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Crime, love and punishment
rubenm18 October 2017
Gigi and Bibi. It sounds like two cartoon characters, but in fact they are the nicknames of Gino and Bénédicte, the two leads in Michael R. Roskam's new movie 'Le Fidèle'.

Already in the first five minutes of the film, Gigi and Bibi fall in love. This love affair is the main theme of the film. It's not an easy affair, since Bibi is the daughter of a wealthy business man, who supports her race car driving career, while Gigi doesn't have any relatives and earns a living by robbing banks and cash transit vans.

At first, Gigi hides his real occupation and pretends to be a car salesman. When he no longer can hide the truth, he is quick to point out that they both have a lot in common, in spite of their different backgrounds. He likes the risk-taking and the danger that comes with his job, exactly as she does with hers.

For Belgian moviegoers, the film has an extra appeal. Roskam has based his story on the lives of a well-known gang of criminals, who were household names in the 1990's. They captured the attention of the media and the public at large, because they combined extremely audacious and violent robberies with a glamorous lifestyle.

Roskam shows in this movie how such brutal criminals could at the same time be loving husbands and friends. Gigi loves Bibi, and he is extremely loyal to his criminal friends, but he has no respect for the feelings of his victims. Matthias Schoenaerts plays this complex character very convincingly, and Adèle Exarchopoulos is quite effective as the slightly naive girl whose love for Gigi is unconditional.

The last part of the film is different from the rest. The love affair, having been firmly established, is no longer the central theme. Instead, we see a quick succession of increasingly dramatic events, which sometimes feels a bit exaggerated. But the beautiful end scene compensates for this. This long take is technically simple, but very clever and creative from a cinematographic point of view. And the very last shot even more so. It's these kinds of scenes that show how original a film maker Roskam can be.
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Great first half, iffy second one
cronos09069328 May 2020
The first hour was entertaining. The second wasn't. I already had some difficulties with plot choices in the first half, but the suspense was there to keep the plot moving and the chemistry between Gigi and Bibi was intriguing enough. In the second half I find some plot choices too ridiculous and it made me loose my interest in the way the characters handle them somewhat. The sense of time also becomes kind of weird. A lot of very dramatic events are packed into that last hour, but the intensity or heaviness of them doesn't seem to come across the way it should.

I loved Karatzanis' photography and the sound design as well.

This movie is definitelty worth the watch. I think it deserves it's rating on here at the time of this review (6.3).
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Quite a shambles
Bertaut24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Le Fidèle [lit. trans. The Faithful] is an absolute mess of a film, and one of the most egregious examples I've ever encountered of a narrative systematically undermining and imploding in on top of itself, unable to bear the weight of a litany of clichés, melodrama, and inexplicable decisions (on the part of both the filmmakers and the characters). Imagine, if you will, an evil projectionist sitting in his projection booth trying to think of ways to be evil. He's not too imaginative, so about the only thing he can come up with is showing Michael Mann's Heat (1995), and instead of the final reel of that film, the evil projectionist splices in the last reel of Terms of Endearment (1983) or Beaches (1988). The incongruity between the first 90 or so minutes of Fidèle and the last half-hour is no less jolting or ridiculous, as the script inexplicably morphs from a heist movie into a pseudo disease-of-the-week based tearjerker that is so bad, yet so earnest, so enraptured with itself and convinced of its own profundity, I kept expecting Kirk Cameron to pop up.

However, that things should have turned out this way is by no means a given. Written by Thomas Bidegain, Noé Debré, and Michaël R. Roskam, and directed by Roskam, the filmmakers have an impressive enough pedigree to promise much. Bidegain is best known for his collaborations with Jacques Audiard, co-writing Un prophète (2009) and Dheepan (2015) (on which Debré also worked), as well as Joachim Lafosse's soul-crushingly brilliant À perdre la raison (2012). In short, these guys know story construction. There is one red flag, however. Bidegain also co-wrote the screenplay for Audiard's De rouille et d'os (2012), which was hideous, and made a mockery of Craig Davidson's excellent short story collection on which it was based. Of course, the real gem in the line-up is Roskam, with Fidèle as his third feature (and his fourth collaboration with Matthias Schoenaerts, having also worked together on the short film, "The One Thing to Do (2005)"). His feature debut was Rundskop (2011), a devastating seismic powerhouse of a movie that bludgeoned you over the head with any optimism you may have dared bring to it. Rundskop was one of the best films of the year, and was rightly nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 2012 Academy Awards, also winning a bunch of Best Film awards (AFI Fest, CinEuphoria Awards, Film Festival Oostende, Palm Springs International Film Festival), and cleaning up at Belgium's 2012 Magritte Awards. Roskam followed up that auspicious debut with The Drop (2014), which was good, but nothing special.

