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A comic book film done right
mbhgkmsgg8 November 2020
Gritty, honest and brutal. Just like a movie about Logan should be. This is by far the best X-Men film as far as I'm concerned. Logan doesn't hold back at all which I absolutely loved. For the most part, there is just an onslaught of awful things happening. And apart from the relationship between Laura and Logan, nothing makes you go 'oh, that was nice'.

Very early on in the film, I got huge John Wick vibes. The action was very reminiscent of those films. It was fast, it was brutal and graphic, and it wasn't afraid to show everything. Indeed, you got the sense that Mangold was trying to find more and more interesting and gory ways to kill people. Something that the John Wick franchise also does. This comparison between John Wick and Logan is nothing but a positive one. If you ask me, the John Wick films are some of the best action films to have come out in recent years, as is Logan.

Where Logan really shines though, is not in the action, but in the story of Logan. It's a depiction Logan that I think a lot of people have wanted to see. Although I'm by no means an expert on the comic books, I have always had the feeling that Logan is a much more complex and difficult character than the previous X-Men or Wolverine films have led to believe. Logan is just as brutal with its depiction of the character as it is with its action.

Logan really should be used a case study on how to do a comic book film. The only problem it faces is its R rating. I absolutely loved the rating as it allowed the film to go as dark as it needed and wanted to go. But comic book movies are, of course, supposed to be the highest-grossing films studios make, and an R rating will automatically lower revenues.

If you have been looking for a comic book film that isn't just like all the previous ones, Logan is the one for you. As mentioned, it is brutally honest and gritty, and the action is more brutal than you would ever dare to expect. It's a fantastic action film but it also manages to create such an impressive story that you will find yourself amazed with the depth of it. Is it my favourite comic book movie ever? No. But is it easily one of the best ones? Absolutely.
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Dark unpredictable with a tragic ending.
ACollegeStudent12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rating: 7.9

Solid, abnormal superhero film that's unpredictable with high stakes considering everybody dies besides Laura and her friends. There were some minor conveniences like Gabriela recording the evidence on her phone which was somehow unlocked allowing Logan to learn the info about laura he needed. Laura driving seemingly the entire latter half of a 2 day trip to Eden. Laura not being there just when Gabriela got canned when she usually keeps a constant watch on her because she's a mutant (possible professor meddling mind there). The father-daughter dynamic was nice and Logan went out like the hero everyone believed him to be.
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A gritty, more adult Wolverine film
Tweekums7 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is 2029 and Logan is getting old and tired. Most of the mutants are long gone although Professor Charles Xavier is still alive; he too is old though and as his mind goes so does the control of his powers. Logan is working as a limo drive in the area near the Mexican border and is approached by a woman asking him to drive her and a young girl, Laura, to North Dakota. It turns out Laura is a mutant with similar powers to Logan; unlike him though she isn't a natural mutation but one of a group of new mutants created in a lab in Mexico City as part of an experiment to create super-soldiers. When the experiment was judged to have failed the children were due to be killed so their carers are trying to get them to safety. Logan is initially unwilling to get involved but eventually ends up heading north with Laura and Xavier. They are pursued by those determined to retrieve Laura; everybody who gets in their way is expendable.

Those expecting another 'X-Men' film will certainly get a bit of a shock; this is not an exciting superhero movie suitable for all but young children. Instead it is almost consistently downbeat with some fairly brutal violence as Logan and Laura remove limbs and puncture skulls with their adamantium claws. There are some genuine surprises as bad things happen to characters one would expect to be safe. Hugh Jackman is great in the lead role, showing a different side to Logan; he is no longer young and angry, instead he is old and world-weary. Young Dafne Keen impresses as Laura; an almost feral girl who makes Hit Girl from 'Kick-Ass' look gentle! There are nods to other films; most notably 'Shane', which Laura watches with Xavier and their search for the possibly mythical Eden in North Dakota reminded me of a different Logan's search for Sanctuary in 'Logan's Run'. I'd certainly recommend this to older X-Men fans but would caution against showing it to younger fans as it is very violent and has some pretty depressing moments.
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Perfect film to end Wolverine's story
artgutierrez5 December 2020
This really is one of the best superhero movies of all time. And best of all, it doesn't even feel like a superhero movie. Fantastic story and great acting all around.
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0U12 February 2020
No words can explain the epicness & greatness of this movie.
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The Wolverine movie we've all been waiting for
vithiet29 December 2018
Thank you Deadpool for opening the door to R-rated superhero movies.
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Brutally violent, emotional, and character-driven, "Logan" is the Wolverine film fans have been waiting for
TheJediWay92 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Logan" is directed by James Mangold and stars Hugh Jackman for one final go around as Wolverine. With an R Rating secured, something the previous two Wolverine films should have had, "Logan" was bound to be fantastic. It wasn't fantastic. It was phenomenal.

If you are going into "Logan" expecting every scene to just be Wolverine tearing people to shreds you'll be thoroughly disappointed. This is definitely not an action film. There are action sequences in the film, but they are not the main focus of the movie like the previous 2 Wolverine movies tried to make them be. "Logan" is a grounded film, a film that really takes its time to tell its story and to develop its characters. It's a character-driven film, and it probably has the most characterization in an X-Men film to date. We get enough of Wolverine's backstory within the first few minutes to really become attached to him (if we already weren't). We learn more about Professor X and what he has been doing, and then there's this little girl, who probably should be annoying, but luckily isn't and that was a sigh of relief. This girl, Laura, is the star of the show. It is really "her" movie. All of the sequences with Laura were riveting. There was that sense of mystery to her character that you wouldn't really expect from a film like this. You don't ever really know what her next move is going to be. Her motivation to find a safe haven is so well felt in this film that it just brings you a sigh of relief that there is still a sense of good out there in the world of this film where everything seems dark, bleak, and hopeless.

