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Civil War (2024)
Great movie almost ruined by the soundtrack
31 May 2024
Before saying anything else about this movie, I will not talk about the politics of the movie. The political landscape of the US is quite frankly exhausting, and I was very careful to not read into any of the undertones of the story and just try to enjoy it as a piece of art.

With that said, Civil War comes very close to touching the sun and climbing onto my greatest movies of all time list. It's beautifully shot, harrowingly real, and the action is some of tensest I've seen in a long time. But this movie reminded me of the importance of a movie's score and soundtrack to help guide our emotions with what we're visually seeing on the screen.

The songs used in Civil War were atrociously bad. And I mean just plain awful. It sucked me out of the movie at times, and moments that could easily reduce me to tears were hitting with a fraction of their power. It seems like such a petty thing to dislike, almost like I'm just going out of my way to look for a flaw, but the power of a score seriously can't be underestimated in movie making.

Despite the one major problem, I have no regrets watching this movie.

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Love on the Spectrum (2019–2021)
The best reality show EVER made
2 May 2024
The big issue I have with most reality TV is the fact that they're made by studios who try to "sexy" up the production by injecting fake drama and going so far as completely fabricating certain elements. A quick glance at Reddit will net you countless stories of people who have worked on or participated in various reality shows. The stories are the same every time; pretty much almost everything you see is the complete opposite of reality.

Love on the Spectrum bucks that trend because while yes, the series creator is tinkering behind the scenes to set up these beautiful autists on dates, the featured people have absolutely no capability to be fake. One of the defining features of autism are personalities in which they are completely and utterly authentic and true to themselves. In a world where most people are trying to edit the way they present to be more than, the main cast on this show are just themselves, flaws and all.

It's refreshing.
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Less is more - the negative reviews are wrong
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After skimming many of the reviews there seems to be a similar thought that this movie is unfinished, frustrating and doesn't answer anything. To which I retort yes, it is... that is the point.

The movie is about people who are thrust into chaos with no answers and no way to get answers. We as the audience end up only knowing as much as they know (which isn't much), and that kind of intrigue works wonders because we can really immerse ourselves in the pandemonium alongside them.

This kind of storytelling reminded me of the Blair Witch Project, and that showing as little as possible to the audience is sometimes the best as the human mind can think up terrible and imaginative scenarios with very little information.

I wouldn't say Leave the World Behind is a favorite film of mine, but it does its job superbly and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. A particular shout out to maybe one of the most horrific nightmares of a scene I could have imagined in a teenage boy slowly pulling his own teeth out of his head one by one. Terrifying.
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Sisu (2022)
Tarantino wannabe
22 February 2024
I heard accounts of this movie being "John Wick times a million", and thus went into this movie with very high expectations. Sisu, unfortunately, ultimately became quite the let down.

The movie started out great, and what seemed to be promise of a 2 hour long romp of carnage and destruction ended up feeling... quite tame. It felt like Sisu got stuck on 3rd gear and we never got to see the movie hit us harder with the violence.

Talk about cautionary tales too, one trap many directors seem to fall in is trying to be like Tarantino. This movie had all the classic Tarantino trademarks like dividing the story into chapters, overlaying modern music not fitting with the time period, saturating with western "lone gunslinger" vibes and over the top violence. But the issue is... maybe this should become a film director mantra- YOU ARE NOT TARANTINO.

Imitation is flattery, but imitation of something you're not is just like receiving a finished product off the factory line in China that makes fake Gucci handbags.
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Legion (2017–2019)
Weird for the sake of weird
5 November 2023
The first episode of Legion was very promising to me; a strange, psychedelic affair that is the exact opposite of the cookie cutter Marvel content we've come to expect for the superhero genre. Very few superhero movies and shows in recent memory have dared to stray away from this stereotype, except (maybe ironically) the 2017 masterpiece mutant movie Logan among others. I thought Legion would be another to break the mold, but after the incredible first episode things quickly went downhill.

