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Bride Wars (2009)
12 May 2020
This is the best friend, there is always one person to compromise. There is a concession and understanding between people. I hope everyone has such a good friend, from school uniform to wedding dress. Love doesn't have to force one to die for one person, nor does he need to love all of a person. Love is what looks like the only moment for a certain person at a certain time, in a certain place, and when you love someone. Love needs to give in and understand. Love will expire, don't worry about expired food, because you deserve a better person to spend the rest of your life with.
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
I guessed the ending, but wanted to know the process
11 May 2020
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Very interesting setting, a low-key and hard-working rich second generation, an unbeautiful and attractive woman, we all know the ending, but just want to watch this process, and the warmth of the family, they finally came to together. Although there was a hurry at the end, it took only three days to complete the ending, but the two had been together for three years. The comparison between the mistress of the heroine and the patient treatment of Andrew is a good proof. The family of the male owner is very cute, this is the family that everyone yearns for. But I also have family members who love me, either dad, mom, or good friends, good brothers. It 's because of the marriage where family and friends are perfect that we love.
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After watching this movie
10 May 2020
I have always regarded fashion as vanity and the pursuit of little girls. The pursuit of fashion makes me feel uncomfortable, but as my age grows, some views have slowly changed. Attitude can largely reflect her attitude towards life. Exquisiteness, self-discipline, and love for life ... These beautiful qualities and fashion are closely connected. In addition, fashion can also reflect a person's aesthetic. People who understand beauty can always find the beauty of life. A person's life depends largely on his choice, not his personality. Two people with similar personalities may also live diametrically opposite lives. However, no matter which kind of life you choose, you must do it To the extreme, this is responsible for oneself and for life. Once a decision is made, there will be a lot of things that need to be abandoned. When making these decisions, it is necessary to be decisive and determined, not to be nostalgic and hesitant. This society is very good at implementing the rules of survival of the fittest. This is true in any field. Never complain about life. It is the key to improving your own abilities. When realizing your dreams, please do n't take the ideas of others too seriously, because, when a person makes a choice, it will always hurt some people. This is not anyone 's fault. Life is like this. When others stagnate, it is themselves who are ultimately hurt. The relationship between people is not about accommodation, but about being yourself and showing your value. Use is not a derogatory term. To be precise, a person's use value determines his social status. Life and work can't be the best of both worlds. If you know the trade-offs and balance, you can get a better life, but you also lose the opportunity to do things to the extreme.
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Notting Hill (1999)
Notting Hill
9 May 2020
The male and female owners use their eyes to narrate, the male owner's dark blue eyes like the sea, the female owner's confident and calm temperament. The eyes are opposite, everything is just fine. I really like that group of friends, true and beautiful. Putting down the identity pricing, everyone sits together and talks to each other unpreparedly about the bad things in their lives, and the listener is kindly joking. As we grow older, the events experienced by people we know continue to grow at a faster rate. The heart is constantly growing strong. I began to understand how difficult it is to meet someone I like, and there are very few people who can let go of their guardianship.
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Love Actually (2003)
8 May 2020
My deserted heart will always love you. Maybe now you have a person by your side, or today we are still alone for Christmas, don't be sentimental. There are always a lot of unsatisfactory people in life. I can't love the person I want to love. I miss important people every year. These regrets all seem like a test given by God. Even in the days of empty windows, there are traces of love. My deserted heart has always planted grass for you. After breaking through the iron shoes and looking forward to it, I believe true love will come. 10 groups of CPs, 10 pairs of lovers, 10 paths of happiness, from civilians to prime ministers, from childhood to old age, there are always miracles on the road of love people who have watched Mordern Love will love this one too. Festivals are not unique, because there are people who love each day full of hope. This is probably also the most touching part of this story-there are thousands of kinds of love, and life with each other is happy. I couldn't help crying several times, cheering for the protagonist, for myself, for every kind of life. Especially worth chewing carefully ~ All I want for Christmas is you. Christmas gifts, I only want you.
