Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (TV Series 2001–2011) Poster

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An entertaining comedy
taz121_29 January 2003
I never watched this on its first airing but have done so on UK Gold re-runs. I found this to be extremely funny with a talented cast.

You either love it or hate it, but its classic, a sort of cross between Men Behaving badly and Coupling. Honestly give it a try, like coupling we can all relate to the storylines.

A realistic comedy
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Brutally honest and gritty in all its Britishness
shannen-l-c25 February 2018
'Two Pints' is hardly the show of the century and outside of the UK I doubt anyone would understand or enjoy the humour, but I love it for everything it is. The humour is very hit or miss, and sometimes too childish or exaggerated, but the rest of the time it has me laughing out loud.

What makes 'Two Pints' stand out to me is the fact that it's so honest. It doesn't shy away from anything, no matter how detestable it might be to others. Many of the jokes are filthy, there's open prostitution, alcoholism as a culture, scamming of the benefits system and many more things that other shows refuse to explore but that are very much present all over the UK. The characters are all hugely flawed, underachievers that are lacking in ambition, intelligence and integrity, but they're all endearing and relatable on some level, because they're just trying to do the best with what they have and know.

'Two Pints' needs to be taken and enjoyed for what it is. It's simple, it's flawed but it's funny and authentic and provides some light-hearted comic relief that's perfect for helping you to leave your worries behind for half an hour.
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'Friends' meets the Bundys, UK-style
winstonfg26 June 2007
I just turned 50, so I find it amazing that I like this program so much. It's crude and juvenile (perhaps not surprising, as writer Susan Nickson was only 19 when it started) and the acting is sometimes wooden; but it really does grow on you after a while, and there are some genuinely funny moments.

The young cast are likable and have bags of energy, and the acting does get better as the series goes on. Maybe it's the British heritage of naughty postcards and 'Carry On' movies, but I'd far prefer to watch this lot than the sugary-sweet 'Friends'.

It's also spawned some of the best out-take shows you'll ever see.
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Not the best, but who cares?
Bulldog74 August 2002
This is a funny show. The young cast are good with some great lines but, as you would expect, lack some of the qualities that come with experience. Overall though, does it matter? This show makes me laugh and I watch it whenever I can. With a better-than-average script overall infused with little spots of genius, this show is one to look out for.
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Totally The BEST Show Ever.
GrimTyson8 November 2004
This show is the best thing to hit the BBC since, well ever. I do not usually watch the BBC because I do not like most of the shows on the channel, but hearing about Two Pints(with Will Mellor and Natalie Casey)I thought "Well that show is going to be good". And, well, it is. The show is generally about five mates and there love lives. It is extremely funny with lots of sex, drink and well, more sex. As well as being a brill show, all the cast are brill actors and are really funny. Please Please, if you have not seen it yet, then do so, you may like it. Season five starts early next year. Tony. xXx
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great show sour ending
ilovemovies20163 January 2019
Great show but sour ending last 2 seasons slow boring unfunny first 7 seasons worth watching after loss of main cast member aka johnny whole show just left me with a sour taste but very funny crude and rude
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Friends for chavs
rogue-9805829 June 2018
2 pints is a British comedy series about a group of young friends and the trials and highs of their lives. Imagine 'Friends' if they were all teenagers, sex obsessed and drunk most of the time lol. Yu have a couple of stereo types such as Louise who thinks she is the most important thing on the planet and does not realise how she annoys people, Gaz the 'hunk' who thinks he is gods gift to woman but my favourite is Donna who is such a mix from loving to thinking she would rips your wedding tackle off. The comedy is crude and so is the language but you will see people that you know in the characters. The acting and writing are amazing and if you want to know about the 'pasty bikini' or why you should not trust sheep you HAVE to watch this show.
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manitobaman8121 August 2014
I like all of the comedians. Say what you will, it is very light-hearted and it isn't complex at all as the different characters struggle against a system that has perpetuated many falsehoods. I suggest you enjoy the first three or so episodes for what they are and let your mind play around with the opportunities there can be to make something interesting. My only problem with the series was the supporting cast, but it's still okay. The plots were not as well thought out as they could have been, but, you know what, it still does the cast well. I thought this was cute and not bad at all. It's an amazing work.
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Excellent Comedy
sjc19798 January 2003
I think this programme is fantastic. I decided to watch just because of who was in it (I was a Hollyoaks fan). And I'm glad I did. It is the funniest program I have ever seen - I never stopped laughing. I guess its one of them programs you either love or hate and I love it. At least give it a try its worth watching if you haven't laughed in the first ten minutes then don't bother watching anymore cos its the same kinda humour all the way through.
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Frustratingly close to being much better
jmbootz30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All considered, I'm somewhat disappointed in the run of this show. The concept and characters started out fine, and I love low-brow humor. It was refreshing that the show talked about things that other shows don't, and I appreciated the edginess it brought.