The acting talent in Fidèle also suggests a high-quality product. Schoenaerts is an intense performer whom I've seen compared to a young Robert De Niro, and who tends to be good in everything, even if the movie around him is rubbish. Adèle Exarchopoulos isn't as well-known, but she was mesmerising in La vie d'Adèle (2013), for which she won over twenty Best Actress awards, as well as being one of three recipients of the 2013 Palme D'Or, the first time in Cannes' history that the award was shared between filmmakers and actors (the other winners were her co-star Léa Seydoux and the film's screenwriter/director Abdellatif Kechiche). Together, Schoenaerts and Exarchopoulos make for a distractingly attractive couple, with effortless sexual chemistry between them, and a nice sense of playfulness. It also helps that neither seems particularly shy about doing sex scenes.

And so, with all that in mind, for the first 90 minutes or so, Fidèle chugs along nicely - a little overwrought, but well put together and enjoyable enough in a disposable sort of way. It's a fairly familiar story; essentially, will the love of a good woman save the recidivist criminal with a heart of gold? Gino "Gigi" Vanoirbeek (Schoenaerts) is a thief masquerading as a car salesman (the "jailbird" of the horrendous English language title which I point-blank refuse to use), Bénédicte "Bibi" Delhany (Exarchopoulos) works for her father (Eric De Staercke) at his construction company, but spends her free time on the race track (the "racer"). They are introduced by her brother Bernard (Thomas Coumans), who doesn't know what Gigi really does, and they quickly fall in love. However, as time goes by, Gigi finds it increasingly difficult to keep the truth of what he does away from a suspicious Bibi. After a successful bank robbery, Gigi is persuaded by his colleagues to do "one more heist" (yep, that old chestnut), despite the "risk versus reward" (to quote Heat) scenario it seems to be.

Speaking of Michael Mann, parts of Fidèle are unashamedly influenced by Heat, particularly the bank robbery scene, whilst Gigi's cover as working as a car salesman is taken directly from Mann's underrated debut Thief (1981).

The plot summary above takes us through the first act (which focuses on Gigi), and into the second (which focuses on Bibi). And then the bottom falls out, as the screenplay makes one of the most bizarre about-turns I've ever seen. The one element of Rundskop which needed work was that Roskam introduced several plot strands which just didn't integrate into the surrounding narrative, almost as if they were from an entirely different film. I'm thinking of the comic-relief mechanics, who were fine on their own (and pretty funny), but out of place in such a nihilistic film. Another example would be the tough-as-nails workaholic cop (Barbara Sarafian) who is determined to get her man no matter what, or the homosexual undercover cop (Tibo Vandenborre) promising an informant they can get together after the case is done. These elements were fine in isolation, but just didn't settle into the overriding narrative. Now, think of that lack of integration, and then multiply it by several thousand, and you will be some way to understanding just how badly the last half hour of Fidèle gels with everything that has preceded it.

But it's not only the fact that the film has an identity crisis and morphs into something completely different. One might forgive that if that something different was well written. As a heist movie, Fidèle works pretty well, but as a tearjerker, it's horrendous. For starters, Roskam tries to cram far too much into a short space of time. The last half hour of the film jumps all over the place from Bibi's dad being blackmailed to Gigi's recidivism catching up with him to trouble conceiving a child to ovarian cancer to chemotherapy to mysterious Albanians who can't be trusted to a dogfighting ring. And with Bibi on the brink of death, when Gigi arrives in the hospital to see her, she's already slipped into a coma. So they never get to say goodbye. Then he gets beaten up. Twice.

