DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Left Behind (2016)
Season 1, Episode 9
Forget Logic
30 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was so badly written. Consider this line from the exact show, "if you have a time machine you are never late". Still Rip Hunter comes back TWO YEARS late. They say he can't come back to the exact same time since his ship was damaged, why can't he go back after his waverider was repaired? Also, in this same episode they reveal that Chronos goes back in time to the same place he was in past, Why can't Rip Hunter do that? What's his excuse to not come in two years earlier? Or 1 year earlier? or 1 year and 364 days earlier? They never bring this up. None of the 'Genius' characters seem to ask this question to Rip Hunter.

Coming back to those poor fellows marooned for two whole years, Sara seemed to have handled that pretty well compared to the other two. Now the final fight was good, and the character reveal for chronos was a good twist.Snart could have hit his chains with the gun instead of his hand though. Overall, as with any LOT episode, it had some good visual effect paired with choreography but had too many plot holes for anyone caring about logic to sit through.
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