Hugh Jackman's performance. Yeah the dude gave it his all. This is by far Hugh Jackman's best performance as Wolverine. We've never seen Wolverine this vulnerable. He's old, he's broken down, he's beaten. He can't heal like he used to. The conviction from Hugh Jackman in this movie was just spot on and really captured the ways Wolverine felt at certain moments. It added layers to this film. When Wolverine gets into a fight, Hugh Jackman is so good in these scenes it's like he got into a fight with the filmmakers on set.

This film does not hold back from a violence standpoint. From the get go, you know what type of movie you are in for. It is brutally violent, by far the most violent X-Men film w have gotten. Wolverine hacks, claws, and slashes his way through skirmishes with blood, guts, and gore flying. If this is what you had always wanted from a Wolverine movie and haven't gotten it up to this point, well this movie gives you all of that.

From a violence standpoint, the violence is there when the film calls for it. It is not violent for the sake of being violent. This is a film that puts its characters and story first before anything else, with violence being a secondary element to help propel the story along and to create tension. It is in the scenes where it should be. If this were just an all-out 2 hour and 20 minute "hack-and-slash" fest this film would have no depth to it. It would look cool, but giving Hugh Jackman the proper sendoff was what was more important in a film like this.

This film at times gets downright emotional. The final scene of the film makes you wanna cry. You care about these characters, you are invested in them. You don't want to see them put in harm's way. Even in the scenes where the film may feel a bit slow, the final act of the film is the payoff. This is where everything really meshes together with a force, creating a pulse-pounding, edge of your seat final sendoff for Hugh Jackman as he retires from the role.

This is by far the best Wolverine movie and possibly the best X-Men movie to date. I haven't decided yet. It's up there, and it deserves to be. Everything payed off in this film. It is emotional. It is character driven. It has heart. It is emotional. This is everything anyone could have wanted in a Wolverine film.

From me "Logan" gets a perfect 10/10.
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Logan is everything you wanted it to be and more
badmanlykme18 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Logan is the 2017 movie everyone has been anticipating after two great trailers and a R rating it delivers a surprising amount of heart to characters we have grown to love and know and also balancing a surprising amount of action within the first and third act climax, its violent but not blood for blood sake every cut is with reason.

Logan presents us with Logan (Wolverine), Professor X and Laura (X-23) and by definition its an escort mission involving X-23 but shes more capable than Logan and Professor X thinks and shes able to fend for herself. Logan is old and a grizzled shadow of what he once was and by going on this mission he unlocks some of the old wolverine inside of him and we see bursts of that throughout the movie, Logan also begins to realize things about himself through the vision of this little girl because they have striking similarities.

Every scene in this film feels necessary from the character development to the humor and action nothing is forced everything comes off natural which is a breath of fresh air and I was very pleased with it, I believe that this movie will be very well received by fans as it treats its characters with such care and embarks on an emotional and satisfying conclusion to Hugh Jackmans Logan (Wolverine).
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Such a sad farewell.
Her-Excellency17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really can't get how in the world people are rating this movie as highly as they are. You would think they have never seen this done, and done better.

Yes, I understand that Logan is a heartfelt character dear to us, but THINK people! For that very same reason we should be holding this movie to a higher standard, and not giving it an emotional pass.

To, me, this film was slow and depressing a-la No Country For Old Men, without ANY of the Oscar-worthiness. It was just droll, SUPER PREDICTABLE, moronic in its' execution and so very far-fetched. (Yes, imagine saying 'far-fetched' for a movie based on a comic)! They spun and bent a bunch of things to get them to where they were in the year 2029 and tried to make it believable (it wasn't). Then, they try to impress upon your heartstrings Logan's connection or ties to the little girl, but the connection or ties are SILLY at best. Not only the supposed ties between them are silly, but the entire plot is full of silly holes.

Not SILLY, you say? Let me get this straight ... you are trying like hell to get away from the bad guys, and ummmmm, you STOP FOR A MINI VACATION - not ONCE, but TWICE, and put hundreds of strangers in jeopardy the first time, and a nice family in danger the second time? Yeah, sure. Seriously, anyone who could get over that gaping ridiculousness and who can, after that, in good conscience give this movie anything above a 6 is just messing with you or has total fan-boy blinders on.

As for the little girl, god, she was annoying and aggravating AF and 80% of her screen time was spent shrieking. Nooo, not screaming. SHRIEKING.

The rest of the acting was good. The members of the family they added as filler in the middle of the movie were the only ones IMO that you kind of cared about. Even old Professor X had seen better days and you kind of wanted it to be over for him. It was just painful to watch, and I don't mean in a moving way where the film is made better, but in a painful oh god, kill him off already way.


The ending was unreal in how bad it was. Without giving too much away ... you have one little girl who is able to take out like 10-12 guys, PLUS you have Wolverine, PLUS a BUNCH of other mutant kids who have varying degrees of mutant abilities, and yet they can't take out a small group of bad guys?

W T H ?

As for Hugh Jackman, he was good and played Logan like he always has done except maybe this time he looked older and more tired which was a good thing because it translated unto the screen and gave Wolverine some credibility. Otherwise he was just there. The gushing over his acting this time around IMO is unwarranted, as he really didn't do anything that much different than he has on every other X-Men movie and if anyone disagrees, I defy them to point out what. Props also to the action in the film, and to how it was filmed. The action scenes alone are what I imagine 'made' the movie for most people.