But maybe I'm foolish for expecting crude sitcom characters to evolve or grow, but the same setups got pretty old after a while. Gaz cheats. Everybody still loves him excessively and can't move on. I'd swear these women were written by men, except they generally weren't, which makes their baseless adoration of Gaz all the more frustrating.

I can see why the women in the cast generally aren't interested in touching these characters again. They're completely one-dimensional and pathetic.

I wonder how much of this is owing to the show being 20 years old at this point. I'd imagine a modern take would be quite different.

All that said, the earlier seasons with the full original cast were pretty decent. The last couple seasons were a little too dramatic for my tastes, and of course covered well-trod ground, just minus the most likeable characters.
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Brilliant....if you have a mental age of 12.
pupsmaschine14 August 2007
Honestly, how can this get an average rating of 7.+? The jokes are tripe. I have written better material and I have bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The banter you hear in pubs is 10 times funnier than this pap. Every episode is the same. Same plot over and over again. "Gaz, will you have sex with me?" , "yeah, but not up the pooper" (Massive laugh from audience)......that's it, honestly, that's it. Poor....... This show gets shown on BBCThree, day in day out. It feels as though it's on 24 hrs a day. You only have to see one show to know how the rest of the series pans out. "gaz, blah, blah, blah." (insert some terrible double entendre reply). Do yourself a favour and actually go to the pub for a couple of pints and a packet of crisps.
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This programme is just..,, WOW!!!
lovinglady552 January 2007
This programme is one of the funniest programmes on TV. I absolutely love all the characters in this show, they're all so funny. Well Done BBC, you couldn't have got any better people to play these characters. I haven't always been a REALLY BIG fan of this show, however I have been a big fan. Then I was bought the 'Two Pints of lager...' DVD for Xmas and now i am hooked. One of my favourite episodes is 'Fokky Mockin Bokka'. I am also a big fan of Will Mellor (Gaz) and Natalie Casey (Donna), they play the characters perfectly. Another funny episode is the musical, 'When Janet met Jonny', i think i speak for many people when i say, the songs in this episode are absolutely rolling-on-the-floor funny. xx
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Absolutely Awful
jaspar-casey6 April 2007
I watched a few episodes last night and eventually turned off the TV out of sheer boredom. This program is absolutely terrible. I've seen this show before and didn't like and tried to give it a second chance last night. The characters are very dry and boring. The writing is so predictable it's not even funny. It tries to be clever about relationships but all the conclusions they come to are so dull and obvious that I really don't see why they bother to try.

This awful program is topped off by one of the lamest laugh tracks ever. If the fake audience isn't even enjoying it, you can be sure that real people will find it just as boring. Save yourself the trouble and avoid this!
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Possibly the funniest show ever put out by Aunty Beeb.
dirkwombatslayer23 January 2004
I can't understand why people have criticised this show so heavily because it's absolutely hilarious.