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7 May 2020
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This film tells the moving story of how a weak woman can help others while changing her own destiny, showing the precious spirit of human beings defending justice. Errin, a single mother who has experienced two divorces and dragged her three children, is in desperation after a very helpless traffic accident. She has no work and no future. She is almost desperate ... Persevering in adhering to ideals, daring to challenge powers, and defending the weak, not only defended justice, helped others, but also re-recognized their value. Some people are not powerful, but faith gives them superhuman strength. Whether you believe in religion or believe in yourself, whether you believe in love or believe in power, you must not be without faith! In this world, some people are not powerful, but faith gives them superhuman strength. Just like the weak woman Erin in the film, it is precisely because she adheres to her faith that she can persevere and radiate beyond ordinary abilities. The same is true of ourselves. If we can achieve a cause, we must first believe that this cause is worth our effort. We must also believe that we are fully capable of accomplishing this cause.
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Not Love
6 May 2020
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When a couple of lovers lose their passion and slowly become friends, then all that remains is a habit, a habit of knowing each other. But once this habit is broken, what follows is not to rekindle the fire of love again, but just not to adapt. Some people think that this kind of discomfort is jealous, some people think that love still exists, and some people think it is unwilling. For the heroine, she mistakes her habit for love. Love is no longer there, so any attempt to retain is no match for the other party 's second love.
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Wonder (I) (2017)
5 May 2020
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In recent years, it can be said that it was the era of light and shadow explosion. People's criticism of the film is not just amazing special effects, meticulous scene layout, psychedelic light and shadow art effects. Although people's stimulation of the senses is still unhurried, the real fascination of the movie is still the emotion that changes with the emotion of the plot of the movie in just over two hours. The ultimate reason is the resonance between people and identification. The sense has the magic of making people black. The main line in the movie is Auggie. In fact, he wants to use this born disabled boy to show the magic of miracles, so that the people who are abandoned by his friends around him become stronger, and people who get vanity through lies Faced with himself, and guided the kind-hearted boy to show his goodness bravely, and made the bullies realize his mistakes. In fact, everyone needs each other and everyone has good intentions. In ordinary life, the one who leads everyone's goodness is called a miracle.
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Jackie (V) (2016)
4 May 2020
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Although there is no love, it has been recited for thousands of years. She wept bitterly in the shower. She washed away her husband's blood, but she couldn't wipe it away from her heart. In an instant, she lived from the cloud, fell into the world, and suffered the extremely ruthless side of fate. He made this move to arouse her jealousy, hoping that she would cherish and respect him more. In her life, she has only been herself. The beautiful look in the nostalgic red dust, but saw the truth in the sad indulgence. Pain is always his own, no sharing, only gaze. Looking forward is the starting point of scars. When you lose, possession is the opposite choice. The more happiness, the deeper the bitter fruit. Whether or not to turn around is the last touch of the chessboard. Everyone has their own story, and through the window, people will never see the truth.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
Modren Family
3 May 2020
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I still remember when I opened the first season a few years ago, I felt that this drama was inexplicable, like a documentary, how can I still sit down and talk to the audience. I also remember that after watching a few episodes, I feel that each episode is a routine, and every family has a variety of problems, and then panic and hurriedly solve the problem, and use the love to generate various kinds of coincidences and magical reunion At the end, the soul chicken soup ends. But I still fell in love with this big family. As a person with very, very low tear points, I might be moved to cry for half of the episodes. In this big family, everyone respects each other and truly loves each other. My American relatives have subtly influenced me. The current mode of equality between me and my family must have a contribution to the modern family. After watching everyone's departure today, I am also alone in the next chapter of leaving my parents. I hope to embrace research like Alex, hope to be as confident as Lily, Claire, Gloria and Heley, and hope to love life and travel the world like Manny. I hope to be as romantic as Phi, and hope to have my own soul mate like Cam and Mitchel. I hope that when I am old, I can continue to start a business and learn a new language like Jay. There is always a next chapter. Goodbye my american relatives
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
About Love
2 May 2020
No matter how smart and powerful you are in front of others, you cannot avoid the panic in front of your lover. Want to keep your perfection and foolproof forever? Then don't fall in love with each other, so that reason can control everything. In love, we must compete against each other. No matter how much the gap is, we always fall in love and be loved.