All in all, I wasn't impressed.

Don't get me wrong - it wasn't a horribly BAD movie, I just don't agree that it was very good and I really don't agree with the overrating or the assessment that it is in ANY way a "masterpiece". If you look at it just on paper, you would think that the people that are reacting to it in such a way have ONLY EVER watched comic-book movies in their lives and have now seen a drama sold as a comic-book movie and their brains are exploding as they process it as innovative and different.

In closing, I understand that Hugh Jackman is getting older, and the great dilemma was 'how exactly do you keep making movies with an actor who is aging, playing a character who is supposed to rejuvenate or heal'? You don't. You kindly retire the character, as the creators of the franchise have chosen to do. The thing is, they could have really made it to where it wasn't SO depressing and/or bleak with no real outlook toward the future except a bunch of kids you are NOT at all INVESTED in, or care one iota about.

A bad ending for a good character, was just bad cinema. RIP Logan. hopefully, at some point you will miraculously resurrect so that you can be given the farewell you deserve.

My actual rating is 6.5-7/10, but some reviewers have gone over the top crazy with the 10s.
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If there was ever a comic book movie deemed worthy of perfect, Logan is it.
trublu21523 February 2017
The word 'perfect' is very objective especially when it comes to film. While Logan may not be a perfect film, it is most certainly a perfect comic book film. It is a masterpiece of the most epic proportions and leaves us with a brilliant swan song for producer and star Hugh Jackman in his final outing as Wolverine. The film, directed brilliantly by James Mangold, is a two plus hour comic book fan's wet dream as we see the version of Wolverine every fan has wanted to see for nearly two decades. While many will be very sad to see Jackman step down from the role, he couldn't have picked a better or more satisfying film to end his cinematic legacy with.

The film takes place in 2029 and shows the world in shambles. Mutants are nearly extinct, water is scarce and the world is just an overall wasteland. This is where we find Logan. He is a limo driving cantankerous caretaker to an even more cantankerous Professor X, who is now suffering from dementia and seizures. He is a borderline alcoholic suffering from a mysterious illness that limits his mutant abilities. Due to this, he lives this quiet life until he meets a young girl who he feels he must protect. Without giving too much away, there is much more here than I can go into but I will say, if you are a fan of the Wolverine comics, this film will bring a tear to your eye. This is probably the most faithful adaptation of a comic book character EVER, Marvel and DC combined. The way the story goes, the way Logan behaves, the selflessness and the rage, this is an all around realized version of this character. While it may have taken a little longer than it should have, this film was worth the wait. James Mangold does a fantastic job at creating the world Logan knows now. This is more of a film like Mangold's 3:10 to Yuma. It is bleak, violent and absolutely heartbreaking. This is far from the PG-13 character we're used to. This is a foul mouthed, miserable and very VERY bloody rendition of the source material. This is a film very much like The Guantlet or Badlands, a crime thriller and on-the-road drama. It very much embodies the look and feel of a film from the mid-70s and it plays to this very well.

The performances in this film are amazing. Hugh Jackman's performance here is the best as the character and may be one of the best of his career. He is miserable and broken in this film and to see him like this as the character, it is bittersweet especially because Jackman has been so attached to this role. If he hurts, we hurt. If he's mad, we're mad. It is a true testament to Jackman as an actor to make his audience feel this connected to someone who is, by traditional standards, completely unrelateable. Boyd Holbrook brings a sinister performance to this and continues to build a very impressive resume. Holbrook is someone who you'll love to hate. The real standout performance here is from Dafne Keen who plays Laura. Without giving away any spoilers, she is BADASS in this film and even gives Logan a run for his money on the brutality.

Overall, Logan is a perfect comic book adaptation that is as heartbreaking as it is visually stunning. Mangold and Jackman create a special film with this that should be talked about for years to come. Believe the hype, Logan is a seriously amazing comic book film that just may be the best ever made and embodies the definition of a perfect adaptation.
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A nice revisionist western ending to Wolverine saga
NpMoviez1 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wolverine is perhaps the most beloved character from X-Men film series, but his solo outings have been the most forgettable and/or totally stupid. Thankfully, we have Logan to break that trend. Still have issues with it, but I would acknowledge that it was one of the best films in X-Men series.

Good : Hugh Jackman gives the most intense and gritty performance as Wolverine in his final film role as the adamantium clawed mutant. I have always loved him as Wolverine, but he has never been so good. Patrick Stewart does the same in his final role as Charles Xavier, and in his part, there's nothing to complain either. Dafne Keen as Laura - owns the film. Loved the kid as baby/lady Wolverine (X-23). The setting feels really different in this movie, compared to those of other X-Men films. It is obvious that they gave a Revisionist Western tone to the movie, which hasn't been done in the genre so far. It acknowledged the fact that it was inspired by Unforgiven, The Wrestler and Shane, which if had not been done, would've made it look like a ripoff. Not a total waste of a film, it has good parts, but still a copied idea without acknowledgement seems bad. Then, there is action. The actions are the best ones in the entire X-Men film series. The choreography is great to say the least. It looks badass, savage and intense. But there's one thing that this film does with action which most action films don't with these days. And that is, have the actions mean something. Every action scene has a purpose. It either sets up a characterization, or aggressively portrays what a character is feeling. Acting, action and the overall story won't disappoint. Also, all the characters are interesting.

