Review of Alexander

Alexander (2004)
Utterly preposterous movie on the greatest king
20 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
By Zeus, this movie is awful! The movie is not just scripted poorly, it is directed pathetically! Mr.Stone completely loses grip on story telling... and by at the end of the movie, is clueless about what he wanted to say.

What put me off was neither the director's *obsession* to prove Alexander's sexual orientation, nor the plethora of inaccuracies/biased opinions through out the movie. It was the complete lack of representing why Alexander was "Alexander The Great". I would have endured it better if it were a documentary, with its purposes stated upfront.

Great men are so few; and when somebody goes ahead and downplays such a great person with their frivolous 'research' and story writing, it is outright annoying. I strongly believe that our next generation should learn from the great souls of the past. And if a director, when has such an opportunity, makes a bum of himself/herself, it is very, very irritating.

I am from India, where Alexander appears in our history text books at various grades at school. The fervor that the name Alexander brought to me when I was in school, which is nearly forty years ago, is simply indescribable. We Asians love him, adore him. We call him Sikandar, and the word stands for 'the heroic', 'the majestic', 'the king'. Rather than making the movie focus on his greatness - valor, ambition, respect for a fellow human being, and ultimately success in so many aspects of life, the movie was made about the most unimportant aspects of his life.

And for the records, Alexander won against the Indian kings, the last one being Porus. Alexander gave back the kingdom to Porus, for the courage shown by him after Alexander captured and 'interrogated' him. After this last war, Alexander's army was tired, and did not want to take on the army of Magadha, and Alexander returned home. The movie from this point on, does not even deserve comments.

Alexander supposedly asked his hands to placed in display after his death, showing the people "the one who conquered the world, after death, left empty handed". Instead of the ending of the movie being something to that effect, it was the Ptolemy's soliloquy at the end, which was... AARGH! absolutely absurd.
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