Roskam handles all of this with a spectacularly misguided solemnity that ends up manifesting itself as nothing other than mawkishness. He just keeps on piling melodrama on top of cliché on top of angst. The audience at the screening I attended actually started laughing as the characters experienced misfortune after misfortune after misfortune. It just never ends, and, most unforgivingly, the suffering has absolutely no cathartic effect whatsoever, it just exists in a vacuum of its own making; there's no moral component, no sense in which any of the characters come out the other side having learnt something, and the audience itself certainly doesn't experience any kind of emotional purification, any sense in which their pity or fear has been engaged or purged.

And what's especially frustrating is that the film's individual components are well put together. The acting is strong (it would be almost unwatchable where the acting anything less than exemplary), and Roskam's direction is predictably solid (the aesthetic centrepiece is a brilliantly staged three or four minute single take shot of a complex heist on a motorway). Hell, even the end of the film, the final sequence as Gigi drives across the city, is brilliantly shot, and the revelation that his and Bibi's conversation continued after he joked that he was a bank robber really caught me by surprise. And the last line is superb (it's also more emotive than all the melodrama in the preceding half hour). It's for reasons like this that I haven't scored the film two or three.

However, although the destination is pretty satisfying, how we have gotten there is so ludicrous that it renders any sense of accomplishment completely null and void. It's just a shame, because although in an isolated sense, most of the film is well done, the totality is a disaster. A huge disappointment from a director who only seven years ago showed all the promise in the world. I'm not convinced yet that Rundskop was a fluke, perhaps Fidèle will prove to be the exception in Roskam's oeuvre, but with this and The Drop, I'm starting to get a little worried.
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Enthralling crime piece from Oscar nominee from Michael R. Roskam
bosmans-maxime11 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before I start this review, it is important to note that I am Belgian and because of this my experience in this movie is different. With this out of the way, let's start with a short synopsis of the film without spoiling any big plot points.

The movie tells the story of Gigi and Bibi, two people with completely different backgrounds who fall in love in Brussels. Gigi (Matthias Schoenaerts) is a gangster who robs banks while he pretends to be a car salesman. He was abused as a child,t he only people he could rely on in his childhood were his friends. Later on he started robbing banks with this same group of friends. Bibi (Adèle Exarchopoulos) on the other hand comes from a loving and upper class family. Because of the support of her father she could become a professional racer. From here, the story unfolds.

The performance by Matthias Schoenaerts is, once again, spot on. He delivers a perfect bilingual performance as Gigi the gangster who eventually sees the light. The other actors as, especially Adèle Exarchopoulos, shine as well.

The story is divided in 3 parts, all with their own theme. The first is called 'Gigi' and is about the evasion Gino uses on his loved ones. The second, 'Bibi', shows the kindness and effort Bibi puts into her lover and the ways she tries him to make up for himself. The third and final chapter shows the redemption of Gino after facing some serious setbacks.

The movie is thrilling and touching at the same time, not leaving you untouched for one moment. Above all the last scene of the movie where the camera flies through the streets of Brussels, metaphorically saying that Gigi roams the streets of Brussels with as only purpose to find the lover he lost.

Highly recommend it. 9/10
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Goes from kind of exciting to very depressing.
steve-266-90313217 May 2018
Well ... It's a very well made film, with a great cast, lead and supporting; it does have a few less than believable aspects to the plot I must say. But the first part is sort of the car racing + heist film you were promised.

