Adorable hilarious Hepburn with older Gary Cooper
22 August 2014
Parisian private detective Claude Chavasse (Maurice Chevalier) finds evidence of a woman cheating with the infamous American womanizer millionaire Frank Flannagan (Gary Cooper). The husband Mr. X (John McGiver) threatens to kill Flannagan. Claude's daughter Ariane (Audrey Hepburn) overhears the threat and calls the cops. When they won't help, she goes to warn Frank herself. She saves the day by pretending to be his date and falls for the older man. The next day, she returns pretending to be a nameless socialite with many lovers. He leaves Paris continuing his womanizing ways. After some time, he runs into the mysterious girl at a concert and she lies to him with a long list of former lovers. He hires Claude to investigate her.

It's a charming rom-com by the great Billy Wilder. Audrey Hepburn is adorable. Perhaps Cary Cooper is a little bit too old and not up to the standard at the time. It's more than the age difference. He's a little bit stiff and not that debonair. His character is quite cold and unromantic. The problem is that the older Cooper fits and it's harder for him to grow out of that cold character. It doesn't help that he's getting ill which would eventually kill him a few years later. However the list is hilarious and Hepburn is so very adorable with her fake french accent. She is so funny. It's a nice rom-com with a couple of really good laughs.
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