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Kill Bill
2 May 2020
The name of the movie goes straight to the theme. Straightforward violence. From the perspective of fighting lenses, action design, fighting skills, etc., action movie fans may think this is a violent aesthetic. For someone like me who doesn't like bloody scenes and long fighting time, it's a bit of a torment. Gangs, fights, revenge, etc., must be the beginning and end of personal heroism to meet the timeline of movies of this theme. But write more impressions, everyone's preferences are different, maybe I don't appreciate the sweetness of others.
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Carol (2015)
1 May 2020
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I watched the movie again and noticed that she had other arrangements every time she met Theresa, and inviting the other party to travel together may just be that no one wants to leave everything and spend so much time with her to relax ... And for the first time, she invited Theresa to go home, picked up her daughter and went straight to the door of the house, let guests prepare refreshments in the kitchen and play with her daughter in the living room ... Perhaps it was such a lack of care that she always had the ability to master the initiative, and Theresa who loved too much could only moth the fire without turning back. Is it because my insecurity is starting to wrestle and nitpick?
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Can We Choose?
30 April 2020
It can be seen that when one of the details is changed in the past, people's destiny will change in different directions. That is, people's life will be changed in different ways by a little bit inadvertently. This should be the reason why the film is named the butterfly effect. But the meaning of the film is not limited to the explanation of the chaotic theory of the butterfly effect. It seems to imply such a problem: if you want to make the status quo better and have the opportunity to come back from the unsatisfactory past, the ending Can it be perfect as you wish? The film also seems to give the answer: when a hypothetical tragic ending is attempted, trying to change them from the beginning often goes against the wishes, leading to a more tragic ending. This should be the theme of this film. There are infinite possibilities in life, we can only experience one of these infinite possibilities. We always think that if the past is not very good, it will be better now, but the fact is often that if the past is really not the same, your Part of the goal is achieved, but worse things may happen to yourself or those around you. Because you are not God, you can't let things develop in the direction you set up. Even if you have the superpower to go back to the past, you still can't lead the future to your design blueprint, and you can't accurately control the direction of destiny. When you are happy to achieve a certain wish, there will always be another regret waiting for you, and there will always be things that you did not expect. Because there is always an unexpected flapping of butterfly wings, no one can grasp this except God. The accidental flapping of butterfly wings will bring a hurricane thousands of miles away. A change in detail may bring a completely different fate. If we cannot predict or avoid when and where butterflies will flap their wings, we cannot predict or avoid which details of life will bring us huge changes. So we have to believe that existence is reasonable, and you and everything around you are the best. Do n't regret which intersection of life you have taken the wrong way, because every choice you ever made was the result of a mixture of countless antecedents and countless details in the background of space and time at that time. Make the best arrangement. It is better not to imagine changing the past. Accepting reality and moving forward is always better than indulging in the fantasy of changing the past.
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Her (2013)
Ultimate Loneliness
28 April 2020
The charm of science fiction movies is that no one knows the future, but we have not stopped asking questions again and again. In the process of technological evolution, when the machine can simulate human emotions and even meet the needs of the other party more perfectly than real people, how will her relationship with him develop and change? Perhaps indulging in virtual human-machine love, human communication skills are actually degrading, and humans cannot avoid the ultimate loneliness. Although it has not reached the level of tears, it is still a very moving film. Another form of artificial intelligence is not scary, but it makes people helpless. Perhaps, loneliness is the necessity of life.
