14 Reviews
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JT: Reflections (2013 Video)
Awesome in-depth look at a superstar
19 December 2013
Justin Timberlake is one of, if not the biggest stars in the entertainment world. Timberlake has won numerous Grammy and Emmy Awards for both his musical, and acting abilities. The most amazing thing about him is that over the last few years he has been developing into just as big of a threat on the big screen of film as he is on stage, and on the music charts. Needless to say this was a gripping film to watch, very interesting to learn how this man took his career from The Mickey Mouse Club, to N'sync and The Social Network. Great interviews with close friends, industry insiders and fans give this film a very authentic, insightful feeling that fans of Justin, and fans of the entertainment industry will love. Wonderful interviews give tons of insider information bring out facts I would have never known, and the interviews bring viewers closer to Justin than many will ever get.
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Lunch (I) (2012)
A comedy fans dream
17 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge fan of all types of comedy, I found this to be like the holy grail. There is no way you could jam this much history, knowledge, experience, wisdom and wit into a few hours. You could literally not ask for more big names in the world of comedy writing, Carl Reiner, Arthur Hiller, Hal Kanter and Sid Caesar have been eating lunch together at the same restaurant on Wednesdays. They talked about the business, current trends, and of course comedy. Times change, comedy changes, the city of LA changes, but the connection and friendship they have will not. These are the men who shaped the style that American comedy was founded on, and it is quite amazing learning about how they did it.
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Incredible film
12 December 2013
I am a big fan of documentary film, and this is one of my favorites of the last few years. The service men and women of the US go through quite a bit in their time serving they suffer physical and mental traumas few would understand. In this film comedy is used to help them get through their issues. Many candid moments between professional comics and these war veterans really make the film authentic, you can tell that these men need a form of therapy and the comedians help them to achieve that. Few stories manage to grab you from the start, and keep your attention until the end, but this one does. Documentary film making is supposed to transport you into another persons life, to help you understand their lives better, and this film does exactly that.
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Fun, smart comedy
2 December 2013
This guy captures a crowd like few high level comedians do, and he really keeps the laughs coming time after time. South African culture is in the cross hairs as Nik tackles many absurd topics with great wit and timing. Even though many of the slight subtleties of the jokes are over my head, due to my not being up on South African culture, I still laugh because even if I don't understand every detail of what he is talking about, he is still funny. If you are looking for a new up and coming comedian to laugh with, check this guy out before he is mega popular. This way you can talk about how you knew about him before everyone else, this will make all of your friends think you are cooler than you really are.
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Cage Fight (2012)
Fun, and more fun
24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a serious, dramatic, Bourne style action flick, watch something else. If however, you want to watch a fun, entertaining, Spanish language action flick written by the legendary Art Camacho watch this now! When Guerrero illegal crosses from Mexico into the United States, he is quickly noticed by a group of gangsters. They are interested in exploiting his skills to make some money. Fortunately for these gangsters, Guerrero is in need of some help, and if he cooperates with them they will help him get what he needs. Awesome fight scenes, fun action sequences and an interesting cast make for a very fun movie. Watch this for a great time, full of good action and laughs.
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Bad Behavior (2013)
I would not want to watch these kids
23 October 2013
A typical day for young babysitter Zoe quickly goes wrong after she puts the kids to bed. Within a few hours she is not only fighting for her life, but the lives of others as well. This movies spins quite the tale of family issues, sibling rivalry, drug dependence, delusions, denial and their own past. This all leads to quite the culmination as we learn that one child has psychotically violent tendencies, that have been getting worse, and can happen at any time. It is up to Zoe to save the others when the inevitable does happen. This film makes one think about how they would handle themselves in a similar situation. How would you react?
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Eye opening, gut wrenching, and educational.
9 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Some movies make you smile, some make you cry, some make you angry, and some make you think. Beauty and the Breast will do all of these things. This incredible documentary uncovers the truth behind several women's struggle with breast cancer, from diagnosis, to surgery, treatment, and more. Hear what the journey is like through the patients, family members, friends and doctors. Hang on, because it is a but of a bumpy ride.

I honestly had a really rough time finishing this film, it made me realize that this disease effects far more people than I thought. Everyone is touched by it in some way.Beauty and the Breast is an educational film for all people.
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Amy (II) (2013)
A fun possession film
6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A great, fun way to spend an evening, especially if you enjoy horror movies. A story line mixing the insanity of demonic possession, and the trapped, isolated feelings of the Amish make for a fun, suspenseful experience.