Anyway, yeah, the first part is fine - plenty of chemistry between Gigi and Bibi, lots of action, it looks like it's going somewhere ... and then where it goes is rather dark. And then from there, it turns utterly bleak. Forlorn, sad, depressing; you name it. I felt like there was a dark cloud hanging over me afterwards, and I'm surprised my dreams that night weren't darker than they were. I generally like noir, but this was a bit much for me. Some people have a higher tolerance for that sort of thing than I do though. C'est la vie.
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A true deception, but not a corny film.
searchanddestroy-11 November 2017
Wait, I don't say that's not a good movie. No, only it did not reach the point I expected, especially after the trailer watching. This is a melodrama, not a crime film; or may I say a melodrama with some crime accents. You have here one of the best armored truck heist sequences ever. I don't remember a better scene since LE PACHA, back in 1968. It is a must see. For the rest, it is a pure melodrama in the line of Arthur Hiller's LOVE STORY or BOOBY DEERFIELD ( still around car races !!!). This movie is too long for my taste, but performances are amazing, as the directing. A strange film, indeed. Interesting but not what I waited for. Many things unexplained, especially the ending.
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What attracts is also what tears apart
Blue-Grotto7 April 2018
Taking risks makes some feel alive. Both Bibi and Gigi, a racecar driver and sophisticated thief, are the type. True to nature, they fall for each other on first sight and quickly dispense with the formalities. "Do not bring flowers," says Bibi. Not that she needed to warn him. Bibi and Gigi share a danger addiction. Distance feeds their adrenaline, and attraction. "Do not lie to me," warns Bibi, yet she cannot get enough of it. What attracts is also what tears apart. The poor one among them who fails to keep pace with the other, or who runs too far away! Please, I thought at the start, do not let Bibi rescue Gigi in a car at any point during the film. The more the premise of the film and the nature of the characters is revealed, the less one needs to worry about this. The Bibi/Gigi chemistry is palpable. The best part of the film is the tension between the main characters, waiting to see who is going to crack first. Matthias Schoenaerts (Gigi) is reunited with the director of Bullhead. Bullhead is darkly amazing, and it is where Schoenaerts achieved well deserved notoriety, but the duo did not repeat the magic here. More depth is needed to the plot, supporting characters, sound and cinematography. Seen at the Miami Film Festival.
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roadhousesun17 March 2019
This movie completely lacks cohesion and I'm in agreement with a couple of other reviewers here who have said it's a shambles. Roskam worked magic with the marvellous Matthias Schoenaerts (who tried his damndest to make this work) in Bullhead and The Drop, but frankly this just failed. It sprawled itself over three "acts", the first of which was quite exciting and showed promise but that's where it stopped. The two hours plus running time felt like five.
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Great romantic drama: almost a noir Romeo and Juliet
guisreis19 January 2022
Very good Belgian romantic drama about a couple that, despite loving each other deeply, have a bad fate and are very different: he is a great robber (who does not have the best relationship with dogs) and she is a rich car racer (her background is less important than his in the film). Acting is excelent (Matthias Schoenaerts and Adèle Exarchopoulos also do work well together), script is quite good and it is very well directed. However, the very depressing end, while not being bad, it is clearly below the excellent level of most of the movie development.
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Two protagonists have enough chemistry between them to generate some suspense but not enough to make the movie truly worthwhile
kaptenvideo-898751 April 2018
Love story between a crime gang member (Matthias Schoenaerts) and a younger upper-class girl (Adèle Exarchopoulos) who happens to be a racing driver.

It's essentially a drama with a little action, with the enjoyment largely depending on how much you care about its leads, who have made name for themselves in mostly French (language) movies.

"Le Fidèle" essentially echoes the "Romeo and Juliet" story where the two star-crossed people are divided by background but try to overcome their differences in the name of love.

The story is too shallow and straightforward to make a lasting impression but the charm of its stars just might - although the girl can become a bit annoying with her tendency to hold her mouth open like she was a young. early 2000's Angelina Jolie.

The international English title highlights one of them being a racedriver - the girl, in fact. Estonian title, "Võidusõitja ja võllaroog", is a direct translation from that, with a nice old-fashined choice of words to make it stand out a bit more.

But the original title meaning "loyal" or "faithful" is much better because:

(a) it closely follows the plot and tone, whereas the new titles makes one think of old French action comedies starring Jean-Paul Belmondo or something,

and (b) driving is actually a minor and essentially unimportant part of the experience. There's not even a standout car chase which would make sense in a story about criminal and a race driver

Actually, there's not much to say about the whole thing, especially if one tries to avoid spoilers. The general tone is dark, the stars are handsome and good enough actors to make the most of the material.

They have enough chemistry between them to generate some suspense but not enough to make the movie truly worthwhile.

"Le Fidèle" was Belgium's bet to bag a best foreign language movie Oscar this year but didn't make it among the five finalists to get nominated.
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Cliché overload
astaknut21 November 2017
I paid 1 euro to see this film. Still too much money.