I missed the show the first time around and only recently caught a few episodes on UKTV. The very first episode I saw had me laughing so hard, I cried! I was immediately hooked and bought the first two seasons on DVD.

One of the reasons the show is so funny is that most people can identify with the basic situations the writer, Susan Nickson, looks at. In addition, the characters are all human, complete with some pretty awful flaws. Even the actors fit their parts perfectly. They're not all staggeringly beautiful and they're not the world's greatest thespians - most of them are newcomers to TV or have relatively little experience. Having said that, the main characters Donna (Natalie Casey), Janet (Sheridan Smith), Johnny (Ralf Little) and Gaz (Will Mellor) are all played brilliantly ...with perfect delivery and comic timing.

The humour is often very crude (lots of jokes about "bum love") and some of the "issues" looked at are a little tasteless (one of the newest characters has learning difficulties) but isn't this how real life is? How likely is the man in the pub - who's just sunk six pints - to hold back from telling a joke that is a little racist or sexist? How many people do we meet day-to-day that have old-fashioned views about people with learning difficulties, or hold weird misconceptions? The important thing to remember is that the show always treats its characters/situations affectionately in the end. The character with learning difficulties (Munch), for example, always ends up on top or always gets the care and attention he needs from his brother (Gaz) or other people.

If you're not easily offended and are reasonably up to date with youth culture, give it a try!
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two pints of lager is brilliant
kerrinotts9 October 2006
i had seen a few of two pints of lager in Spain while on holiday and in my second week to be honest i couldn't wait to get home to buy them, i have got them all now and watch them over and over again i just love the like when Gaz finds out his long lost brother is munch, how great was that. munch to is a good character. its not all about sex. you must watch series 3 with the musical that is so great. and the saddest one was when Johnny gets shot by the police for Louise making changes on his record that to was funny but a little unfair. i cried my eyes out. i have got to buy the last series which is series 6 and i can not wait as I'm so sure it will keep me laughing for hour on end with all the jokes.
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2 pints
fullsizeopel8 May 2006
I watched it from the first episode and i have never had such a laugh, and i know that it is a very popular show in Sweden. thank's to cable, I'm glued to the TV every Friday (it runs on BBC prime at 21.30 every Friday evening)and i bought it on DVD every episode.I just love it, and recognize almost everything from my own and my pals youth, and i've heard that a sixth season is coming. if u haven't seen it do so, it's the best. all my family visits me every Saturday to see it (im taping it just for them to see they don't have cable unfortunately). My absolute favorite is Johnny (he is like me when i was younger, and Gaz, well he is exactly like me now and for past ten years.So i'm voting for the show!
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Two Pints is the Best!
joeymate25 July 2007
I have to agree with Lisa that two pints is the best and if you don't find it funny you either don't have a good sense of humour or you haven't watched it properly and just turned over in one minute of viewing it. I love this programme so much :) I think all the characters are fantastic! And if you saw the writer 'Susan Nickson' you wouldn't believe how much filth could come out of her mind. I cant write another four lines. Ermm my favourite series is probably 3. Because it has the best episode ever in it which is the musical episode 'When Janet met Johnny'. But i think the worst series is probably five because its way to scattered about and looks like it had been done in a rush. Joeyy
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"Sex, sex and more sex."
The_Movie_Cat3 April 2001
If ever you wanted to know what a sitcom written by a twenty-two-year-old would be like then here's your chance. That's not to disway young writers from working in television, but more to say that Two Pints of Lager makes BBC2's "comedy night" a violation of the Trades Descriptions Act.

Filled with terrible performances, two of the main cast come from Hollyoaks, this being their first venture into "comic" acting. Natalie Casey in particular seems to be encouraged to constantly overplay her lines, much like a sixth form play. Will Mellor does a little better, though even Sheridan Smith and Ralf Little, who had proven themselves in The Royle Family, seem directed to be as over the top as possible. Smith isn't helped by having to say the name "Jonny" virtually every single sentence. This leaves Beverley Callard, who isn't bad, and Kathryn Drysdale who gets a clichéd "dizzy" character, almost patronising in its lazy banality.

