First Blood (1982)
One of the most memorable action series began with this drama
23 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One of the things that surprised me the most when I watched First Blood for the first time was that it wasn't an action film. Yes it had a lot of stunts and some action sequences but it wasn't the blow things up, in your face, guns blazing action that you might associate with Rambo films. Instead First Blood had a important story...with a character that instilled itself into pop culture infamy forever and its easy to see why and how. First Blood is about stereotyping, profiling, exclusion, war and watching it nowadays makes it even more important than it was then or later on. With eye opening Vietnam films like Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Casualties of War and so forth First Blood did something that those films weren't able to do...take the exact same message and bring it to the mainstream public with one of the biggest stars of the day. In a way First Blood is almost shocking because essentially John Rambo is NOT the hero. I suppose he could be considered the 'anti-hero' but his actions are not saving anyone, and in fact hurting innocent people who can't possibly fight him but try to no avail anyways. Still the message is clear and it's a very story driven film with the creation of a movie icon.

I'll argue with anyone, anytime...Sylvester Stallone is a very talented actor AND a very talented writer. No one could ever touch the character of John Rambo the way he did. Stallone went way beyond the action genre and actually created John Rambo from personality and history and his movements, everything. In this first installment he laid the groundwork for Rambo. Quiet, brooding, scorned, angry, unstable, haunted, deeply emotional but buried beneath all these other emotions. I think that's a hell of a performance in my books. Brian Dennehy is Stallone's rival and does a terrific job playing the conceited and determined small town sheriff who will stop at nothing to bring Rambo down. The two of them have a terrific on screen chemistry and Dennehy is a first rate actor. Richard Crenna adds to the cast as Rambo's only true 'family' and the one person he trusts. Crenna doesn't give a lot of variation to his performance, he's just kind of there to inform everyone of what Rambo is capable of. He is sort of monotoned and straight faced but he's a Rambo series staple and the character he plays is very important.

Watch the end of this film closely for John Rambo's break down in the Grocery store when Traut (Crenna) tells him "It's over." You know the infamous line "Not that it's over." Watch the scene that follows and then tell me that you're not moved and blown away by Stallone's performance. It's real and it's important. First Blood by some will be considered untouchable by the rest because they see it for what it was likely meant to be...a drama...and important drama with a message but the film makers created this incredible character and by the time the film is done you're thinking one thing; I want to see this guy in his element in the action that they speak of and then you have the serializing of Rambo (which you will see by my review is NOT a bad thing.) I suppose I'm judging First Blood on it's merit of being considered an action film because as great as Stallone is and how interesting the film is...I didn't find it mind blowingly entertaining. Still the film is well made an absolute classic and definitely worth seeing. If you're a huge Rambo fan then you can find a lot of hidden details about this mysterious man that Stallone created. It's a must see on any list. 8/10

**************** NOTE

Yesterday on Tuesday January 22/2008 star of big screen hits Heath Ledger passed away in his home. I just want to wish his family, his daughter, and Michelle Williams and all his friends my deepest sympathy and I always believed he was destined to be a big star. I will most certainly miss his work.
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