Black Lightning (2018–2021)
The racists crawling out of the woodwork for this one
23 February 2018
And honestly, ignore the hissy fits they keep posting here, as if whining online, over and over, can make it any less pathetic. Black Lightning is not just about race, is the thing. A lot of the reviews on here make it seem like that because, and I repeat, the racists are showing up for this one. It's about family, and coming of age, and aging, and the gridlock of being powerful but conscious of that power's repercussions. Filmed beautifully, it's visually captivating and so easy to get in to that before you know it, you're knee deep in giving a crap about the characters. So far, Black Lightning is a good show. It's entertaining, it's engaging, and it's attempting to tackle a highly charged subject that needs to be tackled as often and as frankly as possible. It doesn't do so perfectly, no, but it's still brand new. I'm excited to see where it goes from here.
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