Mixed : There are some story issues. It feels as if there is a huge story that needs to be told between the altered timeline of DoFP and Logan. We get tiny little expositions for that matter and sound like much more interesting ideas for a better X-Men Apocalypse movie. This made the largely different characterizations feel totally out of place, for both Xavier and Logan. It works for the movie, I like it, but I don't buy it. It felt a lot out of the place and quite confusing with why they were so different. With all the movies in the series, I don't think they have given all the character development necessary for those changes.

Bad : Mostly, it's the villain and some logic issues. There's a video narration/exposition which looked professionally edited with great voiceover, but was by a nurse who didn't even have 12 hours to do it, keeping aside the resources. Xander Rice doesn't feel so good of a villain. Nothing to blame Richard Grant, but just not a compelling villain. X-24 does have a frightening presence, I acknowledge that. But all his likeability depends upon the character arc of Wolverine over the years. Just take out the "humane" part of the character of Wolverine, and replace it with Terminator's menace. You'll get X-24.

Conclusion : It's a good goodbye to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. You can get the unpleasant satisfaction of seeing him die, and it does hit emotional notes a number of times and feel really saddening. But there are story and characterization issues which cannot be overlooked and to be honest, do not make a good sense.


Score : 8.2/10

Grade : A-
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Short Changed...
Xstal30 October 2020
Riven by some cavernous plot shortcomings you feel the characters, having provided such robust, beguiling and generous entertainment in the past perhaps deserved a little bit more circumstantial authenticity as they spiral their way to the final curtain call. The Cornish Caliban was a big ask to accept and take seriously, and I only see the camp and drunk Withnail whenever Richard E. Grant pops up, which makes playing the bad guy a bit more of a challenge in my eyes. Plenty of violence and dismemberment if that floats your boat and a finale that might leave more questions than answers.
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jherrick-6-99133610 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I look at "Logan" as the "Alien 3" of the X-Men franchise. It basically gives a gigantic middle finger to everything that came before it. It destroys everything the movie that proceeded it ("Days of Future Past") accomplished. In "DOFP", all of mutant kind are about to be destroyed, but by the heroic actions of Logan himself, they survive. Then, according to the film "Logan", they all get killed off a few years later anyways. It has been said that one of the big themes of "Logan" was disappointment. I agree. I was very disappointed in this film.

"Logan" is annoyingly low on information. We are thrown into this terribly depressing future without a whole lot of explaining as to how we got here. As I watched, I kept waiting for a scene where things were laid down for the audience. It never came. The best we got were a few vague references here and there. There was something called "The Westchester Incident", but the reference was so fleeting that I barely caught it. There was also another part near the end where the main villain claims that he had something to do with the lack of new mutants being born and that he is Striker's son? I think? It wasn't very clear plus the dude's last name wasn't actually Striker, which further confused the issue. Later on, I hopped online and had a few things clarified (such as the "Westchester Incident"), but why weren't they clearer in the film in the first place?

Another issue I have with this film is how it treats the deaths of its two main characters. First, with Xavier, he is stabbed unceremoniously by a clone of Logan about two-thirds the way through the movie. There are no heroics in this death, no greater purpose, no meaning. He's just stabbed and then dies. What a disservice to such an incredible and important character to this franchise.

Then there is Logan's death. Logan is impaled by a chunk of wood from a dead tree. The dude literally has a skeleton made out of adamantium, which is the world's most indestructible metal, but yet wood cuts right through it. What? Now, we are shown through the film that Logan is sick and his ability to heal is getting worse, but that shouldn't affect his crazy metal ribcage! They even go to great lengths to explain that the only thing that can really kill him is an adamantium bullet, but in the end a hunk of wood does just as well.

Then there is the "R" rating. Once again, if this were a true stand-alone movie and not part of a larger narrative, I'd mostly be OK with it. But of course it isn't. Everything that we got with the "R" rating was unnecessary. What we got was far more blood and gore (there was more than one decapitation), a dump truck full of f-bombs and even one scene where a woman in a bridal shower flashed her boobs. All of this could have been edited out and the film would have been fine.

Don't get me wrong, I am no prude. I've seen plenty of violent movies, heard plenty of f- bombs and seen plenty of nakedness on film. I'm fine with it, but it has to be there for a good reason. I didn't see a whole lot of good reason here. What really did it for me, though, was seeing a 10-11 year old girl running around slashing off people's body parts. That got to be a bit much for my taste and I began to wonder for whom that kind of stuff didn't bother? Once again, does our society have a bit of a violence fetish, one that has gotten so bad that watching children tear people to shreds is OK?

I think the reason for the rating has more to do with a popular trend in movies (especially comic book movies) nowadays than it does with serving this particular story. With the success of "Deadpool" last year, film studios realized that an R-rated super hero film is not only possible, but profitable. But as Malcolm hinted at in the movie "Jurassic Park", just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean that you SHOULD. For "Deadpool" it works. You can't do "Deadpool" without all that R-rated stuff. That is who "Deadpool" is and that's fine. With Wolverine, however, he's already been established throughout the previous 8 X-Men films. All of these R-rated "upgrades" now don't make a whole lot of sense.

When I read positive reviews for this film, the main point that is made is how good the dramatic performances are, especially from the two leads, Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman. In this case, I completely agree. They did a fantastic job. Even the little girl was amazing, I thought. That can be quite a rarity when you think about how hit and miss child actors are. However, even though most of the performances here are top notch, great performances do not a great film make. If the story sucks, what does it matter?

