)
Expected the worst, pleasantly surprised, fiction but CLOSELY mirrors a true story
26 August 2021
Like anyone else who is old enough to really remember 9/11 like it was yesterday, I am always interested in the different forms of storytelling and narrative that capture this horrendous but incredibly important event in our history. This movie popped up on my recommendations, and despite the horrible reviews, I decided to give it a shot.

And I'm so glad I did. This movie is not perfect and certainly does not have the budget of other films about the topic, but it is an interesting concept and one that is well executed overall. And no spoilers, but after the movie if you do a little research you will find that while the movie is based on a play, there was a real-life event on 9/11 that is incredibly similar to this story (enough that I would not have minded if this was labeled "based on a true story").

If you are looking for a broader view of 9/11 and want to see more carnage and "action", there are plenty of documentaries out there. This film is adapted from a play, and that is effectively what you get on screen. For me, it was absolutely worth the viewing. Never forget.
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Exceptional piece of history
24 April 2021
This an excellent perspective of 9/11 as viewed from people on the streets of NYC. It is a snapshot, not a documentary. If you are not old enough to remember 9/11, skip this one and save your one star reviews for the latest superhero movie. This is a moving and emotional part of history fir lots if us, and I appreciate this film. Never forget.
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Terrible, sad to see King Kong put in a lousy circus of a movie
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely one of the most ridiculous movies I have ever seen. I felt like I watched a 5-year-old's crayon creation come to life, you know where a little kid tells a crazy story that makes no sense, "and then Kong did this, and then Godzilla does this, and then they go to the center of the Earth, and then Kong flies around because there is no gravity, and then there is this giant robot, oh and a bunch of buildings get knocked down." But I guess it pays the bills for lots of people, money talks, and if this is what the people want, so be it. I'm just not one of those people. I give it 2 out of 10 for the special effects, which was basically a 2-hour-long continuous special effects shot. I'm more entertained watching someone play a video game. An Atari 2600 game. ET. But even the world's worst video game had a plot.
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Dead Sound (2018)
Best movie in history with a < 4 of 10 on IMDB
14 September 2020
I was browsing my Amazon Prime videos, and sure enough came across this film. It sounded fun, and so despite the reviews, I gave it a try. And I'm glad I did ... no spoilers, but it is a totally fine film for what it is, and I consider it "mission accomplished" for a lower budget movie that conveys a reasonable sense of drama and fear.

Will it win Academy Awards? Of course not. But I thought it was well filmed and the acting was decent. My wife (also usually very critical) also enjoyed it and we both give it the "worth watching" thumbs-up if you are looking for a decent (not "amazing thrill ride", but just more of a low key) non-supernatural scary / thriller on the water.

As much as I'm tempted to overcompensate on the score to "average out" the bad reviews (which at the time of writing are less than 4 out of 10), I will be honest and give it a 7 out of 10 in good faith. Go in expecting a decent "B" movie and you'll enjoy it ... certainly worth a late-night watch.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Give it a real chance - FAR better than most reviews claim - more 28 Days Later than Walking Dead
3 February 2020
This is overall an excellent show for what it is: a tight thrill ride into the world of a zombie apocalypse. The momentum never slows, and this is indeed a fun and dark ride that is far better than most of the B movies in recent years that have attempted to cash in on the Walking Dead's success. Sure, the production and storyline is not going to be as intricate as the Walking Dead, but on the flip side, the threat posed by the zombies feels infinitely greater with this show versus TWD. The production isn't perfect and there are some occasional continuity errors, but overall the style puts you right in the middle of the action, and there are plenty of genuine surprises that kept me entertained up to the last minute of the show. Note that this review is for all of season 1 (which is a nice self-contained little series worth watching), and thankfully season 2 is on the way (and hopefully more beyond that). Overall I give it a solid 8 out of 10, or an A-. Know what you are getting into (which is NOT a show with "bottle" episodes and lots of character development), and sit back and enjoy the ride!
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Cats (2019)
I intentionally took a "cat nap" during the show
30 December 2019
Look, I want to be fair, so I won't give the film a 1 out of 10, solely because of technical achievement and that it is a replica of the Broadway show.

But it is nothing more than a CGI version of the Broadway show. Same music, songs, etc. So if you LOVE the Broadway show, you will enjoy this film.

But I have seen the Broadway show, and really didn't care to see the EXACT same show again. If anything, they should have done one of those broadcasts of a live performance of Cats, paid Taylor Swift to participate, and called it a day.

Three minutes in I knew I was in trouble and would be bored to tears, so I intentionally took a nap while my wife and mother suffered through the film. I actually did sleep for a total of about 20 or 30 minutes, so who knows, maybe I missed the "good part" ... but based on the reviews, I don't think I missed much.
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
A really special series for the right audience
14 November 2019
This is an amazing show for more mature audiences. Each love story is special, and each love story is quite different. I say it is best for mature audiences in that if you have experienced a good amount of life you will at least identify with the characters, and you likely will have a number of knowing smiles and nods as the characters navigate the difficult waters of love. By the way, I'm an older motorsports lovin' / football watchin' redneck guy from Texas, so if this series could move me to dust off my IMDB password and log in to submit a review, it must indeed be a special little show!
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John Hughes is a legend, but legends can still have a bad movie (a 2019 review)
9 July 2019
As a mega Hughes fan, I found myself somewhat surprised to learn that there was a Hughes film that I managed to never see (I saw most of his films in the 80s, yeah I am that old).

Although this movie is not rated as high as other Hughes films, I figured that I would appreciate it, as Hughes has proven his brilliance time and time again. Unfortunately the brilliance is in short supply for this movie. There are just ridiculous scenes that are not funny, and the characters are incredibly underdeveloped. It just feels like the film was thrown together and filmed in about a week, with a rush job at editing, and with the poorest musical choices in any Hughes film (which are usually a strong point).

While there are a few (I mean VERY few) enjoyable moments, I just cannot recommend the movie in good faith to anyone except those that perhaps saw this when it was released and would enjoy it as nostalgia from a gone era.
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