The scripts are full of sexual references that go too far into juvenile crassness to ever really be funny. "Treat him like a tampon – dip him in once and then throw him away" is Casey's motto. The second episode, meanwhile (wittily titled Spunk) sees Drysdale craving for a mouthful of "spunk" after she hears it has a lot of calories and wants to gain weight. Steptoe and Son never had that sort of problem.

The "jokes" that aren't based around sex (about 0.0001%) fall similarly flat. "Did you ever see that film Scum?" "Is that the one with all those dogs?" "No, that's 101 Dalmatians." No, I didn't laugh, either. Try this: "I'll hurt you, I know Feng Shui." No? The shallow plots are equally embarrassing. The fifth episode, Lard, sees Jonny contrivedly fancying his girlfriend's best mate. While his girlfriend in turn tries her hand for a single week at stand-up comedy. They seem to derive less from real-life experience, more from a second-hand viewership of traditional sitcoms. Like the basic plots of Terry and June rehashed with a few references to blow jobs put in every sixth line.

As far as I'm concerned there are two main divisions of situation comedy: character comedy and joke-orientated comedy. The latter is like Friends, where a group of actors stand around saying funny lines at one another. The former would be like, say, Till Death Do Us Part, where the humour grows organically out of the various quirks and eccentricities of the main cast. Two Pints of Lager isn't either, as the one-liners aren't funny enough to fulfil the feedline-punchline format, and the cartoon cut-outs mean describing it as a "character" comedy is the only joke you'll get out of this pretty lame affair.

The saddest part of all this is that this grim and self-conscious comedy isn't even the worst British sitcom of the last five years, not by a long shot. I still haven't counted Barbara, The Fitz, Days Like These, Married For Life, The...
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You know when you like something when . . .
IridescentTranquility9 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
. . . you time your evening shower so that you are putting your pyjamas on when it starts on TV. And I do this with Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps.

As some people have pointed out, bits of it are pretty crude (this is no Keeping Up Appearances) but then, when the central characters are all twenty-something, I'd be surprised if it wasn't.

Some of the situations are slightly mad and you have to suspend your disbelief, like Janet talking to the unborn baby via the hoover, as I recall - the said baby actually has some wonderful close-up shots. Obviously we'll never be able to get babies to act, but the expressions on the face of this little thing are priceless. It looks like he thinks being named Corinthian McVitie Keogh is the very least of his problems.

On the other hand, other situations are almost plausible. The occasion of Louise getting a job where she can access anyone's personal information is like a little goldmine - I'm sure she didn't mean for it to turn out as it did, but wouldn't anyone in that position be even a little bit tempted to find out more about their friends and associates? I think I'd find it difficult to resist.

What gives Two Pints of Lager all the more credit is that the characters are human. As a twenty-something, I'll freely admit to being drawn to childish things when I need comfort, and I think of Johnny and his addiction to Jammie Dodgers as an example. It's not trying to be intellectual, it's not obviously judgemental, it's just showing the lives of young people in an average lifestyle.

The more I watch it, the more I want to watch it.
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Ignore all that have seen this and say it is funny. They must have had a sense of humour transplant!
brdlybaum27 May 2006
I wanted to put my summary in block capitals but the makers of the website wouldn't allow me to!

I seriously feel sorry for the talented Ralph little, Sheridan Smith and Katherine Drysdale for getting involved in this! Will Mellor and Natalie Casey are no different to when they appeared in Hollyoaks, they are still completely wooden. The 'jokes' are totally humourless and the sense of comic timing from the cast especially from Casey and Mellor is completely non-existent! The directing is dire (that probably didn't help the timing but for some of the cast they still wouldn't have the timing anyway even if the directing was perfect!

If you suffer with insomnia you couldn't do much better than to use this as an aid to getting to sleep. it will have you doing that within minutes and by that I mean the first five to ten!

