This movie saves the grace of the series, which went horribly wrong with the last two installments
27 July 2007
Rasen tried its hardest to create an entertaining novel-based movie. Somebody learned their lesson...

Ring 2 tried its hardest to live up to Ring by explaining way too much. Somebody learned their lesson...

Ring 0 tried its hardest to create a human-driven drama, while adding in the horror the series is well known for. Somebody knew their lessons!

You will feel emotionally for Sadako. Her performance, played by Nakama Yukie, is absolutely beautiful. She is able to manipulate your mind into feeling sorry for her, and then watching her in fear, and then feeling sorry for her... it's just one crazy ride. Unfortunately, we all know what has to happen in the end... sounds like Carrie.

This movie, fortunately or unfortunately, is more drama then horror... sounds like Carrie. In fact, there is only a couple of scenes that will scare you. We learned that this character we have feared is just another tortured woman with an unfortunate life... sounds like Carrie. The acting in this movie is just great. The characters are too convincing.

Too bad some people dislike this movie for the same general movie. It's slow burning. What this means is that it takes just about forever for the extremely exciting climax to start kicking in. For some, they just die for the suspense and do not feel cheated. For others, they just get so sick because they are bored out of their mind. The latter could be you, so take caution.

Sadako has just joined an acting troupe to "restart" from he old life. Unfortunately, a woman who's husband died at the infamous psychic test with Shizuko Yamamura, and is hell-bent on tracking Sadako down. The problem is that the Sadako she finds is a young girl who is clearly a "freak". The other Sadako is blamed for the mysterious deaths at the troupe. What is going on? What's with two Sadako's?

You owe it to yourself to watch this film, put up with the subtitles, and enjoy it
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