It is hard for me to imagine why Patrick Stewart or Hugh Jackman would be excited to work on a project like "Logan" once they read the script. Were they excited to basically negate all of the great work they did (and others did) in the previous X-Men films? They, better than anyone else, should understand what this whole series has been about since the beginning. Yes, "Logan" is unique and absolutely gave these actors something different to do with their characters. And yes, they gave stellar performances. However, there needs to be at least a little bit of respect for the source material (and its fans) than this. Much like the season premier of "The Walking Dead" this past fall, this seemed more like a kick in the pants for viewers than anything else.
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Say goodbye to Hugh Jackman...
ahmetkozan21 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When Logan heard that his comic book would work in a similar way, my expectation was a little more. Later Logan's first trailer ended me. The tone of the trailers, the selected music, the intensity of the emotion was superb. I did not get my eye from X-23 in action scenes. Very good performance.

Sir Patrick Stewart, like Hugh Jackman, is the last time to portray the role of the X-Men in the universe. And gave a very good feeling and left the film with more drama.

Logan, beyond his superhero films, a fickle old and sick man. He is constantly showing the struggle with himself. Unlike other films, violence and action are not adorned with visual effects, they are given in a very hard and realistic way. These old mutants are trying to save the children to make the world a better place.

It's an action that will be an Oscar nominee from Hugh Jackman. Logan, it's a goodbye we cannot forget for a long time. 9/10
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A fine, fitting farewell to an iconic character, LOGAN is one of the best superhero movies ever made.
shawneofthedead1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? In every beat, every frame, every moment, LOGAN feels like the Wolverine movie Hugh Jackman has been waiting (and training) for 17 years to make. Set free of a PG rating, this wildly kinetic film has plenty of gore, action and violence pumping through its veins. But what makes this one of the finest superhero movies ever produced is the big, messy, somewhat broken heart beating at its core.

Set in a grim near-future where very few mutants remain alive, we meet an unthinkable incarnation of our favourite enclawed superhero: one who's decidedly past his prime. This is not the near-immortal Wolverine we remember, but Logan (Jackman): a broken, far older man who feels the weight of every wound inflicted upon him. His once- formidable body – tattooed with scars that aren't healing as fast or as well as they used to – seems to be failing. It's only his determination to keep the ailing, ageing Professor Charles Xavier (Stewart) safe and alive that never falters.

The film's plot kicks into overdrive when Logan's fate becomes entangled with that of Laura (Keen), a close-to-feral young girl who brandishes claws and fury as fierce and lethal as Logan's own. As the unlikely trio go on the run, we see echoes of Logan himself in Laura's terrifying rage and the tentative emotional connection she forges with Xavier. It's one of many smart moves on the part of James Mangold, who does double duty as director and co-writer. Bringing Laura into the picture allows him to explore Logan's trauma, regret and hope through the filter of this pint-sized powerhouse's origin story.

In effect, Mangold has placed an intimate family drama squarely at the heart of this ostensible blockbuster film – strip the characters of their superpowers and LOGAN would still pulse with plenty of heartbreak and humanity. Logan keeps dragging himself through the world when one suspects all he wants to do is die. Xavier grapples with his own frailty as his once-sharp mind deteriorates and betrays him, again and again. Laura is a tough, tender mess of contradictions: a victim of horrific abuse but also a warrior in the making. Watching them interact – fighting, screaming, arguing, glaring and, once in a while, forgiving – will elicit laughter and tears (lots of tears), in a way that no other superhero film to date has quire managed.

That doesn't mean, however, that LOGAN is an entirely joyless, sombre affair. Far from it. It proves, quite conclusively, that films in this genre can plumb the darkest of psychological depths while finding welcome ways to leaven the misery. (Note: this is something Zack Snyder would do well to learn as he continues to expand DC's largely mirthless cinematic universe.) Mangold threads moments of genuine humour into the proceedings – from casual shoplifting and runaway horses, to an ornery old man who refuses to take his pills.

The fast and furious action beats in LOGAN are also quite delightful to witness. The violence that's on full, bloody display is dark and horrible, but somehow fitting for this film in which there really are consequences for battles fought and lost. It's only when you see Logan's claws plunging into flesh, shearing cleanly through meat and bone, that you realise just how neutered and family-friendly his earlier outings were. There's a slow-motion sequence halfway through the film, as Logan struggles to get to an embattled Xavier, that's gritty and beautiful to watch – as thrilling as that scene-stealing Quicksilver moment in X-Men: Days Of Future Past. And it goes without saying that watching Laura gracefully spin and slice her way through oncoming attackers manages to be terribly wrong and wonderfully right at the same time.

To be quite frank, none of this would work without the incredible cast, all of them doing award-worthy work that will, sadly, be overlooked because their characters have such silly things as 'powers'. It's truly unsettling to watch Stewart dig beneath his natural gravitas to find the shaken core of a Professor X who's semi-consciously losing grip of his mind – the best and most dangerous mind in the universe. Keen is a revelation. Grabbing this breakout role by the throat and making it very much her own, she somehow manages to convey Laura's childish fragility and overpowering strength, often in the same breath.

And, finally, there's Jackman. He's been training for and playing the role that catapulted him to global stardom for 17 years now, and he brings everything he has to this final outing as Logan. He nails Logan's physical tics, of course: from his grizzled and aged demeanour, to his rattling cough and copious drinking. But Jackman also takes delight in unearthing the dark sadness at the heart of this once invincible, now vulnerable man. There is a hope and purity in Logan that doesn't always show through his wisecracks, but it shines brightly and unexpectedly here – often in the film's saddest moments.

There are a handful of things about the film don't work quite so well. The main antagonists, played by Richard E. Grant and Boyd Holbrook, are largely forgettable – there's not much that defines them outside their nefarious goals. As many viewers may be turned off by Logan's relentless misery and eye-popping violence as those who welcome it.