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Life of Pi (2012)
Fantasy Journey of the Mind
28 April 2020
The fantasy relationship between humans and tigers overcomes difficulties and is reborn. This film is worthy of repeated viewing, and many pictures are delightful! The opening melodious Indian female humming is very classic. A fantasy maritime adventure, a person's suffering and rebirth, wandering in the vast sea, seeing the weak meat and the evil of human nature, no matter whether the sea brings him suffering or gifts, he is regarded as a miracle! He is not constrained. In his mind, the tiger is always with him, and God is always with the tiger. This film uses a beautiful fairy tale to cover up the cruel killing.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
27 April 2020
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The topic discussed in this movie is about the world after the development of the human brain. According to the current development of humans, Einstein is said to be the highest, with 20%. This data is speculative and cannot be verified. So it gives people more imagination. Many people say that the special effects of this movie are rough, and the discussion of the topics is not deep enough. This is because human imagination has limits. Basically, the special functions that can be used in Hollywood are all used up. And all the imagination of science fiction comes from human observation and longing for unknown things. For example, we envy birds flying, so superhumans can fly, we envy cats can fly over walls, and cat people appear, and we envy invincible The body, and then Iron Man appeared, taking you to appreciate the high-tech of future armor. In fact, after all, it is a kind of psychological compensation for the audience. As for Super Body, his important meaning is not to present a movie to everyone. The conflicts and conflicts in the movie are far-fetched and there is no need to exist, such as why not kill the blackboard boss, such as why not kill the chase The gang of gangs will then execute their own super brain plan, all this is just to make this movie more like a movie. Everyone who appears in this film is working to continue the development and discussion of the brain for the director. The old drama bone Morgan Freeman has been telling everyone about the brain story from the beginning, forcibly making up lessons, and in the end did not participate in the important plot of the story, he is the interpreter in the movie, telling you, you do n't understand Come, let me take you to the theater together, and let me explain to you. So this film can remove all the story attributes, because he does not affect what the director wants to say. The director just shows you a fresh idea and tells you what you can do if it reaches 20%, then 40%, 50%, 80%, 100% ... So what is 100%? is God? Because everywhere! It's time, because he is everywhere! So the film conceived us about the human brain, the infinite possibilities of the human brain. It has nothing to do with the story. This film is a science and education film in a story coat.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Family and I
26 April 2020
After adulthood, the relationship with my parents is getting weaker and weaker. I have tried my best to fight for myself to live out. I don't think it's a big deal to be far away from my family. The pleasure of freedom diminishes the inner thoughts and attachments. But at the moment when I was in tears, I knew that I still deeply cherish such a warm embrace, still yearning for such a persistent guardian, or jealous of such simple pampering; and I also believe their love for me It 's not inferior to Marin. If one day I 'm going to be lost, they will be looking for salvation so hard. The growing child is like a wanderer walking out of the house, and the parents stand in front of the window and look at our whereabouts. The days have been long and the conflict has been over, and the window is covered with dust. We all forgot to reach out and wipe away the thick dust on the layer of glass, so that we can't see each other's hearts and sorrows more and more, unable to share sorrow and joy, standing in vain, looking at each other in vain Those days of close interdependence.
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Oldboy (2003)
About Incest
25 April 2020
The brutal and almost perverted revenge caused by an unfavorable love is bound to be achieved by causing another unfavorable love. Ignoring the fierce bloody and psychological distortion process for a while, the theme of the film is clearly cleared in a clearer way. This incident of incest is faced with the brave posture of resistance shown by today's powerful ethical and moral system, and some kind of interpersonal crisis of modern people revealed in this stiff and unpretentious posture. Just as Marquez said in his magical realism masterpiece, the end of incest-a person with a pig tail, modern biological science can also testify to it, incest will lead to deformity of future generations due to the similarity between genes. However, the reason why incest has become a taboo is not such a biological reason. To trace back the history of mankind with the population of the earth today, we can simply make a simple estimate of the population of thousands of years ago or even ancient times, and then we have come up with an impossible number. Such a fact of population growth. This incident proves that incest is not a long-forbidden and rare, but a basic fact of human beings for millions of years. The reason is very simple, it is just a small number of people. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a social organization without incest. Because incest succeeded in preparing the network of in-laws, it enabled the continuation of society, and people in any society without it would be unsustainable. The birth and reproduction of human beings, from the necessary combination of men and women to family construction to today's monogamy, is a long evolutionary story. From the initial biological, physical, and slowly to the so-called cultural and social evolutionary path of today. One of the basic premises for its realization is the gradual increase in the number of people, so that people no longer have to choose whom to combine from in-laws; at the same time, another more important reason is not fertility distortion, but incest. The disorder caused by human relations makes incest gradually unnecessary and further becomes a taboo. Therefore, the original primordial incest can actually be generated naturally; now incest has become a problem again. It is actually artificial. The most important thing is of course all kinds of sexual taboo thinking, which causes the so-called sexual repression. Sex has become a shame and even a sinful thing, and the lust can't find an exit. It makes people return to the ancient stone carvings that have only direct blood relatives and only a few heterosexual blood relatives in disguise. . In this way, incest seems to have gone from the ancient "naturally forced" occurrence to today's "artificially forced" occurrence. And this is the most important reason for the film to be almost invisible but concealed under the modern incest system. Finally, in the wilderness and snow of the desert, the father realized the detached love with his daughter by choosing to forget. This scene is like the ancient moment when humans are scattered in the earth, but the truth is that this is an extra-legal place free from ethics and social taboos. Love itself is not guilty, even if it is not good, who has hurt it? In fact, it is meaningless to discuss the actual rationality of the ending. It is just a window that condenses the airtight cultural and moral system constructed for modern human civilization, and a buffer that dispels the pressure of the system. Belt for some people who can't bear the burden to take a breath.
