Review of Mudbound

Mudbound (2017)
19 November 2017
I can't remember the last time I watched a film that was so touching. Especially set more than a half century ago, The acting is exceptionally great. The narrative is as smooth as molasses. But what really caught in my soul was that some of these racial prejudices still exist.

I was fortunate to have grown up in Canada in the 1950s. My Dad started his dental practice with a Japanese partner. Most of his patients were Native or Metis, who would, often as nought, pay him with chickens or a side of venison.

As I said, this story was relaetable to me, not because I share the centuries of oppression suffered by many many millions of African Americans, But because I am a Jew. And in the decade that came after WWII, was, practically, in a small town.

There is hate out there always THOSE WHO HATE ARE INSECURE.

In my opinion, this film is so important to where we were and where we've arrived, that it should have been given wider distribution beyond Netflix/s web. This story and its' storytellers should have been picked-up by a major studio.

Still, well done to all the tellers and actors - You have made my month! (maybe my year) I'd bet you'll never be the same for having the chance to perform these roles.

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