Dreafully boring
28 February 2004
Not overwhelmingly bad yet nothing all too great about this one either.

Long, dull, mundane prequel offering precious few scares. Looks like an average TV movie. There's some atmosphere oozing from it but not that much overall, has a strong amateurish feel to it as well. A few scenes may make you jump. The rest is all cold bleak stares accompanied by a silent soundtrack. Ohhh, scary.

To avoid, except for the snobby critics who'll find any foreign film "interesting" or to those that "must" see it for bragging rights. It's basically 90 mns of people starring at one another with little else going on.

Artificially slow, dull pace doesn't make a film a masterpiece by any standards, except for those with poor taste. I'd recommended Suicide Circle or Cure, way better than this. View it if you really have nothing better to do. 5/10
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