It became increasingly evident as the series progresses the main draw to this show is not a rich story, or even moving the plot forward at a reasonable pace. The show is hellbent on being a weird and trippy visual journey, but unfortunately it's not even strong enough in that regard, and thus becomes a brutally slow and painful affair that leaves you with more questions than answers.

None of the characters are well developed, their motives are.. for a lack of a better word; basic. The casting doesn't help in this regard as the mostly unlikable characters are played by what feels like sub standard actors.

Having said all that I have to say I am VERY appreciative to the creators of Legion for stepping out of the Marvel formula and attempting something different. Please don't stop trying.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Game of Thrones meets the modern world
26 June 2023
I was reluctant to start watching this show because I fully expected stuffy business jargon with a meandering plot. IMDB, however, assured me on every review and rating that this show was worth it. And it was worth it.

I will be the first to admit I have a bit of a problem when watching TV shows keeping track of when show runners introduce a billion characters all at once and they start referring to each other by name. Not only that, I'm terrible at keeping track of complex stories filled with subplots upon subplots. What Succession does masterfully is completely alleviate both these problems I have. The plot is shockingly easy to follow, but don't surprise easy and simple with boring; the story is absolutely incredible. Succession also does a fantastic job holding your hand with each character, and the character building on this show is comparable to Breaking Bad levels of genius.

I'm only midway season 2 so far, but this show has already subverted the expectation of the rule in TV that quality dips after the first season. I hear the ending is one of the best endings ever made, so I'm eagerly awaiting the conclusion to this epic tale of the warped dealings of the elite.

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Yellowjackets (2021– )
The updated Lost we all wanted
27 April 2023
Yellowjackets delves into the lives of teenage girls stranded in the mountains in 1996, and their adult counterparts decades later in 2021. What makes this story so engaging is the simultaneous stories from both past and present, and the incredibly dark and mysterious story which unfolds.

The main critique I see about this show is how slow it is, which is a fair point because it started to drag at times. This is however not because the story has slow pacing; Yellowjackets actually has perfect pacing. The issue comes from the story taking twice as long to be told from both timelines. Despite this fault the first season gains momentum nearing the finish line, ending the season on a strong note.

Besides this one gripe Yellowjackets boasts a fantastic cast full to the brim with terrific acting, a beefy soundtrack, just the right amount of mystery, and character building that is next level.
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Beef (2023– )
Asians in Hollywood Rise
12 April 2023
I went into watching Beef with almost no information about the show besides the title poster and the 2 line plot summary, so I fully expected a lighthearted dramedy that was on the milder side about two people who were feuding, and the whimsical things that happen along the way.

So I ended up being 50% correct, but what I didn't anticipate was how far the show would push the chaos that ensues completely out of control further and further. We're taken on a journey through the eyes of two antiheroes who continuously destroy everything around them in an attempt to maintain control and get the upper hand.

As someone who's half Asian I'm very happy with the dominance Asians in Hollywood have had since the incredible success of Everything Everywhere All At Once. Beef is another chapter in the new legacy of Asian Americans in film and TV.
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One of the best TV shows ever made
17 March 2023
The Queen's Gambit is easily one of the best things I have ever watched in my life. There's never a dull moment, never a lapse in keeping my absolute attention, and never any doubt in my mind I'm watching as close to perfection as possible.

If you have any reservations about the show (like I initially did) because it's about chess, fear not, because this show is rife with drama, controversy, character building, and incredible emotion.

I would like to congratulate The Queen's Gambit for earning a 10/10 from me, which is exceedingly rare in my book since I'm pathologically picky to a fault.

Don't miss out on this treasure.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
Incredibly strange
26 December 2022
Let me put it out there first- This isn't a bad movie. I actually wasn't bored at all throughout its long duration, and the story was fantastic and compelling. The big problem was the characters.

I can only describe every single character in this movie like being in the middle of a manic episode (like what you would see someone suffering from bi-polar disorder). Every emotion is massively exaggerated, and nothing is left to nuance. The disconnect between the characters on screen and the audience becomes wider and wider as they continuously act more and more like caricatures of real people.

