Perhaps my favorite South Seas drama
20 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the "South Sea Islands" films made over the years (including Michener's "Hawaii"), I think I like this one best. Just in general, it doesn't seem to take itself quite as seriously as some of the other such films which have a more aggressive social message about Christianity and how it harmed this part of the world (although that is certainly covered here).

The tale is quite simple, really: a sort of drifter American (Gary Cooper) lands on the island ready to make it his home, but he is ordered away by the Christian missionary (Barry Jones) who seems to have become a bit of a local dictator. Nevertheless, the drifter makes it VERY CLEAR he is going to stay, and the natives, who are under the thumb of the missionary) take a liking to him. A native girl (Roberta Haynes) falls in love with him (naturally), and eventually a child is born and...well, let's not give too much away. Let's just say a rather irresponsible Cooper leaves before the start of WWII, leaving his daughter behind. During the war he returns to paradise to deliver supplies, and the question becomes will he stay or go? At 52, Cooper was a bit old for the part, but you forget that after the first 10 minutes and he does very nicely here. Barry Jones is superb as the missionary...in both iterations of his life there. ROberta Haynes does equally well, though this and one other film are her only notable performances in her career.

Interestingly, the real Samoan Le Mamea Matatumua Ata plays Tonga in the film. He was actually "one of the framers of the Constitution of Samoa...and was the high chief...and earned honors from the British Empire.

As I indicated, the problem caused by missionaries in the South Seas is covered, but they don't hit you over the head with it in terms of making you feel guilty. The main crux of the film are the personal relationships among the characters. As someone who lived as an expat in Asia for a couple of years, I often identify a bit with films like this.
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