Curvature (2017)
The time traveller's curve
28 June 2018
Was drawn into seeing 'Curvature' with a cool poster/cover, a very intriguing if not creative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre as said many times. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

'Curvature' is a film it doesn't do enough with its potential (although there are far bigger wastes of potential in film) and could have been much better. 'Curvature' is very weak with a lot of big problems. It certainly could have been far worse, considering the large number of films seen recently being mediocre at best and terrible at worst. There is very little to recommend here but it's not completely irredeemable.

The best thing about 'Curvature' is the sets/scenery, that look like a lot of care and time went into constructing them. Rather than limited and drab, they have elaborate atmosphere.

Music is similarly atmospheric, and avoids being over-bearing or too much of one mood, the sound isn't too cheap either. Despite being criminally underused, considering she is the most well-known cast member, Linda Hamilton tries her best.

Rest of the acting however is pretty negligible, with a particularly lifeless performance from Zach Avery while Lynsey Fonesca came over as one note and ill at ease. The whole cast are ill served though by very clichéd and sketchy characterisation and a script that felt incomplete and with a lot of ramble and cheese.

Despite the sets impressing, much of the filming doesn't with it being far too obvious that there were budget limitations and that it was made in haste. The editing is sloppy and the camera work didn't seem particularly focused too often, although there are moments of slickness. The story doesn't really get off the ground (the direction likewise) and clarity is not a strong suit, it is not easy to follow at times and it is rife with ridiculousness and implausibility too glaring to ignore. Do have to agree too that the ending is terrible and doesn't make sense.

In conclusion, weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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