Riding with Death (1976 TV Movie)
Keep on truckin', you turkeys!
13 October 2002
Typical cheese of the 70's. Good for laughs. Overly smug Ben Murphy plays a secret agent named Sam Casey who works for "Intersect", which is housed in a redressed parking garage.(Apparently Intersect couldn't afford a better office building). He was apparently involved in an accident earlier in his career that caused him to turn invisible, but he was cured. However, he was left with the ability to turn back invisible whenever he wanted, by using a handy wristwatch outfitted for him by Intersect. This we learn via vague flashbacks which leave us with more questions than answers. witness Murphy's narration of the flashback: "...all I could say was, 'What the hell happened?'"

The movie itself is not really a movie at all. It is actually two different episodes of the very short lived TV series "Gemini Man", which ran in or around 1976. It was probably spliced together because they were the only two episodes which also co-starred (I use the term 'starred' lightly) hillbilly music personality Jim Stafford.

The two episodes were obviously unrelated other than that, and the poor editing doesn't help to cover up this fact. Watch & listen for the edits where they try to tie these two together, you'll have a hearty laugh.

I actually wasted some time researching facts about the original TV series and found out that the second part (episode) of this movie never actually aired on TV. The show had already been canceled five or six weeks previous to its scheduled airdate. I guess the producer just couldn't bear to waste all that great footage of Jim Stafford yelping like a hyena in heat.

One word of advice: Do yourself a favor and locate the episode of the classic TV show "Mystery Science Theater 3000" which features this movie. Then you can *really* enjoy Riding With Death. Its one of their funniest episodes ever. (With material like RWD, how could it not be hilarious?)
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