But this doesn't detract from the fact that LOGAN is a remarkable achievement. It manages to be several things at once: a bruising action film, a tender family drama and an intimate character study, liberally shaken through with comic-book sensibilities and a Western or two. If Jackman really is hanging up his claws for good, there could be no better way to bid farewell to one of Marvel's most enduring and appealing characters.
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UMWolvie244218 February 2017
Holy Cow! We've finally got the Wolverine movie we've all been waiting for and then some! Mr. Mangold has nailed the character and the action, and Hugh Jackman is truly a part of a Wolverine movie that has showcased the true character that the fans had hoped to see full on. Yes, we've seen superb runs and flashes but nothing this deep or this epic.

How could any movie fan in general not just adore this film? It brought elements of a lot of great genres.

Logan has to be considered genre-defining. The characters, action and story were all beyond outstanding in this movie. We are taken for a ride and can relate to Logan once again. The acting is superb and the dialogue is perfect for the level of each character. Every single character feels believable. You follow the story through Logan's eyes and what a ride it turns out to be.

This movie is emotional and moving in every single way that matters and is unique and is as far away from anything X-Men we've seen before. In this case, that's a very good thing. The fight scenes and pace are superb. I honestly could see Oscar nominations here on multiple fronts.

This movie is sophisticated and delivers a grand, tragic story. The action fits in nice but serves the story first. Unlike other "dark" films, the tone is perfect and fits the character. The supporting characters are utilized in a comprehensive and cohesive manner and are wonderful in and of themselves.

I loved everything about this movie and they left it as if this was the perfect end to Hugh's run.
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The Best Wolverine Movie, Hands Down!
jcardella130 May 2017
This is a wolverine movie aimed at adults and definitely not for small children. The story is set in the future and Logan is taking care of Charles Xavier who has grown old and is incapable of taking care of himself. Logan, himself is now older and his health is slowly deteriorating as well. A young girl mutant enters their lives which sets off a story, which is not about super heroes fighting bad guys, but one that is on a more human level. "Logan", is a beautifully made X-Men film that deals with themes of importance of family, loyalty, and ultimately how Logan himself deals with new found emotions which he is experiencing for the very first time in his life.

This is the crowning achievement in Hugh Jackman's role as Wolverine. It is the movie he and director, James Mangold had always wanted to make. It is a dramatic work of art and for X-Men fans, has plenty of action and special FX which are a definite cut above anything that has been seen before in Wolverine/X-Men films.

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Best X-Men Movie so far
alouibelhassen20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
we finally get the Wolverine we have been asking for, for the past 15 years and it's his last time. Well i guess he couldn't have ended it in any better way as a last farewell to the fans and his signature role. Not only that but it looks like this one blows all the other superhero movies out of the water and i hope you Weebs go pay for your ticket to see this as well instead of watching a cam version online so we send the message that we want more of these kind of movies.
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It's different, but that is it's only really good trait
srdjan_veljkovic8 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it's very different from other superhero movies. Not just that it takes inspiration from classic westerns, but also showing superheros when they are out of control, in fear, vulnerable, just trying to get by, rather than "solving the world's problems".

But, otherwise, it doesn't have much going for it. Hugh Jackman tries, but his "Old Man Logan" is strange, somehow you don't feel his struggles. You see them, but you don't feel them. Patrick Stewart does a fine job of depicting an old and sick Professor X, but his story is rather undeveloped, so, again, you don't feel it. OTOH, the X-23 is going "full feminist rage", and at 11 is much better than Wolverine ever was - you obviously can only feel silly about that.

In trying to escape explaining too much, they went overboard. They explain way too little. What's wrong with Professor X and Wolverine? Is it the same as the other mutants or not? What happened to other mutants? I mean, there's this virus and that's it? Come on, there were some geniuses there, The Beast, Emma Frost, Professor X, Jean Grey - surely they figured out something was wrong and tried to fight it. OK, they lost, but we feel way too disconnected with them to make us feel for the ones left behind.

Looking at this movie at its own, it has the problem of many modern movies of loosing its "steam" near the end. Start is OK, hey, there's even a few jokes after the first clash. But, afterwards, while trying, it fails to provide real meaning to all of this. Things happen, so it's not boring, but, it doesn't feel real or meaningful - and the "party line" is that this should "feel real, unlike other superhero movies". One of the problems is there are no more funny moments, which is not real in general, and especially for Professor X and Wolverine, who both had their distinctive senses of humor.

So, it's an OK watch because it's a fresh, different take on a somewhat washed-up genre, but don't expect too much.
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The Last Cut Is The Deepest!
hitchcockthelegend5 August 2017
SPOILER: Did we need another X-Men movie? In fact did we need another Wolverine movie? Well the result is there for all to see, with Logan not only showing itself to be undoubtedly the best Wolverine venture by far, but arguably the best X-Men picture as well. If, as expected (and surely to god it's hoped so), this is the last we see of the grumpy metal clawed superhero, then what a fitting and triumphant bow out it is.

James Mangold, the director, has managed to create an adult superhero movie without it really being a superhero pic, for he has created a film noir Western that happens to be about a superhero. Mangold's love of noir and Westerns bursts from the screen, which for those who follow those wonderful stands of cinema, will come as no surprise having seen with notice his Copland and 3:10 To Yuma redux. There's a perpetual grimness to the narrative that belies the quite often stunning surrounding locales, heavy themes such as men out of time - with destinies written (cue a deft comic book movie within a comic book chunk of metaphysics) - surrogates, mental illness, human ignorance, and on it goes, the narrative strong on intelligence as much as it is in wrought emotion. Western fans will also be buoyed by the part that the 1953 classic Western Shane has to play in things, considerably so as its importance narratively, orally and visually is mightily strong.