I wish I could have given this rubbish a rating of 0/10!
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Not quite sure why so many people hate this.
tonycorsini25 April 2002
I found the first series unexpectedly funny. The writing is fresh and delightfully obscene! The young writer has had the courage to put lines and topics into a sitcom that have not been used before, but which people make jokes about all the time in real life. The cast, particularly the girls are superb and seem the fit the roles like a glove. So what if the show is a little like Friends, set in Runcorn - so long as it's funny! The show is let down by the laughter track - in an odd reversal of the usual criticism - it is not strong enough. I have been creasing myself with laughter with some lines only to hear silence from the recorded audience. The repeated viewing of the first series was even better - which is always a good sign. I am glad that the Beeb has agreed to a second series despite the criticism.

I have not seen the new series yet but I am looking forward to it coming to terrestrial soon.
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Classic early 2000's British comedy.
cwhittakerhughes23 May 2021
Such a classic, down to earth comedy about a bunch of friends in the north of England. Has some adult (but light heart) humour. So underrated, most people in these times wouldn't understand the comedy and humour, they'd prefer to watch some rubbish like Mrs Brown's Boys.

I gave it 9/10, didn't really like the last couple season's, they kind of went off track of what the show is truly about which is just a bunch of friends struggling with relationships, jobs and life in general. Very relatable comedy which is what makes it so good!
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The British "Friends"
leevclarke2 December 2006
The best way I can summarise this show is that it is the British version of "Friends", documenting the interweaving lives of five young adults. It is consistently sharp and witty, with a good twist of eccentric for good measure.

It takes scathing digs at celebrities, is unashamedly sexist, and is not afraid to use swear-words in the right places. It includes references to cult figures of yesteryear, which people in the characters' age group will appreciate. All of this is done to humorous effect very well.

The characters are fresh and modern, yet somehow feel very real and familiar. It also features some nice totty of both genders. ;-) Although it may be true that not everyone will like this show, I would recommend that you give it a try - repeats are still being shown regularly on BBC Three.
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i love two pints and won't stop talking about it
bob36216 December 2007
i wake up every Day a happy person.And two pints of larger and a packet of crisps only make me happier the best comedy ever i say i watch it every day yes the program is sarcastic and sometimes a bit exaggerated but i disagree with these unconnected decisions the program overall has changed my life and has made my life an enjoyment to live. My life is commonly referred to two pints as i am very funny and sarcastic but i get all my sarcasm from the stock characters gaz,Johny,Janet,Donna,and Louis i am thrilled when i watch the AMAZING ACTIng PLEASE CONtact me if you disagree with these overall opinions at my email BEST PROGRAM EVER!!!!!!!!!
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An empty sitcom.
petersaarloos6 August 2008
The fact that I feel a 5 is a decent score for this sitcom surprises me, because when I objectively sum up what this sitcom has to offer, it's nothing at all.

First off, there's still a laughing machine. For a sitcom that is obviously meant for Britten's youth, this seems unnecessarily old school, which makes it kinda obvious they put it in to point out the jokes. I tried imaging the sitcom without it and realized that most of the jokes would probably pass you, because they're so shallow, simple or immature.

The acting isn't too smashing either. It's nicely hidden by the thick accent of the cast, but the lack of quality still shimmers through every now and then.

Aside from that, the jokes are often plain and simple. Most of the characters have no depth whatsoever, which makes them easy for producing jokes, but makes the show all the more shallow.

I am, of course, summing up the bad parts and there surely must be some good parts, otherwise it wouldn't have kept me watching long enough to figure all this out, but I just can't put my finger on them.

The only thing I could call for is that the setting is somewhat original, a couple of young people with thick accents who go to bars, but the originality is completely annihilated by the annoying laughing machine, that makes me feel as if this is supposed to be a "back to the past" sitcom.

So I pass this sitcom. It has nothing to offer at all.
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