Jurassic Park (1993)
A rare breed of film seldom seen anymore: a true masterpiece.
10 June 2018
'Jurassic Park (1993)' is a landmark achievement, in as many ways as possible. While some of the exclusively digital dinosaurs don't hold up quite as well as the rest (despite having been only relatively recently surpassed by their peers - depending on budgetary constraints, of course), there are times when the superb CG almost seamlessly blends with possibly the best practical effects I've ever seen to create phenomenally believable, groundbreaking special-effects that truly are, still to this day, some of the best of their kind. Seriously, both the Raptor rigs and, specifically, the to-scale T-Rex are nothing short of breathtaking. They work so well not only due to the flick's fantastic technical prowess but also thanks to its beautiful blending of its core techniques (those created by clay and those by computer), its legitimate reactions from the compelling characters and its uncanny ability to put the audience right in the middle of it all, making you feel genuine wonder, fear, suspense and elation as if you're really sat alongside these long-extinct creatures. It's difficult to stress just how important the characters are in making it all so utterly believable, as well as so utterly captivating. Each of them feel like fleshed-out people, written to perfection by screenwriters who know how to get information across to the audience in a very organic way. It's almost as entertaining watching these people just converse with one another, discussing the morals of bringing extinct creatures back from the dead, as it is seeing them navigate the survival situation in which they are inevitably placed. It is only because we care so much about all the core players that the suspense sequences work so well, that we are kept on the edge of our seat every time a dinosaur lurks around the corner and that we grip our chairs when they leap for their prey. These scenes are some of the best in cinema, perfectly constructed with restraint and splendour. It's also difficult to describe how affecting even the simple moments can be, the moments in which we are asked to sit back and stare at the mere sight of a dinosaur. These should have dampened with time and yet they haven't, still eliciting the awe they did when they first hit the big-screen. They emulate the imagined magic of seeing one of these animals in real life for the first time. Running underneath all of this are some compelling themes that eagerly invite analysis, with the central debate being a tough and intriguing one. The picture is simply one of the most engaging I've ever seen, one that puts an ear-to-ear smile on your face just because it's so utterly amazing. It balances all of its core tenants impeccably, being a proper 'summer blockbuster' that's incredibly intelligent as well, to the point that every second is just supreme entertainment. It can make you lean forward in your seat or well-up with awe and, in general, have a blast from beginning to end. The movie is, without a doubt, a true masterpiece. 10/10
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