Ridiculously over-dramatic acting and stupidly scripted scenes in general.
25 October 2022
A stranded, wandering kid is taken in by total strangers at the prompting of a hospital official-they're Not Fostering, though... ? And somehow "We Don't Have Time" (to treat or counsel her-it's so hard) makes it sensible or reasonable, since no one knows her name, or family, nor are there any missing girls she matches, etc. Seriously?

Are these random strangers some kind of family counselors?, experts in child psychology?, known to the hospital as prior fosters?, private investigators?, journalists? Nope, none of that. They're nobodies that it isn't demonstrated have made any type of quick, deep connection with the kid. They've only shown their concern towards her in non-verbal ways, and then it's like, fill out the paperwork, 'She's Doing Well Because Of You, So You Must Take Her.' How bizarre and irresponsible?!

It includes some extended scenes of female abuse and violence fetishism, which is super-disturbing, and there wasn't a strong enough warning about that in the streaming service description. The whole production is peppered with inexplicably nasty attitudes toward women and girls.

Sinister music at inappropriate times. Bad acting, directing, editing, etc., all around. The dubbing also went off the rails at times, like having a child who was both an abuse victim and was an abuser say, "You look great!" to an adult, when the young actress actually only said, "You, too."

When it gets only 12 mins in and they're showing someone getting pressured and whined at while they're in the bathroom, just for pointless tension and drama, you know it's L. A. M. E. Big house, but here's hubby, scratching at door like a dog with separation anxiety.

So, wouldn't you know, halfway through this takes a turn into showing us a really awful couple with horrific trust issues and emotionally abusive arguing for waaay too long to be tolerable. Ugh, that's not storytelling.
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