I genuinely wanted to like this movie more, but it just fails to deliver on execution. Nevertheless I wanted the finish the movie, and at no time felt that urge to shut it off like I would any other sub-par movie.
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Severance (2022– )
This. Is. Incredible.
11 December 2022
There really aren't enough positive things to say about this potential masterpiece of art. I want to go on record as saying if the show manages to keep this quality up for it's entire run length, this will be the first show I have watched since Breaking Bad to be as close to perfection as possible.

Admittedly, things start off slow and drag slightly with the first episode. Fear not though, because Severance picks up with an increasing amount of drama and mystery, climaxing perfectly with a season finale that balances that fine line of leaving you wanted more, while quenching your appetite to remain satisfied until Season 2.

Every metric you can measure and judge a TV show on is on display with absolute mastery. The casting, acting, script, direction, cinematography, lighting, set decoration.. everything is perfect.

Actually I noticed a running theme for this review I've written is the word "perfect". So I'll leave you all with that, and watch the damn show already.
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Black Adam (2022)
A Complete Failure
18 November 2022
Another Marvel formula superhero movie that adds absolutely nothing special, new or unique to the genre. The story is boring, action is bland, acting is dreadful and script written like a first draft. The one possible saving grace is the CGI is competently done, but in today's day and age that's not something particularly hard to find in movies and tv.

I only made it 40 mins in before I couldn't take it anymore, and as a principle I usually only reserve ratings for content I have watched in its entirety. I make exceptions for the exceptionally bad. This is one of those instances.

I would rather Shazam my face into a brick wall than put myself through Black Adam again.

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One of the great movies of our time
4 November 2022
One could easily mistake Pan's Labyrinth for a children's movie, born of fantasy and leaving something to be yearned in ways of substance. In actuality, it could be a child's movie.. if you wished to traumatize them with nightmares for the foreseeable future.

Pan's Labyrinth is an absolute masterpiece from Guillermo del Toro that seamlessly blends fantasy, the brutal reality of war and the imagination of a young girl who's looking to hide herself away from the tragedy around her.. or is she? This movie is perfectly paced, beautifully shot, wonderfully scored and expertly put together into simply one of the best movies ever made.

I really can't say enough positive things to do this movie justice, so just watch it, and thank me later.

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Better Than Average Netflix Film
30 October 2022
After reading through some of the reviews here on IMDB, I could quickly surmise the people who didn't enjoy The Good Nurse had the movie being "plain" and "boring" as their main gripes. Granted, the film is slow with very little flash, but since when has this become a bad thing? The ADHD generation needs quick cutting and seizure inducing visuals to keep their attention, and this is the complete opposite.

The Good Nurse works because of a number of factors. A tight script with a consistent beat, never wavering or faltering, which keeps us going at a slow but deliberate pace through the story. The acting is excellent, with Eddie Raymayne and Jessica Chastain absolutely killing their respective roles. The camera work is creative and engaging, choosing to hold shots for long periods while keeping the focus on the heroes of the story. But probably most of all, this movie works because it very (seemingly) accurately portrays the events and people involved without needing to inject needless Hollywood drama.

Netflix has a reputation for producing movies ranging from mediocre to downright terrible, but this one is not one of either.
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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
Not what's advertised (In a good way)
25 September 2022
This movie comes off as something the studio had in mind to package and sell as a romantic comedy, when in actuality it tackles much deeper issues and themes. By the end of the viewing what I had expected to be an affair full of predictable ups and downs with the familiar "Will they, won't they?" tropes turned out to be a journey of nihilistic existentialism that bordered on becoming a really good philosophical film. Had the filmmakers and studios decided to lean more heavily into the artistic side of this movie it could have very well been another Mr. Nobody, which similarly explored deep philosophical questions while bringing us on a journey of two star crossed lovers who were destined to be together, but had to go through hell and back to get there.

