DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Left Behind (2016)
Season 1, Episode 9
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With all of the awesome comic book shows going on and the release of Batman v Superman, I have to admit that I didn't miss Legends of Tomorrow on this few week break. Tonight pretty much proved to me that I shouldn't have missed the show at all. Convoluted plots, awkward character moments, and the overwhelming 'filler' feeling of each episode was unfortunately present in tonight's episode. But we did see the return of Sara Lance to the League of Assassins, which is cool right?

Well, not so much. Seeing Matt Nable reprise his role as Ras Al Ghul was definitely welcomed, as was Sara's return. The execution just wasn't there. We began with Sara, Ray, and Kendra being left in the 50's as 'Kronos' took over the Wave Rider and sent the crew elsewhere. The passage of time just felt really awkward. The only logical reason I found for the time shift was to make this filler episode. I don't see this having a lasting impact on any of the characters, which is unfortunate.

Where was Vandal Savage? Only god knows. But it was another week without any true progress in that area. With that said, we got the "shocking" reveal that Mick was actually underneath the Kronos mask. It felt pretty cheap, but I'm open to the return of Heatwave as he was one of the only highlights of the first half of the season.

Kendra and Ray made progress in their relationship which I'm not sure anyone actually cares about right now, but I guess romance is just one of the unfortunate guarantees that comes with a CW show. Speaking of Kendra, she took on Sara in the trial by combat to save the lives of whole team after being captured by Ras. Not only was it way too easy to get into Nanda Parbat, but it was also insulting for Kendra to even pose somewhat of a fight for Sara. One week Kendra's confident and a competent fighter, the next week she's questioning her new life and isn't able to use her 'hawk' ability. It's just lazy writing/storytelling. Also, I guess the magic phrase to snap Sara out of her assassin ways is "white Canary"? Come on now. Sigh.

However, we did have a pretty cool fight to cap it off with nearly the entire team pitching in. The action scenes remain one of the few strengths of this show. Overall though, this was yet another frustrating storyline and missed opportunity for Legends. Hopefully 2147 will be better?

+Final fight

+Sara in the league again & Matt Nable's performance

-Kendra has combat skills again?

-Awkward storytelling & time jump

-Romance that I don't care about

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