The first third of the movie is promising. There are impressive scenes and stunts. A twist I didn't see coming in the shape of a character who was not at all what she seemed. It's (mostly) engaging as it works towards a climax. After that, the story is as stagnant as the lives of the main characters.

Where at first I was waiting for the female lead to come to her senses, as the movie progresses it becomes clear neither of the lead characters have any sense. They are two-dimensional and boring. Cliché is heaped upon cliché to propel the story forward. Except it doesn't, it just turns the movie into a weird mix of crime- and melodrama with a whiff of kitchen sink realism.

It seems like the filmmaker wanted to tell a story of obsessional love. But since there is no substance to the relationship of the couple the entire movie revolves around, there is no substance to the film. Every sex scene (supposedly to show their passion for each other) consists of Schoenaerts mechanically drilling his much younger co-star. They have nothing to talk about and the sex only gets him off. How is that any motivation for the girl to turn herself into a self-sacrificing saint? How is that guy worth her or my time? (And did the women's lib movement skip Belgium?)

Another theme in the movie is the tragic, abusive background of Schoenaerts' character. How he himself can't explain his own actions. It all reeks of literary movements like determinism and naturalism. As if he can't help it, it's his background that turned him into a criminal. It could have been excellent material to flesh out a character. Instead it just leads to Schoenaerts making the same face over and over again. If you're going to make a movie about dynamic characters robbing banks and racing cars maybe next time don't mix it with a tale of pre-determined fate that has people stuck like a hamster in a wheel. One pretty much cancels out the other.

The movie looks much better than most movies that come out of the Netherlands (good for you, Belgium). There were definitely people involved who knew what they were doing in terms of the look of the movie, the action sequences, the locations, the way the camera is handled. But ultimately this is a crap story that wastes the talent of its cast and crew.
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Very unusual suspense crime drama
dehaeck17 September 2018
This movie turns a lot of feelings and thats why imo it gets such different ratings. But overall this is a must see if you like good movies.
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This is not your typical love story. This is about love that last forever
syg-chana-868-864562 March 2021
Absolute peach of love story. A thief that love like a thief, he actually stole Bibi's heart. Both Gigi and Bibi never let go each other .

If you are trying to find the love story that telling way that in unique way this is your cup of tea.
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gogettheroach4 March 2019
So boring it hurts! Nothing's worse than a artsy-fartsy crime film! There are better films to watch, trust me.
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Best film I have seen in years
stevosteve30 July 2022
Oh my gosh, I just watched this film, and I am truly blown away--this film is a masterpiece. Truly a work of art, and like some of the best films of all time, I have found myself not being able to stop thinking about it for days after watching it.

Where do I begin? The film itself is probably a drama, but the bank heist scenes are insane. I have never said this about another film in my life, but this film is the first film I would compare to my favorite film of all time, Heat. This is a different film--that is probably why it has not received as much attention, that and its poorly chosen US title. The biggest difference is this film is set in Europe, and it is more of a drama.

The cinematography and filmmaking displayed in this film are simply fantastic. And of course the acting is phenomenal, especially of course from the two lead roles. I am sure everyone is well aware of their impressive resumes, so there is no need for me to regurgitate that info, but I cannot write a review of this film without mentioning the impressive acting. Both the lead actor and actress are two of the best in the world right now, literally, and both at the peak of their careers.

If you are even considering watching this film, just try it, and trust me, just watch it--you will be blown away.
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hasombrero16 January 2023
Racer and the Jailbird is an absolutely infuriating film. It started off quite well, it's nicely shot and looks good, has good sound design, and the beginnings of a quite compelling plot. What's more the leads are brilliant, Adèle Exarchopoulos especially so (even when her character's arc begins to devolve). But of course, it doesn't last. Towards the end of the first chapter what had the potential to be quite an interesting plot point about Gigi's relationship with Bibi and robbery (maybe the cartoonish names should have been a warning) turns into just another "one last job"and things start steadily deteriorating. But the film still holds the potential to just be a simple fun melodrama, or maybe even to subvert cliche. But no, in what must have been a misguided attempt to do the latter, the film devolves into a gritty overwrought mess. It really is quite terrible.
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Good. skip the last bit.
ulfricblokey6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Racing driver (actually irrelevant, might as well have been a binwoman) falls in love with some bloke who turns out to be a bank-robber, Bank-Truck-robbery shenanigans ensue, really well done, they make this into a good film. It is a good film, don't get me wrong. When she's bald, that's when you switch off and watch ... Heat. Again.