A surprising turn of events that turned something that promised a generic experience into something with substance!
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Knives Out (2019)
16 September 2022
It was alright. I can usually be quite long winded when writing movie reviews, but this movie doesn't really require much other than that first sentence. The acting was fine, the plot was pretty ok and the end a respectable wrap up.

Would I call this an amazing movie worthy of an almost 8/10 score on IMDB? Absolutely not. Was this a terrible movie I had difficulty sitting through? Hardly. It was entertaining at times and could carry itself through my attention span. Would I recommend it to anyone or put myself through a second viewing? Not at all.

I'm guessing this movie will relieve itself from my memory in short time. Lost in the wind to other more worthy pictures. But until then it'll remain a movie just reaching the pass bar for this movie goer.

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A Real Look at Love
11 September 2022
The problem with Hollywood telling love stories is they're often following the same cliched trope of boy meets girl, boy falls for girl, boy loses girl, then finally gets the girl. (500) Days of Summer subverts all those expectations with the most realistic portrayal of a relationship I've ever seen on the big screen.

What makes this movie even more unique is just how depressing the entire ordeal is despite the fact that it's upbeat for the most part, probably because it so aptly dissects the anatomy of a relationship that's growing, waning, then dying to the point of causing discomfort. I can't honestly say I particularly enjoy watching this movie for this exact reason. But damn if it isn't right on the money.

I think we enjoy soaking up fairytale romances because they let us hope for that perfect love. The jolt of falling back to the reality of Earth is not pleasant.
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Enough with the jokes
9 September 2022
Taika Waititi's idea of an MCU movie is machine gunning joke after joke to the point of cringe inducing nausea that makes for a confusingly painful movie experience. Ironically enough, as soon as the third act of the film rolls around and with the jokes easing up and dramatic tension is being sown, the movie shockingly (or maybe un-shockingly) becomes infinitely more relatable and interesting, ending on a very strong note. Unfortunately, I view movies as a whole, and having two thirds of the endeavour a trek of excruciating proportions probably chocks this up as a big loss.

I have lost faith with the MCU after being a massive fan following the early successes of the franchise, and still cling to the hope that Marvel will one day realize their audience have become adults in the real world who are capable of enjoying movies at a more mature level.

Almost a 3-4/10, but the strong third act helped bump it to a 5.
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The Martian (2015)
The Perfect Movie
6 September 2022
After yet another viewing of The Martian, I think I can safely say it is one of the best movies ever made, hands down. Countless viewings seem to do little to make this movie feel dull, and every time I watch this masterpiece I'm just as entertained and fulfilled.

One of the biggest positives about The Martian has to be it's technical achievement; it is a masterclass in story, script, cinematography, casting, direction, acting, humor, VFX. I could go on and on, but you get the point. All the metrics by which we judge movies The Martian satisfies to an expert level.

The second great thing would have to be it's message; it's all too common for us human beings to be drawn to and steeping ourselves with drama and negativity, to the point of actively seeking out in every aspect of our lives. The Martian brings a heartwarming and hopefully message of us all being in this thing together, and that we can only succeed individually when we think about the collective and what good we can do for others.

I cannot recommend this movie enough.
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Nope (2022)
A very rare 3/10 from me
30 August 2022
It's quite rare a movie gets less than 4/10 from me. I have a very specific way I rate movies on IMDB, and usually almost all movies that make it to a wide release will fulfill enough criteria to not warrant less than a 4. This is one of those exceptions.

The biggest issue I have with Nope is there isn't a single believable character in the movie. Not only do they each act like complete caricatures of what could be a real character in the movie, but choose to do seemingly random actions that make absolutely no sense. I have, quite simply, never seen such a terrible job of character development in what would be considered an A-tier Hollywood movie. Ever.

There's a certain sense of validation I get from watching this movie though, because I was left baffled seeing Jordan Peele being praised for Get Out, a movie I thought was equally as bad (although slightly more tolerable than Nope) and had left me wondering if I was watching the world devolve into madness.