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24 April 2020
There are so many difficulties and setbacks in this world, Augustus is like the sun can drive away all the haze. It seems that everyone in the world is lovely, even cancers, the inevitable fragility will always pass. I want to be a person like Augustus, smile to the world, and give only one reason to hurt myself. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world but you do have a say in who hurts you. OK?
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Me Before You (2016)
Me before You
23 April 2020
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At around 1 hour and 30 minutes, the familiar "Don't forget about me" sounded, and the desolation and plot in the cloves sound perfectly matched. The choice and torment of the same kind-even if you love deeply, you must let it go, you may face it, even if you experience Completely copied, because the emotions are connected, the music can touch people's hearts and burst into tears. Clark looked out the window, and when he looked at Will, who was asleep, it was also the most beautiful time in the movie. Me before you, I think it can be translated as before meeting you, after losing you. Me before you is a different life for the two in the movie, the change of life trajectory may be good or bad, but grateful to meet, grateful for love. Instead of changing with a perfect ending, it appears real, and there are not so many perfections and dreams in life. Helplessness and impermanence are more normal, and the experience and love in them make the seemingly meaningless life become meaningful, before or after.
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
Nobody's Life is Perfect
22 April 2020
After reading a lot of film reviews, I think Woody Allen does not specifically applaud or disparage anyone in the film. Everyone has shortcomings and brilliance. Many people say that this is the story of the director satire. No one can stay out of the way to expose the ugly side of everyone by borrowing a female character who climbed into the upper class but fell to the bottom.
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Still Alice (2014)
Still Alice
21 April 2020
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This movie tells a story about Alzheimer's disease. Originally Alice was a successful business, and was also a professor of cognitive psychology, as well as her favorite family. Who knows that in the enviable life of others, she actually suffered from rare Alzheimer's disease. At that time, she could not accept this fact, and she was bravely coming out with his lover. She gradually forgot the most familiar scenes in the past. She recorded the things she wanted to accomplish through video and writing. She finished the last speech and moved many people. We become ridiculous, incapacitated and funny, not what we should be, but our illness makes us like this. Live in the moment. No matter what environment Alice is in right now, there are lovers who have always been with her, as well as taking care of her children.
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20 April 2020
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Unlike Kubrick who put human nature on the table to show and partially magnify the red fruit, you see desire, contradiction, and depravity. You start to despise yourself and the same kind, sympathize with yourself, and be crazy about the inescapable reality and destiny .That is broken. So you finally understand that you are born free, but you are everywhere in the shackles. Park Chan-yu may not want to discuss the depravity of human nature, but just wants to show his life and have the right to pursue happiness. In essence, this is not a feminist movie nor a LGBT topic. It is purely cross-class love, but it happens to be the same sex. The whole film is in a tight rhythm. If there is anything that can be improved, the second part has some repetitive narration explanations that are too intimate and unnecessary. Photography is another highlight of this film. The photographer's pursuit of composition and balance is almost harsh, even if the audience comes to appreciate it as an exhibition.
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19 April 2020
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The few highlight moments in the film, I knew it was not a happy ending. Sure enough, she did not win the championship, the evildoers did not get retribution, her mother chose to seek her property when she needed it most, and an old man alone guarded the arena. This is life. There are 110 games with high paraplegia.
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