Don't watch this movie. Seriously. Just don't watch it.
5 June 2012
This movie is really bad, and I don't mean that it's "so bad it's good". No, it's just a terrible movie.

You can see that the director has taken his inspiration from numerous English movies, but the tropes and plot devices have been lifted directly without any sort of context. The end result is that it looks completely foolish. At best, it looks like a C-grade or B-grade movie.

There is a basic thread that runs through the entire movie, but barely. Many scenes are simply incomprehensible. There are numerous plot holes and a lot of scenes simply defy logic.

I saw this movie a year ago and (thankfully) I have forgotten a bit of it. I'll recount some of the more terrible things that I do remember.

The basic plot is that some archaeologists are trying to find a lost city of the Cholas. During the Chola/Pandya war, the Cholas were driven out and apparently one man saved the Chola king's son and took the remaining surviving Cholas and the prince to a hidden city. An archaeological team is determined to find the city and to do this they make their way over to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The first part where things start getting absurd is when they run into a "Red Tribe". First of all, I have no idea how they can even get to the Andaman islands and meet these tribes, since they are protected and must not be contacted by outsiders. Any way, let's assume they did. These tribesmen start attacking. There are literally hundreds of them, swarming towards the camp. The "commander" of the group, ostensibly someone with military experience asks his machine gunners to "hold" as the tribesmen are swarming the camp. There are maybe two or three gunners and he keeps asking them to "hold". You can see that the director has lifted this from English movies like "Gladiator" where Maximus asks everyone to "hold the line". Except in this case it makes no sense from a strategic point of view. The tribesmen end up outflanking and attacking the camp, yet they don't attack the gunners or the commander. Eventually they open fire and somehow end up killing all the tribesmen.

Then you have scenes where one of the female cast starts shooting at snakes, with a gun. Yeah, OK. Finally the approach some sort of desert plain where they have to walk through the shadow of a pillar or risk getting sucked into the sand. That was kind of neat, except that the shadow moves way too fast to be believable.

Finally the hero and the two girls with him make their way to the lost city. At this point, they literally go insane. No explanation is provided as to why they go insane. Finally they scream and run around and run into some old dude with a stick. No idea why he's there. He examines each of them and lets them go. Some guys start turning a wheel which causes the entire city to collapse and get buried. How the hell does a wheel do that? No idea.

Things start getting ridiculously absurd after this point. You can tell that the director has thrown in scenes simply for "shock value" or to get the audience to go "ooh" but they basically have no substance and are at best irrelevant, or at worst contradictory to the plot. When the hero and his two female companions reach the "real" hidden city, they see the king of the Cholas who apparently has brought home some food for his people. His people start attacking him and he fights them off. This part doesn't make any sense because it is established later that his people love him so I have no idea why they decided to attack him. These people are also shown to be starving and emaciated although there is no explanation for why they are like that. There really isn't any explanation either as to why they are living in a desert in the middle of a TROPICAL ISLAND.

It is then shown that the King and one of the female companion (who is revealed to be a Pandya agent; apparently the Pandyas swore to find the Cholas even if it took generations and each generation trained the next to try and find the Cholas) have super powers. Like levitation and some other kind of crap. The hero turns out to be the messengers who ends up fulfilling some ridiculous and contrived prophecy in an equally ridiculous and contrived fashion.

At the end the army commander (who is also an Panda agent) attacks the Cholas and takes them all prisoner. Then there is a completely egregious bit before the end of the movie where the Cholas are massacred and the women are raped. It's ridiculous and serves absolutely no purpose. While the Chola king's people are being attacked he apparently forgets that he has super powers because he refuses to use them. The hero apparently has the power of invisibility but he fails to use that as well. Eventually the remaining Cholas all commit suicide while the hero saves the Chola King's son and escapes, presumably to start the cycle all over again.

I wanted to stop watching this movie about half-way through but I decided to persevere thinking that it might redeem itself. No such luck. This movie is terrible and it is a terrible waste of time. Please, do not under any circumstances, watch it.
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