Gangster-shenanigans affect the plot.

Main baddy-gangster is in about three scenes and seems wasted. Could've done better.

These particular bank-robbers turn out to be quite dumb and hero gets jailed, mostly because Bibi (binwoman) trusts some dippy blonde friend who turns out to have been an undercover cop. La flic, whatchagonnado?

After that the real film is practically over.

Mawkish cancer "I'm dying" stuff, something about dogs in cages, Rendezvous-inspired (the famous city car dash) end scene left me baffled but maybe because by that time I'd lost interest.

This film would have benefitted from either a massive cut of all the end stuff, or a smidgen of added end stuff just to round it off.

A love story of two characters who have no connection at all, no chemistry, and permanently blank disinterested expressions whenever they are together, including upsidedown coital scenes. (yeah, no, not sexy)

She's in everything, he's in everything, together they were meh.

And the fekkin film is NOT called "Racer and the Jailbird" you muppets!


Thanks for reading.
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No words
fmt-96-78760825 May 2021
There are no words to express my frustration and deception about this movie that counts more stereotypes than a Disney production for adults. Adèle can't save this wreck all ny herself. She tried her best but it was hopeless. A final word about Matthias Schornhaerts: this guy belongs to these ""actors"" who think they can act simply 'cause they can cry or be angry on demand. Problem is : he cries like an old lady and is angry like a famous gaming bird. His performance is so low that every single characteristic of the figure he's supposed to play appears both ridiculous and inconsistent.
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A must see for movie lovers!
afalez5 April 2019
Although the movie has racing and robbing in it, that is obviously not what the movie is about. As the title implies, this film is all about the relationship of two people who happen to be a racer and a jailbird. The film is divided into three acts, all of which are completely compatible with one another, and absolutely relevant to the subject of the story. Ignore the critics who claim this film is a mess. They simply don't understand that this movie is ultimately about what that particular relationship can and cannot endure.

Also ignore the criticisms that this film is boring or tedious. There is always something happening, developing, or being revealed, whether it is a heist, a relationship, or some predicament. This is precisely why I imagine the film was disorientating for some people.

Anyways, after seeing the trailer recently, I knew I would enjoy this movie. The dude from Bullhead (2011), the chick from Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013), heists, racing, what more could one ask for?
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MadamWarden31 August 2021
An annoying movie. I really couldn't relate to the characters and the downward spiral is just depressing.

The story and characters are incongruent and completely irrational.

Cinematic styling is slick but fails to support this jumbled mess.

Watch if you want to escape happiness and reason.
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Classic love story
lafchef6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Boy meets girl. Forbidden love. Passion. Love denied. Love sustained. Your basic love story recipe with lots of twists-and turns. All subtitles- but not difficult to understand . It was a beautiful little movie with an unexpected ending. Not depressing, rather inspirational!
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Two good stories mixed
cristiiglesias26 June 2021
The very first half of the movie was great, interesting, intriguing, the plot was developed very well, and then when everything has been setting, start another different movie with a different plot, same main characters but the seconds disappears, all of them, except the character of Sandra, just for ten seconds...

It was a shame because cast was very good, the father, the cousin, the gang...but I think the stories didn't link each other...

I rate with a 5 because I finished it...
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Very disappointing movie and horrible casting
abedeba12 January 2021
Very disappointing movie, horrible casting and very poor dialogue
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A Story About: True Love
surfsaltwater7 October 2021
One of the best true love stories I've ever seen written and directed on the big screen. Probably one of the saddest movies I've ever seen. A love like this only comes around once in a lifetime if you're lucky. A nicely told story and great acting. The actors really make you feel the pain of true love.
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Absence of chemistry
frukuk25 September 2020
Where's the chemistry between the two leads? I gave this 20 minutes to get going, but there was nothing to draw me in. The two leads seemed more like distant cousins than lovebirds.
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