The acting and special effects may leave people wanting more, but the script and plot will keep you wanting more. I have seen a lot of possession themed films, most being pretty non-original. Amy is different. The back drop of Amish life makes for a more stressful, chaotic, unpredictable film.

If you enjoy movies about possession, and exorcism like Carrie, or The Exorcist, this is for you!
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The Last Push (2012)
A long journey becomes much more than expected
4 October 2013
After seeing many of the more recent sci-fi, space/time travel films, I grew to expect a certain amount of jaw dropping, mind blowing action and uber cool looking techno gadgetry. This is the opposite of what you get with this film.

Instead, this film makes an honest attempt at displaying what one may go through when faced with an incredibly stressful, physically and mentally demanding situation while being years from earth. This is a spectacle in plot, cinematography, character development and writing. If you are looking for a sci-fi drama, this is it. If you want high action and special effects, check out something else.
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A new look at a legend
20 September 2013
If you consider yourself a fan of music, this is an absolute must see. Many films have been made about the legendary guitar hero Jimmi Hendrix, but this is the first time I have heard an inside view like this one. Leon Hendrix, brother of Jimmi sits down for the first time and talks about the Jimmi he knew. He speaks of his brothers early life, drug problems, and his dark times. Few knew Jimmi like his brother, and this makes for great interview content, and an even better documentary film. If you want to learn more about the greatest guitar player of all time, and watch his friends, and family talk about him, this is the way to do it.
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A movie to watch with your partner
20 September 2013
If you are looking for a movie to watch with your girlfriend, or boyfriend, look no further. Inside the 50 shades takes an incredibly in-depth, interesting look into the real live of people who live the BDSM life style. If you are shy about human sexuality, this film may not be the best pick for you. It is so relieving, and refreshing seeing people being so honest about their sex lives. Most people live boring lives, and would never tell you the most intimate parts of their day, but these people are far from boring, and are as open as can be. This is a great way to see how people who are open and honest live. A must see for anyone who likes honesty in their documentary films.
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Femme (2013)
A documentary that empowers women
20 September 2013
In the world of documentary film making, subject is of the up most importance, and in the case of Femme, the subject is the empowerment of women. A thorough, gripping, and deep subject. The film made me realize that as a society we have helped to bring down the perceived importance of women. Femmme has also helped me to respect my mother and girlfriend even more. This film is a movement, an attempt to transform and heal our society through documentary film making. Sharon Stone and others explore the depth and cultural weight of the empowerment of women through interviews with experts in religion, science, sociology and entertainment.
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The Employer (2013)
What are you willing to do to get the job?
7 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Do you like claustrophobic horror flicks in which people's weaknesses are exploited so that the worst comes out in them, resulting in murder? If so you will like this film, I did.

The Employer asks an honest question. What are you will to do for an awesome job that will allow you to get away with anything and to probably get really rich?

The five contestants in this film are willing to do anything. In this case that means surviving this 5-way massacre/job interview, and more than likely killing a few people along the way. The film written and directed by Frank Merle, plays on the cold-heartedness of big business in America.

I enjoy the polarities Frank draws between killing people, and killing businesses, which is what the Carcharias Corporation apparently does. I also found the death by stiletto heel to be very enjoyable, as was the performance by Michael Delorenzo, as Keith Caverns. Michael has a certain way of making you hate the character he portrays, which is exactly what the Writer/Director wants.
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42 (2013)
Branch Rickey, Dodgers GM wants to shock the baseball world, and Jackie Robinson is the key.
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps the biggest act in the civil rights movement happened on the baseball field, and it was all thanks to Branch Rickey, and Jackie Robinson.

Harrinson Ford turns in an amazing performance with his portrayal of Branch Rickey. Ford is nearly invisible as he disappears into his role. I felt as if I was watching Branch play himself. I cannot say the same for the performance by Chadwick Boseman.

Perhaps he was simply overshadowed by Ford, but I was never blown away by Boseman as an actor, he did not make me feel for Robinson. I wanted Robinson to succeed due to the situation he and his people were in, but not because of the portrayal by Boseman.

This film is worth seeing, but not as spectacular as some are saying it is. A must see for those who had no knowledge of Jackie Robinson and what he did for both sports and society.
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