Review of Subterfuge

Subterfuge (1996)
Matt McColm, you ARE a genius, my friend.
10 December 2002
I just watched 'Subterfuge' while flipping through the crappy encore channels you get with digital cable...It's movies like this which make me think I still have a shot at getting into the business. This movie is obviously not to be taken seriously by viewers..but How producers, writers, directors, ACTORS take this seriously while making it is beyond me. Matt McColm deserves an oscar for strutting around with no shirt and doing his jump off a high ledge and screaming "Aaaaahh!!" while attempting to tackle a bad guy. And although Amanda Pays still looks good since 'Leviathan', she offers us little when she is supposed to be the girl that McColm has sex with while carrying out his 'beat the bad guys' mission.

This movie looks like an 80 minute Baywatch episode, except with cheesier music and less T & A. Lovely editing job by the filmmakers- check for the shot of Pays and McColm pulling away in the speedboat MULTIPLE times. But the scene that takes the cake is when the bad guys drop a grenade in Matt's boat while he wines and dines three babes, then we cut to him punching one bad guy in the face on the beach...PRICELESS. I give this movie 1 out of 10 stars...a must see for anyone who has nothing to do on a saturday before finals week.
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