Logan's Run!

Ah yes, well being "adult" is all well and good, but is Logan thrilling? Do we get pumped up Wolverine action, blood brains, splatter and mucho muscle flexing and pained roars of anger? Oh yes! Action from the off is never far away, and wonderfully staged and choreographed it is. Lots of memorable set-pieces, while also some cleverly constructed sequences such as Xavier's mind seizures hold court and enthral. Yet the kicker with all that is we are clued in to the emotional baggage that the side-burn sporting protag carries with him. With each fight we sense the bigger picture, even as we watch in awe the emergence of Laura (ironic film noir name right there as it happens) - and her part in this very "human" story - the thrills and spills are propelled by a meaningful but battered heart.

Tech credits are superb. Acting honours go to Jackman, who after giving 17 years of his life to the character, gives it his all and this multi faceted performance, in a perfect world, deserves Oscar recognition. Patrick Stewart, also, is immense, playing the nonagenarian Charles Xavier with such class, gracefulness and storming emotion that one can only admire. Film debutante Dafne Keen as Laura is utterly engrossing, quite a debut indeed, whilst Stephen Merchant as albino mutant tracker Caliban is effective to the point we hanker for more. Although the villains fronted by Boyd Holbrook (rote henchman leader) and Richard E. Grant (smarmy scientist git) just about pass muster, there's nothing to damage the piece. Cinematography (John Mathieson) is "A" grade, the filters set on neo-noir, with the splendid film noir black and white version a fillip for the heart of noir lovers. All that is left is for the sound mix to boom and the director to steer with heart, brain and soul, without doubt both come up trumps.

One of 2017s best films, a genre splicer that ticks all the boxes of great film making. 10/10
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Certainly the best X-Men film out there
Leofwine_draca26 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
LOGAN is a fitting follow-up to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine series, directed by the returning James Mangold with a difference: this isn't your usual 12-rated superhero film but rather a gritty, adult movie full of profanity and bloodshed. Finally we get to see what Jackman's claws can properly do, and the film's regular violent action sequences are pure spectacle. The story is set decades in the future and sees an old-man Wolverine going on a road trip with a senile Charles Xavier and a mysterious young girl in tow.

It's a dark story indeed, one that climaxes in a fitting way, and it's entirely refreshing to have adult content for a change. The film's biggest problem is that it goes on about half an hour too long and slows down in between the action, but it's not enough to spoil a fine viewing experience. The action is lavish and large scale, and the good cast features stand-out turns from Stephen Merchant and Richard E. Grant. The FX are up to the job, as is Jackman, who delivers a complex performance of great depth, one of the best of his entire career.
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Logan is another level
templar7709912 June 2017
The best X-Men film alongside First Class. It felt gritty, it felt real with a sense of dread and hopelessness you don't often see in this comic-book blockbuster adaptations. It should be praised for doing things differently and really pushing the edge with what can or can't be done in the genre. The triangle between Logan, Charles and Laura works as the driving force of the plot, and is very well developed. Logan's character arch is quite pleasant to watch, though obviously predictable. With that said, the acting is clearly masterclass. You can feel the dilemmas, the emotions and feelings that the characters are put through, specially those three. And another thing it does really well is alluding to a previous event - the Charles incident - but never fully explaining it to the audience, leaving you wondering. The action is nothing like you'd expect from a tenthpole - the R rating really makes up for wonders - being quite visceral and impactful. "Logan" probably deserved a better villain, although one could argue that the real villain here is not the typical multinational corporation, but the inner demons of the characters. Demons that prevent them from living albeit normal and somewhat stable life.
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Come on folks... It's not a 10/10
ransomclarke-462364 March 2017
I don't know what everyone's seeing in this movie that makes them think its such a masterpiece. Everyone's giving it 9's and 10's, but I'd give it a 6-7 at best. A 10/10 should only be reserved for a film that is flawless in every way -- whether it be acting, directing, cinematography, story and everything in-between. For it to be perfect, the story has to be gripping throughout the 140 minute run time, and that's where I felt it was weakest. It's serviceable, but it isn't perfect. I have a feeling that the people who are giving this film perfect scores are doing so because its much grittier than any X-Men movie in the past. It's definitely savage with the violence, which was refreshing to me and I appreciated them going all-out with the hard R rating. It starts out freaking great when it's setting up the overall plot, but then it REALLLLY drags along for the 90+ minutes in the middle. During the second act, the story spent so much time focusing on little moments with minimal significance to the overall arc, that I found myself feeling really underwhelmed when the big emotional moments finally happened. Don't expect to be heavily invested in the villains either... they're given very little development on screen, and as soon as any meaningful dialogue starts happening to give the audience some exposition into what's been going on for the last 20+ years in this universe, it comes to an abrupt stop. If you're looking for action, you will be happy with the beginning and the end. Other than that, it's nothing more than a mediocre country western style "road movie" about Logan and the girl. I also left with more questions than I had going into it, which I'm assuming will be told through a new series of prequels. Overall, it was a so-so experience that wouldn't be getting such high scores if it weren't for the fact that it's an R-rated X-Men movie.
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Shallow, Tedious and Disappointing
fung026 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The high ratings for this film are based entirely on its sombre tone. That's a great novelty in a 'superhero' movie, to be sure. But it merely masks the film's emptiness - its painful lack of ideas, lack of character development, and total absence of plot.

