13 February 2016
The sets, scenery and wardrobes are beautiful. The movie was a disappointment. It was so stylized that it quickly became boring. To me, there was no real excitement to the action sequences. Everything was shallow including the villains, the heroes and the plot. It was like watching a bunch of well-dressed mannequins try to make an action film. What they did to Illya's character is sinful. He is now a psycho with a terrible anger disorder, but he still manages to be a mind-numbing bore. Henry Cavill is so bland - not suave, not clever and amusing. I don't know what this movie wanted to be. The comedic lines weren't that funny, the actors had very little good dialogue to work with, there was no suspense, no plot twists, no real evil bad guy to be frightened of. I didn't even feel the atmosphere of the Cold War as I watched. It could have been any time, any place. Generic is a good word for this movie. There was not much action, either. I'll pass on the next Man from Uncle if there is one.
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