Perhaps the perfect nail on the coffin for this mess of a movie is the title. An absolutely idiotic one that perfectly encapsulates exactly what you're going to be subjected to.

Could not un-recommend this movie enough.
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Absolutely lives up to the original
20 August 2022
A bit of a story here to get started:

After my mom gave birth to my brother she couldn't sleep, so she would rewatch the original Top Gun repeatedly on VHS. This carried over to us growing up, so by the time I had gotten into my teens I had completely memorized the entire movie. So I know the original front and back.

Tom Cruise not only lived up to the original, but the new Top Gun adds on to the legend by not only tugging on our emotional and nostalgic heart strings, but surpassing it with INCREDIBLE action sequences. I can't put into words just how breathtaking the fighter jet scenes are. Just seeing the stress on the actors faces from the huge Gs they pull puts you directly in the cockpit with them.

This is truly one of the most epic movies I've ever seen, and I wouldn't be surprised to see the US Navy get a big uptick of candidates just like when the original came out.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Action packed =/= Substance
24 July 2022
Don't get me wrong, this movie has pretty spectacular action. But after the millionth action sequence with Ryan Gosling terminatoring his way through countless henchmen interlaced with every character spouting quipy 1 liners it gets very, very old very, very fast.

This was basically at its essence a movie that has 0 motivation to do anything besides feed the summer action/adventure movie crowd that have no interest in anything of substance or value from the big screen.

I teetered on giving this a 6/10 because it's not horrendous, but settled on a 5 because I have absolutely no inclination to ever watch it again.

Can highly recommend if you want to switch off all your brain cells.
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Hustle (2022)
About as authentic as can be
15 July 2022
So I don't know anything about sports, but I'm pretty sure this movie proved that trying to be as authentic as possible to your source material creates the best possible version of what you want to make. I spent the entire movie thinking "Damn, they seriously got a lot of people who actually look like they can play basketball", only to discover the film is chock-a-block full of famous NBA names, most of whom I had never heard of.

The movie isn't particularly original, it's predictable, yet it's incredibly heart warming and fantastically well acted for it's majority non-actor roster. Most of all Adam Sandler proves himself amongst the elite comedian actors able to nail more serious roles (a la Robin Williams), and someone not to be judged on his majority collection of childish comedies.

I'm mostly blown away at the care put in to include as many people in the business as possible, which showed a real love for basketball. You don't need to know anything about basketball to enjoy this one, it's a good ride nonetheless.
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A celebration of common sense
9 July 2022
One thing that can irk me about people like Matt Walsh on the Daily Wire is their hard line stances on certain issues, like the transgender one he brings up in this documentary. But at the end of the day he isn't really confronting the people he interviews so much as asking them extremely basic questions that you should be able to get out of the way in the first 2 minutes, but ends up getting these people rambling in circles.

The documentary is very simple in format and style, there's never any lulls in interest or tone and the amount of common sense coming from both Matt Walsh and the people who are against the aggressively woke trans movement is incredible. It's also very satisfying to watch people become visibly flustered and uncomfortable being unable to answer straightforward questions, causing them to either let forth awkward smiles like when your teacher caught you cheating on a test or just exit the interview.

This film harbors absolutely no hate, no transphobia and is more a cautionary tale on the dangers that this movement gone awry has gotten to.
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Great acting elevates Apatow's clumsiness
4 July 2022
This is strange to watch like every other Apatow movie, because while the characters are fantastically written and acted, it feels like there was about 30 minutes of screen time that should have been left on the editing floor. The story kind of meanders around aimlessly for most of the movie, but this in a way works (whether intentional or not) because it reflects Davidson's character who is wandering aimlessly through life.

I was especially enthralled by Bill Burr, who cements himself as an incredibly good actor who isn't a one trick comedian pony.

I just wish Judd Apatow would surrender his material to a different editor, because this has the makings of a fantastic coming-of-age drama comedy, but it's snail pace and seemingly random series of events at times don't do it justice.

Worth a 1 time viewing at least!
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