Jackman's performance? As someone once quipped, his emotional range runs the full gamut... from A to B. He looks grumpy and depressed in every scene. In every shot. Patrick Stewart is somewhat more nuanced, though he too is hamstrung by a script that gives his character the emotional depth of a cartoon. Dafne Keen does a great job as Laura, but her character has only attitude - which incompetent screen writers often mistake for character.

Visually, the film is bland. I hear there's a black-and-white version. It's always a bad sign when a film's creators can't make up their minds on such a key issue. A film is either shot for B&W, or it isn't. (In the case of Logan, the photography lacks the dramatic contrasts and strong composition that might favor a noir-ish B&W presentation.)

Logic holes abound:

* After being raised in a cage, Laura turns out to be a competent driver. What's more, she has no trouble reaching the pedals, presumably on account of some stretching power that's not mentioned elsewhere in the film.

* Laura is mute for half the film, for no apparent reason. Then she can only speak Spanish. Then fluent English. No explanation.

* Laura is often feral, as you'd expect of someone raised in a cage by sadistic scientists. Yet she acts like a normal child most of the time. Ditto for her friends. This quality does not 'develop' as a result of events in the film - it simply materializes when needed.

* Laura drives at random, ends up at a completely out-of-the-way building. And meets all her friends. When was this arranged? How did she learn navigation while locked in a cage?

* Logan and Laura have a cozy evening with a nice family - knowing full well that they're setting them up for slaughter, when their pursuers come along. The audience knows this instantly, characters in the film don't quite get it.

* Logan is dying, we're never told why. Professor X has a brain-cloud, or some such dread condition, also not explained.

Missed opportunities are equally plentiful:

* Laura's feral attacks are mentioned in conversation, but never really discussed. Logan dismisses them with a couple of heavy one-liners, when they could have (and should have) led to an extended rumination on violence. The film doesn't miss a beat when Laura's friends brutally murder the guy with the mechanical hand. This lynch-mob logic should, again, have been a starting point for reflections that never happen in this shallow, trivial film.

* Logan never has a character arc. Wolverine actually has far less emotional range in this film than in the first X-Men movie. His relationship with Laura is essentially the same as the far more developed relationship with Rogue.

* Characters are neither built up, nor revealed. To do that, you have to show them in a range of different circumstances, dealing with emotionally or morally challenging dilemmas. In Logan, the only dilemma is how to keep eluding inexorable pursuit so as to stretch the film out past the two-hour mark. Hence the only character trait that can be revealed is dogged perseverance. We get that in the first scene. After that, nothing.

* Ultimately, the filmmakers resort to having Logan shaved back to his familiar Wolverine muttonchops. You know you're in trouble when you're counting on facial hair to create characterization. (Or fan service.)

* Plot is nonexistent. The film is one long chase. Weak screenwriters often mistake this for plot, but it's a poor substitute: totally linear, predictable, boring. Yes, there have been great 'chase' films (Sam Peckinpah's The Getaway comes to mind.) They take care to incorporate twists and turns, and strong moments of characterization. Logan doesn't. It's just a bunch of stuff that happens.

On top of everything else, I had the creeping suspicion that this film was calculated less as a standalone work, than as a stepping-stone for the X-Men 'franchise.' It disposes of two performers who've stated their intent to depart the roles they created. And it seems to pave the way for the endlessly-discussed New Mutants franchise. Ugh. Replacing the people won't make up for a lack of ideas, and Logan shows very clearly how bereft of creative thinking the X-Men cinematic franchise has become.

I didn't hate Logan as I was watching it. But when it ended I was overcome by a feeling of emptiness and disappointment. This film lacks both entertainment value and deep ideas. The Marvel cinematic universe badly needs a shot of new blood, but sadly, this wasn't it.
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A character-driven superhero film done right!
Ramascreen17 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
LOGAN is brutal, merciless and powerful. This is a character-driven superhero movie done right. I would even dare to say it's better than many of the previous X-Men installments and spinoffs. And if this is indeed Hugh Jackman's final Wolverine movie, then my goodness, what a helluva way to go out in a blaze of glory.

The story is set in the near future, mutants are thinning out. They've either died or been hunted down. Logan's (Hugh Jackman) healing power is not as strong as it used to be. He's old and weary and taking care of professor X (Patrick Stewart) in a hideout on the Mexican border, accompanied by Caliban (Stephen Merchant). But their attempt to hide from the world gets interrupted when dark forces arrive at their doorstep looking for a certain young little girl.

Great move on the studio's and filmmakers' part to have this film be rated R because what we get here is Wolverine unleashed. The violence is as graphic and fully exposed as you can imagine it to be. So just that aspect alone will excite the fanbase who's been wanting to see the destruction that could take place when Wolverine is really really angry. Setting it on the border does allow the film to play with certain tones and color palette reminiscent to "Breaking Bad" for example, the film's ending however does provide a more vibrant environment as a base for an extremely bloody collision.

The writing is solid for a superhero film, it really digs deep into these beloved characters, how vulnerable they are, how they long for a world where people would just leave them be. You truly feel for Xavier and Logan in a way that you never did in the previous X-Men movies, not only because they're now in their twilight years but there's also that father-son type of relationship that's tough love and endearing and then there's also the reluctant father daughter connection Logan has with X-23. By the way, the little girl, Dafne Keen, who plays X-23 is remarkable. So much force, so much energy, so much roar, she's like a cheetah that just runs and slices and dices left and right without prejudice, what an incredible young talent. This is a movie that gives you action to its fullest degree and an emotional journey that's uncompromising. The perfect film about the man who's the best at what he does but what he does isn't very nice.
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