Recaptures the atmosphere of the original; a return to form
31 December 2006
I held out on watching "Ring 0" for quite a while after being disappointed with the first sequel, "Ring 2". Not risking a disappointing DVD purchase, the second sequel was luckily shown on the Sci-Fi channel in the UK.

Does the film manage to recapture the spooky atmosphere of the original "Ring" film? Thankfully, it does. "Ring 0: Birthday" is the prequel to the original movie and deals with the last days of Sadako. However, this is less like the last days of Laura Palmer and more like a Japanese "Carrie".

There are some genuine "hair-on-the-back-of-your-neck-standing-up" moments in this film. The use of sound is very effective indeed, the audio cue for a spooky visitation fills the viewer with trepidation.

Although Sadako's range of terrifying actions is pretty limited (once you've seen "Ring" you know the character's trademark movement, etc.) the film still manages to deliver the goods and expands on the viewer's experience of the first film.

It's a faithful "sequel" in terms of its style and content. I must admit to finding the film a little confusing but this may have had more to do with my sleepy head than a case of bad story-telling.

The acting in the movie is first rate and special mention must go to Yukie Nakama as a very believable tragic Sadako.

"Ring 0" is definitely a film I'm be watching again. And in these busy times, that's a compliment indeed....
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